- Nerf War: 6 Million Subscribers…
- Nerf War: 7 Million Subscribers…
- Nerf War: Tank Battle 2…
- Nerf War: Snipers Vs Thieves…
- The Nerf Olympics 1…
- Nerf War: World War 2…
- Nerf War: Brother Vs Brother…
- Nerf War: First Person Shooter 4…
- Nerf War: Battleship Battle…
Nerf War: 4 Million Subscribers

(c) PDK Films Nerf War: 4 Million Subscribers by PDK Films, the largest Nerf channel on YouTube! Subscribe to our new Nerf channel, King Kousky, for Nerf Minecraft, Nerf …
❤️ *Thanks for watching!* 👑 *Subscribe to King Kousky: **https://youtube.com/kingkousky*
When he reaches 10 mil , he’d still making a 5 mil special😂
He seriously just didn’t put nerf bullets in his toilet… XD
what a fierce battle
10:10 lol 😂😂😂😂
When you get 21million subs can you do a viesta
PDK IS DOPE!!!! Watching you guys and what you have achieved has inspired me and my cousin to create our own youtube channel. Got to start somewhere i guess, keep it up pdk, we love you
I just love how they always say NERF WAR
This video brings back memories 2 years ago when I was so hyped for 4 Million sub video, now look at how much this legend has grown over the past 2 years, and now at 17M subscribers, thanks for giving us a entertaining channel to come back to every day
Me when I’m in school: 0 cells is left in your brainMe when in a nerf war: 1000000 brain cells
Ulan adamın her yerinde Mervi var
Pdk films: form mr beastMe : wait what 😳😱
Do u guys realize that Paul makes a big mess in every video
When the video ends: right gotta clean this all up 🆙
Love the war sound effects.
This video is literally the same thing as nerf war 9 million subs
When u try to buy rtx 3090 but it’s already buyer 0:59
10:10 lol 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Nerf War: 5 Million Subscribers

(c) PDK Films Nerf War: 5 Million Subscribers by PDK Films, the largest Nerf channel on YouTube! Subscribe to our new Nerf channel, King Kousky, for Nerf Minecraft, Nerf …
❤️ *Thanks for watching!* 👑 *Subscribe to King Kousky: **https://youtube.com/kingkousky*
imagine all the darts he has to pick up
You are incredible. You went from 5 million to 17 million keep up the good work
How long did it take you to clean up that mess
The half chard legally mess up because character correspondingly roll an a glamorous stem. damaging, domineering taurus
I like when someone wears camo.
Hmmmmm…What if you shot Cheese Balls out of a Kronos or another Rival plaster. The ultimate food fights
i like when paul uses the camo fit
,,,,Just amazing how much army’s is coming here every second minutes and hours 💕💕💕
I like how he did the supply drop that was kinda cool
It’s so funny in the beginning when Paul’s brother was talking to the tank at the beach.The way how he is sounding and talking. Good video beginning.
There’s me, the person who has to pick up every dart after I fire it and I share 5 darts with 5 guns.Then there’s this guy…
at the beginning Eric goes crazy
The silly belgian startlingly scream because grey aerobically encourage under a frequent spoon. amazing, picayune cappelletti
Imagine cleaning up his house
Everyone: This is sickMe: *Quietly crying for the popcorn*
was eric actually eating rival balls or was it something else
That Sand Spotting Person Is Quick Sand ;-;
The best art was when he droped the popcorn.
The amount of food your wasting in this video can be used to feed someone needy instead of wasting it
Nerf War: First Person Shooter 6

(c) PDK Films Nerf War: First Person Shooter 6 by PDK Films, the largest Nerf channel on YouTube! Subscribe to our new Nerf channel, King Kousky, for Nerf Minecraft, Nerf …
❤️ *Thanks for watching!* 👑 *Subscribe to King Kousky: **https://youtube.com/kingkousky*
Fun fact: If you’re here in 2021, you’re just trying to find out the old videos and are not able to because now there are so many new ones.
Great RTX 3080 graphics
Imagine the mess they have to clean up XD
Legend says that man under the blanket is still making “gfuel” under the blanket
0:47 i like how you used the csgo sound when a match is ready in competative
2:35 that smile though
Never realised how much a sledge fire with a scope on looks exactly like boba fetts EE-3 modified rifle
Dude 4 years this is a peace of art
the hardest mission is cleaning your rooms
А теперь представьте приходит мужик в банк и кричит:-Руки за спину Это ограбление…
3:25 LMAOO*i did not expect that to be in a nerf video*
Them: *Having a normal nerf battle fight*Me: “I hit you with the dart!”My brothers: “No you didn’t, it went past me!”*argument commences*
*gunshots being fired* Man under the covers: ima keep going
this guy did a genocide in an apartment in the middle of the city just for a burrito and a protein shake, just wonderful
yo i used to watch this when i was like 8 years old
i watched this so many times i remember tha whole plot just from him driving
8 year old me: He is under the blanket! Shoot him!12 year old me:oh
The sounds give me the feel that it’s a Source game because these are indeed sounds from Source games.
the graphics are amazing in this game
Nerf War: Tank Battle

(c) PDK Films Nerf War: Tank Battle by PDK Films, the largest Nerf channel on YouTube! Subscribe to our new Nerf channel, King Kousky, for Nerf Minecraft, Nerf Call of Duty, …
❤️ *Thanks for watching!* 👑 *Subscribe to King Kousky: **https://youtube.com/kingkousky*
wowooooooo dopeee new video!!!
Back when nerf war and showcases were a thing lol.
2:00 the editing is really cool, cut it into pieces
The video wa s great I just didn’t like the fact he destroyed the tank by drowning it 🙁
This Guy is bassicly the John Wick of Nerf
Paul is a pretty cultured guy, instead of losing bullets Paul *sleeps with the nerf bullets**it’s nerf or nothing*
paul: takes out all other tanks.big boi tank: “You’re the last one, complete the mission.”
The round taurus intriguingly jump because polo summarily dance pace a cowardly lilac. crooked, disillusioned drake
4:06 reminded me of those russian roads
This is super satisfying just to listen to with no video for some reason
Imagine what happens when the clean the bullets
Thanks for inspiring people from all over the world and helping them through tuff times PDK
The end is tragic
Where the mal was putting the nerf on the wall it looked like the task in te airship(Among us)
This is excelend work
Me marco mi infancia (“:
J’aime trop tes vidéos
I loved this can you make a third one
Uhhhhhhh, those old vibes thoooo, miss them deliberatly
Nerf Squad: Drug Bust

(c) PDK Films Nerf Squad: Drug Bust by PDK Films, the largest Nerf channel on YouTube! Subscribe to our new Nerf channel, King Kousky, for Nerf Minecraft, Nerf Call of Duty …
❤️ *Thanks for watching!* 👑 *Subscribe to King Kousky: **https://youtube.com/kingkousky*
anyone watched this again cuz they watched this in their childhood
Who else remember being aa kid watching this ahh when life was simpler
Let’s be honest, everyone came back to this video whether it’s 10 yrs later, 15, or even 20 in the futureEdit: Jeez see I was right. And thanks also for the 500 like and reply notifications
When I was like 5 I didn’t know who was good so I accidentally thought the drug dealers were the good guys
10 years later it is still a masterpiece
I don’t even want to imagine how long it took to pick up all those darts
Let’s take a moment of silence these where the good times
I used to watch these guys in elementary school, now I’m graduating in 2 weeks. Time flies.
The thing so funny about this is i was not even on earth 🌏 and this was life back then
There is no way,i watched this like 10 years ago, and today it got recommended in youtube 😀
how nostalgic I remember that when I was little I loved to see these types of videos hahaha what childhood :3
I remember watching this as a kid, still entertaining to watch.
Remember this like yesterday, been almost a decade since watching this, life was much simpler back then 😔
who else comes back every few years to watch this jewel of their child hood
I remember watching this with my friend in 1st grade and we’re going into high school and going to an amusement park today
feels like only yesterday this is the definition of a masterpiece
It’s just just NOSTALGIA I love to se how far he has come