- DIY Faux Waterfall Headband | Cute Girls Hairstyles…
- Beautiful Waterfall Twist | Cute Girls Hairstyles…
- Paisley Goes to First Daddy Daughter Dance | Behind the Braids Ep.24…
- The Waterfall Braid {Plait} | Popular Hairstyles | Cute Girls Hairstyles…
- HAIR HACK: DIY Reverse Braid in Under 2 Minutes! | Life Hacks | Cute Girls Hairstyles…
- DIY French-Up High Bun | Cute Hair Bun Ideas…
- How to Create No-Heat Paper Towel Curls…
- Lady Gaga Hair Bow | Updos | Cute Girls Hairstyles…
- Newest Addition to CGH Family??? | Cute Girls Hairstyles…
- Live Mermaids Swimming in Our Pool!
- Feather Waterfall & Ladder Braid Combo Tutorial | Cute 2-in-1 Braided Hairstyles
- How to Create a DIY Waterfall Braid | Cute Girls Hairstyles
- Ponytail Bow | Back-to-School | Cute Girls Hairstyles
- Dutch Flower Braid | Updos | Cute Girls Hairstyles
- How to Create a Diagonal Bow Braid
Live Mermaids Swimming in Our Pool!

(c) Cute Girls Hairstyles You can follow my twin girls’ YouTube channel here! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=BrooklynAndBailey _ Watch another mermaid …
Feather Waterfall & Ladder Braid Combo Tutorial | Cute 2-in-1 Braided Hairstyles

(c) Cute Girls Hairstyles Today, we will show you how to create the most beautiful braid combo ever, two gorgeous hairstyle tutorials in one video! First, the Feather Waterfall Braid and, …
I remember when this came out and was like the first ever video of theirs that i watchedLike it’s been 7 years WHAT!?!?!?
These girls are so lucky to have a mom who does such amazing hairstyles! Like if you agree
This was filmed when Kamri was 10, yet in this video she looks 6 years old! 😆
Her hair is so beautiful
omg i want her hair so badly its so pretty mine is just one color so when i do this you dont see the feathers
I like how she puts how long it took her. It actually takes ages for me because I keep doing something wrong
you make it look so easy when it’s really not
When my mom did this hairstyle on me she put it in a ponytail because I was a sporty girl so thanks for the inspiration Rianne
I’m so happy! I was actually able to do this hairstyle! Normally I’ll attempt a hairstyle and give up half way through, but I actually did it!! So happy with the result!😊😊
*Oh Gosh I remember when my mom and I were watching this video while she did this hair style to me back in elementary school for the school year picture, the MEMORIES*
I always want to have that hairstyle at school! Never can, mom tries to, she thiks its super hard;)
Kamri is cute here!
When you struggle with regular braids and u are always wearing “high” ponytails
My mom is practicing how to do this braid
its so beautifull i love it
Omg! I’m so obsessed with these hairstyles and I’ve attempted them on my sister but it was too complex xx
Their so lucky to have a mom that does a amazing job at hair styles
Aww I remember this was one of the first videos I saw from cgh, you’ve come so far now!!!!❤️❤️
How to Create a DIY Waterfall Braid | Cute Girls Hairstyles

(c) Cute Girls Hairstyles This 2-minute tutorial is the most-popular Waterfall Braid tutorial on YouTube! It’s a follow-up to our original tutorial, the first on YouTube, after fans said it was …
I’m watching this a whole decade later
I remember 10 years ago my mom and I were watching this when I was 6 bc i really wanted my hair like this lol
anyone watching this a whole decade later or is it just me
Thank you so much that looks beautiful I can do it now and I will do it tomorrow when I go out! Thanks a bunch <3333
5 years later and I still can’t get it 😂 #fml
I swear Mindy has just gotten younger and younger over the last decade ♥️
all these tutorials are by girls/women with really straight, smooth, easily managable hair. my hair is NOT managable at all. i wish girls with really curly hair would do it too or maybe its just impossible to do intricate braids with curly hair
People watching 7 years later: Is that even Mindy?!?!😂😂😂
It’s so hard to braid your own hairI’m horrible at it
2010 : We get tons of emails2019 : We get tons of comments
I love how she explains so well and its so simple to do 😄.LOVE IT!!
This is one of the hairstyles that I really want to learn when my hair finally grows out, but I just know it’s going to go like this:Before braiding: right, I can do this, the video made it look really easy…ten seconds later: nevermind, I’ll just wear it down.
As a guy, I think this hairstyle is very beautiful looking.
This is great, thanks! Need a new ‘do for work today, let’s hope I can pull it off!
Love watching your old vids and seeing how far you’ve come since!
The moment when you realize that your shirt matches your bed.
Your video made more since to me than all the other ones thanks! New sub!!☺️☺️
I have to say, You are just so talented. any one can attempt or can do hair,but not make it look immaculate. I notice the difference between good and fantabulous lol and you’ve just got talent. Thank you for sharing. I get many ideas for my 4 girls and people who ask me to do there hair. 😉
Thank you so much for sharing! This is soooooo beautiful! Gonna try this tomorrow!
I find it so hard to do and you make it look so easy haha
Ponytail Bow | Back-to-School | Cute Girls Hairstyles

(c) Cute Girls Hairstyles To see more photos of this style, please visit… http://www.cutegirlshairstyles.com …and follow us at our other social hangouts!
Does anyone else watch these for fun but can’t even do them😂
omg she is so lucky that her mom can do all those styles because her hair probably always looks on point 🙂
the little girl is so cute when she smiles
This child has amazing hair!
Es muy hermoso tengo que esperar para hacerlo a mi nena pues ahora tiene el cabello muy cortito…gracias obra tan hermoso peinado.
I love love love love love the idea of the bow did it on my self and I looked amazing♥♥♥.☆☆
when you showed the second way of hiding the elastic you could also braid it after you loop it over the bow instead of the bobby pin/elastic…😍
hairstyles bows will always be in trend, because they can be made not only on the tail and on the top and at the back, with the bow can make your own quickly and easily
I love this hairstyle cgh is so helpful when I need a new cute hairstyle
She and that hair style is so cute
Your daughter is so pretty 😭😊
I want this as an everyday hairstyle. I don’t have an afro, but I have naturally loose curls. So the bow would look stupid.
I wish my mom could do that, but she’s too busy to do my hair for me so all she can do is a pony tail. I have to learn it myself.. -_-
Aww, that’s so cute. I’m so gonna try that!
Amazing, I actually watched it when it came out and I never did it so I rewatched it and I’m trying tomorrow for school
I think you are a genius! I love your demos!
Lol, it was funny when she says, ” Like So.” She said it at least 5 times!
I love this hairstyle <3
I love the look of this hairstyle! I’m going to try it out very soon. I just wish Camry had smiled 🙂
My hair looks great in that my mum also likes it thanks I was looking for this👏
Dutch Flower Braid | Updos | Cute Girls Hairstyles

(c) Cute Girls Hairstyles To see more photos of this style, please visit… http://www.cutegirlshairstyles.com …and follow us at our other social hangouts!
I watched this a few years back and now it’s going to be my wedding hairstyle. It looks beautiful 😁
Your daughters are so lucky, going to school everyday with different hair styles. GOod job pretty mommy
Who else self taught how to do Dutch braids, French braids, 4 strand braid and all that
Great hairstyle, I’m going to try to recreate this and fail miserably
Who else just watches these but never does them! Lol
4 years later this is still one of my favourites! 😊
When she says “and just start a Dutch braid” and you have know idea how to do one 😫
This is so beautiful. 😀 If only my sister will let me braid her hair.
Good thing two of my friends are good at this stuff
She makes it look so easy then when I would try to recreate it I would fail miserably!! 😂😂
this hairstyle really gived me a special look for my thirteen birthday all thanks to u guys
Kamari, you look soooo cute when us you we’re younger!!!
I did this and it looks awesome on me!! I’m gonna wear it to my volleyball game I have tomorrow!!
im watching this in 2016 mindy u are such a good hairstylist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was shocked with how easy this one was! My daughter loves it! I always use it for special occassions!
The Dutch Flower Braid is too beautiful and I love it
Kamri is so cute and little. <3
omg kamri is so freaking cute 😄😄😙
OMG the flower braid is so amazing!!! Add to definately going to have to drag my friends over so I can try it on them!!! LOL
I’ve done this on lots of little girls for ballet and they all love it!!
How to Create a Diagonal Bow Braid

(c) Cute Girls Hairstyles Be the first to check out our tutorial of Elsa’s Textured French Braid from Disney’s new movie “Frozen”. Click to view, and subscribe there…
I wish I had a mom who knew how to do my hair I had to learn to do all this stuff 😂
Kamri is so cute and small now she has her own channel , Kamri Noel
I am 13 years old and did it to my sisters hair it was fun and easy thanks😘
I had my hair like this for my mom’s wedding and it was PERFECT! Everyone loved it and I got so many compliments
I can’t do this on myself and it breaks my heart
This is so pretty!� I’m going to try this bow braid on one of my granddaughters who will be a flower girl in my daughter’s wedding.
So creative, how did you come up with these styles???
Omg when I turned 9 I remember my mom looking at this video and she braided my hair like that!! And now that I saw this video it gives me so many good memories 😍💕♥️❤️
I just love the 3D effect of this hairstyle!
magnifique je le fairai pour des f�te ou � des autre personne
lindo amei o penteado bem explicado obrigado parab�ns
0:05 kamri’s face tho 😂😂😂😂 aww she’s beautiful
hi just wanted to say thank you….I am a farther to three girls and have recently started to teach my self how to style there hair and. your videos have been my inspiration….so thank you.
the hair style is amazing
I really like how the lady does the girls hair I really love it omg
That’s freaking amazing! Thank you so much for sharing!!!!!!!!
adorei o la�o e lindo!!!#jessicagiana
que bonito
I did this on my friend and it turned out great! We both LOVED it 🙂 Thanks so much +Cute Girls Hairstyles <3