- #23 DIY Kid Bedroom Makeover | Hand painted landscape dresser & bed
- #29 Cultivate your home | How to Create a Cleaning Schedule that Works
- #13 Last Flowers Of Summer | Edible Flowers Shortbread Cookies | Drying Flowers
- #36 Ten Simple Microgreens & Sprouts Recipes 🤤 | Seed to Table
- #48 Starting a New Chapter in Our Lives
#23 DIY Kid Bedroom Makeover | Hand painted landscape dresser & bed

(c) Her 86m2 To celebrate Alexia’s birthday, we decided to makeover her bedroom (again, ha!). Small children’s rooms can be a challenge when it comes to decorating.
If you want to read more about Alexia’s bedroom makeover, head to the blogpost below <3————Nếu bạn muốn đọc thêm về quá trình sửa phòng bạn An thì đọc bài blog dưới link nhé:https://www.her86m2.com/diy/diy-kid-bedroom-makeover
Alexia will grow up to be such a happy girl because she is surrounded by such thoughtful and creative parents 💕
“I’m not confident with painting”*proceeds to paint gracefully* 😩
Alexia must be so happy for having a creative mom and a helpful dad.. The room turns out so bright and beautiful 💕
A very lucky little girl has a very creative mom, great job on her “new” room.
This is how every child should be loved.
Your daughter is fortunate to have you as a parent…she knows she is loved and that her wishes are valued. She will grow up to be a confident adult. The seriousness with which you’ve gotten down to redecorating her room…a 3-year old’s…it’s incredible. Makes me smile.
This is stunning. Things like this are a big reason why I can’t wait to be a mom. I have so many memories with my mom growing up doing creative artistic things like this. I can’t wait to make memories like that with my future children.
Alexia is the cutest girl 😍 how wonderful what you did for her 💚 Alongside with my own mum, you’re my biggest idol for motherhood!!
Such a dreamy and creative makeover for your lovely daughter! 😍
This is the most perfect thing I’ve ever seen. Your thoughtfulness in curating a warm, inviting sanctuary for your daughter just gives me hope and inspiration. Thank you!
So nice to see the result of your effort. This decoration is so detailed and the colors peaceful.Blessings to each of you!
If I were her child and watched this after growing up, I’d feel soooo grateful and special to have such caring and artistic parents!
This makeover truly moved my heart! I’m so glad I came across this channel. It makes my day so much! Can’t wait for more curated content 💕
One of my fondest memories is my father playing with me. Seeing your husband playing with your lil’one reminded me of that. Thank you. She is a lucky kid. Such nice loving parents.
Oh my gosh this is so dreamy and perfect. Isn’t tethered to a theme but still feels like a perfect child’s room. I am so inspired by your talent and drive. Thank you
What a beautiful space made with love and warmth. I absolutely feel inspired and motivated to change our daughter’s new space and to not fear at doing some ideas myself. I once painted a mural for a daycare center and never did it again, it was so much work, but the process was relaxing and rewarding. Seeing you create such beautiful pictures to inspire play is a reminder that it’s such a short window of time before our babies are all grown up. 🙏🏽💕 Thank you for sharing.
Obrigado por partilhar conosco mais criativo projeto. Para mim, o riso de Alexia, na hora de festejar, é o mais sincero elogio. Saudações e bênçãos. 👏 🙏
This looks like an every child’s absolute dream bedroom! It is so cute
this video deserves all the views, thumbs up and more– incredibly, creative and beautiful design!! Your daughter is truly loved.
#29 Cultivate your home | How to Create a Cleaning Schedule that Works

(c) Her 86m2 A cold wind was blowing from the north, and it made the trees rustle like living things.January’s wintery breath is already obscuring summer’s memory.
How to Create a Cleaning Schedule that Works / Ba bước để có một hệ thống dọn dẹp khoa học <3https://www.her86m2.com/diy/cultivate-your-home-creating-a-cleaning-schedule-that-works
It makes my heart so happy to see that they are so encouraging, warm and hands-on parents
Beautiful worship song. Are you Christian? x
Your daughter helping you is SO CUTE 🧡🧡🧡
I think having a clean and organized home is one of the most important thing to me. I work at an urgent care, dealing with all kinds of people and diseases. Therefore, I find it very important to get back to a home that is clean, organized, and comfortable, so I can find balance and peace ☮️ within my self and the outside world. Thank you for the aesthetic and beautiful video 🙏 Your daughter is so cute and a great little helper too 💕😻🥰❤️
Just discovered your channel and wow.. so relaxing, so aesthetically pleasing. Amazing inspiration!!! 10/10! subscribed 🙂
I love seeing people enjoy the every moment of their life, which also encourage me alot. Thank you for providing such a relaxing video.
I am so in love with everything in your channel! So chill, and so pretty. It’s like a little rest in this chaotic world. And your music choices are superb! 😍🤍💛
Eu me encanto de sua pedagogia. É admirável sua forma de educar. Peço aos Céus que bendigam você e sua família. Bênçãos. 🙏
I see your videos, and they’re honestly all I want in life. To have a loving family, a beautiful home surrounded by nature, and a calm life in which I can take the time to love and romanticize the small things.
“So strive for perfection if you like, but don’t be disappointed if you don’t get there.” People need this ☺
Maravilhoso, aqui em casa também fiz um cronograma de limpeza, e otimiza bastante o meu tempo. Vídeo lindo e inspirador 😍
Ваши видео – нечто особенное!
I just love how just doing their normal chores is giving us such a peace of mind.😌♥️
Your videos are artworks! The music you choose, the images and all together… Congratulations!
Your sweet daughter is so adorable, she is learning responsibility at an early age. Love watching your family.
Alexa is such a sweetie! and you guys are role models for many 🙂
What I’d give to have a home that’s a fairytale 🥺❤️ Such a beautiful video
I know I’m a bit pedantic here, but when you say “it made the trees rustle like living things.” – but trees are living things! From their fluttery leaves, to the roots they hold the ground together with, they are fully alive and vibrant, and their presence is all so soothing.
one tip from Russia: the best cleaning for carpet is to bring it to the snow…to turn it and to hit it….u will see, all the dust will stay on the bottom of snow (the snow must be dry, not wet). perfect fresh carpet. We do it every winter!
#13 Last Flowers Of Summer | Edible Flowers Shortbread Cookies | Drying Flowers

(c) Her 86m2 Enjoy the pleasant late summer days: drying flowers, baking edible flowers shortbread cookies, drink a cool glass of water with edible flowers ice cube.
Edible Flowers Shortbread Cookies / Bánh Cookies với hoa ăn được:https://www.her86m2.com/cooking/edible-flowers-shortbread-cookies-2-waysDIY Dried Flowers / Cách làm hoa khô https://www.her86m2.com/diy/diy-dried-flower-hanging-station
I am from Spain. I don’t know why youtube recomended your channel, but I am just so happy to see what you do… It makes me feel relax and give me a lot of ideas for my home.
Does this woman even sleep? This level of perfection and productivity seems supernatural.
My goodness the aesthetic of this video is really unbelievable 😍 Love the dried flower bouquet feature … might consider doing that for my place too!
Your hands are just like magic wands, you can touch everything and it will turn out to be something extraordinary beautiful
In time this will get a million views. This is one of the most beautiful videos I’ve ever watched on youtube. It’s like the scenes from The Secret Garden, Little Women and Anne of Green Gables put into one magical and whimsical story. God is truly beautiful and generous to have blessed you with such talent for making people feel achingly wistful and romantic. Please don’t stop what you’re doing. You’re a rainbow to this sometimes-dark-and-cruel world. 🙏🏻❤️
I’m an anxious and depressed person so I’m so happy that I’ve come across your channel. It has brought me a lot of peace even if only for a little while. Thank you 💝
There is so much poetry in everything you do… 😍
Thank you so much for being such an inspiring person. These videos of yours makes me motivated. Thank you love! <3
It’s so relaxing watching your videos. You are so multi-talented and I love your style! Thanks for being an inspiration!
The flower cookies were beautiful and even more so that your daughter helped you with them! I love iced flowers, too. However, it looks like you were drinking rose petal tea as opposed to rosehip. I’ve been drinking rosehip and hibiscus tea combo so I know rosehip is the fat part that the petals sort of sit on top of. 🙂
I love the way how creative you are..You enjoy life and living it on another level..awesome❤️👌🏻✨
You are the perfect example of the kind of mother I aspire to be someday. Thank you for these videos, for they not only bring me peace and a feeling of safety, but inspiration as well. 💕
Her entire life is an aesthetic ❤
A few years ago I never wanted to get married, I just wanted a child a daughter actually and I felt that that would be enough for me, we’d be best friends and live our best life, she’d be my company and I’d have someone who will always love me, I kinda feel the same way even though I’m married now. Since getting married the feeling of wanting a child is so strong sometimes, it’s almost like it’s all I want and I think as soon as I have a child my husband will basically become invisible. The bond you have with your daughter is beautiful, got me in the feels right now ☺️
Your videos truly are therapy, they always leave me feeling so peaceful and optimistic. Thank you from Canada!
I just wanna Thank you ♥️ lately I have dealing with lot of stuffs but your channel is something that is like a therapy this is what I needed the most right now 😭 this actually made me happy cry the music the aesthetic those beautiful scenes everything is helping me calm down ♥️your channel is like a ray of hope
What a lovely video! I’m so glad I found your channel. Lately, I’ve been making bookmarks out of pressed flowers (i laminate them). But I will definitely try to use them as decoration like you 🙂 flowers are always beautiful, even when they are dried
thank you for making such an aesthetic video which inspired me 😭💕wish to have my own flower garden in the future
Your videos are so beautiful! I love them all! It’s also amazing that you do everything! Just wow! I wish I could do this with my future daughter as well ❤️ more videos please
#36 Ten Simple Microgreens & Sprouts Recipes 🤤 | Seed to Table

(c) Her 86m2 Last week we have learnt to grow microgreens & sprout together. They are full of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals and are particularly easy to digest …
Stay with me to create 10 simple dishes with microgreens & sprouts today! What is your favorite? Let me know in the comment ^^https://www.her86m2.com/cooking/ten-simple-microgreens-and-sprouts-dishes
A mom,an artist,a gardener,a carpenter,a chef and a YouTuber with aesthetic videos that calms my soul…..how to be you?😂 Seriously, can’t wait for you to reach a million subscribers.💜
The title should be “When an artist gets some microgreens” ❤️ incredible
The chef was her own miracle. She saw a brilliance in food, a potential to help and heal others, a way to show them how the sublime was simply a mixture of the ordinary. It was her genius at play, seeing what the rest of us didn’t. I guess that’s why we called it her culinary magic and joked that her spoon was a wand carved from the spirit tree. Either way, she made us all so happy, food does that, right? It feeds the soul, brings smiles and bonds, makes everything so much better.-Angela Abraham.
The cinematography and the BGM are impeccable! So beautifully executed!
My English spoken teacher, Sawda, introduced me with your channel. She told me if I follow good people I only can be a great person. I’m 11years old. You are great than my thought. I want to be great like you.Sending ❤from Bangladesh.
I’ve been binge watching your videos again lately and all of it do give off a vibe of peace and tranquility. I can tell that every single thing on your videos is a work of an artist… fantastic work! 🤗👏
Both me and my parrot enjoyed it thank you she fell asleep listening to the music next to me 😂💚 and all the food looked amazing delicious and fancy
I’m in love with how much dedicated you are to this, I just simply think that you’re a super woman and we needed that!! Please keep going like this, you gave me the energy to start growing my own rooftop vegetable garden!!!💕Ps. How did you learn that much about gardening?
Obrigada por produzir esses conteúdos que mostram como é simples ter uma vida mais saudável. Obrigada por disponibilizar as legendas em português brasileiro 🖤
I’m so glad I finally have the time to sit down and binge your latest videos. These are all incredible! The quality continues to grow as well! <3 🙂
There is no way to pick just one as a favorite! They all look amazing!
Ma’am this is ART. You’ve reached different levels and I’m so happy to find your channel. Love your work. Absolute delight..!! Wishing you all the luck and power.❤️
Obrigado por partilhar conosco tantos saberes e sabores. Peço aos Céus que bendigam você e sua família. Saudações e bênçãos. 👏🙏
Urgh, this is so beautiful! Can imagine the amount of time and effort put into this!
BTW, I’m Asian but had no idea of that technique you used to make the eggrolls! I loved how you didn’t make it in one big pan but made layers in such a unique way. I had never seen that technique before and it’s awesome!
Never thought simple things can give you so much fun🥰🥰
My favourite dishes from this video are: summer rolls, tofu, egg! The summer rolls will be great for parties! Egg one seems so simple but i have not done it that way before. I also love your mix of vegan, vegetarian, and meat recipes. Keep up the great work!
You inspire me to grow microgreens and cook these beautiful nutritious food! I followed your channel since last year, and thank you for sharing your amazing and brilliant life with us! It has been a wonderful source of inspiration!
The dishes look absolutely delicious. I can’t wait to try out the recipes.
#48 Starting a New Chapter in Our Lives

(c) Her 86m2 We just moved! Saying goodbye to my old home and starting new can be bittersweet and for weeks I have been so excited and anxious about this change.
We just moved! 😍And no, to answer your questions, I won’t change my channel’s name because it’s a part of me now 😍BLOGPOST: https://www.her86m2.com/life/starting-a-new-chapter-in-our-lives
Your piece of work is just inspiring!!!
As someone who moved regularly as a kid and taught myself not to get attached to places, this really hit a chord. Thanks for the video, I hope to follow you further on this new chapter of your journey
Your husband is such a sweetheart, arranging the plants while you sleep to make it look like your old balcony ! Moving is hard at first but you’ll all be so happy once you settle and make it a home ! Change is scary but the future that awaits you is one of happiness in a brand new environment !
one of my biggest dreams is to move out to a remote area and have a big garden of my own as well, congratulations to you and your family on this wonderful journey!
Everything about this is so beautiful. The way you film, the scenery, your amazing style and gorgeous family. I’ve only just discovered your channel and I’m so happy I did. You are inspiring and uplifting and such a breath of fresh air in a time when we so need it. Thank you for sharing and for bringing such joy. With love all the way from New Zealand x
Eu simplesmente achei a casa maravilhosa!!!! Que esse novo lar seja repleto de boas lembran�as e momentos felizes!!!
When I started watching I was so sad about your balcony and old home. But when i saw you and your daughter running around your new kitchen and garden I knew you made a good decision. It will be amazing to see your new memories create in this old, village house. Thank you for sharing it!
I got so emotional watching you and your husband paint over your walls in your old home. We’re also moving and it’s so bittersweet to leave our home that we live in for 9 yrs. It’s the only home that our two kids remember. Congratulations on your new home! I can’t wait to see your new creations in your new home.
What a dreamy house! I can’t wait to see how you put it together with your inmense talent. You all will be very happy here!
I am an ordinary woman in my 50s living in a small countryside in Korea.Your life inspires me a lot.A new place will give you new strength.
What an incredible new house! Change can feel difficult even when it is a positive one. However the love of being with your family is what will inspire you to make your new house a home. Best wishes on this new chapter. 💕
We are the middle of a move, and I can’t thank you enough for sharing this video as we go through all the emotions of a move. I love that your husband recreated your garden. What a beautiful gift! Congratulations on your lovely new home and all the new adventures ahead of you in this season of life.
I totally can relate to that feeling of having to leave your home to somewhere new. It’s sad and scary to some extents, but also exciting as a new beginning. Hope all is good and well to you, your family and your new place ❤️
We moved into our new house 2 months ago after renting for 9 years, and I could not describe the bittersweet feeling I was having. It was an old rental home, but we had created memories in it. Although I was excited my kids would final have a place to call their own, I was painfully sad as well. I cried on the last day we were there cleaning up. As I touched the walls and held the doorknobs one last time, I felt like I was grieving the death of a loved one. It has been 2.5 months and I have finally fallen in love with our new home and accepted the reality of creating new memories here. I will always cherish that old home though 💜
I dream of living in a beautiful home surrounded by nature just like this someday 🤩 Such a wonderful place for a child to grow up in and for a parent to grow old in 😍
I’m sure she’s going to make it into a more productive and beautiful place ❤️🥰
It feels like besides you, I’m also missing your old home. This one is also very beautiful. As it is located in the countryside, It’s more attractive.And, I am a person like you who love to be attached to the history. This new home is giving me a vibes of old home. I was following your channel from the very beginning. I really love your blogs. Looking for more videos from you. Your way of talking, gives me happiness in my heart.
*Người Việt Nam đâu nào ^^*