Paisley Goes to First Daddy Daughter Dance | Behind the Braids Ep.24

(c) Cute Girls Hairstyles This vlog should officially be known as Paisley week! Follow along with us as we celebrate Paisley’s 6th birthday, Paisley gets her hair braided and then has …
Aww the daddy-daughter dance was adorable! I’m sure Paisley will remember that day forever 🙂 Love your vlogs and hope you’re having a great time on the red carpet! 😀
I Love this family I’m glad they embrace her hair as an african american girl you can tell they really love her
Now things like this is what makes america great😉
You can tell this baby is loved by the way she responds her parents. Love is colorblind for sure😍😘
it’s good to know she has a professional black women keep up with her natural hair good job mom
Awww he was on one knee at the door!!! Opened the car door for her, teaching her she deserves to be treated like a lady! That’s super sweet!!! This is how every father should be with their daughter. She’ll remember this forever! Bravo Dad!
Love this especially how she is taught how a girl is suppose to be treated😍
We see a true example of Christ pure LOVE. May God continue to Bless and Protect your family.Much Love from Ga.
I love how they keep her Black heritage
Yesssssss showing her how a man is supposed to treat a woman!!!! Love this!
It shows in Paisley’s behavior that these parents are treating her well ! And that’s what’s important !
Yeeesss! A girl’s first date should be her daddy. He should be the one to teach her how to be respected at all times. Loved this!
I couldn’t turn this video off for nothing I laughed and cried and awwed the entire time. May God Bless You guys..Sending love from Chicago
DAD: “I promise I’ll have her home by midnight”MOM: ” or 9 p.m.
I appreciate y’all keeping up with Paisley’s hair. I also love that you’re loving her.
She dead bowed when he opened the car door she’s so cute!!!
Aww shes beautiful ..colour doesnt matter,best family
This little girl is BLESSED. Amazing family!
Paisley doesn’t need that crown she’s already a princess
She’s adorable! I am adopted and this just melts my heart! I am also lucky like Paisley, to have amazing parents and family!
Waterfall Twists into Mermaid Braid | Cute Girls Hairstyles

(c) Cute Girls Hairstyles Feel free to follow CGH on Instagram to see behind-the-scenes photos of our family: Tag your own photos of this …
I love the hairstyle and the ending is so cute
that is a very pretty braid,I have been doing the hairstyles on people that you show on here.And I must say it’s incredible what all I have learned from you,me personally I watch no one else with hair but you,THANK YOU SO MUCH!� 🙂
Aww the end with CGH3 and sweet pea is so cute! And I love this hairstyle!
so gorgeous, so jealous, what beautiful hairstyles for a little girl or adult, very pretty�
LOVE this, would love to see someone completing this on their own head.
love this braid!
I just want to say thank you! I did this to one of my teacher’s hair, anand everybody kept on saying it was so pretty on her hair! And my teacher was smiling so much from the compliments, that it made me happy to see her smile.Thank you once again! 🙂
I love this hairstyle thank you for showing this I appreciate it
Ohh my gosh!!! Sweet pea has asthma???!!!! Tell to her that she is AWSOME!!!!!💗
this braid reminds me of the Hanukah candles! its really cool.
this is so pretty :)�
My hairs gone curly! I wanted it straight! <3 The Waterfall <3
Love all your braids especially this one! I gotta try this on my daughter since she too has really long hair 🙂
i did this on my hair for valentines dayits gorgeous
I used to have that same breathing mask!This is really cute! I can’t wait until my hair grow out enough to try it!!!
This is probably my favorite braid! It’s so pretty!
can u do a lace bun tutorial if u haven’t already? thanks! btw I love your channel!
Thanks so much for this amazing hairstyle! I’ve done it on a few friends, and they and I have received fabulous comments! You’re totally amazing!
MA-RA-VI-LHO-SO!Adorei! …mas muito dif�cil de fazer…Kisses *
Rope-Twisted Pinwheel Bun | Prom Hairstyles

(c) Cute Girls Hairstyles You all know that we poke fun of Brooklyn as most likely to become a librarian, not only because she loves reading so much, but because her go-to hairstyle is …
This is definitely a beautiful hairstyle!�you are so original and talented :)Can’t wait to try it,�� it looks easy but very hard� Un Saludo Mindy!!
My hair is sooooooo thick that the one time I tried using a donut it looked like I had a GIANT squirrel on my head, but the bun didn’t look bad, it just looked super oversized
Imagine the waves in your hair the next day…
It looks so complicated in the beginning but when you actually see how to do it it looks really easy
Oh my god your daughters eyes are beautiful!!!!
Aaah this is so amazing!!! Love it!
Who else want Mindy as mom?? (I do)😂😂😍❤️
wow i really love this so much I did it to my hair when I went to home coming😍😍😍😍😍
i did this to my daughter yesterday at her 1st day of school.. teacher at school was asking me how did you do that! 😁
Love it so much with the added texture from the rope braids.� Super cute!
Brooklyn looks so cute
As my mom would usually say.. “that’s too much” 😂
last part was hilarious
I love this hairstyle when I wore it I got so many compliments.
This is my new favorite hair style now
I can’t even put my hair up in a nice ponytail
love it much I hope I can do this thank you for being my inspiration your the only one I wathching😍😘👏👏👏💜💜📱📱📱📱
This bun is awesome! I love your channel! Both of your eyes are lovely by the way!
This is SO cool!! I’ll definitely have to try this out sometime!!!
Finding Our Summer Fun | Cute Girls Hairstyles

(c) Cute Girls Hairstyles We joined in on Crocs’ “Find Your Fun” campaign, partnering with them to bring you this cute CGH summer fun video. {If you like any of the shoes we wore in this …
How to create a Crown Twist Braid | Updo Hairstyles

(c) Cute Girls Hairstyles Tag your own photos of this hairstyle with: #CGHCrownTwist Our Crown Braid tutorial from exactly two years ago has over 2.5 million views, so we know that you …
She is so beautiful. Reminds me of my daughter who passed away. Her smile brings joy to me
اللي عربي لايك 😂
Aah, the old days when she referred to her kids as CGH#3 and CGH#4
I bet the girls love it when their mom does their hair because I don’t know about u but I think it feels so good when people do my hair.
Dear Madame,Thank you for showing how to braid hair. I(Older Brother) have been helping my mother with my younger siblings as she is a single parent. Well, as an older brother, I took it upon myself to try and learn how to braid my sister’s hair. Well, in my search of doing so, I came across your youtube show and showing how to make different braids. Well, now my sister loves me for all that you have shown the world and I want to take you. You have a fan here.Sincerely,Older Brother
Can you please do more “Do it on yourself” tutorials? This is impossible to do without a friend.
الفيديو يجنن ماشاء الله تبارك الله محترفة 💇💆❤💋
That kid is such a good sport, pffft, when my mom did my hair when I was little, I’d cry and tug at my hair and complain ahahaha. Pretty style.
these lucky girls have such a cool mom. I had ponytails. that’s it.�
I tried it and gave up the first 20 seconds, it’s so hard
She is seriously the cutest little girl! Great video, can’t wait to try this hairstyle 😀
you can tell that little girl was in pain
It’s so hard to do it on myself 😭 I’m in love with this hairstyle ! 💔
She looks like she’s in pain 😂
you literally can’t do it for yourself. I tried 7 times, then I gave up. and I’m an expert with braids, etc. …
Very pretty and precious!You have a lot talent 👏
مين جا من طرف وعد التركي😂😂❤
i have no words for it ssoooo beautiful.
Can you do (a version of) this with short hair?