Newest Addition to CGH Family??? | Cute Girls Hairstyles

(c) Cute Girls Hairstyles Our children have been begging us for a puppy for over a year! Now, we both know well how much work they are to maintain, and despite our kids’ promises to …
“The kids have been asking for almost a year” I’ve been asking for almost 12 years, still nothing.
Rylan’s reaction was priceless
who else didn’t notice the puppy on her lap at first?
At 4:53 it sounds like Paisley is saying “Brady”
Rylan: is it r puppy?A few seconds later…Can we keep him?😂😂😂
Rylan looked at Mindy like “I was sleeping, did you have to wake me up in the middle of night?”
Why would anyone dislike this video!!!
Kamri: aww…Brooklyn: OH MY GOSH! O MY GOSSSSHHH!!!!
These kids are going to bed at 9:30 and im just getting into bed at 2:00 am lol 😂
Ryland’s the reaction was the funniest
I’m watching this on 2020!!😂
I’ve been asking for a puppy for 8 years now and my parents say yes but they’re not giving me one…
I love Rylan’s reaction!!
2:46When you’re too tired to care about a puppy 😂
Honestly the twins’ reaction was the best 😂
rylan was so funny
I’ve been asking for a cat for 5 years straight ;-;
I love Rylans reactions, “Is it ours?”
Love Rylan😂❤️😍
How to Create Cocoon Curls | Easy No-Heat Curls by Cute Girls Hairstyles

(c) Cute Girls Hairstyles Be sure to check out Intermountain Moms on Facebook: Nurse Dani at …
Thank you! Today was picture day for my almost 3 year old and I wanted to give her some curls but I’m a single Dad and while I can knock out a decent braid, I’m still in the early learning stages of anything more complex. I tried this method last night and get awesome curls this morning, wish I could post a picture. Her hair is so thin that I had a hard time getting the knots to stay so I just secured them with small hair bands. Thanks again, can’t wait to check out more of your tutorials!
I wish I have a mum who take care of my hair and do really beautiful curls for me…💎
Anyone else interested in what “hair like BOOOOM!” looks like
Guys, if you take smaller sections (about 2 inches) and apply the same technique, then you end up with curls that look like you’ve used a curling iron on them!Hope this helps!
Lol I tried it and I didn’t see the full tutorial so I pulled it right through and knotted my hair so I had to cut it out. Ha
I have done this so many times, works beautifully every time�
I can’t believe that Brooklyn and Bailey are already in their last year of college and Kamri is going to college.
I did this a few years ago and went to school. Everyone kept asking if that was my natural hair. My hair is actually really flat and straight so I was really happy! But this doesn’t work on my hair anymore. T.T
Do more no heat curl hairstyles! I rly love them try to see if u can do bouncy curls
dangit i thought i came up with this… i guess its already a thing…
Well I don’t care what anyone says this works on any type of hair I tried it and I’m African American and its an awesome protective style and it last long
Basically knotted my whole head
it took me like five times to figure out how to make the cocoon lol
I don’t think it’s ever said enough of hair models in videos and live�hair shows, but THANKS! Your eyes are lovely, your hair is great and your smile is contagious! I was a hair model off an on since a little kid, so I know that instruction through demonstration is essential to learning anything, and having another had to work on instead of your own helps add both to the interest, and to the viewer’s learning experience 🙂
I did this and only one of them fell off but I wore my hair in a ponytail to school that day and everyone was like “did you curl your hair?” And I’m just like “no i cocooned it” 😂😂 they were so confused
How do you do cocoon curls on shoulder length hair
Me and my mom tried to do it we couldn’t get the ends of the hair and in so we found an even better way my heart that can’t come out even better
I already know BeautyKLove, her tutorials are amazing 🙂
you are so pretty and your daughter is so dang cute I love it!
My hair is naturally curly so idk why I’m watching this lmao…
Cute Girls Hairstyles | Family Intro

(c) Cute Girls Hairstyles To see some cute and fun hairstyle ideas, please visit… …and follow us at our other social hangouts!
You didn’t search for this video, it was recommended it for you 10 years later 😂
It’s so weird without Paisley there
We won’t give names for safety 10 years later three of them are YouTube famous
It�s funny how awkward Mindy was back then XD. She�s so natural on camera now!
10 years laterall of them are famous youtubersbrooklyn and bailey are graduating collegekamri is in collegebailey is engaged.
The fact that Bailey is engaged now🥺🥺
10 years later ….Brooklyn and bailey are YouTube famous.Kamri is also a famous YouTuber.Paisley is in the family .Bailey is engaged.Mindy is much more natural on camera .Brooklyn and Bailey are in their last year of college . Oh how fast time can run .
I am watching it in 2019 OMG they are all soo smalll🤣
“We’re not gonna give names for safety” oh hi Brooklyn, Bailey, Kamri, Rylan and Daxton 🙂
I’m getting this 11 years later, I’m thinking of bailey’s engagement
Watching this 9 years later. Mindy: we can’t say their namesMindy now: Bailey come here!!
When she said “we’re not gonna say their names for safety purposes” LMAO look at them now
Who’s here 2020? 🥳”We’re not gonna give names for safety” well hello Kamri, Brooklyn, Bailey, Rylan, and Daxton😂😆
I like how when Mindy asked “Who is the oldest” and then Daxton said “Me” and raised his hand. 😂😂😂
“We’re not gonna give names for safety.” Oh hi Brooklyn, Bailey, Kamri, Rylan, daxton and future paisley
Oops 9 years late 😬Who’s here in 2020??
Here after Bailey’s engagement 😭 💫 ~4/3/21~ 💫
OML! Bailey is engaged now🤧
I’m watching this for the first time, 2019 and they look so little!!! Comparing it to now, Bailey and Brooklyn are in college! Kamri is in High school! Rylan is is junior high! Daxton is in elementary school! And Paisley is actually here in elementary school too!!! 😍their family has grown so so much and they are an awesome family!!
Christmas Morning and Kamri’s 14th Birthday Party! | Behind the Braids Ep.21

(c) Cute Girls Hairstyles Want to know what we got for Christmas??? Yes, its been a full week of Christmas traditions, including Christmas morning, Kamri’s birthday, Brooklyn and …
First McKnight Christmas vlog ever yay!! Happy late birthday Kamri, Brooklyn, and Bailey! 🎉❤️
Paisley to everyone :I love you so much! Paisley to the mom : I hope you are having a good day 😂😂😂😂😂
I’m jealous. When they sing happy birthday it actually sounds good. When my family sings it… waaaay different story😂
When Kamri’s friends woke her up singing Rylan was like what the heck is going on😂
I love when y’all sing happy birthday Mindy is just holding a knife.
Rylan was grateful. Basically, the entire morning she saw everyone but her get gifts, and it was definitely heart breaking. I mean, don’t deny it, if you didn’t get gifts you would be sad too. When she first saw the phone, she thought it belonged to someone else, so that explains her immediate reaction. A lot of people don’t scream or cry when they get gifts, they just express their gratitude in a calm way and that’s what she did. For God’s sake, people.
So did Parker dump Brooklyn for Paisley??…Jk LOL As you see them on a date and Brooklyn walks in…😳
Never grow up Paisley❤️
Paisley-He’s also my boyfriend…💁
“He’s my boyfriend too!” AWWW
Mindy is the funniest mom ever I love her
4:41 paisley called “her dad” shawn and hit him on the leg
Their Christmas Tree was very pretty! 🎄🎄🎄
Is anybody now thinking 💭 how close Christmas 🎄 is
“Paisley!!” “What? I like Hershey kisses” 🤣😂 she’s so cute
Is anybody watching this after PARKLYN broke up
Awww Paisley is the cutest thing! The drawings were tooooo cute 😍😍
Paisley: bye guys I love youWho’s seriously cutting onions!
Now Parker and Brooklyn are broken up.