- #35 Grow Vegetables Indoors: Microgreens & Sprouts – From Seed to Harvest
- #8 How Art Journaling Heals My Soul: There is a life in everything
- #33 Easiest Way to Make Organic Fertilizer for Your Balcony Garden | Bokashi Compost
- #15 When Autumn Falls: Went picking mushroom & wild herbs
- #46 | Welcome to my 86m2 🏠 | Home Tour | Rental Apartment in Germany
#35 Grow Vegetables Indoors: Microgreens & Sprouts – From Seed to Harvest

(c) Her 86m2 Anyone who lives in the (big) city will know it. Having your own garden is about as likely as winning the lottery. It’s considered lucky that our rental apartment has …
Growing Microgreens & Sprouts Indoors / Trồng rau mầm trong nhà:https://www.her86m2.com/green-living/growing-microgreens-sprouts-indoors-from-seed-to-harvestEssential Tips for Starting Balcony Vegetable Garden / Tips để bắt đầu trồng rau trên ban công https://www.her86m2.com/green-living/essential-tips-for-starting-a-balcony-vegetable-garden My 8sqm balcony vegetable garden / Khu vườn 8 mét vuông của mình: https://www.her86m2.com/green-living/8sqm-balcony-garden Bokashi Compost / Phân bón Bokashi: https://www.her86m2.com/green-living/bokashi-compost-organic-fertilizer-for-balcony-garden
Your videos are incredibly therapeutic. It feels like all the stress and anxiety has been transcended into this soothing feeling. Your videos inspire me to slow down on life, document my journey and appreciate the little things in life , for instance a glass of drinking watet , clean air to breathe ,first sunshine of the day falling on my face ,watering my plants,caring for my animals, watching my plants grow, listening to my favorite music , not judging people and all the little things in life .Thank you for existing , your videos help me breathe 🤗😢💜
I love watching you teach your daughter all this stuff. She real interest in the things you do and is absorbing the knowledge and wisdom like a sponge. Her matching apron is as adorable as she is!
Your videos are truly a class apart from most of the other contents in the same genre I’ve seen in YouTube. The whole experience, it’s almost meditative. Being an introvert myself, I appreciate the ‘no talking’ policy. Sometimes, a bit of silence can be profoundly healing. The colors, mumbled words of a jolly kid, and the choice of music make the videos all the more enjoyable for me. Best wishes.
Incredible! Knowing how to grow our own food is so important, even in the tiniest way 🌱💚
I have many indoor plants, but now I’m reconsidering growing plants that can be harvested. Again, I always ended up feeling pleasant and motivated after watching your videos. Thank you
This video is so peaceful and relaxing
I can’t believe we’re on video #35. This has been a beautiful journey that has brought greater peace and joy to a young girl living in South Africa. Thank you for all your hard work and effort. I await your next video with bated anticipation!!!
Fico encantada com a maneira que você trata os alimentos! Uma verdadeira inspiração. ❤️
It’s so inspiring and I feel like my anxiety goes away. I watch the videos with my partner. We love your videos and style! We started with a few plants and now we want to add more and more. Greetings from Colombia ❤️🍃
Everytime my depression kicks in, I watch your videos and feel a lot better…thank you very much 💚
I came across your channel accidentally after I started my succulent obsession this month. Truly inspiring video and relatable for people living in a busy city!I gonna try growing microgreens indoor and enjoy the process. 🙂 Thank you and wish you and your family all the best 💚
Большое спасибо за информацию))) Природа любит нас, а мы её)))
This is the 2nd or 3rd time I watch this video… and still really love it and enjoy it. I LOVE what you did in those 86m2! We definetely have No Excuse to grow some sprouts indoors or have plants! I am challenging ourselves to grow 33 trees for each member of the family (that is what we need to breathe!)
Simplesmente maravilhoso, parab�ns! Simply wonderful, congratulations!
Soooo, so, so inspiring… My goodness. We can do so much to eat and feel better, with little effort and actual pleasure. I am doing this THIS WEEK. Thank you for inspiring me (us), I just discovered your channel and I can’t stop binging your videos. Can’t wait to show my friends.
Hi.you are one homemaker to be admired, you could do so many things,while still taking care of your family. Good training by your mother I must say. Right now I’m looking at your new project. Am sure it will reap good results.whatever your hand does is pure joy in the end. Wishing you have more energy and drive as you face parenting and other duties, chores daily. Despite the pandemic, there is no dull moment and your vlogs will validate that. Stay safe always.
So cool.
#8 How Art Journaling Heals My Soul: There is a life in everything

(c) Her 86m2 There is a life in everything. There is a fight in everything. And whenever I’m able to bring something to life, I feel like I got stronger, that my fight got one more ally …
Bạn có đang viết nhật ký không – chia sẻ trong comment nhé 🙂 Are you keeping a journal? Do let me know in the comment :)You can see a small part of my journals here:https://www.her86m2.com/life/art-journal-there-is-life-in-everything
How did you learn all the amazing things you do? Gardening, painting, sowing, it seems like everything you do wasn’t taught to you in a careless but rather intentional and beautiful way. How can I learn that? 💗
You help me remind when I was young I am full of dream.. Being so creative that I don’t care other people and their standards.. I don’t know myself now, something lacking.. When I started to watch your videos specially this healing soul.. Makes me remind who am I really? I lost my passion, being appreciative to everything, being grateful, and making things back to life like what you did.. This is the answer of my stress and anxiety today.. You are inspiration to the woman who feel the same way. Happy to see your channel
Omg, imagine if she has grandsons, It would be precious to see many years later such old journals fulfilled with all that vitality. There is a whole life story all over there.
This is such a gorgeous form of expression – you’ve inspired me to give this a go myself! ❤
Youtube recommended your video to me today and so for the last hour I have been watching all of your videos. I want to thank you for sharing your creations on this platform. You seem to be talented and skilled in many different fields, it is so inspiring as I, too, enjoy many different things. So your videos reminded me once more of what is important for me in my life, of different fields of creativity and different little joys in life. Thank you for that. Warm greetings from the Netherlands 🙂
I have no words to express my feelings when I watch your videos It’s therapeutic It’s healing God bless you sweetheart ❤️
Hello, I’m from india. I want to say you..You are incredible.You are talented.You are calm.You are a human that everyone need.You are doing everything with care and love. This let me loves you more.If every woman as like as you so the world will change with love and happiness.💐🌸🥰❤
I used to be able to do this. Pour my soul out into words and onto paper. Bad things happened and they all got bottled up inside. It has been decades. This week I decided to start drawing again, just once a day, something small. This made my heart literally ache because I felt every minute of it. Thank you for inspiring and for sharing something so very meaningful. I wish you and everyone here the very best💕✨
This is so amazing… i just woke up and this story of yours make me eagerly to watch your stories more… 😍 ..i love ur calming towards everything
You are one of the most amazing people I’ve ever encountered. You seem to have limitless talents and yet you don’t have the ego that often goes with that. Your journal (like a lot of the other things you create) leaves me almost speechless, the page you show in the thumbnail is spectacular and your handwriting is so beautiful. I wish I had half your talent, motivation, energy and creativity. I’m in awe of you 👏🏻😊💛🏴
Just want to say that you’re incredibly talented! And I love the vibe in your videos!! Thank you for making these!!
You are such an amazing artist. I wish that I could see all of your journals up close. Each page is so beautiful.
This is journaling to a whole new level. You are gifted. ❤️
This is one of the most beautiful healing thing i ever saw. Amazing. Beyond Lovely. Just beyond lovely.
I’ve been watching your videos for the past 3 days. You bring me so much joy & peace. I feel the love & care that you have for everything in your life. You have truly helped me learn to take it slow, but at the same time, be so productive. You’re an amazing woman!!
One of the most beautiful and inspiring things I’ve ever seen 💙
This is beautiful. It made me feel so much. And just for a moment I forgot about my troubles and looked at life around me. It’s beautiful.
Que precioso trabajo!! ❤️❤️ Es realmente muy inspirador , amé cada parte de el ❤️❤️, gracias por el bello mensaje 🌻🌈.
In a world that makes a to-do list out of everything, thank you for showing how to enrich pages with “emotions rather than events”.. something to visit and re-visit…
#33 Easiest Way to Make Organic Fertilizer for Your Balcony Garden | Bokashi Compost

(c) Her 86m2 Soil is the backbone of our food security. So keeping it healthy is the most important task for me. But if you’re living in a rental apartment with no land or garden …
Bokashi Compost / Phân bón Bokashi: https://www.her86m2.com/green-living/bokashi-compost-organic-fertilizer-for-balcony-garden Essential Tips for Starting Balcony Vegetable Garden / Tips để bắt đầu trồng rau trên ban công https://www.her86m2.com/green-living/essential-tips-for-starting-a-balcony-vegetable-garden My 8sqm balcony vegetable garden / Khu vườn 8 mét vuông của mình: https://www.her86m2.com/green-living/8sqm-balcony-garden
When she said she wants to do more gardening vlogs 😍😍😍
Your little girl is gonna have so many great memories of you and her spending time together doing all these wonderful things. You just got a new subscriber.
Yay more gardening vlogs! 🙌🏼 Definitely going to try this composting method 🌱
I wish, you could upload more daily vlogs in a long range, hehehe, cause I really enjoy watching all of your videos. Makes me to motivate myself to be productive, and also I like the quality and the editing it was like I’m watching a film. 🙂
Your quality of living is such an inspiration
Your gardening vlogs are my favourite and I rewatch them over and over — I’m so happy you’ll be making more of them this year. Thank you so much for sharing. 🥰 Have you got any tips for growing carrots? Can I also ask where you bought your little chalkboard signs for your beds? Thank you so much!
When there’s a will there’s a way. You have totally inspired me to use my backyard space to create more food thank you
I’ve just found your videos and I love them! I really enjoy watching them before bedtime because I find it incredibly soothing. Your balcony is a beautiful oasis. I have two empty balconies and I would love for it to look like yours one day! So far my kids and I have started our first container garden and I’ve become more inspired thanks to you! Thank you!
as always, a big thank you! this time for helping me decide. i’ve been thinking for a long time whether i should use a worm composter or bokashi. bokashi it will be. :)btw, the peas, tomatoes, cucumber and nasturtium have already sprouted and the apple tree has also been cut back. with the inspiration from your videos, my balcony this year will maybe also be such a little oasis of harmony.^^ i look forward to new episodes of your gardening vlog.
so nice to see this! i have never tried composing, but i will look into it more now 🙂
this is amazing!! May I ask how often you fertilize your plants with the bokashi tea?
I am grateful to find your channel! Thank you for existing and creating cinematic videos that are inspirational and educational. I never thought that this kind of genre exists 😀 For my new place, I am putting in as many ideas as I got from your video. Your cheeky daughter is so cute, good job mummy for starting her so young in living as a sustainable and intentional soul
I actually teared up. This was so beautiful.
Thank you thank you thank you! Your videos makes me so emotional! Your kindness and your care for nature and family are so inspiring to me! I’d like to try this process for composting organic waste in my house. I have a garden and it would be great to do it.. I’ll let you know if and when I’ll start! Thank you again, I really appreciated this video. You are a “poetessa di immagini e suoni” to me 😘🙏💕
I got to find your videos this week and I am completely addicted to them! Thank you so much for the kindness and simplicity you transpire in them… the harmony and achievements you share are breathtaking. Just order the bokashi starterset and it would be lovely if you can share where do you store the buckets. Thank you sooooooooo much!!!! You are a role model! <3
I try to make my garden more beautiful and peaceful…and I have made it at last!!thanks to you…❤ you are my inspiration..I will try my best to be like you ❤your videos are so claming and nice,keep going stay healthy and happy always~♡🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩
Eu amo acompanhar seu canal! Desde que descobri por acaso aqui no YouTube, n�o paro mais de assistir. Tem agregado muito ao que eu vivo aqui. Obrigada por compartilhar esse m�todo. Estou me organizando para fazer minha pr�pria horta.
Incredible! Thank you for sharing. So many people live in urban spaces and this is inspiring all of us.
Obrigado por partilhar conosco tantos saberes. Rezo, pedindo aos Céus que bendigam você e sua família. Saudações e bênçãos. 👏🙏
#15 When Autumn Falls: Went picking mushroom & wild herbs

(c) Her 86m2 A father told his daughter that Autumn arrives without whistles and bell, unlike the other seasons. You can felt the heat of summer. The bite of winter air.
Link Blog is below 🙂 Please share with me your favorite season of the year – any particular reason?Mùa yêu thích của bạn là mùa nào – có lý do gì đặc biệt không? <3https://www.her86m2.com/life/when-autumn-falls-mushrooms-picking-season
I do spend a lot of times watching different vlogs. Just when I thought I’ve seen the best ones out there, I can honestly say for me this is the best content I’ve seen. I’m a very big fan of Liziqi, she’s wonderful and one of a kind. There’s not a day that passes by that I don’t go back to her channel just to feel at home. Seeing your content, I felt more connected to it, even without hearing you say any word but by just reading the subtitles and how you express your feelings about your experiences, it’s awesome. Love the music and the scenery is just truly amazing. Thank you for sharing it with us.
I’m sitting here, crying because it’s so beautiful seeing someone appreciate the beauty of nature and living in harmony with it. Thank you for making me realise again what an incredible country Germany can be💛My goal in life may be exactly what you already have archieved.
I am so amazed by you. You can do carpentry, you can draw, you can cook. I wonder what you can’t do! Your channel is so amazing. You inspire me to continue my journey here in youtube! Thank you! Stay safe where you are.
This is literally a cinematic masterpiece. So so beautiful. Its hard to believe this is just a YouTube video and not a national geographic documentary
The whole video feels like a fairytale. I dont regret clicking this video. I’ll subscribe😊😊
I’m from the Philippines and I love how your vlogs calm and soothens my system everytime I watch them. Thank you🥺.
This is just so beautiful! The sounds of the forest. The little girls delicate notes. The colors, music, and editing…it makes me remember the happiest memories of my childhood. ❤️🪴
I watched, learned, and then cried as realized how much I want to live my life back to the embrace of nature. When I was a child, I always plays in the forest. Eat whatever edible delicious things I’ve found there. But now, I can only reminiscient the sweet old times as the bills keep pilling up and the harsh cold reality of life hit me so hard. So please, live well and stay healthy for the sake of my dreams too. Lots love from Indonesia 💕
I love the way you do this video. It made me become more innocent, my spirit also calmed down. along with that it also makes me motivated to decorate my beloved room. Your video makes viewers have a feeling of returning to their childhood, returning to the pure self of each person. I hope you can produce lots of videos like this for us to have that feeling
Beautiful food and forest. I never imagine Germany this way. Will you share your recipes?
I feel like I just found a hidden gem in your channel. Everything is amazingly beautiful. I love every shot, every scenes. The color, how you connected all the scenes, the background music, you did a really good job choosing them. This is definitely an art. I really appreciate this, thank you <3
I’m Korean, and I saw your video a few days ago. Your video like a movie acts like a crossing point for me and the future. Please introduce the background music at the end. I hope you and your family are healthier. I am a Christian, and many Christians live without feeling that Jesus is the Creator. Looking at your video, I feel the goodness and beauty of Jesus. I bless you and your family.
Es hermoso lo que transmites con tanto amor, sutileza y luz 💙✨🙌🏽💫
One thing – please do not pick mushrooms like that!🥺 Cut them at the end, so they can grow next year too. Read more about them so you can know more. (Of course i know you already know much about them, your cooking is amazing!)
You Captured everything so beautifully. So aesthetic and fullfilling. Everything about this is love💜
winter, the more i feel cold and shiver the more i hold my self to warm my soul
Невероятный симбиоз одухотворённости, тепла, мелодии красоты и невероятных чувств гармонии! 🕊🇺🇦
Wow, I didn’t realize something could be so beautiful would make me emotional?
Desde Costa Rica sus videos son hermosos y se respira la paz y el amor hacia la naturaleza. Me encantan
#46 | Welcome to my 86m2 🏠 | Home Tour | Rental Apartment in Germany

(c) Her 86m2 HOME. There is a magic in that little world, a mystic circle that surrounds comforts and virtues never known beyond its hallowed limits. It’s a feeling. It’s the …
What do you love most about YOUR HOME? <3https://www.her86m2.com/life/home-tour-welcome-to-my-86m2
Your home is sort of a home that I wished to live. clean,organized,magical and inspiring. I’m 14 and I helps my mom a lot to keep our house beautiful,inspired by you.You’re awesome and the best YouTuber I’ve ever seen. Lots of love from gayansa
We have a saying in our native language, “house speaks a lot about the lady of the house”… your house is an example of it… well organized, peaceful, beautiful…. I wish I was like that.
Magically narrated and peacefully recorded.
Here, I can understand how you really put your heart into your home. What a lovely home…and…oh, God…, Caesar is soooo beautiful.
You house is picture perfect, the pictures that we get to see in Pinterest, a warm and comfy house with all the facilities, a healthy garden and 3 good human. You inspires me to enhance my creativity, my love for nature. Your videos are so peaceful to the ears,eyes and to the soul. LOT’S OF LOVE FROM INDIA❤️
Even though I have many siblings, I always spend time alone in the living room when it’s still early in the morning. This room has many windows, connected to a little paradise that brings in the scent of flowers. Either from a plant my mom loves or laundry detergent that never changes. 😆 I also like to lie down and stare at the sky from the roof. Reading books with a blue sky background, i can hear the sound of birds flying freely and clouds moving on beautifully. The scenery changes every day, and each has its own story.It’s the part of my soul 💯💯❤
Wow I can see the fullness of living in such a smaller place. Despite the lack of space and other things, you seem to be content with what you have. That my dear is the true essence of a happier life. It is not about things, more area and what you can brag about. It is having a family that bonds together at every meal and free time. About wandering outside with your loved ones and enjoying the view and fresh air. Going back to a small home and sharing the biggest love for each other. You are trully blessed!
I’m collecting jars because I wanna arrange them like how you do.
“everything that slows us down and forces patience, everything that sets us back into the slow circles of nature, is a help.”thank you very much, I’ll remember it ☺️
Es realmente fabuloso este tour home. Disfrute cada ambiente y llegue a sentir el equilibrio que reina en tu hogar. Tu casa est� viva en verdad. Un v�deo que nos lleva a repensar los espacios que habitamos desde una mirada m�s comprometida con nuestro ser interior. Una invitaci�n a enamorarnos de nuestra vida.
So much devotion and dedication to the place that you live in. To me, it’s a temple. Love your temple!!
Amei seu estilo de vida, principalmente que amo gatos e a vivencia de uma vida familiar.
I remember watching you build your kitchen. It’s what inspired me to build my own, it’s all still in the planning stages but I hope I can get it to look at least half as good and just as functional as yours.. Thank you ❤️🇬🇧
Absolutely loved watching this! You managed to create such a calming and creative oasis in soulless block of apartments. Your channel quickly became one of my favourites.
based on what you showed us, I say that your town has some spectacular sceneries!
She is a genius, every single thing she does,, i mean like her home interior decorating her carpentry skills her gardening her cooking her arts and her writings her photography & videography even her organizing skills are all genius like Pro-level stuff. How does one single person nails every sjngle thing that she works on on such high level quality. Seriously, genius 😯😯😯
Your home just become more and more beautiful each time I see it. <3 Glad that it’s a space of happiness for you, as it should be.
How wonderful the home is!🏡I have no words to describe and just reading all beautiful comments.💕Hats off to you for maitaining & organizing every corner of your home!🥰
“Teach them well and let them lead the wayShow them all the beauty they possess inside” – lyrics from Whitney Houston “The greatest love of all”