How to Create No-Heat Paper Towel Curls

(c) Cute Girls Hairstyles Want to see an adorable interview of Sweet Pea on BrooklynAndBailey’s channel? Click here: * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * You all know that …
Who thinks it funny that girls with straight hair want curly hair and girls with curly hair want straight hair 😂💓
I have NO idea why I watch “No Heat Curls” when I have naturally curly hair
6 children and still able to find time to teach us this?!? Dear lawd, you’re ARE a real supermom! Geezus! That’s amazing!
My Hair doesn’t “loosen throughout the day” …It Loosens throughout the 5 minutes they are in. I tried curling my hair for my band concert and they stayed in for probably 6 minutes.
I watch these, try them and then I fail😂😂
if she was my mom i would ask her to do my hair every day befor school!!!! lol
This is good for people who are afraid of curling irons…. like me.
And just to think, people are buying 50-60dollar curling irons to achieve these kindsof curls ;’D
I’m trying this tonight for my graduation look😄hopefully it turns out good
I remember my mother use to use a brown paper bag to make rollers for her hair. Brings back old memories..
Omg she is so beautiful!!!😱
I want a mom who will do my hair …who else wants some one like this mom
This brings me back to when I used to Irish dance. Rags were �my preferred method of curling my hair for competitions. I’ll definitely have to try this, looks easy to sleep in too! Also i’m from Ireland, I would love if you came to do a meet and greet , would definitely �visit you guys! x Donna
Literally EVERYONE wants my straight hair😂 But it’s really wierd how people with straight hair want nice curls and people with curly hair want dead straight hair lol x Not all but most people I know
Wow. Her makeup looked amazing. She’s beautiful.
I tried this, and for once, a no-heat tutorial ACTUALLY WORKED.
who else thinks that Brooklyn’s eyes are so pretty💓
These curls are so nice! My hair is about 14 inches so i am going to ask mum to do my hair when i come out of the shower tommorow, i guess i will sleep in them, cant wait😃👌
Omg! This is perfect for my school’s picture day!!! Thanks so much!
omg😍😍 this is Amazing! Definitely trying this, her eyes tho aswell😍
Mermaid Half Braid Tutorial | Cute Hairstyles

(c) Cute Girls Hairstyles Be sure to Like us on Facebook! * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * The contest has ended, and prize awarded. Our Waterfall Twists …
So beautiful!!! The opening is sooo lovely! 🙂
just got my daughter a mermaid tail for her birthday and this will be the perfect hairstyle to wear with it to the pool! thanks for the tutorial 🙂
Beautiful like always! I love trying all these cute hairstyle on my daughter! Great job! ! 🙂
you and your daughter look so much alike! y’all are so cute! thanks for the great titorials!
How does Mindy come up with these amazing hairstyles, she’s really good:)<3
I love the waterfall braid.Its so cute.My mom tried it on me and it worked!
I made this braid for the homecoming pep rally and when they were choosing the queen and I won queen with this hairstyle and the waterfall lace braid last year and the past year with all of these gorgeous hair styles so thank u and her hair is so pretty
I really appreciate it….Easy & beautiful….♡♡♡
She has a really beautiful hair 😀 <3 And the tutorial is very good! I’m doing this to my classmates tomorrow hahaha
It’s so nice ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
☺ Such a beautiful braid! Thank you so much for uploading this! I’m sooooooo gonna try this! 😀 ☺
Gorgeous <3 love this hair style 🙂
lindas demais Parab�ns! como fa�o para comprar alguns v�deos de tran�as em dvd, para que eu possa aprender melhor?
OMG your kids have gorgeous hair. What do you do to take care of it?
this is so cool! and i just wanted to say that i really really really love the way you’re doing your own hair now a days!
Lindo amei ♡♡♡
Omg that’s so pretty! 💖
Nossa! Muito bom seu canal, amo suas dicas de penteados . Continue sempre assim. Amo seus videos!!
I thought that it was amazing and I am going to do it on my sister thank you
I love all of you’re hairstyles!!!! Right now my mom’s going to this hairstyles
4-Strand French Braid Pinback | Cute Girls Hairstyles

(c) Cute Girls Hairstyles If you missed BrooklynAndBailey’s “Pajama Party” LIVEstream this past week, click HERE to watch it! __ Today, Rylan and I will be …
beautiful hair
I would like to see a tutorial on the French twist aded into a French twist bun I think that would look so cute so please do a video on it Mindy!!!!!!!!💇🏽💇🏽💇🏽💇🏽💇🏽💇🏽💇🏽
you should do like 5 simple back to school hairstyles! im desperately needing it haha! :)love you guys!~emma
I love all of these adorable hair styles they’re like perfect for every age
I love your family so much!! Your videos have totally changed my life!
Yay! Rylan is back! It’s been a long time. Love u guys! 💗
Rylan is sooooo cute! 💗💗💗😍
I missed power hour!!!😭😭😭😭But this is so incredibly gorgeous that I had to comment anyway! At least Sarah remembered to comment…….~B💜
Mindy,What curling tool do you use? Your hair is so pretty!Thank you!Julia
Hi! I would like to see some braided bun tutorial cause I need to wear one at a typical Spain party next month. Thanks and sorry for my english! 😀
Wearing this right now rolled in to a ponytail, and it’s sooo cute! Looks kind of lace and really girly and adorable😍
wow!!!!!!! beautiful…. *_so cute_*
I love this. It’s so unique and beautiful.
I want to see something with a pretty braided bun!! 🙂 btw i love your channel!!!!!!!!
Does anyone else have that kind of hair where you can’t brush it because it will pouf like crazy? XD
WOW!!! **speechless** this hairstyle is so amazing and really has that illusion effect!! It looks awesome, great job Mindy!! Keep up the great videos! Love u all! Xx😘
I just started to watch your videos and omg I looove them so much!!! your hair styles are such great help!!!
Can you do some like sports hairstyles like high ponytails or a bun, I am a dancer and I just need to get my hair back for classes and stuff
This hairstyle is so pretty!!
Queen of Hearts (Red Queen) | Halloween Hairstyles

(c) Cute Girls Hairstyles Today we will be showing you how to get the perfect “Queen of Hearts” updo hairstyle, to go with your costume for Halloween! To watch the rest of our …
Rylan looks GORGEOUS! Love her hair, makeup, and costume 🙂
Do you guys think this hair could work for cinderellas stepmother? I’m in a show and idk what to do with my hair
She looks so freaking adorable. I absolutely love this. 😍😍😍😍😍
I must say, Rylan is a good little actress! And she is SO cute!
Who else watches their videos but never ever do them on their own hair
Wow Rylan is looking so grown up. Your babies are growing up Mindy.
I saw on Instagram that Bailey photobombed TSwift & Ellie Goulding last night, LOL!! 😂
She looks so good as the queen of hearts
I always love when you start doing the Halloween hair tutorials, they are always the best/so cute
I love you and your family so much Mindy! It would make my week if you replied! ❤️
Wow, Rylan is gorgeous! love this tutorial Mindy! ❤
Rylan is so pretty! love her so much 💕
How should I do my hair for a Minnie Mouse costume? BTW you guys are amazing and ily. ❤
Early, finally! Love Rylan’s costume & hair perfection. Thanks for another great video Mindy.
This is amazing I love how you’ve done her hair
I wish I could’ve gone to that concert so bad!! How was Shawn mendes? 😉😂 I love you guys!
Can I just say, Mindy can your hair looks AMAZING! Can you please do a tutorial on how to do it?
Omg Rylan looks gorgeous!! I laughed so hard at Bailey at the Taylor swift concert because I live in Dallas and a bunch of my friends went 😂😂 love you all soooo much plz respond
Hey Mindy! I love all the amazing hairstyles you do, I try to do them in my AG doll! it would make my year if you replied💜
Can you do a 80’s hairs style before next Thursday
Bailey Gets into Poison Ivy | Behind the Braids Ep.14

(c) Cute Girls Hairstyles This week you’ll come along with us to Sadie Robertson’s “Live Original” concert, hear about Kamri’s bus crash accident, and watch Daxton and Paisley dance …
omg I literally was about to cry Bailey got poison ivy for shooting a video for us. pure respect <3 hope Bailey is feeling better. love u all <33
Brooklyn and Bailey are soooo pretty! Who agrees?
U can really see her struggling…..Look at our little Bailey putting on a smile for us….Love from India 💕 💕
yesterday I got burned with boiling water that someone threw on me on purpose and my mom tried calling the cops but his mom wasn’t their.I have all blisters on it.It hurts really bad .please wish me luck. I cried for like one hour.
Poor Bailey get better 😱🤒🤕
Yay!! I love this series so much ❤️ Happy Thanksgiving weekend to all the Canadian CGH fans 🇨🇦🎃
lol Kamry”Yeah I found a scorpian in my laundry no big deal”Me: OH MY GOSH WAAAAT
Paisley Cam, the cutest thing i’ve seen all day💗💗💗
“There was a sharp turn and we didn’t turn…” sounds like famous last words lol
I cringed when looking at Bailey’s poison ivy,ouch!
I love how paisleys just staying in the same pose in the beginning
Paisley: BAILEY GOT POSION IVY!! Ouch! OuchKamri: Ouch! *looks around, oh we’re not doing that anymore*
nobody: me: watching this video 4 years after it happened lmao
Brooklyn and bailey you guys take so many risk for your fans and I imagine how much work it is being a youtuber
The turtle is my favorite part of the vlog
Bailey i feel soooo bad for you . I hope you feel better soon and i can not belive you whould do that just to shoot a vido for us Thank You So Much
I feel guilty,Bailey got poisen ivy just to make a video for us
“we had so much good” I LOVE paisley she’s so cute!
I had poison ivy and my face was so swollen that I could barley open my eyes.