
(c) フブキCh。白上フブキ ホロライブ所属の白上フブキです 月末定期台詞放送6月です 皆さん今月もお疲れさまでした✨✨(^・ω・^§)ノ …
she could be talking about the top 10 ways of burrying a child but i would still think she is the most decent being on youtube..
16:37 “BEAT UP A PINEAPPLE 🍍”I have 0 Defense at SCATMAN ASMR
If fubuki mastered English she would have a voice of an angel… tho it’s to be expected she’s an angel in Japanese too… untill black fox comes out
雑にチャプターまとめました (随時更新します)3:20 開始じゃい 寝起きの雨模様シチュエーション・10:55 アーモンド 咀嚼音あり 13:05 こんばんきーつね囁き開始・14:23 おみみチェック・15:11 今月もお疲れ様です!・18:54 6月生まれの皆様、おめでとうございます!・21:34 ぱぴぷぺぽ・23:10 みみかき開始・24:50 うっかりきーつね・25:24 右側 26:43 フー!・27:05 左側 29:40 フー!・32:19 お姉さんボイスでみみかき・36:15 ロリフブキちゃん・37:51 クソガキシチュ・38:48 ツンデレ・39:32 ゆっくり白上声真似・40:46 みこち・41:33 ピカチューニングから船長・42:14 ルーナなのら~・42:35 ココ会長・43:01 スバルちゃん・44:20 はぁちゃま!?45:51 ゴリゴリスライム・46:28 左側・48:57 右側・52:10 両方56:48 リコーダー今月もめっちゃ癒されました!ありがとうございます!
1:00:40 Fubuki sings Twinkle Twinkle Star and creates 3D audio gold. As with the rest of the stream, earphones with proper L-R audio is a must.
I just can’t get over how cute her speaking to us overseas viewers was
I came to rewatch this asmr and saw this hilarious guy again who said “That’s our earwax from before” at 47:41. I really laughed so hard when I saw that from the actual live😂, this is cute 1:03:52
For me, I can’t get into the swing of ASMR unless I’m feeling some sort of vibe or something. Like if I am exhausted mentally, ASMR is like a blessing that calms me down. When you add in favorite Vtubers into the mix, my body basically implodes with pleasure. Interpret that last sentence however you want.
keep scrollng, im just healing mah ears after matsurin’s blessing screams
16:40 I might die from this
I first got into hololive because of Matsuri. She reminded me of a girl I know IRL. The mother of that girl battled cancer for a long time. She guards her mother like a shadow, radiating life force. We drifted apart after her mother passed. So I am grateful for Matsuri.Then I noticed Fubuki. I love her music. There is “joy” in her music. Which is how I define talent. Also I can’t help but notice how cute she is. Today I came to realize that there is serious brain power behind that cuteness. This much enjoyment didn’t happen by accident. She is incredible.Not sure how deep this rabbit hole goes. All I know is that I can no longer stop.
I love fubuki so much ma brothers and sisters, literally her and Korone ripped off from me the depression
This content was absolutely blessing on stream, we must protect this kitsuneko and just headpats her enough, thank you for the bleesed asmr stream.
Fubuki Onee Chan is not something I thought I needed until I watched this.Also, our fox friend is so talented at voice acting!
19:00 Happy birthday songThanks for the song. I celebrated my birthday this June as well so thanks for this.
24:26 ここ好き…
56:56 I was wondering why this was so strangely nostalgic then i realized its “auld lang syne”
Wow. I mean WOW I might get addicted to this even If I dont understand a single word she’s spittin’
【歌ってみた】チューリングラブ/ナナヲアカリ(1Chorus Cover)【白上フブキ/荒咬オウガ/影山シエン】

(c) フブキCh。白上フブキ これ(画像ポンッ)ワンコで一緒にどうですか!」 「アァイ!」 「まずは歌知らねば」 ▽Music チューリングラブ feat.Sou / ナナヲアカリ https://youtu.be/L-MVk5I6wjo …
Fubuki is actually standing on a chair
Oga’s deep voice, Shien’s cool voice and Fubuki’s cute voice…. I’m becoming gay and straight at the same time….Edit: *I don’t know anymore…*
It’s wonderful that some of the Holostars, Oga and Shien, are joining in the fun! Hope there will be more like this! ✨Such a catchy and bright song! ✨
Gotta love how much Fubuki works with the Holostars. Screw the “gender divide” that seems to be so prevalent on idol culture, honestly
Oga with another cover song? He will keep the idol dream alive
120万人おめ!記念に再生ボタンの盾をどうぞぉ╭────╮│ ▷ │╰────╯
Yesterday: Squirrel X Demon,Today: Fox X Demon.I see a bright future for Holostars in 2021.
I have only one friend, and it’s this ca- fox right here.
みる前 「最高だぁ」見た後 「最高だぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁ ぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁ」
My first sight at tumbnail : “ah, it should be duet”Meanwhile fbk : “why don’t we make it trio??”OK.
Friend spreading love with fluffy boss and daddy-voice demon maid. This is great!

(c) フブキCh。白上フブキ 皆、原曲聞いて欲しい(^・ω・^§)ノ 女王蜂/ヴィーナス https://youtu.be/IOnsAG9f1ws FUBUKI Collection Click here for BOOTH overseas shipping!
My ear: peanutsBy brain: PINGAS
Me : Its fcking peanuts okay… OKAY!!!Brain: Hmmmm… I dont think soEars: yeah its not peanutsHeart: No its peanuts
Actual: VenusMy brain: Peanuts?Comments: MISHEAR My ears: YES
My Brain : “its Venus okay? Its not peanuts or “P” word”My ears : Pen** Pen**
The comment:NO NO DONT MISHEAR THE LYRICSMe: * confused *Also me after waiting for 40 secs:oh….
Me: It’s just a peanuts okay. My brain: Noooooooo…
She is saying Venus, since the song too is called Venus. But when you mishear Venus as…well…you know and you hear onegai and kimochi I’m just lmaoo.
Fubuki at the end be like:”Hey, you didn’t misheard the lyrics, did you?…. DID YOU?”
Ah, the new operator of Rhodos island showing off her singing skill. This is quality content.
Brain: Are you going to sleep?Me: Yes now shut upBrain:
Fubuki: “Aight imma take a break”Also Fubuki: “Peanuts!”
Fubuki: _sings her ode to nuts_YAGOO mishearing the lyrics: *my heart, my heart, onegai*
Other1: noooo, don’t miss hear itOther2: omg, i can’t unhear itChad1: Pen*sChad2: Yes
Fubuki: * random noises in the start *Japanese captions: Hey, here’s the aerodynamics of a tree
Breaking News:Local Kitsune flexing her adorable and new expressions by singing preciously
Me: hears her singShe’s on break she can do what she wants. You go get those… peanuts.
Fubuki: makes noisesMe: this is top quality content
At first I was worried that she wasn’t allowing herself to enjoy her break properly, but given how much effort a stream is compared to a minute-and-a-half clip of just being adorable, I see that there was no need to worry. ❤️
Me: *watched thisDepression: understandable, have a nice day.

(c) フブキCh。白上フブキ ホロライブ所属の白上フブキです(^・ω・^§)ノ この度ヌルヌルになりました。 =========================== The following is not allowed …
22:57Ok, so this is the source of Confused Fubuki memes
Her ears now movingher smile now bright like a sunFubuki now is 1000% MORE CUTE!!
39:36 Me when the stream ended.
Never thought Fubuki could get any cuter, and yet here we are.
That “Buy Byeeee” at the end was adorable 56:40
35:50 *FBK’s just too cute*
*FUBUKI IS SO KYOOT*24:12 Fubuki becomes *WATAME*She can do Gangimari (often referred as high-on-AsaCoco face) as Watame’s fellow Chikushou (damned beast)
3:27 開始5:23 ホロライブバッジ!13:09 皆の事前予想!20:59 新Live2D登場!22:24 あずーるあーしぇんぐろっと24:12 わためぇ!25:43 以前との比較29:24 ドアップ助かる30:42 全身バージョン31:22 にやにやきーつね!33:11 ウインク助かる!34:42 狐じゃい!36:13 上目遣い可愛い37:12 お耳可愛い38:15 昇天きーつね!39:14 爆死きーつね!41:05 にやにやきーつね!再び42:10 エコー助かる43:15 どや顔きーつね!44:11 お知らせ147:43 お知らせ249:17 リコーダーBGM51:26 8月1日にお知らせ53:08 猫やんけ!54:55 30日は船長の誕生日!55:43 ドアップ告知56:55 ED
37:39 Fubuki wink* Me: my kokoro Itai!!!
Warning for people with bad heart! She had gotten a lot more cuter! I repeat, she had gotten a lot more cuter! Watch at your own risk!
24:12 わため
She’s already cute before but our Alien Fox Cat just Evolved and became even more adorable and cute… I look forward to seeing newer meme templates with her new facial expressions especially the doubt face Lol
For everyone who wants to see the difference between Fubuki’s old L2D and new one it’s at 25:42
FBK’s new look is very smooth, because the meme queen was very adorable as always
Fubuki’s new smile healing powers are out of this world
She got even cuter and almost made my heart stop My depression is all cured now
めっちゃ動くようになったし表情豊かになったし耳ぴょこぴょこやし口が若干ころねに似てるし………あ、これが恋か………ガチ恋かぁぁぁぁぁあ!!!!!!!⤴︎ ⤴︎⤴︎
When I thought FBK can’t be cuter but they did it
I already been subscribed with Fubuki eversince her debut, but this… this is the cutest she ever been in 2 years watching heroh my lord those smile, those smile is so freakin CUTE
For anyone who doesn’t know what the hell is going on here.. 1. Fubuki’s initial Live2D body now has a 2.0 face tracking update! This means that she can move more freely and make more expressions! It is revealed around 20 minutes into the stream. 2. Fubuki is OFFICIALLY GETTING A NEW OUTFIT!!! It will be revealed on 1st August.
【Surgeon Simulator 2】私達におまかせ!?救命ホロ病棟の栄光【ホロライブ/大神ミオ/角巻わため/百鬼あやめ/白上フブキ】

(c) フブキCh。白上フブキ ホロライブ所属の白上フブキです(^・ω・^§)ノ 救命ホロ病棟の栄光…可愛い彼女達が今… 患者を…救える……のか? ◇角巻わため …
3:38 始まり
Doctor: bob we got good and bad news for you.Bob: what’s the good news?Doctor: fbk, mio, watame and ayame is your surgeon.Bob: and the bad news?Doctor: fbk, mio, watame and ayame is your surgeon.
Ayame laughed her ass off at the start cured my depression
Ah yes 4 cute surgeons doin some malpractices for over 2 hoursI ENVY U BOB
6:16 I heard a rare snort! 😂
That hospital was really … Bizzare xd Great stream!
I’ve been waiting for Ayame and Watame collab for long ago because these two are my most favorite holo member. Moreover, their position is next to each other. Now my dream has come true I don’t regret being born in this era at all.
Mio-mama and Ojou’s laugh in the same stream is always a blessing
I’d still let them perform surgery on me. At least I’ll die listening to Ojou’s giggles.
37:36 nice slam dunk from ookami sensei1:53:40 a real subatomo would wake up from this
I don’t know if feel bad or envy Bob. Probably both.
5:48 ベテラン看護師百鬼あやめ、キレキレ自己紹介
That introduction tho🤣. that was funny as heck🤣
That was a fun stream.