(Eng Sub) 보리새싹 키우기ㅣHow to grow wheatgrassㅣbarley sprouts

(c) Korean Gardener 초록식물TV 씨앗가게에서 구입한 보리씨앗으로 새싹을 키워 먹어보았습니다. 자막 도움주기 (Help my video with the subtitles): …
look it is amazing!
친환경적인 모습이네요! 달걀 껍데기, 화분도 재활용 저도 실천해 보겠습니다😄😁 좋은 영상 감사합니다~
It looks beautiful, thank you for sharing 🥰 I sometimes grow green soybeans and they look lovely 😊 also ❤️🌹🥰
와 몸에 엄청 좋을거같아요 ㅎㅎ ☺️
Thank you so muchhhhhh for your good n healthy living!!! I guess the juice that u made of sprouts is the best one for a long living n strong body… Really appreciate your efforts and time 😊😊😊
6:00 핰ㅋㅋㅋ 후라이팬 에 까짘ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 상상초월 이다 ㄹㅇ로 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
와.. 많이 배웁니다^^
Omg they are so cute 😍
이분 진짜 보리에 진심이신 것 같음…
유리병에 보리를 넣고 양파망을 활용하여 씻는 방법이 기발한 아이디어 입니다.따라해 보고 싶네요.
Is it still growing after harvest?
잘 심는다! ~~~(머리에도 심어 보아랑~ ㅋㅋㅋ)- 놀라운 심기 능력자.후라이팬이 젤 풍성하네! 기름기가 묻어있어 수분보다는 지방이 성장을 촉진시키나!!?
오랫만에 영상이 올라왔네요~따라쟁이 별빛도 해야지~!!참! 딸기는 새싹이 안나요 훌쩍~
보릿싹은 어디서 구입하나요..와 좋으네요^^
어렵지도 않고 아이디어도 좋아요 나도 해 보아야 겠어요 영상 감사해요…!!! ^^ ♥
잘 보고 갑니다 따봉 ~
Looking delicious 😋😋❤️
심심해서 해본 아보카도🥑 뿌리 내리기♥ㅣHOW TO GROW AVOCADO TREE FROM SEED

(c) Korean Gardener 초록식물TV 마트에서 구입한 아보카도를 60일동안 뿌리내리는 성장과정 영상입니다. 별거없지만 좋게 봐주셨으면 좋겠네요 🙂 +음악 English_Country_Garden.mp3 Finding …
A video of planting olives with cuttings, and what kind of soil you use to grow trays?
Ooh pretty peach colour bulbs! Do they grow only indoor glasshouse or can plant outside?
Wow amazing i love it stay connected po
1:36 아보카도씨앗 껍질벗기는거 은근 기분좋네요~아보카도에 이쑤시게 콕콕찔러 넣는거보다 소주잔에 넣으니 사이즈도 딱맞고 보기에도 좋네요! 호두랑 아보카도씨랑 닮아서 하나 이야기해보는데 호두를 하나 심었는데 나무가 자랐거든요!! 분갈이하고 몇달 잘 자라나 했는데 잎이 까맣게 변하더니 다 죽은것 같더라고요ㅠㅜㅜ 마음 아파 아직 뽑지못했는데 새순이 돗으면 좋겠네요ㅜㅜ
코이티비 덧글보고 왓어요.구독 좋아요 누르고 가요^^
Thank you very much 🥰❤️
Very cool 😎 BETTER WAY to grow avocados 🥑 ‼️ I’ve only used the seeds suspended in water (never soil) by toothpicks which rarely works. This is an ingenious guaranteed way to actually get avocados 🥑👊😁
저도 4년전에 아보카도 씨 발아해서 지금까지 키우고있는데요껍질 제거하실때 물기가있는상태에서 하는것보다 하루 말리시면 껍질이랑 씨앗사이에공기층이 생겨서 벗기기가 더 쉬워요!
Essa t�cnica eu fa�o muito, pq n�o perde uma muda.
와우 오늘도 좋은영상 감사합니다
Very nice video. I will try this tomorrow. Regards from Greece👍
صفيو نيت
Just amazing 👌👌👌
이걸 계속 키우면 아보카도가 열릴까요
Они согласились обручить Марса🙂
Что за фрукт,сьедобные ли они?
무화과 순삽목하는 방법ㅣHow to grow fig sprouts from cuttings

(c) Korean Gardener 초록식물TV 무화과 순을 이용하여 번식시켜보았습니다. 재미있게 봐주셨으면 좋겠네요~ I tried to breed using fig sprout. I hope you enjoyed the video +음악(Youtube free …
👏👏😍🌱 I love it, your figs are beautiful, good job!!!
I just watched this video again, trying to glue it into my mind. I just still need to know the best time of the year to do this. Since this is beginning of Spring, I will try it after my old tree has leaved. It that does not work, I will try early fall. Like your technique! ☮️❤️💥🌈🌈🌈🌎🌎😇😇😇😛
Has motivated me to grow a garden this year!
It’s really awesome. Thanks bro
Mil gracias por el video desde. España 🇪🇸
Thank you for this info !� A+++
Very good to share how to grow this tree from cutting
This video was very helpful and easy to understand.😊 I like half the caption was in English,this was very helpful with answering my questions.😁Thank you from Phoenix Az.U.S.A🤗
I love this video I am Going to try this… Love from Venice California..Nina
영상 정말 잘봤습니다.. 화분에 심은후 물주는 방법과 비료 주는 시기좀 알려주세요
How to grow fig shoots from cuttings Thank you for your reference
Excellent. THANK YOU so much for these precious information. Fig trees are famous in Mediteranean countries.
WoW 💝 i love it ,i Will definitely try this 😊 watching and greetings from Belgium
여성에게 좋은 무화가 정 말키우고싶어요~~
영상 잘 봤습니다^^
Thank you, trying this tomorrow
Perfect!!! Ty
From 🇺🇸. I thank you for this video may Allah Bless your heart
Thank you for sharing… love this idea.
Hi, do you change out the water when it starts getting cloudy?
[SUB] 내가 찾은 최고의 무화과 삽목방법ㅣThe Best Method I’ve Found for Rooting Figs
![(c) Korean Gardener 초록식물TV [SUB] 내가 찾은 최고의 무화과 삽목방법ㅣThe Best Method I've Found for Rooting Figs [SUB] 내가 찾은 최고의 무화과 삽목방법ㅣThe Best Method I've Found for Rooting Figs (c) Korean Gardener 초록식물TV](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UCwSpidQMMc_QCo583d38vEw/2OT5BTHnkh4.jpg)
(c) Korean Gardener 초록식물TV Propagating Fig Cuttings the Easy Way 자막 도움주기 (Help my vlog with the subtitles): http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?v=2OT5BTHnkh4&ref=share + …
I like it! Very good! Thx!)
Thank you for posting. I really like your method with the little baggies.
What you going to do with all those fig cuttings?😄💖
Great method ! I will test it in France on other species too 👌👌
Very good informations, thanks for sharing
Amazing! Thanks for sharing, can’t wait to try this out asap
Gracias desde M�xico hoy aprend� algo nuevo me gustan mucho las plantas y los �rboles. GRACIAS
how long did you stored the wrapped fig cuttings in the container?
Hi, what the odds? at what temperature it were? Nice vid btw. Thanks
Nice video! Did you add any fertilizer (plant food) to the coco peat?
Very good thank you for the lesson on how to do this. Now I need to find someone with a tree.
N�o entendi nada mas gostei vi que � figo e como foi f�cil de plantar obrigada se � que me entende thank You Brasil
Parab�ns pelo v�deo,Congratulations on the v�deo and thanks for Sharingan.
BRAVISSIMO… Brasil, Curitiba
Muito bom!
Thank you for sharing this. My husband has had a fig tree that he had before we got married. It recently hasn’t grown or bloomed in the last few years, so I took some cuttings from it, to try to grow another one. I am wondering if the soil where it is planted is possibly bad.
Lovely! What kind of light did you use while they were rooting indoors? Just by a window, or did you have a grow light? Even if you can’t answer, 감사합니다 for the nice video ^_^
Thank you very much for this very clear presentation! Let’s see if I can replicate your success.
Hermosos esquejes de higo!!!
단감 사 먹고 공짜로 모종 얻는 방법!ㅣHow to grow Persimmons from seed

(c) Korean Gardener 초록식물TV 마트에서 단감 사먹고 나온 씨앗을 심어 보았습니다. 60일정도면 이쁘게 모종을 얻을 수 있어 좋네요~ 집에 있는 대봉감나무로 나중에 접목해줄 예정입니다. I bought …
대봉감 수확영상입니다. https://youtu.be/IHS3itzt1rk5년전 씨앗으로 심어 대봉감나무로 접붙여 주었습니다. 1~2년정도 키우셨다가 단감이나 대봉감으로 접붙여주시면 됩니다 :)아이들과 같이 단감먹고 재미로 키우셔도 됩니다^^
Love persimmons, will definitely try this.
Thanks for sharing this 😀
Me: I will do this.UK weather: I’m going to end this man’s whole career.
Thank you for sharing this . I would love to grow this.
Parecía un tomate!! ahora ya sé cómo tener mi árbol de caqui👍🙋🇦🇷
Does the seed require stratification and approximately what temperature is ideal for germination.
생각만 했던 것들이 실제로 가능 한거 였구나
Thank you. Nice video. I would like to see what light you were using – that seems important. : )
Oh wow that was good, i love watching gardening video’s, 🤗
How many days, weeks, months, years, do you start eating them like that? I didn’t see where you harvested them. 😊😊LOL
먹고 난 감씨를 발아시키다니 . .ㅎㅎ 근데 싹이 나는군요~ 신기합니다 대박입니다^^
싹이 나네 신기해요 ㅎㅎ
씨앗 발아의 교본채널 궁금할때마다 보고 있어요.구독은 필수입니다.^^
감사합니다 🎶😁
Love your video I learned a lot technique from you 🙂
Que belleza!!! Impecable! Felicitaciones! It’s so beautifull!! Congratulations!
Спасибо огромное за видео! From Russia with love ❣️
이렇게 몇년을 키워도 절대 단감은 안열려요^^ 쪼마난 가짜감이 열립니다^^감은 접붙이기를 해야 열려요^^