
(c) フブキCh。白上フブキ お久しぶりにvisageをプレイしていきます 操作:白上 ガヤ:不知火/角巻 ハッシュタグ #バカタレ共 ◇不知火フレア Twitter:https://twitter.com/shiranuiflare …
1:42:26 覗きおばあちゃんにフブちゃんガチビビり&光速反転
1:42:27 問題のシーン
Fubuki: Playing the gameFlare: Assistance and moral supportWatame: C H I P S
The collabs of this group are so funny and cute
1:42:28 フブキちゃんガチビビりシーン 長時間お疲れ様でした~!角待ちしてたおばあちゃんにはめっちゃビビった! それにしてもフブキちゃんの記憶力とマップ把握力すごい! そしてこのゲームボリュームかなりあるなぁ、次回も楽しみ!
Can we get an applause for the translator that kept up so much they were basically translating in real time?
Hope they finish this. It’s such a great stream really!Also the scariest thing here that made me jump the most was Watame stress eating seaweed! Those crunches made me jump more times than I could count.
2:23:59 約1年前のフブキさんと全く同じことしてるw
30:35 Three of them change to wear the Sunglasses so Unexpected LOL! Somehow the Horror game not so scary after seen them XD
This stream is so much fun. Glad to see it live.
Bakatare collab streams are always a blast. Thanks for setting everything up Fubuki! Looking forward to the momotetsu stream as well!
bakatare thumbnails so beautiful!! thank you my friend, i will always love you!!~~
1:58:33 ここ好き
【#ホロライブFAMS】戦場のメリークリスマス~YAGOO救出大作戦RETURN~【Left 4 Dead 2】

(c) フブキCh。白上フブキ 聖夜に連れ去られたYAGOOを救出するために立ち上がった FAMSメンバー!!! 今宵戦場を駆け抜ける!!!!!!!!! ハッシュタグ #ホロライブFAMS ◇大空 …
This was a fun stream with FAMS, despite the technical issues! We’ll get YAGOO next time.19:35 Mio meets her archnemesis, gravity, once again
0:32 開始だ余
Alt title: Nick hard carrying 3 idols
Mission failed perfectly.Thanks for Nick saving the day.We’ll save you next year in 2021 YAGOO,probably.
28:59 共鳴するの草
AMS during the stream: Friendship ended with F(ubuki), now N(icku) is our best friend
I am so glad to have been part of this stream. It was an honor to play alongside you all and save YAGOO.
Yay, I caught a FAMS stream! I love the lively dynamic of this group, so many fun personalities to bounce off each other. It is a shame FBK could not get the game to work, but you all will save YAGOO next time for sure with a full FAMS party. Would love to see more FAMS collabs in the future. Hope you all enjoyed your Christmas day!
Thank You For The Streaming FAMS❤
1:15:37Nick was about to save the day, but then he took a Kanatank to the face. F.
1:59 1:591:59 1:591:59 1:59取り急ぎここだけどうぞ
Mission fail we get em next time! True mvp was nick carrying AMS member in absence of FriendYour sacrifice will not be forgotten nick
1:06:54 ニックに対して辛辣なミオしゃ
Thank you for stream friend! Merikuri~I genuinely confuse who should i watch. Karaoke stream, among us collab stream, then FAMS collab. Tonight was amazing.
Merry Christmas And Happy New Year~🎄
【#ホロライブFAMS】年末YAGOO大救出~明けない夜はない~【Left 4 Dead 2】

(c) フブキCh。白上フブキ 聖夜に連れ去られたYAGOOを救出するために立ち上がった FAMSメンバー だがしかし…敗北 新たに立ち上がった4人は今年中に救えるのか!? 再び戦場を駆け抜ける!
So they saved yagoo just to self destruct? And they played for two days lmao
As all things related with Yagoo, Mission Failed Successfully.
FAMS always make for the funniest collab, but I just want us to appreciate how Subaru makes this a hundred times better. The sheer volume and enthusiasm she brings always make me smile. She gets so into it and we’re blessed with so many duckish war cries like “Mio-shaaaaaaa!” “Ayame-dono, I’ll save you!” “Huh, I’m sorry to disturb, I’m getting clobbered to death here, anyone?”. She’s such an awesome playmate.
1:06:33 スバルが自分の事 あたしって言うの凄くキュンってした😊
God I love these four and the chaos they bring.
FAMS L4D2 streams are always a blast, what a fantastic way to round out the year
Subaru really panics a lot and that makes for so many hilarious moments.
The ending was such a blast.
1:05:23 ミオしゃの首絞めによる声に出来ない助けを求める声が迫真過ぎる
Thanks For The Fun Streaming Fubuki Ayame Mio And Subaru Thank You For Saving Yagoo FAMS🦊😈🐺🦆❤
Subaru’s always so cute with her enthusiasm. – w-
16:18 Fubuki gives up her own first aid and tell her teammates that there is a spare one on the ground. Sweet
15:35 24:30 料理人による入店してきたお客様への正しいご挨拶。
I just love Mio’s Jacket! I need it!
Fubuki is the leader but Subaru is the driving force of the team.
[1.Chorus:アカペラ]君の虜になってしまえばきっと…/summertime cinnamons × evening cinema
![(c) フブキCh。白上フブキ [1.Chorus:アカペラ]君の虜になってしまえばきっと…/summertime cinnamons × evening cinema [1.Chorus:アカペラ]君の虜になってしまえばきっと…/summertime cinnamons × evening cinema (c) フブキCh。白上フブキ](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UCdn5BQ06XqgXoAxIhbqw5Rg/gAzvqsE81xA.jpg)
(c) フブキCh。白上フブキ 君の虜になってしまえばきっと♪この夏は充実するのもっと♪ 「cinnamons × evening cinema – summertime」です(^・ω・^§)ノ …
Depression: aight imma head out
Fubuki: BreathesMe: Maybe this rope shouldn’t go to my neck after all.
This isn’t your average, everyday cute. This is….*ADVANCED CUTE*
Fubuki: *singsThe youtube community: *HUMANITY RESTORED*
カバーいただきありがとうございます!今度良ければコラボしましょう😊 Thanks for covering our song!
Me: Readies a rope for neckFubuki: “Sings”Me: Adds tire insteadMe: wiiieeeee “DIY SWING”
This Kitty looks adorable…Must Protecc her Smile…
This video: *Exists*Sadness: “Understandable, have a nice day”
When she suddenly sings at the beach, you know she’s trying to attract a particular shark attentions…
Maybe Humans were not a mistake after all.
I just realized how alone and depressed I am…
Me: *Accidently play this video *Also me : * looping this song for the rest of the day
Me: the perfect voice doesn’t exi-Fubuki: *singing*
When everytime Fubuki sings there’s always a self-made instrument
My depression after watching this:A D I O S
……She knows that we literally went make this song as a background song for dancing hololive girls isn’t she?
Fubuki: uploads a vocal videoHamburgaga: “Ah, another fine addition to my collection.”
This is what you call “blessed content”
It’s so relaxing to just listen to raw singing. No instruments, autotuning, just this.