
(c) フブキCh。白上フブキ ホロライブ所属の白上フブキです(^・ω・^§)ノ クリア:1:16:38 UNDERTALE/アンダーテイル 過去に実況動画等で全ルート内容把握済です。 今回は初めて自分でプレイしよう …
“I could do this all day.” – Sans, 2021″Yeah, I know, I know.” – Fubuki Shirakami, 2021But seriously, it’s nice that she didn’t have to exhaust herself to beat Sans as much as she did yesterday in today’s stream.Fun stream as usual, Miss Fubuki.
1:16:38″Play that final boss music…But not for me”- Shirakami Fubuki probably
Итоги боя санса: 116 смертей, прошел 1 день, 2 день в 1:16:35 Победная попытка)The results of the sans fight: 116 deaths, 1 day passed, 2 days at 1:16:35 Winning attempt)
When you didnt catch up the moment she beats Sans :41:02
Who will win? FRIEND with thousands of supporters or SANS with no friends because they are all dead. The answer should be obvious. This is a great victory Friend.
1:24:00 With 116 Death and 117 Turns, Our friend Fubuki hads finally defeated Sans.She’s filled with DETERMINATION until the end.
1:24:00 moment of happinessCongratulation Fubuki for clearing G route!
That moment when fox cat baited you to do Soulless Pacifist but stop near the end just to bamboozle us by erasing the world.
Last attempt was almost a no hit try in the begining HOLY DUCK.GG FBK
1:24:10 ここのやっっっったぁぁぁぁが狂おしいほど好き
im so happy for this foxcat when she finally defeated Sans. was with her since last night and it’s so satisfying seeing her with that kind of happiness
Fubuki *miss*Sans *miss*Fubuki *miss*Sans *miss*Fubuki *miss*Probably FBK:”Alright listen here u little s*”
1:32:33 Perfect alarm sound for those who want it, rare that you get one with no BGM or extra sounds in the background
Sans: why wont you just die?Fubuki: im not doing this for me. im doing this for my friends. Ive got the power of 1.2 million friends behind me.
Fun fact, the facial expressions and the things she said while fighting sans is priceless
タイムスタンプ Time Stamps03:52 スタート / Start1:16:35 最後の一戦 / Winning attempt1:24:00 サンズ戦勝利確定 / Victory1:31:40 ゲーム画面の中に / Fubuki places her avatar inside the game1:33:28 最後の一撃 / Final attack1:37:50 しらかみ (キャラ) / Shirakami (Chara)1:52:00 リセット / True reset1:56:00 Gルートクリア後のPルートスタート / Post genocide pacifist run start
And that’s why Fubuki is one of the famous hololive gamer, she’s born and molded to it. 😀
Gamer Cat Fox finally beats one of the most iconic enemies out there. Omedetou on the win Fubuki~!
She was so happy to defeat sans. Well done Friend.
Titanic. My Heart Will Go On /Recorder.short

(c) フブキCh。白上フブキ タイタニックの主題歌を即興でふきました。 Twitterにアップした動画です!! ============================ 白上フブキ一周年記念T …
she gonna start the shitposting culture among vtubers, what a legend
It’s all started when i clicked “i’m scatman”
Why does this remind me of the Flute Fail video
She is breathing pretty hard into that flute.
Fubuki: *uploads another really short video*English-speaker: “I am speed.”
*I’m holding back tears right now, this video is powerful* 😢
This melted two thingsThe iceberg and my heart
Is this because you’re a ship waifu now? Okay pretty cool
See yall in 5 years when this got into everyone recommendation
1979:In the futre, cars will fly.2019:ANIME GIRL PLAYS MY HEART WILL GO ON BY RECORDER.
My Heart Will Go On.(×)My Heart Is Shaking.(✔)
Someone definitely going to make a meme out of this
you know Why the flute sound Like that?? because she Playing it while smiling 😆
Me when i spent all of my cube and get nothing
息継ぎの ”ビクンッ” がかわいい
even if she fails she’s still cute
*Where real men cry:* My heart will go on:Flute version
Lupin the FUBUKI

(c) フブキCh。白上フブキ WOW!!!!!!!! □Twitter:https://twitter.com/shirakamifubuki Twitterでつぶやく際には #フブキch のタグを使ってくれると感想とか見に行きやすいです!
Can vouch that she’s Lupin ; she definitely stole my heart.
Someone who doesn’t watch Hololive: “What is she doing?”Me: *”Her best.”*
“No you can’t just be famous for making random sounds!!””Haha catfox go lu lu lullulu lu dada dada da da pah!”
You see that son? Yes, that’s why you choose her.
When Fubuki’s at the wheel and she sings this, better start praying.
Fubuki: *sings lupin the third ost*Me: *flashbacks to fubuki crushing a car and killing okayu and mio in the process*
自分用歌詞 ⤵︎ どぅるどぅるどぅるどぅる とぅんとぅるんt とぅるんtとぅるんt とぅるんtとぅるんt どぅるっどぅるーとぅるっとぅっとぅとぅー ボン!とぅっとぅるっとぅーwaとぅぁるるーとぅっとぅるっとぅー⤴︎︎︎とぅっとぅるっとぅ⤵︎ とぅるるるー とぅるるるーるー るるるーるーるどぅっどぅどぅー たぁーたったらったーたらららーらららるぅーるるるぅるっるるっるるジャーンちゃっちゃらるるジャーン!ちゃらららー⤴︎︎︎たらららららぁー⤴︎︎︎たらったらぁ⤴︎︎︎とぅっとぅるとぅーとぅぁたぁたぁたったらたぁららぁたったらったぁたららーたらららぁらーたららーたーたtじゃーじゃーじゃーじゃっちゃら(口笛)フューフュフュフュフューフュフュフュフュー⤴︎︎︎ヒューヒューひyちゃあらっちゃちゃーチャラッチャッチャッチャラッ( ᐛ👐) パァ
Nobody:My one and last braincell during exam:
Show this to your friends to make them instantly addicted to hololive.
Someone: What is this? Is it a cat, or a human? What is this anyway? I was looking for Lupin! Me: yes.
So you watch Lupin? Who’s your favorite character then?Me: *SHIRAKAMI FUBUKI*
Nekomata Okayu: *Is having PTSD Flashbacks of PUBG and Fubuki’s Driving*
“What’s your favorite instrument?”Me: FubukiEveryone: 0_0
This is what people see before getting isekai’d into another world
“Thieves and vtubers have one thing in common, they both steal peoples hearts” -Lupin III
How can you not love her?This lovable person that you’re seeing in the role of Fubuki is one and the same.
Fubuki: *is postingHambugaga: ight imma head out
0:08 ボァー!好き
0:51 The8bitdrummer would be dead in this part
I love how she tried to end with whistling but quickly gave up and went back to singing.
Trick or Treat!

(c) フブキCh。白上フブキ HAPPY HALLOWEEN =========================== 白上フブキお誕生日2020記念グッズ販売!
this healed me
Thank you for the nice treat!
Fubuki: *Does literally anything*Depression: Adi�s
Fubuki: *Exists*Everyone: *Likes That*
The treat: “You’re a friend.”The trick: “YOU’RE A FRIEND!”
Fubuki: existsDepression: Understandable have a great day.
Fubuki: “Turico a Tuito”Me: “Yes Ma’am”
Fubuki: trick or treat!Me: I don’t have candy. Here’s my love instead.
me: “hey siri, show me some top-tier youtube entertainment.”siri: “okay, now playing ‘Trick or Treat !’ posted by alien fox”
Fubuki: does anythingMe: HOW CAN THIS FOX BE SO CUTEEE
We don’t celebrate halloween here but I’d give all my treats, money, house papers, vehicles, all worldly possessions and my soul to this truly terrifying existence were it to try to trick me, oh lord how overwhelming.
Fubuki: booMe: *Screams in terror
FBK can literally end a war with her cuteness
“Hello, I’m Junji Ito, and I’m a horror manga writer.”FBK:”That was very scary.”
ahh im so scared
*me surprises when she comes**10 seconds later*Also me: *dies because she’s too cute when speaking*
【Phasmophobia】真のエリート!?4人で挑む幽霊調査!!!【#ホロ幽霊調査隊 】

(c) フブキCh。白上フブキ ホロライブ所属の白上フブキです。 Phasmophobiaを4人でやっていきます ◇大空スバル Twitter:https://twitter.com/oozorasubaru …
polka evolved into: POLKAgeistbut fubuki’s level is above 100 now..wew
She’s totally addicted to this game… Lol.. XD
*75% of the video was laughing hysterically* and Fubuki is that one quiet kid in the class.
I feel like fubuki is the most experienced among them, she played 2 or 3 nights stream of this gameEdit: not to mention she played alone
Fubuki stays calm, collected and focused the entire time, every time; while everyone else just goes crazy with jokes.It’s actually adorable to see Fubuki like thisFBK まじてんし
This stream was really fun to listen to, lots of energy.
1:15:35 ししろんが見た五人目の調査員はフブキちゃんぽいな
Botan and Polka poking fun at Subaru is one of my favorite things now lol
このメンツの前にはホラーも形無しだわwこんな笑えるホラー希少すぎるw そして陰でしっかり調査を進めて素早く突き止めるフブキちゃんさすがプロ! とってもにぎやかで最初から最後まで楽しかった!
Pro ghost hunter with her students… 👻
I really love this group lol