Beautiful Waterfall Twist | Cute Girls Hairstyles

(c) Cute Girls Hairstyles To see more photos of this style, please visit… …and follow us at our other social hangouts!
That is amazing!
The girls are so lucky that their mom is that good at hair!!!!
I don’t get how to secure the braid with a bobbie pin.. I keep messing up whenever I try and it’s really fustrating
Yeah it seems easy when you do it on someone else’s head. The point is too try and do it with your own hair.
I was looking for a cute way to do my hair today. This style was perfect for today’s outfit but I was worried I wouldn’t be able to do it. It was soooo easy and it only took me a few minutes! I got so many compliments!!! She made the tutorial so simple…other videos r sooo complicated to understand. THX 4 Posting!!
I do love this. Beautiful hairstyles, for beautiful girls!!!
Your brown ring is really AWESOME!
The little girl expressions was like she is presenting her project in front of the class
Wow that’s so easy yet so pretty! Doing this if I can actually do it on myself 😛
I used this as a back to school hairstyle my friend love ❤ it
This is the BEST tutorial!! Love it! Thank you~ 🙂
Finally something I can actually do! Thank you!
thank u so much for this tutorial you saved my life love u
She has gotten way prettier. Yes I’m watching this in 2016 and this was made in 2012.
This is my second favorite hairstyle <3
Omg ! Thanks so so much, i suck at braiding and thought “oh wow, this isn’t gonna be any easier.. ” and i can do it now *0* thanks hun xx !
I love this <3
Our Family Morning Routine | Behind the Braids Ep. 2

(c) Cute Girls Hairstyles Use Coupon Code “beddys20″ for 20% off your entire order! {} ! This is the lowest pricing ever for their bedding! Want to win our 13” …
Older kids- Wake up its time for schoolYounger kids- Rise and shine!
Oh my gosh the relationship between paisley and her dad is everything
How did they get of bed so quickly. It takes me like 45 minutes 😂❤
Well I’m jealous of paisleys bed area lmao
Shaun: KAMRI WAKE UP Shaun: YO RYLAN WAKE UPShaun: rise and shine my sweetums :)XD lol
Im jealus how their mom tells them so nice to get out of the bedmy mom: get the f*** out of the bed😂😂 hahaaha but I still love her ❤️
cgh kids: *all look like freakin models when they wake up* me: 🥔
“Kamri I haven’t seen you yet do I need to bring the spay bottle up”😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Their dad to the littles: good morning!Their dad to Kamri: dO i nEeD tO bRiNg uP tHe sPrAy bOTtLe?
shaun said “she gets those genes from her mom” & then rylan points at kamris jeans that she’s wearing !! 😂
To Kamri: time to wake upTo Rylan: time to wake upTo Daxton and Paisley: Hey guys! Rise and shine!
Anyone else notice that on the food note it says “ham + cheese sandwich” and then she gave them rotisserie chicken?
Paisley: “I took all the pretty from the pretty jar.” lol like if you think paisley is cute
Who’s watching this in 2020 in quarantine I’ve seen this vid about 10 times but it’s like my fav ❤️❤️💖💖
Paisley: Daddy’s my favourite “Oh say it again”Paisley: Daddy’s my favourite “I hope you’re watching this Mindy. Paisley say it again”Paisley: Daddy’s my favourite “Ok I’ll pay 💰 you laterMe: hahaha! 😂 😂 😂 😆OMG THX FOR 43 LIKES I WAS HOPING FOR AT LEAST 10!!!!!
dad: “do you just always wake up this beautiful?” kamri: “no”me: umm sweetie yes🤩
My lunch is nutella sandwich with chips and juice!
i think it’s so cute how shawn—or does he spell it sean? anyways! i think it’s so cute how he tells the girls they’re pretty and builds their confidence—dad win! 👌💪
2:16 u could tell daxton was already awake 😂
The girls look super beautiful with and without make up ❤ love you guys so much😍❤ !!2018❤❤✨✨✨
Braidy Bath Night | Puppy Hygiene | Cute Girls Hairstyles

(c) Cute Girls Hairstyles To get your dog an Orapup, feel free to click here… {I just went online to order a green one, and noticed that they are offering a …
Braids is the cutest dog in the world
Can you please make more Braidy vids
😂 such an adorable little doggie!!! I wish it was that easy to give my dogs a bath too!
OMG when he was in the shower he looked so CUTE !!!!!!!!*
he is so cool my mum and dad well never let have a puppy that always makes me sad every time
At 2: 35 brady looks so cute😍
More braidy videos!!!!
I love him he is so cute waiting for more of him💕
I love ❤ him more braidy please
I don’t think you should get water or soap in the dogs ears. They can get infected or they will hurt
I seen my sister watch this video the other day and she’s only 3😂
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww I want him even even more😭😭😭😭😭😭he is so cute I wanna steal him even more
I have Brooklyn’s shirt!😂
He is soooooooo cute!❤️😻
He’s so cute. I love him.FLUFFINESS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
more braidy even though its been like 2 years since this was uploaded�
Cuteness overload 😍🐶
I would love to see more off the dog! He is so CUTE!!!!!
when brandy was so fluffy I almost past out it was so funny and cute
Get Mermaid Hair | The Mermaid Braid Combo

(c) Cute Girls Hairstyles Don’t forget to enter BrooklynAndBailey’s iPhone 6 Giveaway HERE {3 phones}! Ever wondered what Mermaid hair would look like …
I heard about this brush called “The Wet Brush”, which is a hair brush that apparently detangles your hair very gently without any ripping, tearing, pulling, or split-ends. I’m very curious to see if it works, so it’d be awesome if you tested it out on the girls hair maybe as a bonus video? Hope you try it out 😀
Aww what a cute intro and the hairstyle is so cool!!! Really REALLY pretty!!!
I’m obsessed with Kamri’s long and beautiful hair 😍 Can you please so an updated hair care routine please!!! ❤️😍😃
so jealous with Kamri’s hair dang 😭😂😍
can you please do a “by yourself” hair tutorial??? …… like you can do the hair by yourself…. lol
How cool love it got to try this some day 💜
I love this look it is so pretty.
Guys you’ve helped me play with my hair without getting stressed about styling my hair tank you!
This channel made my life easier. love you guys soooooooo much! this is the first vid of yours that ive seen and ive gotten hooked ever since
Can you do more short haired styles? I have short hair that reaches my shoulders, and I can’t do most of these. And can they be simple too?
This was easier that expected!!!!!! I love it!
Awesome! This is a gorgeous hair style. Thanks for making these videos. 😀
Do more short hair Hairstyles!
Haha the intro was so funny😂! I love the whole fun family. I will be so happy if you reply 😘🍦✌️😀
Hi Mindy! Would you mind doing a video of the semicircles done on the whole length of the hair?
What products do you use to keep Kamri’s hair so smooth? Love the braid btw! 🙂
I love the hairstyle so pretty❤️
que lindo✌✌✌
Does the Hair Braider Actually Work? | Toy Braider Fab or Fail | Cute Girls Hairstyles

(c) Cute Girls Hairstyles Have you ever wondered if the Hair Braider toy actually worked? Rylan and I decided to put it to the test in this next episode of “Fab or Fail”! What do you think?
Do you think the Hair Braider is a FAB or FAIL??? Also, our family just launched a new channel FOR KIDS that’s MOM APPROVED called UnilandKids! If you have little kids, or younger siblings, click here to SUBSCRIBE for them: ❤️’s -Mindy
Imagine trying this on afro hair like mine 😂I did not expect 317 likes lol
when humans get to lazy to use their own *hands*
‘It isnt a bad braid, its almost half decent’ I DIED 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Such effort I would have had ten done in the same time as one of these
Omg rylan is starting to look like Kamri
I think doing with hands is much worthy
Rylan’s hair is so silky! Rylan looks so pretty ☺️
Isn’t I just easier to braid your hair with your hands!!
I love that hair braider because it super amazing!
IF its gonna be a professional tool. IF EVER 🤣🤣🤣. I suggest a longer tube where the hair goes in so the hair wont get tangled. Or an extension tube that we can attach for different length of hair. But then again this is a toy
tedious process but yo it makes the braid look PERFECT
3:57 rylan looks like she’s about to cry😂lol love you rylan
*Half decent?*”Better than any braid I could ever make”.
This is so much more complicated than learning how to braid yourself
I had one when I was small and it got stuck in my hair 😂😭
I used to have one of these as a kid one for me and one for my Barbie and neither of them worked😂 Rylans so little!
Try doing a double dutch braid with that.
In the half hour it takes to maybe do one braid, I would’ve had my entire head done by hand 🤣