DIY French-Up High Bun | Cute Hair Bun Ideas

(c) Cute Girls Hairstyles If you are looking for the hair Wrap-Up tool, you can find one here: …
What I’ve learned from this channel is that I watch what is impossible for me 😂
so nice
I want to do this for my ballet bun but it’s so difficult. 😍😍😩 🙁
This is so cute yet so hard. I tried to do it my delf and everything went POOF and the bun exploded. I just dont have think enough hair. =(
Very cute! I can’t wait to try this out on my kinky-curly hair 🙂
i wish they would make a vlogging channel
My mom did this hairstyle for me and i ❤️❤️❤️ it !!! Im still wearing it rightnow =D
You’re like a little kid! That’s amazing!
I love the upside down braid but it’s impossible for me to do on myself, it’s so sad
This is really cute. =) my job makes me always wear my hair in a bun. I’m so trying this style lol and i just got the wrap up tool also . yaaaay.
Mindy this is so cute I can’t wait to try it on my hair tomorrow 😊
I use the wrap up for dance. It works so well!
I tryed and it’s looks fantastic 🙂
Can you do hairstyles for thick hair please.😊
I just tried it and I’m totally in love with this hairstyle!thank you for your tutorial, greetings from germany <3
OMG!!! i never knew you live in Dallas. I live in Dallas and that ice storm was horrible!�
omg brooklyn and bailey at the end! soo cute <3
This is so cool i just freaked out,amazing,amazing,amazing!
Paisley’s First Day of School vs Brooklyn & Bailey’s | Behind the Braids Ep.11

(c) Cute Girls Hairstyles This week’s #BehindTheBraids family vlog lets you experience the first day of school in our home! This year, Paisley started kindergarten which will the first time …
When Brooklyn and Bailey were younger they looked like American girl dolls 😂
Brooklyn and Bailey were sooooo fricken cute when they were younger but now they just keep getting prettier and prettier
*teachers in the beginning of the school year* “come in class I can tell this is gonna be a great year” *teachers in the middle of the school year* “OH MY GOSH WOULD YOU GUYS SHUT UP YOUR SO ANNOYING!!”*teachers at the end of the school year “ Sobs”* you know you guys were the best class ever your my favorite *”sniff- sniff”*
I love how both parents to take the time to learn how to do Daxton’s and Paisley’s hair. Not many parents do that
Paisleys bed is sooo cute the way it’s in the window and the curtains and Ughh everything about it is so cute and pretty ☺️🎀🍭
Can’t wait to see the little kids when there 13 😇
“You mean math?” “NO recess!”😂😂😂😂😂 I died.
“What was your favorite part of school?” “Recess!” 😂😂 I feel you man
We just love this family!
The way Brooklyn was listening to Paisley talking about her day, was absolutely adorable❤️❤️
i like how the dad was doing the boys hair, so cute❤️
Oh my gosh Mindys voice sounded exactly like Brooklyn’s in that video of when they were little
you know the drill1] Brooklyn2]Bailey3]Kamri4]braidy5] Paisley 6] Daxton7]rylan8]mom9]dad10]whoever you want to choose I love you guys so much Brooklyn,bailey,Kamri,rylan,Daxton,paisley, braidy,mom,and dad Ilysmmmm
loved the back to school kids picture you girls uploaded on Instagram! my school starts next week! Seriously summer flew by way too fast, wishing it was still July 😭
I love this blended family! I love that the mom gets paisleys hair done by a black woman so her hair can grow healthy. Coolest family on youtube!
The backpacks are the same size as them 😂😂😂
I always have all my school supplies, like, a week before school starts.📓📒📚✏️🖊📝🖍
7:54 to 8:16 You can tell BROOKLYN loves paisley a lot💞💞💞love you guys keep up the great work💞💞💞
Brooklyn. and baliey are sooo cute when they were little
I love the “remember who you are and what you stand for” I think that’s so cute and such a good way to get your kids to establish their beliefs and how they go about their days
Side Flat Twists | Back-to-School | Cute Girls Hairstyles

(c) Cute Girls Hairstyles To see more photos of this style, please visit… …and follow us at our other social hangouts!
I’m black and I don’t see what’s wrong with her saying black, besides black people are not just African American. They can also be African like me or Jamaican or Haitian so there isn’t anything wrong with saying black. Same with white people. They come from all over the place. It is just easier to call people black or white or Asian depending on their race. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. As long as we are all being respectful to each other.
When people don’t realize that the reason she said “my black daughter” was probably to imply that the hairstyle is good for that hair type. Triggers– triggers everywhere.
Stop calling her racist. Oh man! Clearly she wouldn’t adopt a black child as her own daughter if she was…
Mindy responded to some comments a while ago that she didn’t say African American because her daughter is not from Africa, she’s Caribbean so just using black was more accurate. I’m sure she didn’t mean to offend anyone.
For all you people who keep saying that she was being racist when she said ” my little black daughter’s hair”, she isn’t. If she was racist, she wouldn’t have two adopted black kids. Again she is not racist, she was saying that her adopted baby girl has different textured hair. Why does everything have to be all about race? There is only one race and that is the human race. We are all the same people, just different shades.
Right after I heard her say that, I was like, “I need to check the comments :O”
I wore my hair like this and was called out for cultural appropriation. I’m Mexican, have course hair and have been doing twists in my hair for a decade and pretty much got called a racist because they assumed I was white
Im waiting for Amandla to pop outta nowhere and start talking about ‘black appropriation’.Im black too (Haitian) and the fact that she says black does not bother me. Thats just what it is, BLACK. That’s how you identify. Get over yourself; this is why we look so bad cause we take things out of context :/
when people say she is racist would you rather have her call her daughter purple?
she’s so cute and beautiful
This becomes my favorite everyday hairstyle, since I got a very short hair and I can’t do a lot on my hair (which is really frustrating). My classmate said it’s cute and she liked it.
if she was racist she woudlnt have adopted black kids and she woudlnt love them
She called her daughter black? So what? It really gets me angry when (I’ll say African Americans cause they’ll be some person who gets angry cause I called them black too) think they have the audacity to call white people white and no one will be bothered. But when people say black to people there’s a whole uproar in the comments. Grow up everyone gosh. The video isn’t entitled “mother called her daughter black” now is it? So talk about the actual purpose of the video, and shut up about the whole racist thing.
people are truly ridiculous *smh*. half of the people calling her (what i assume is supposed to be)”racist” literally cant even spell it. get over it people. is “black lives matter” racist as well? Anyway…… hair style is easy and beautiful!
Guys. “Little black girls” isn’t racist. It just means what it is – little black girls. What part of that is racist…? You guys are reaching.
Everyone talking about her ethnicity please gtfo, most of us came here to admire this wonderful hair technique,�but then�only to find these bigoted fools displaying ANGER?Please stop getting offended so easily, and embrace those around you.
Seen so many comments saying that she is racist but the video is about A HAIRSTYLE!! I love this hairstyle and it works on short hair too!! Thanx xxPs. Ignore the haters babe!! 😄
Bruh why’d I find this video so relaxing 💀💀
I don’t get the people saying she’s racist for saying “my black daughter” ? How else would you like her to clarify she had a black daughter with different hair.. there’s really only one way to say it so stop making nothing into something and watch the video.
Quick Slide-Up Braid | Popular Hairstyles | Cute Girls Hairstyles

(c) Cute Girls Hairstyles To see more photos of this style, please visit… …and follow us at our other social hangouts!
Aaaw your daughter is too cute. I love how co-operative she is. Too adorable!
its weird but cool i will call it the snake braid if i were you
Omg this was made when I was in preschool! I’m driving now lol
amazing!!! my daughter is almost 2 years old now and I do this hairdo on her every other day!!! thanks ever so much
Super cute & quick ! Perfect
OMG, I tried this myself and I loved how it looked, thank you thank you!!
thank you, this took me under 2 minutes to learn!:)
Oh my god, that’s amazing! :DD
Whel, I can’t belive :DThis is great!
i looooooved it <3
Your videos are always amazing and helps me. Thank you <3
Thank you so much I’ve looking for this braid like crazy!
Omg I love that!
Thank you I love this braid looks so cool! 🙂
Caraca eu amei mt lindo facil e pratico amei mesmo =)
That looks so amazing!!!!!
OMG that us awesome! I’m gonna try this!
thanks for this all my friends love it !
Double Braid Buns by PAiSLEY (age7) | Tiny Styles

(c) Cute Girls Hairstyles (Paisley) Hi everyone! In this video I am going to show you how to put double braid buns on your favorite doll so she can look beautiful like my doll Mia! Braiding …