#47 Homegrown Herbal Tea Recipes for Better Sleep 🍵

(c) Her 86m2 Good sleep is crucial to our health. I have been struggling with having restorative, high-quality sleep for over ten years which impairs my daily functioning greatly …
Which one is your favorite?You can also read all recipes in this video on my blog 👇 https://www.her86m2.com/green-living/homegrown-herbal-tea-recipes-for-better-sleepFull disclaimer: Your physical condition may differs from mine so you should consult with your doctor BEFORE trying any of these recipes!!!
Ok can we take a moment and talk about her HAIR?!? It looks soo healthy and beautiful. 😍
Welcome to the “Youtube Premium” what you do and show just magical, relaxing and beautiful at the same time. It’s like watching series that well-prepared. The quality, the purpose, the content it self, hopefully ur family healthy as always 💕
This is so relaxing. Love this! Much prefer spending time watching your vlogs rather than the ones bragging about shopping their designer handbags and clothes. Beautifully done. 👏👏👏
Hôm này cũng xem clip mới làm việc được
🌿Gorgeous, cozy, relaxing moments ☕ So many ideas for compositions of aromatic and healthy tea! Thanks for the ideas! 💚 My favorite with rose petals 🌹
You are a magician : you know how to talk to the Soul.🙏 🌼
Boa noite!Experi�ncia pr�pria: tomar levedura de cerveja ( alguns falam levedura seca) 1 colher de ch� dissolvido em 1/2 copo de �gua, 1 hora antes de dormir. Voc� ir� dormir como anjo
Amazing as always, thank you! I never thought about mixing lavender and mint, I will definitely give it a try! I love to drink my homemade kombucha with lavender, it is delicious. If you allow me to share, it is not recommended to add honey into boiling water, better wait to the moment you are going to drink your tea, to preserve its properties.
Obrigado por partilhar conosco tantos saberes. É bela a forma como você se relaciona com os alimentos. Há respeito e gratidão em cada gesto. Saudações e bênçãos. 👏🙏
Wow just wow – everything you do looks so amazing
Currently addicted to your videos.. Love from India❤🙌
They all look like such amazing recipes to try. Your presentation is always so beautiful! My son lives in NYC and brought me an assortment box of loose leaf teas from a tea shop in Manhattan, when he came to visit. It was such a sweet and thoughtful gift, the teas were in test tubes with cork tops, so cute, and he included a beautiful teapot and mug too. Those were the best teas I have ever tasted, and I savored every last drop!
I love to use plant for everything, in prevention ! Lavender essentiel oil in a warn bath when you are sick or stressed is the best 😍 tea with Thym lemon and honey when you have a cold with cough or throat pain is perfect !
I love the entire video, but your outfits are so gorgeous!! 💜 I was fascinated by the herbs and teas. 🍃 Thank you so much for sharing this knowledge with us, I have some problems to sleep it’s going to be very handy ❤️✨
This channel is growing so quickly in just a matter of months. You deserve it, the effort you put in each video. Surely the world will acknowledge it hundredfold.
Watching your video before I head to work. My work can be very stressful so this is a good way to start my day, calm and relax.Coming from the bottom of my heart, you make the most beautiful, inspiring videos.Have a great weekend and thank you for what you do 💕
Each one of your recipes is appealing to the eye.. But since I love your channel so much I thought I should tell you. I’m a medical student. And I learn the ancient art of healing- Ayurveda. It’s the most basic knowledge among all Indians that honey must never be heated . It becomes poison.Lots of love.Hope to see more of your masterpieces. ❤️❤️❤️
😃 Gracias por darnos tan buenas clases y regalarnos tanta sabiduría, gracias 🙏💚
How can you make drink tea become a beautiful thing, it’s so lovely
#44 Thoughts About Mental Health 💚 While Cleaning The House

(c) Her 86m2 Sometimes I also think cleaning for me is a form of ritual. It’s repeated and predictable. It’s an informal mindfulness practice of sorts. Blogpost: …
Sometimes I think cleaning for me is a form of ritual.It’s repeated and predictable.It’s an informal mindfulness practice of sorts.What is your go-to ritual when your anxiety attacks?
What I‘m the most fascinated by is the fact your cat is NOT afraid of your vacuum. Mine RAN like there‘s no tomorrow.
“we will not judge ourself for the bad days when we can barely get out of bed”I don’t do comments but this lines really hit me deep. Getting this quoted in my little 76m2 soon. Thank you.
I always love your content. You see life through such a beautiful perspective.
I know so much how you feel – I know it too. You are such a caring special person, and so you have “antennas”, that make you feel so much more. Your home is your safe haven, and by keeping it healthy in so many ways, as cleaning, decorating and such a wonderful way of living, you celebrate healing. Anxiety is a price we pay, but all those creativity and ideas of your´s is the gift, that comes to you as a reward for not giving up. Hugs from Germany, I love your poetic content as always 💕
Pandemic has taught me to clean, re arrange, re decorate… And to make do of whats there rather than to buy. It gives a very refreshing feeling a good sense of fulfullment. This is so timely..
As an introvert my home has always been important as a sanctuary from the world outside, and during the lockdown it became even more important as my safe haven so I love keeping it clean and maintaining it. I think it’s almost an extension of self-love to treat your space with reverence. I find cleaning therapeutic as my mind wanders from one thing to another while I’m doing it, and I often find I’ve finished my tasks on autopilot without even thinking about what I was doing! ☺️💛💐🏴 (btw, I love your vacuum cleaner)
Watching my plants growing is the best therapy 🙂
I just love how you see life in different perspective i hope and pray that everyone who face mental illness learn and appriciate life while we can 😁 love and respect 🇵🇭 Philippines
Ser humano maravilhoso!! Amo seus vídeos todos estou sempre esperando por mais. Obrigada me deixa com muita paz o silêncio de não falar músicas sempre calmas. Beijo de🇵🇹❤️💕
🇧🇷Você me inspira a ser uma pessoa melhor, gratidão 💕
Just as your words comforted you and gave you that feeling of safety, they also comforted me. Thank you for sharing your heart because I really needed them in this time of my life as I struggle ❤️
Your videos are so calming and I love your editing!! ☺️
Me identifiquei muito com seus pensamentos, saiba que seus v�deos est�o ajudando muito com minha ansiedade.
I’m always a little ashamed to admit this, but I hate to clean. I really hate it. I mean, there are so many more interesting things I could be doing. And even more so now that I have kids ! Because who has time to clean every 5 mins right !? But then again, when I do make the efforts to clean. It’s the best kind of self satisfaction when I marvel at the warm afternoon light that hits my spotless living room, no toys on the floor, no dried tomato sauce on the couch… It’s safe to say cleaning & me is a love / hate relationship 🙂
The objective of cleaning is not just to clean but to feel the happiness within…everytime it’s like a ritual, a new energy is coming, you can feel it, it’s like magic😇🙏🙋
Your little girl is so lucky to have you as a mom! To be able to talk about mental health openly is a gift!
I used to be the most chaotic person until the mid-twenties hit, and I had my first big personal crisis. For some reason, I started taking a better care of my place and realized that cleaning was very good for my mood. I first discovered that, of course, having a tidy home is comfortable and convenient. But most importantly, I discovered that cleaning in a regular basis gets to be relaxing and gives you time to think and process, since you are performing repetitive actions and that lets your mind wander.
“we have to stop putting life on hold any longer and wait to feel perfect” 💚
This came at such an opportune moment for me. My daily life has been going through many consecutive changes and it’s been a challenge adjusting. Thank you for always inspiring such inner peace 🤗❤️
#21 Making Plane for Alexia from Recycled Cardboard

(c) Her 86m2 I know these are stressful times. Remember to take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to the news, including social media. Focus on the positive aspects …
How’s the pandemic going in your country? Here in Europe we went to partial lockdown again – hope you all are staying safe :)HOW TO MAKE CARDBOARD PLANE / HƯỚNG DẪN LÀM MÁY BAY TỪ BÌA CỨNG: https://www.her86m2.com/diy/making-plane-from-cardboard
she is the happiest girl having a mom like you☺️❤️perfect cutest airplane with full of love🥰
Alexia really blessed with great mum and dad, she is so bright 💛
The best thing about my 2020 amidst the chaos in the world is finding your channel ,🌿 God bless the day I got your video recommendation on my feed because that’s literally where it all began. I was at a point in my life I was dealing with a devastating breakup , watching your calm vlogs brought so much peace into my life and for that I am forever grateful. You are my greatest inspiration, you inspired to not only live simply but to also start documenting my life and it is honestly the best decision I have made, I am the happiest and fulfilled I have ever been . All thanks to you🤗💚
I discovered your channel yesterday night and couldn’t stop watching ! It is so refreshing, so calming and inspiring ! Thanks for your hard work but also these moments that you share with us ❤️ would love to see more about the process of creation of your videos xoxo
Aaaahhh it’s true, that parenting is a never ending learning process. 😊
So cute~ reminds me of when I was little maybe 4 or so and we kept saying we were bored…so my mother made us hats out of the comic strips. It was Sunday and I still remember it so vividly…it didn’t last long but just the memory of her interacting with us was wonderful…I think it’s the same with Alexia…you’re creating wonderful memories..thanks for sharing..
From the beginning up to the ending of this video is all pure love , talent and creativity.Giving us motivation specifically during this pandemic.You are right when you said parenting is a never ending process and kids have the right to have their own identity.All moments you and your husband been capturing , later Alexa will be the happiest when watch herself growing in your videos.I’m looking up to you as a Mom and to your family sharing positivity and a big thank you for inspiring me . 💛
Here in France we are going through the 2nd lockdown. I am happy staying in to save lives and having craft and creative projects helps tremendously during this dark time ❤️As always your video is inspiring and uplifting 💕
She ‘s so adorable 💖 Love her smile and happiness .
It’s so important to spend time with kids and make memories with them !! Love the sweet smile of your little girl 💚💚
Children have a right to their identity, thanks for saying this. It can be so disappointing when you thought they would be thrilled with something and it turns out that they are not as excited as you thought. Thanks for the perspective of letting go. Don’t let my ego dictate my child’s joy. Your clips are very moving. I tear up a lot.
Como siempre, encantador. Alexia es muy afortunada por tener una mam� tan emp�tica y comprensiva. Gracias Her, hace falta m�s personas como t� en este mundo 🙂
I really love your contents. There’s just this warmth feeling that it gives every time I watch your videos. Thank you! 😊
This video is such an amazing thing that I can feel the peace & happiness. I love how the scene made and the color, images, and the story. I think An will be so proud to see this when she grows up. She will become a happy girl. And I am so lucky to have found this channel in my life
What a beautiful v�deo, what a beautiful message. 2020 was a wonderful year to me, I developed my spirituality so much, I discovered my mission of life, I learnt to be much more patient, I learnt what is faith in truth, I knew what is gratitude and I saw your video when I most needed. Thank you.
How creative. I’m going to make cardboard plane for my daughters soon.. This video brought big smile on my face. Stay safe, 💕
The mood throughout this video is just exquisite. What a beautiful soul you are!
You are so good with your hands! I am in love with what you do, from how you revamp your kitchen to this plane for Alexia.
The plane turned out so cute. I liked how Alexia helped with making it. Loved the ending, she’s so cute. ❤
Morning Walk in the Snow: A Playlist to Calm Your Mind

(c) Her 86m2 It may seem like we are living in an age of anxiety, where feeling worried, upset and stressed has become the norm. But here with me, leave your worries behind …
It may seem like we are living in an age of anxiety, where feeling worried, upset and stressed has become the norm.But here with me, leave your worries behind, it’s time to unwind and take a morning walk in the snow through the woods.Absorb the sounds of relaxation to help ease your anxiety, source calmness and feel happier.
I’m surprised more people don’t comment on this: you filmed a whole hour straight of walking! 😯 (I know from experience that it gets tiring and the whole process is a lot of effort). Thank you for all you hard work ❤
I love your videos 🧡 From Japan 🥰🥰
We don’t have snow at my country. And it’s my dream to bring my parents to oversea so they can experience snow like this. I will work harder to achieve this dream! ☺
Since child.. I want to have a living in a country like yours. Even just for one day. Thanks for sharing your life in vlog like this. I hope you and your family still healthy. 😇
I love the fact that every your videos always fascinating, there’s one of your videos i watch many times EVEN while i’m doing home duties. It because contained about flowers. You know when u already love something you just forget any else around you also what are you doing in that time. I love flowers very much and your gardening vibes just… OMG i can’t say more. And fortunately, your beautiful creativity and such lovely arts succeded to make me want to painting again, especially taking deeply learning with using many watercolours since i’m decided to taking hiatus from that things 5 years ago.By the way, thank u so much for your such beautifully contents and i’m so glad to found it. Don’t forget i always looking forward to your next videos😍
I love a walk when it snows too, everything is so peaceful it’s like the world is at rest.
Que suerte poder pasear por esos paisajes tan bonitos y q los sepas apreciar. Todo nevado espectacular. En Toledo” España” hace dos semanas tuvimos una nevada grandísima y fue espectacular. Un besote muy fuerte desde España 😘😘
Such a cool, unique, peaceful/calming and perfect video! I cannot believe you carried a camera for an hour in that cold! That shows your dedication, perseverance, and commitment to everything you do!
These music brings tears of relaxation to my eyes…. Thank you soooo much for your thoughtfulness, your art and your state of mind. You’re incredible person!
I love this. All aspects of it. Especially the sound of the droplets on your umbrella and the “slosh” of your boots as you walk. This is a delight and a recharge for my soul. Lots of love from Perth, Western Australia.
Seus v�deos me acalmam e inspiram, ao mesmo tempo. Em tempos de acelera��o e ansiedade, � um dos melhores rem�dios. Parab�ns pelo belo trabalho !
Such a great video to have on while doing work, nothing to get distracted by, and since i normally listen to music videos, im saving myself lots of time. Awesome choice of pieces and I can see myself just watching this in my free time to experience the snow. Great upload! <3
Que experi�ncia fant�stica, obrigada!
When I’m tired of studying, I watch this amazing film to keep going. I really love it! From Taiwan <3
I can stay here forever. Thank you for giving me this in these incredible stressful days between what it’s happening in the world and my studies. I don’t live in a place where snows often, so this video is both so relaxing and magical to me. Really thank you <3
I love such walks in the park…it remainds me so much of the time when I was living abroad – in Ireland. Only the snow was missing. Love the calm music. thank you so much for sharing it with us
This was such a relaxing watch. The snow scenery is beautiful <3
Thanks for such a wonderful journey,it makes me fell a very different and relaxing feeling.💖💖
Thank you very much for your walk. You walked for almost an hour and held the camera in your hands without gloves in the cold. It’s hard. This sleeping forest, this snow, this playlist made me cry. I cried and thought about my parents who live far away from me. How I want to walk with them on the same road. In this video there is both happiness and joy and sadness and beauty and love at the same time. Thanks a lot