Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN(おすすめch紹介)

Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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【LUIGI’S MANSION 3】consume ghost

【LUIGI'S MANSION 3】consume ghost  (c) Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN

(c) Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN delicous #gawrgura #gawrt #chumbuds [Twitter] Nintendo properties used in this video and livestream are used with permission and …

“We’re going to the beach.It’s the beach episode”4:09:52

4:09:52 came here to see the audio dul used

3:10:54″gura no chest, chat no brains”

Amelia nearly biting her entire tongue off and Gura having her tongue get stuck on a treadmill… Holo Myth is really amazing

2:45:46 “If I die to this guy, I stop the stream.”Well, atleast she didn’t end the stream.

1:45:52 Look how gura is excited to see her cousin

3:30:55The sheer confusion in Gura’s voice after getting dabbed on is killing me

2:36:31 ANGY SHORK2:41:05 (squeaky rage)

“I’m not a baby shark im a lazy shark” gawr gura quote of the year 😂😂

5:47:06 don’t mind me just saving this


36:38 “I would hope most people watching this haven’t consumed baby food in awhile… …*breast milk* on the other hand. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)”Ah I see Gura is a shark of culture as well!

長時間配信おつサメでしたGura expresses a lot of emotion, so I enjoyed stream even if I didn’t understand English.2:43:40 仕返しに夢中になるぐらちゃん

3:33:29 Gura says what we’re all thinking

5:26:48Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Gura SO CUTE!THANK YOU call me. I’m happy cryingTT

2:18:10 Gura just casually mentioning she licked a treadmill(???) and avoiding explaining why with a namaste 🙏 Truly she is a master of deflection

2:09:26 Little did Gura know at the time that Chad would be one of her biggest obstacles yet.

3:54:47 wholesome Shark. She’s always very nice to her audience

2:21:17 bananamaste 2:43:43 ame: “i raised that shark” 5:07:40 nice to see the serious gamer shark outside of a rhythm game, on perhaps the most difficult content she does on stream to date. MAD PROPS

4:09:52 Gura having flashbacks to the time she accidently swam into someone else’s bathtub.

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[RING FIT ADVENTURE] LETS SWEAT  (c) Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN

(c) Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN I bet you’ll start sweating before I do LOL #gawrgura #gawrt #chumbuds [Twitter] [Thumbnail Art] …

One day we’ll unlock the Ponytail Gura skin, and it will be salvation 49:03

Game : “How old are you?”Gura : ” *99* and *do not* exercise at all”Game : “It’s never too late, Champ! Let’s start with the difficulty level of *2* .”Gura : “WHAT IS THIS??”

I’m the guy who bet on her lasting 12 minutes.Look at me and LAUGH.

Grandma Gura really beat the Boss with maxed difficulty she really had a hard time on that, wish her a good rest after that.

“i think we should keep going, i want to see the next level”famous last word

When she immediately started grunting and making funny noises I knew we were in for a good stream.


The people telling her to do Chair Pose after Squats are a special brand of evil.

14:05 gura machine gun

Gura: Sets age to 99 and never excercise Also Gura : WHY IS MY DIFFICULTY AT 2 ?????

I’m starting to think that gura is actually one of those oily buff men with glowing nipples from that one horror game

Gura ends stream Bodily functions: Alright imma headout

Pretty sure Gura will feel the pain tomorrow rip


1:02:27 – These are the sounds I live for.

Gawr Gura: “I bet you’ll start sweating before I do LOL” gotta hand it to her, she knows her audience

Gura: I’m going to do max difficulty. Everyone: That’s hell you’re walking into.

When you defeat Amelia on max difficulty: i h o l d a l l p o w e r

the more she sweats, the better her moves cuz sweat is like sea water

Stream: endsBody: yields to guravity *thud*

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[VISAGE] Shark Scream Simulator

[VISAGE] Shark Scream Simulator  (c) Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN

(c) Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN horror game is scary, who’da’thunk eh? #gawrgura #gawrt #chumbuds [Twitter] [Thumbnail Gura] This …

i wanna see her play a good classic, “SCP: Containment Breach”

1:28:23* Man having a mental breakdown over medical diagnosis *Gura: * cromch cromch *

2:29:16 “Amelia would be so proud of me” *DiesI know it was mostly referring to the tea, but it fit too well

1:47:42 This jumpscare was brought to you by: WaterGura: *gulps water* AAAAA

Best moments (Лучшие моменты)6:55 – 7:20 7:30 – 7:45 10:42 – 11:27 59:33 – 1:00:22 1:03:50 – 1:05:10 1:19:25 – 1:19:36 1:28:09 – 1:30:40 1:33:10 – 1:33:27 1:47:08 – 1:49:00 1:50:40 – 1:56:40 1:57:15 – 1:58:00 2:28:42 – 2:30:50

1:19:27 cheeki breeki

2:28:40″Your sanity is dangerously low. Only pills will keep you sane at this point”welcome to the club

2:29:17 Blessed jump scare scream

The beginning is gold. “Shhesus crimminy cringle.”

1:02:50 I really thought she was talking about the mannequin at first. Thicc propane tank lmao

SCP is a question, huh?They’re really covering all bases when searching for talent.

2:32:43SCP – 9927 – A: City Pop SharkObject class: Keter

2:32:35 No worries Gura, Yagoo was just trying to make sure no more eldritch beings joined Hololive…

Everytime i see Gura all my brain thinks is “Heh Smol :]”

1:33:15 Gura: “instead of panties stealer, I’m a shoe stealer” 😏

I wanna see Gura play ‘The Exorcist: Legion VR’. That game is really scary but Im not sure Gura has VR

1:55:25What do you mean, Gura?

59:33 Let us appreciate the Slav culture together with Gura

48:20 “やめてください” + “Could you stop?”= “Yametekudyoustop”

Gura: Uploads another horror game streamMe: Ah yes, my daily high-pitched dolphin shark scream ASMR.

[DUOLINGO] Let’s learn Japanese!

[DUOLINGO] Let's learn Japanese!  (c) Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN

(c) Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN こんにちは!Hello !! [Twitter] [G-Roomba Spin Animation] Material used in this stream is being …

Noel is learning EnglishGura is learning JapaneseSoon their dream will come true.

This is what i learned in Japanese “あ”


日本人の方いますか?初めて動画をちゃんと見てみたけどこんなに日本語知っててすごい笑 そしてかわいい、

I understood overseas feeling when they are watching jp member’s English stream‥her Japanese is so cute‥

おつサメでした1:16:32 3:02:21 Today’s bottom right GuraI was inspired by this stream. I want to practice English more. Thank you fun stream Gura

I don’t speak a lick of Japanese and this was still a blast to watch. That’s Shark-Girl talent, right there.

Japanese: 一→one 二→two 三→threeMe: OMG Japanese is so easy lolJapanese 四 五: welcome to Japan

it’s nice to see the amount of jp bros in the live chat supporting guraaaaa

12:31 「イギリス」と「おにぎり」が似ているなんて思ったことないな笑ぐらちゃんかわいすぎ☺️


3:32:20 ok I’m dead thank you forever

3:02:19 Best $5 I’ve spent in my whole life. She never said no.

I’m Taiwanese and the only thing I can read in those Japanese sentences are the Han characters😂😂 Guessing the meaning from there

自分用12:12 おにぎりに聞こえたぐらちゃん🍙18:29 a!1:03:18 はじゃ〜😉1:47:06 “しち”時に困惑するぐらちゃん

Can’t wait for the day you can collab with your senpai, you’re already well on your way too!

“Did she just a?”Now I’ll never be able to unhear that when I do my daily Duolingo.

I’m Japanese 🇯🇵I’m glad to see you studying Japanese ❤I also want to do my best to understand English.

個人的に好きポイント12:12 イギリス出身です25:05 タバダダバダダバダダバタ ドンパドンパドンパ…♪32:15 〜オ イェーイ42:29 ŧ‹”ŧ‹”( ‘ч’ )ŧ‹”ŧ‹”1:04:00 桜さん!桜巫女サェンパィ!!

Personal timestamp 2:05:32 Thank you Gura <3

Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN に関する情報を厳選してまとめ!

