- 抢在番茄掉果之前,全收回来弄点好吃的——红宝石番茄酱 “Red Sapphire Tomato Sauce” | Liziqi Channel…
- How to make a Chinese herbal honey? 长白山人参蜜:众参皆苦,而我是甜的|Liziqi channel…
- 月儿圆圆,稻米飘香,正逢农家收谷忙Full Moon, Fragrance of Ripe Rice, Farmers Busy Harvesting Crops | Liziqi Channel…
- (百香果)Eat a lot of food, soak the summer of the fruity fruit ——passion fruit |Liziqi channel…
- (笋)Best Time of Year to Comsume Juicy and Tender Bamboo Shoots; Pick As Much As You Like|Liziqi…
- 烤红薯&酸辣粉|gooey sweet potatoes&hand-made noodles, in hot and sour soup|Liziqi…
- How to make a Chinese delicious mushroom meal? 甚于肉味的治愈美食,带些雨露的清甜——鸡枞菌|Liziqi channel…
- 挂一盏观花月影灯,正配这一整桌的黄桃小食 Peach Dishes | Liziqi Channel…
- 趁着晒谷子这些天,鼓捣了一堆温馨有趣的小玩意儿make little funny items in sunning the millet these days | Liziqi Channel…
- A special program on New Year snacks 年货小零食特辑 -花生瓜子糖葫芦,肉干果脯雪花酥 | Liziqi
- 吃得满足,嗦得过瘾,辣得舒坦,就一碗柳州螺蛳粉 Liuzhou “Luosifen” | Liziqi Channel
- 吊柿饼|It’s a red mountain, and in the fall, it’s natural to make some sweet persimmons.|Liziqi channel
- 为生活添一抹淡雅绿意,用砍下的竹子制些物件儿——竹沙发 Bamboo Sofa|Liziqi channel
- A pot of wine among watermelon fields.So…The life of watermelons and grapes?瓜间一壶酒,西瓜和葡萄的一生?丨Liziqi
- 棉…棉花的一生,我保证下次想个新系列名字哈哈哈 The Purpose of Cotton丨Liziqi Channel
A special program on New Year snacks 年货小零食特辑 -花生瓜子糖葫芦,肉干果脯雪花酥 | Liziqi

(c) 李子柒 Liziqi Liziqi channel——snacks for Spring Festival 花生瓜子糖葫芦,肉干果脯雪花酥——年货小零食Another Spring Festival is coming! Candied haws on a stick, fried …
You inspired me to clean my room today, sounds stupid but i’ve been depressed for 5 years now, lived in pure garbage land and today… I cleaned, threw away alot a shit and took a shower hahaha thank you!
She’s beautiful and creative 💗🤩 I love her video with natural landscaping 💕
like this forever 💙💙💙 i like cooking
so beautiful view
Selamat Hari Raya Idulfitri 1442 H. Minal aidin wal faidzin, Mohon maaf lahir dan batin ya🙏
Deep down, I know this is how life is actually supposed to be.
This just seems like a peaceful fantasy world.
Next to my mother, Liziqi is my role model. The girl who help me a lot to fight my depression and laziness. I’m very thankful that I found your channel, you’re an angel..💜
91M views?Damn… this channel is amazing
Every time when I feel overwhelmed by all the annoying things in life, I’d come back to her videos. Her videos really sooth me and help me find peace.
Every time I thought she was finished, she did like 8 more things…
This is cute when she got scared 🥰🥰🥰
She is living my dream live
I love how she takes care of her grandma, literally the sweetest thing ever <3
Even a baby sheep follows her around… This really makes me rethink how I’m living.
I am a strange fruit eater, I am not satisfied with some of them at all😘💖
The animals are everything ❤️ So adorable
I am proud to have seen this video with more than 90 million people. thank you
Liziqi is a super women.She can do everything very easily.
吃得满足,嗦得过瘾,辣得舒坦,就一碗柳州螺蛳粉 Liuzhou “Luosifen” | Liziqi Channel

(c) 李子柒 Liziqi Plaese subscribe to 【李子柒Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: https://goo.gl/nkjpSx Liuzhou “Luosifen”: Slurpy, Spicy, and Absolutely …
everytime she uploads im just glad i get to see that Grandma is well
I grew up living like this and let me tell you, it IS hard…I don’t know how the heck she makes it look glamorous 😂
As we can see in the videos, the background of the forest, farms, yards, cooking stoves and utensils are real. In the past especially for the Chinese people our ancestors work hard on every inch of lands they have. They make use of everything that nature provides to them. Generation by generations the land grew flourish. This final generation from baby boomers era (like the grandma) likely the last of their kind, because due to the changes of modern and tech/gadjets world. Not many still living up the life just like showed in the video because the generation X,Y and Z are working and living in cities to find income and mostly leaving the old man/woman at their village. In the end leaving the lands and farms unattended (because grandpa/grandma are already old to work and care the lands).Most end up selling their land and the money the new generation get were invested in businesses, building or renovating house in the cities or in another country, etc. As you saw in the video, you can see herbs, clean ponds and rivers, varieties of vegetations, animals like birds, chicken, duck, are well taken care of. These are their daily source of food because there are no supermarket nearby where you can buy from there. Thus, why need to buy if you can get it fresh from your own farm? Chinese are particular in what they eat (diets and healthy) so they grew herbs, vegetables and live stocks. That is how the baby boomers generation survived along the years away from town or cities. The beautiful lady is one of the most impressive grandchild in her family. Not just beautiful but also hardworking, diligent, caring and humble because she still carry on her family’s tradition and the lands. She learns all sorts of cooking, fermenting, recipes could be mostly from her grandparents which is oustanding. I too once lived like hers until i was 19 years old and i loves everything just like hers until my grandma passed away and the land was sold by my uncle that year. The memories I had never perish. I still remember the smell in the morning when I’m standing in the middle of the farm, the morning dewdrops on the leaves and grasses, the sounds of birds and water flowing in the small river, the bamboo forests in the evening like golden, chasing gooses, collecting the chicken eggs, collecting the sap from rubber trees, the soothing cold wind on the pepper farm hills, catching grasshoppers among the grasses, catching fireflies at night, the smell of firewood burning while boiling hot water, the food that my grandma used to cooked, my cousin shouting from afar teasing me while plucking potatoes from the ground, etc. I misses all that when I watched the video. I did went back to the village a few years ago but it wasnt the same anymore and the place changed alot and the farm wasnt like it used to be like. The peaceful life that I missed.
I feel like everything I know about life is wrong. This is what life supposed to look like!
THIS is how people are meant to live.
She goes to the garden and finds every single ingredient she wants i went to the market forgot what i came for
Grandma is so lucky! She is eating good food made with lots of love!
It looks very satisfying that everything is available in the garden or to say farm.The way of cooking ,doing things are so nice…And also gave me lots of tips
She’s like an evolved Pokémon and we’re all snorlaxes
In a time where everything is fast and noisy, it’s good to get these relaxed vibes and natural sounds, like drops of water, birds 🙂
Give this lady a Netflix Show already.
This is another incredibly good, brilliant, beautiful, and INSPIRING video from Ms. Liziqi (who is also beautiful, hardworking, and brilliant.). We over here in Los Angeles, love your videos so much. The videos are also very therapeutic, soothing, and relaxing. Thank you so much for sharing all your videos, and for all your hard work. 👍🙏❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤❤💕
She is so talented and work so quitly , appreciate her talent 👏👏👏
This cinematography is best, thus makes the video look more interesting
My first try with luosifen wasn’t pleasant due to the strong scent. Months later I tried again and I got hooked. But I can only purchase the instant package from the store and that’s not good to consume frequently. I wish I could try the real one soon.
This channel beats anything they’re showing on Food Network in the states.
I have never tried this dish but I already know it’s my favourite food – can anybody else relate?
This made me want to live in the country side too lol
Hahahaha we don’t fermented fingertips and nails 😂😂 my favourite part
One day, I’ll definitely visit Sichuan.
吊柿饼|It’s a red mountain, and in the fall, it’s natural to make some sweet persimmons.|Liziqi channel

(c) 李子柒 Liziqi Liziqi channel——sweet persimmons 又是漫山红遍,秋天自然要做些吊柿饼尝下丰收的甜又见满山红, 一颗颗小果子染遍了秋。 摘上一背篓涩柿子, 削皮晾干美味 …
The patience this requires. In such a tech-driven age, where everything comes so quickly, it’s beautiful to watch such a slow process unfold without her getting stressed or annoyed.
Honestly, sometimes I feel like leaving everything behind and just live there forever, such beauty with no pollutions!
Look how long grandma’s peel is!!!! That’s a pro move lol!
Как сказку смотрю вас ребята. Спасибо большое пребольшое за удовольствие и прекрасную съёмку!!
It feels like I was watching a movie or a documentary, it’s so gorgeous
Your videos are like anti-depression medicine. God bless you!!!
The persimmon area tho, it’s so aesthetically satisfying to see it.
This is all about patience, hard work, focus and a nice background music.
I am a strange fruit eater, I am not satisfied with some of them at all😋💞
I remember when i was a child i lived with mg grandparents also and we didnt waste our land.we used to plant fruits and vegetables so we dont need to buy
The most touching thing is the way she and grandma taking care of each other. Grandma is the reason she is living there and making videos and shared with world. Long lives Grandma!
Malayalikal indo😁😍
its beautiful how it snows on the roses and they still look so alive almost like a fairtytale
I just need a silent place where my thoughts don’t disturb my mind
This ladie is amazing and so inspireing could watch her every day.Love from IRELAND.😁👍
Strong woman.. You inspiration for women in the world.. I love your channel…im from Indonesia.. 🇮🇩
Greetings from Mexico, from a city called Monterrey, also called the city of the mountains
Your nature is beautiful, but we Iraq are oppressed. We hope that our country will be like you, in which the beauty of Iraq is destroyed because of the wars. 😢😢
Лизи твоя бабуля проживет пусть долго в твоих руках
That red rose covered in snow was so beautiful😍
为生活添一抹淡雅绿意,用砍下的竹子制些物件儿——竹沙发 Bamboo Sofa|Liziqi channel

(c) 李子柒 Liziqi Liziqi channel 老早就想买一套沙发,看得上眼的都得万把块。上个礼拜翻到爷爷以前做的竹沙发,就想动手做一套!这个季节砍竹子做背篓椅子蚕架都不会生蛀虫。
And then there’s me struggling to get a cap off my water bottle
Your videos are amazing, all of your videos I watch from start to finish, I hope you make more new videos, thank you
I struggle to put together IKEA’s simplest products and here is she doing everything from scratch.
this woman is the coolest person in the world no exceptions
Women like her should be on cover of magazines
Me: I need new sofa. *Goes to IKEA*Her: I need new sofa. *Goes to forest*
Those who dislike this video.. Do they have a problem with the countryside lifestyle or they have problem with how real she is…. 🤨
What a goddess!! Everything she touched turns to Gold.
I watch her videos every day before going to bed. It makes me feel peaceful and comfortable
She’s the standard for people who will colonize Mars
When I watched I was so surprised at how skillful she was. Her abilities are truly amazing.
This was the 1st video of her that i saw 2 years ago, on 2019… And i fall in love of her instantly; so amazed and almost couldn’t believe this lady can do these all but then i made this as a motivation to myself…i had to be strong and independent like her…not complain about how difficult and weak i am… so inspired…
she’s reminds me of myself strong, independent , creative and work from sun up to sun down . I’m a mom of 2 and work hard every single day
She is the strongest woman that I have ever seen with multi-skills from the engineer, landscaper, and chef. BIG love from me.❤🇮🇳
Hey guys, FYI the background music for Liziqi’s bamboo furniture making, you can find it on YouTube by searching: “lovesickness with ocarina jeon su yeon”
I like how feminine and strong and disciplined she is.
Happy Chinese Lunar New Year
This video was sent to me over two and half years ago from a former boss. It didn’t give credit to the woman or original website. But I recently came across LiZiqi’s videos on YouTube. Love this young woman and her documentation of country living in China and how hard and industrious people have had to be out of necessity.
I used to sleep topless on bamboo beds as a kid, I remember it always pinching my skin, but it doesn’t really get hot as much so it’s great for when it’s hot
Wow! Beautiful bamboos! Love it so much. Greetings from Yogyakarta, Indonesia
A pot of wine among watermelon fields.So…The life of watermelons and grapes?瓜间一壶酒,西瓜和葡萄的一生?丨Liziqi

(c) 李子柒 Liziqi Please subscribe to 【李子柒Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: https://goo.gl/nkjpSx 种瓜得瓜,种葡萄…得葡萄? 西瓜吃完,西瓜皮可别浪费 …
我再啰嗦一下,自酿酒蛮危险的。容器和操作不对气体排出不及时容易炸,坏酒也容易发生中毒事件。没酿酒基础的真不建议去自己弄哦。One can’t be too careful. Ziqi’s gentle reminder:home brewing can be dangerous. Wrong containers or substandard oepration may produce excess gas, which leads to explosion. And your home brew can be infected and toxic too. Don’t try it if you are not an expert.
She is the strongest woman that i have ever seen with multi skills from the engineer, landscaper and chef. BIG love from me.
She is not someone who just wish and pray for a life in paradise, she create her paradise I sincerely appreciate you and will do my best to follow your example. I will work hard to achieve my dream life and not my weight or money status or age will stop me.
Whenever I feel super tired of my daily life, I come to this channel. I really want to be her grandma
The cameraman gets to take part in the end. How nice!
3:36 Why I see Ziqi is like a kid in this scene, laughing and running to her grandmother. It’s so aesthetic, romantic and artistic like a scene out of a movie.
This is soooo relaxing to watch 🙏
I like the running and playing liziki through her gorgeous and beautiful garden 🌱🥀🌴🌿☘️🌻🌷💐🌾
I envy how skillful and strong she is!
3:34 I obviously do not know this person but she seems so genuine, caring and sweet. These videos are inspiring. She’s such a hard worker. These videos make me believe that she could do anything.The landscape is beautiful and the way the video is shot with the music matches perfectly. I wish her the best.
ഇ വീട്ടിൽ ഇല്ലാത്ത എന്തെങ്കിലും ഉണ്ടോ 😭😍
Such a peaceful life
Why she has so many dislikes.she is strong ,hard working soul.her garden is her paradise .it looks so easy when we are watching here but country life is not for lazy ppl.
I would give anything to have a dinner you’ve cooked. Everything looks amazing.
എന്റെ ചേച്ചി നമിച്ചു ഞാൻ… എങ്ങനെ സാധിക്കുന്നു ഇതൊക്കെ… 🔥🔥🔥🔥
She proved that not a men a women can do any thing chef,engineer,farming ets
Even the music is so soothing
Planet Earth’s Sifu, we can learn about how to truly live as humans on this planet through her
What I like the lost about this, is that there is no waste at all, she used every single part of the watermelon , and that is beautiful !
棉…棉花的一生,我保证下次想个新系列名字哈哈哈 The Purpose of Cotton丨Liziqi Channel

(c) 李子柒 Liziqi Please subscribe to 【李子柒Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: https://goo.gl/nkjpSx “弹棉花呀~弹棉花~ 半斤棉弹成了八两八哟。旧棉花弹 …
Me: struggles with putting together an Ikea furniture.Ziqi: grows her own cotton to make her grandmother a mattress.She wins at life.
Wow! She is the greatest women.
She even made a pillow for the dog after spending a long time making the comforter for her grandma <3
In South Africa we have a traditional mat maker. We all have our own thing inherited from our ancestors. It makes me proud that she is so invested in this traditional technique. Traditional things need patience and heart. she has that in abundance
Though this is not how every mattress is made, this is how every mattress should be made. With love and care.
Let’s sign a petition to Disney to make a princess character inspired from her who doesn’t need a prince charming for her survival. This will be a massive hit
This women can survive in the wild for a whole decade if she was ever stranded on an island
As someone who was raised by their grandmother, I was crying at the end of the video. I know I would do anything I could for my grandma and seeing her put so much time and effort into this for her grandma’s comfort made me emotional.
Grocery stores and retailers: *exists*Liziqi: *also exists*Grocery stores and retailers: *Lets pretend we didn’t see that-*
the last part was wholesomeness overload. That puppy fell asleep on lovely made Fluff.
I think some people might think, “Why is she spending so much time doing that, when she can just buy it?” The point is sometimes making something yourself and living a simple life with the feeling of having all the time in the world is actually a luxury. It’s like doing a puzzle or meditating, except you get to enjoy the end result. :3
What a lesson of humanity, respect towards Mother’s Nature, hard work and harmony. Lots of love 💜
Is there anything that she can’t do? She is just an amazing multitalented humble person.
This girl living her life planting and using all that strength she really was doing very tough actions hats off to her she’s amazing I never knew in my life that cotten are planted wow new knowledge
3:20 Liziqi’s puppies are cute but biting the cotton balls are not so good for them.Building a bed for her grandma herself is a wonderful winner of design, she wins on the world championships
Anybody else get teary-eyed when she gave her dog a doggy bed? I love her so much. She doesn’t know me but I love her and I wish many good fortunes to follow and bless her and her family.
Once you see a video of this channel, there’s no looking back…you get addicted to her🔥
Really multi skilled. We should learn to live a pure, contended and healthy life from her. Her life is like that of a princess 👸. Hail rural women!
the wool mattress looking soo comfy.her grandmother must be proud of her 🙂