Power Vision(おすすめch紹介)

Power Vision(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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Experiment: Car Vs Balloons

Experiment: Car Vs Balloons  (c) Power Vision

(c) Power Vision What will happen if you fill the balloons with Coca-Cola, Fanta and Sprite and run into them with a car? Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: …

Experiment: Car Vs 50 Toothpaste https://youtu.be/DnfwFIApkks


و شنو الفيدة

Sei un genio Power Vision

Gostei bem relaxante

So satisfying


Que legal😘


حرام تدهسون على نعمة الله 😟😟من هنا عربي يحط لايك 👍

Superb work



0:44 🤐🤐🤐

حرام ايه الفساد دا

It is a great video.

برابو استمر لقلك



حرام عليك والله تلعب بنعمت الله حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل 😔😔

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22 Simple Life Hacks with Watermelon!

22 Simple Life Hacks with Watermelon!  (c) Power Vision

(c) Power Vision Help Me +2.700.000 Subscribers: https://goo.gl/ySKQxG.

Hi Guys. Do you Like Watermelon?

1 4 3

Good good good that was great

waduh lezatnya semangka itu

Very very nice 💖💖

نعمت الله

Great cut

Now, I’m really craving for it. 😋




Amazing Video

Kamu jualan semangkaya


ajarin gua dong



CV yk BNF vif

The second and third is just the function of the tool


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40 AWESOME BALLOON TRICKS!  (c) Power Vision

(c) Power Vision Help Me +800.000 Subscribers: https://goo.gl/ySKQxG.


This is amazing.I love it.

These are very nice tricks I’m going to use one of these tricks on my friend

20:50 thought it was over, then no pencil eraser, i was like “OOOOOH YOU GOT ME ON THAT ONE… no you didnt”


هل اجد عربي هنا

Awesome tricks!!!

Pretty cool !!


You are awesome 👏👏👏👏👏


Totally awesome!

That ice cream trick was amazing


I would keep away from the tricks that involve food or liquid.. unless you want to ingest tiny rubber particles and factory grime

انا يا ناس طعام لا ا حب البللين

Es incre�ble

Keep it up

Que locura😂😂🙌🙋

A jaw dropping video for sure

Experiment: Glowing 1000 Degree Metal Ball Vs Popcorn

Experiment: Glowing 1000 Degree Metal Ball Vs Popcorn  (c) Power Vision

(c) Power Vision Help Me +3.100.000 Subscribers: https://goo.gl/ySKQxG.

Oh boy the popcorn one was actually a bit disappointing

Who thought that it was actually going to turn into popcorn ?

It was very heartbreaking to see you expirement on the chocolate.

I’m the kind of person who would mistake it for a very large grape.

It is very dangerous to do these experiments without wearing proper gloves

I would still eat around the burnet chocolate🍫🌋

I seriously thought popcorn was gonna start exploding from the bowl 😂

8:37Here is when the magic happens with popcorn kernels!!Thank me later guys!

I get nervous seeing that you’re not wearing protective gloves.

It would be interesting to see how that 1000 degree metal ball reacts to liquid nitrogen

Okay so noodles can save us from heat metal balls, gain 1+ respect

Things im not allowed to do at our house, i just watch someone do it for me hahahaha, im so dead if i play this kind of experiment

2:04 now thats what i call hot chocalateI hate myself 😂

Can’t believe this guy / girl doesn’t wear any gloves when touching stuff so close to that scalding ball…

What I’ve learned from this. Roman noodles are the best heat shields

Instead of wasting the choclates🤤 and icecream if you would have given me i will appreciate you🤣🤣🤣🤣🤗

Во 1-х, кто русский лайк;Во 2-х, мне жалко продукты🥺😭😭😭😭

4:15 I am now afraid of putting milk in the microwave now (joke) I never expected milk to catch fire like that, that was a real surprise.

RIP chocolate 😥😥

This is how fast money burns a hole in my pocket

Power Vision に関する情報を厳選してまとめ!

