How to Grow Lettuce from Seed (상추키우기,生菜,サンチュ苗植え)

(c) Korean Gardener 초록식물TV how to grow lettuce from seed at home +음악 Slow Times Over Here Rain North +카메라 아이폰6S +편집프로그램 : 프리미어 프로 +촬영/편집 : NOVER 네이버 …
What kind of this soil? It looks good!
The end of the video was the biggest plot twist I’ve seen on a while. Giving the lettuce to Gary and his friend was cool.
After watching many videos on your channel I noticed that you use a lot of disposable plastic when you could have just used reusable containers. Just a thought.
Not the ending I expected with those snails🤣
You’re a genius. It’s awesome that you show it on such a small scale for people to do on their own as well as the large scale. Absolutely beautiful.
i wanna live this kind of life :’)
실내 식물키우는 영상에 관심이 많아서 들어와봤는데 잘봤습니다! 많이 배워가요😃😄😁 구독하겠습니다 자주 소통해요😁😁
Maravilha! Vou fazer aqui no apartamento! Obrigado.🥬
there’s something really soothing about this video
I feel like if I had a big field like that then it’s game over..Im doing my best with the little shady space I have though
Buy a bag of soil, skip to step 3 ish. Great waterer 👍
u make it look so simple.i had been cracking my head to learn planting all your plantings.the only thing hard to find here is cocopeat eventhough we got lots of coconuts you fertilize your vege, potatoes and figs?thank you so much for such great informative videos…i can use my catfood bag to plant potatoes now..THANK YOU AGAIN 😘 KAMSAHAMNIDAone more thing – very neat 😍
I usually watch shows where they keep the snail from eating the lettuce
흙이 숨못쉼ㅠ
Beautiful such care for each plant. I’m amazed at the effort and yet you buy them for $1-1.50 each at the market. I loved watching you feed the snails.
I heard snail is for eating weeds or something, i kinda watch it from invincible youth show.Thanks for showing whole day to day record, it kinda help
I never expected that there is a lettuce sead.
Lettuce is easy to grow and can be grown for its leaves and picked over and over again. It is great for containers and grow inside on a window sill. I you space and seeds you don’t have to separate the plants.
와 아이디어 진짜 좋으세요👏👏
와! 아이디어 굿 👍
마트 고구마로 고구마모종 얻는 방법!ㅣHow to grow sweet potatoes in a pot

(c) Korean Gardener 초록식물TV 20년 3월초 마트에서 구입한 고구마를 물에 30일이상 키워 4월초중순에 화분 심어 110일동안 고구마성장과정 영상입니다. 별거없지만 좋게 봐주셨으면 좋겠네요 …
이번 영상은 저랑 먼가 통한 느낌입니다~^^저도 마트서 구입한 고구마 두개로 모종 만들어 봤습니다~ ㅎㅎ저는 하우스에 심을꺼라 여유를 너무 부려서 아직 심기 전이긴 한데 이 영상 보고 참고 해서 심어 봐야 하겠습니다~^^ 좋은 영상 감사 합니다~^^
Thank you! A sweet potato started growing roots, so I planted it.
This video was so helpful !! Gotta go and grow some sweet potatos and thankyou for this useful video !! ❤❤❤❤ Ps. I also make videos
Really smart idea, I am so shocked! I will try this! Thank you!
I love to plant sweet potatoes, they are so easy to grow, thanks for sharing!
대단해요 영상감사합니다
Doing this right now. Can’t wait to see a vine!
Wow , this is a great video, very informative, thanks for sharing my friend 💕💕👍
자세한 과정이너무훌륭하십니다많은도움감사합니다.
나도 저런 큰 마당있는 집에서 살고싶다 ㅠㅠ
Great work! Happy gardening from California,
Very good vídeo! Kind regards from Spain. Sebas. 🥰 Muy buen vídeo sobre boniatos, saludos desde España. Sebas
Great video! Sweet potato leaves are also edible and very nutritious. I like saut�ing them with garlic
보는 것 많으로 기분 좋구요ㅡ많이 배웠습니다..봄 이벌써 기다려지네요..!*감사드려요ㅡ👍
I really like Your videos. What is the volume of containers in which You plant plants?
좀 오래 걸리네요
굳~~~내년에 화분에 몇개 심어봐야겠어요. 이렇게 따라쟁이하다가 옥상에 식물들로 꽉차버리지 않을까싶음ㅋㅋ생각만 해도 행복하네요~~
와 대박이네요.고구마싹으로 뭐하나했는데 꼭 해봐야겠어요~
Hello, Korean gardener! I appreciate very much your work and experiences. At what lattitude do you live and what is your climate?
감사합니다! 그동안 집에서 이썼어요? 아니면 저음부토 태양을 보야 되요???
(Eng Sub) 사과 사 먹고 공짜로 모종 얻는 방법!ㅣHow To Grow An Apple Tree From Seeds

(c) Korean Gardener 초록식물TV 마트에서 사과 10개를 사먹고 나온 씨앗을 심어 보았습니다. 30일정도면 이쁘게 모종을 얻을 수 있어 좋네요~ I bought 10 Apple at the mart and planted seeds.
아이들과 같이 맛있게 사과 먹고 재미로 집에서 키워보셔도 좋습니다 🙂
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ이분 진짜 엘프인가봐 풀이면 다 키워내네
apple flowers are pretty,wish I can have an apple tree this year.❤️
Came for the plants, stayed for the cats. So cute!
Warning! Due to the quirky genetics of apple trees, the fruit from trees grown from seeds are rarely any good. You would need to graft it with a branch from a good apple trees or just buy a grafted plant.
Such a cute cat!! 💕
5:00 야옹이 포동포동 사랑스럽다
I love your videos. I’ve never commented before, but I was just wondering if any of the trees you’ve grown from seed have produced their own fruit yet? I know it takes years for them to mature, but you might have older ones not in the video.
You are the best gardener I ever watched
bravo et merci , de la France 😉
Thanks for sharing. You’re amazing. I plan to make small food forest in front of my house (2 x 1 m², maybe), so that I also can share to neighbor. Hope everything will be fine. 😁😁
와… 저걸 저렇게 키울수있구나ㅋㅋ
매일 좋은 꿀팁!! 고맙습니다~~
끼야아아아ㅠㅠㅠ냥이ㅠㅠ!!!❤❤❤❤❤넘기엽다ㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋ너무 사랑스럽다ㅠㅠ뒤돌아앉은게 왜이렇게 뚱보같구 귀엽냐ㅠㅠ뱃쨜 만져주고싶게ㅠㅠㅠ흐아사랑스러워ㅠㅠ로하ㅠㅠ♡♡❤❤❤👍😊😍🤭
omg what a beautiful cat, so you keep the apple tree in a pot?
좋은 정보감사합니다
You are the best gardener! you do a great job in the garden, and… beautiful cats!!
Please keep us posted with your growth every few months, I had 8 of these in the past but I was pretty inexperienced then so only one survived, that one is now 2 feet tall. Looking to try a few again PFMP!!!.
What kind of soil you used for seed plantation? Please let me know.
Your videos are so relaxing … Keep going … ^_^
사각화분에 키운 땅콩 수확♥ㅣPeanut Harvest 2020

(c) Korean Gardener 초록식물TV 4월초에 땅콩을 사각화분에 심어 166일동안 땅콩 성장과정과 수확영상입니다. 별거없지만 좋게 봐주셨으면 좋겠네요 🙂 How to grow peanut plant in a pot + …
Nice 😊. I will grow it too. Enjoy organic food 😋
Hello there, what kind of soil do you use? It looks like sand but I’m not sure
I did not know I could grow peanuts like that! I’m definitely going to try that some day
화분에 옮겨 심을 때 흙에 영양분이 없어 보이던데, 물빠짐 좋은 모래흙이라서 그런건가요? 흙에 거름은 안해도 괜찮은지 궁금합니다
love the video! i’m about to start the process to plant the lemon tree like you did in a previous video!
Your videos are relaxing and remind me of sweet simple times
Amazing soon u will go to fanfest congrats and i am following u and be happy 🙂😄
Definitely want to try and grow these 🥰🥰🥰
미쳤다 미친 잎 왤캐 귀여어ㅜ
Those peanuts look so big and delicious!
What is the best time of the year to harvest peanut ??
Almost six months, but what a great result. Thanks
Thanks for sharing this beautiful video ❤️🌹
Could you please tell me what is the potting mix you used for growing peanuts?
Wooo que hermoso 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😜👍🏿
We have to thanks Our ALMIGHTY Father. That our HEAVENLY FATHER and My Heavenly Mother has given enough and blessed food on this earth
내 채널 지원 및 구독 ❤️ 한국 친구
Hi ,great way u did ,but you have to add soil around the plant from ground level or around the plants from the pot for more harvest ,,good luck
Well done 👍👍👍. Thanks for sharing
Porque no ponen en espa�ol , excelente
긴장마로 뿌리가 병들고 태풍에 떨어진 멜론ㅜㅜㅣ How to grow melon from seeds 2

(c) Korean Gardener 초록식물TV 마트에서 멜론 1개를 사먹고 나온 씨앗을 화분에 심어 정성스럽게 102일정도 키우다가 긴장마로 뿌리에 병이오고 또 태풍까지와서 열매까지 떨어진 멜론ㅜㅜ I …
When the young plants separated is make me sad😭😭
Wow 😲But I really like the most is that you recycled the paper tissue rolls❤️.Now I won’t throw them away☺️
Perfect my man
Is it tethered to the ground or to a lower place, will it have an impact?
멜론 맛나겠네요..내년에 도전해 봐야겠네요
I absolutely love your videos! I learn so much from you and apply it in my own garden. Thank you for another awesome video. 💚
멜론을 심고 싶어지는 영상이네요 ㅎㅎ 내년 봄에 도전할게요!! 🙂 영상 잘 보고 갑니다~^^
It was a very nice video. I actually like it when they show something growing from the very beginning to actual fruit. But it would be even more helpful if we had a little bit more information.This summer I grew these type of mellons. No experience so some things didn’t work out too well and some did. The leaves on my plants started to turn white, as if dusted by white powder, and soon after they began to wilt. I ended up with dozens of very small mellons, but I picked up two good sized ones. They looked just like those in the video. One of them fell and broke and though on the outside it looks perfect on the inside it was not even close to being ready. I had to throw it away.When is the time to pick them up? How do I know it’s ready? If I pick it up early, will it ripen on its own? How long does it take to ripen after it’s picked up?I noticed that this person in the video was snipping flowers. Why those particular flowers?Why polinate the female flowers by hand if those female flowers already have a fruit growing?What is the best number of mellons to grow on one vine? I saw this person snipping baby mellons. How many should be left?How tall should I let this plant grow?Why the leaves on the plant in the video had brown spots on them? Is that normal?How many days from planting to picking?More detail, please.
지금 따라하고잇어요ㅋㅋㅋ
Can you make it so that your videos don’t keep stopping? Kind of hard to see what you’re cutting 😅 Thanks!
Beautiful to watch!!
Show!!! Parab�ns!
Great work, really great work.
I like this channel…Korean Gardener ….. nice upbeat background music. No one talking , yet showing just how it’s done. I like this “no noise” learning channel a lot!! I learnt how to make more Fig bearing Tree, from it mother plant. Saved me a ton of money, this guys gentle ways. Kumasamida 🙏🏽
Can someone explain to me why the first sprouts were being cut?Thanks!
Thanks a lot, great video.
Great technique, thanks for sharing👌💕
Liked 42 th. Looking soo cute.. It gives happiness really. I enjoyed ur videos. Keep rocking and join hands friends.🙌👍