- #2 Five Ways to Spice up Your Toast: Monte Cristo, Wanpaku… | Ăn Sáng Bánh Mì Không Chán {SUB}
- #10 Glamping & Hiking in the Black Forest
- #9 What I Eat in a Day (Summer) | Asian Home Cooking
- #37 Reduce Waste at Home: 36 Easy Tips | Sustainability Starts from Home
- #5 Simple Luxury | 7 Day Self-care Routine to Increase Mindfulness
#2 Five Ways to Spice up Your Toast: Monte Cristo, Wanpaku… | Ăn Sáng Bánh Mì Không Chán {SUB}

(c) Her 86m2 5 Non-Boring Ways to Eat Toast: Overnight Creme Brulee French Toast, Decorative Toast 7 Way, Monte Cristo, Tuna Wanpaku Sandwich & Avocado Toast 3 …
0:41 – 7 Easy, Cute Ways to Decorate Toast3:03 – Overnight Creme Brulee French Toast5:44 – Japanese Wanpaku Tuna Sandwich8:01 – Monte Cristo Sandwich10:13 – Avocado Toast Three Way
Không gì diễn tả nổi sự yêu thích của mình khi xem những video này! <3
I’m falling in love with this beautiful and strong mother. The way you see world, treat things, cook , made very aesthetic video about how you get through your daily life is so warm and blessed. New subscriber. Greetings from indonesia
Your toasts are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I bet your little girl has so much fun with you as her mom!
The production quality on these videos is insane. They’re so visually pleasing and the music and editing is lovely 💕
Really, i was going to say i want to be your daughter in my next life, but i love my parents too much. So i want to be your best friend in my next life.
You’re just the most darling young woman I really adore you I love the content of your channel and you can tell how much love you put into everything and I think that’s the most valuable ingredient of all
A minha irmã apressntou-me o seu vlog. Desde então não consigo parar de assistir. O seu trabalho é delicado e lindo. Estou apaixonada por esta caixinha de por o pão de forma. 🇧🇷
There is so much patience, love, perfection, creativity and peace in everything you do. <3
Your content is amazing! Keep doing it, Ived been sharing it to my friends and they are hook on your channel
Your channel is so on another level than anyone else’s! It’s amazing how much different content is on here but you make it all so beautiful! I loved the designs of the toasts at the beginning. Have never seen them decorated that way and loved it!
It’s a visual marvel. I have been experimenting with a faster edit (have not shared yet) and I haven’t seen many who edit this way. I am so happy to have found your channel. It is very inspiring to me as a first year youtuber and aspiring amateur film maker. I just wanted to compliment you. I can’t wait to binge your channel and take it all in. That is so much what I love about being a youtuber. I learn so much from talented folks like yourself. Praise.
este tipo de videos, son extraordinarios me siento reconfortada cuando los veo, bleesings ❤🍁✨✌
Love how you incorporate art into your everyday. Extraordinary toasts 😊
I haven’t found a girl so talented 🌺you are amazing
I’m in love with your channel. I want to live like this. So feminine and independent. Everything is beautiful and peaceful.
My daughter loves toast for breakfast, and I’ve tried to keep it different or interesting every time so she is never bored. This is a total game changer! hahaha, beautifully delicious. Thank you for sharing. 💕
Just found your channel! So inspiring and make me want to appreciate little things around me! thanks for sharing ❤️
These are absolute works of art, they look too beautiful to eat ☺️. I think you must have been blessed with every talent, there doesn’t seem to be anything you can’t do! I wish I lived next door and we were best friends 😁💕🏴💐
🐾 💓 Wonderful how your baby and cat are part of the soundtrack of your day! And, they’re both beautiful! 🐾💓
#10 Glamping & Hiking in the Black Forest

(c) Her 86m2 In Kafka’s “Castle”, K is alone when he arrived in that village because he does belong neither to the castle nor village. Life is never about black and white.
Link Blog 🙂 Có câu hỏi thì mọi người cứ comment nha – Feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions :)https://www.her86m2.com/travel/glamping-hiking-black-forest
Your channel must be one of the best ones I ever found on Youtube! The videography is absolutely stunning ❤️
This video make me want to quit everything in the crowded city and move to the countryside. So inspired!
My god what an amazing cinematic experience!!! Like watching a movie
“chúng ta đã nuông chiều bản thân trong xã hội hiện đại quá lâu . nó lừa chúng ta rằng, mình chỉ có thể hạnh phúc nhờ các tác nhân bên ngoài. hạnh phúc thật sự đến từ sâu bên trong, dù cho ta ở đâu, bóng tối cô độc giữa rừng, hay dòng người nhộn nhịp.” câu nói thật sự khiến mình xúc động
Didnt know the Black Forest was so so beautiful. Its like a piece of paradise. You have done such a great job filming this. Thank you so much for sharing this. So soothing.. so tranquil. This is the kind of holiday I would love to have.
“we have been indulging ourselves with the modern society for too long. It deceived us that we can only seek happiness in external sources. Real happiness comes from deep within“ 💚
this video is special in a way that, even if you use cold tone filter, the content itself gives you warmth from the inside. Rare experience during this suffocating era to be honest.
I am in love with every single one of your videos, this channel is truly amazing 🌱
I just found your channel and omg, it’s so spectacular! I love everything about you and your style of filming. Wow..wow stunning work. So beautiful and moving! Congrats 👏
And this is how you turn your ordinary existence on Planet Earth into something magical. (honoring every action as sacred, good cinematography, soothing sounds, light, and colors).
I am so glad that I found your channel every thing is stunning it’s like a movie 😊
This is such an underrated video. Its breathtaking! Every scene is just ethereal
Просто волшебный канал! Столько вдохновения дарит🎉
The production quality is top notch, & it is quite a meditative experience watching your videos… All the best!
Your daughter is so lunky her childhood is so adorable ❤️ she is learning so many thing from the nature and her parents❤️.
It’s not just the aesthetic that captures the souls… the best communication ever is wordless…you speak straight to and touched our hearts without any words… thank you … the feelings that I have when I watch your videos are indescribable…it’s beyond amazing
The memory’s that little girl is getting
Such an amazing family time. It warms my heart ❤️
I am delighted and touched by every video I watch, you are part of a small “select” group of young sages, who love nature, care about the sustainable and recyclable. I’m 62 years old, and I admire her a lot! Hugs here from Brazil ❤️💯🇧🇷
#9 What I Eat in a Day (Summer) | Asian Home Cooking

(c) Her 86m2 People often ask me: why do I take a lot of food photos and I don’t make cooking videos. I love cooking but until now I haven’t used to filming cooking because …
Hope you enjoy this video – Link Blog :)https://www.her86m2.com/cooking/what-i-eat-in-a-day-vietnamese-homecooking-asian-food
I love the amount of thought and effort you put into making Alexia eat healthy. I find that so many parents today, will just cook whatever food their child will eat, or they’ll make whatever is quick and easy. But I’ve always found that homecooked meals made me appreciate family more now that I’m an adult.
It is amazing how much the food culture is differs from country to country. In Poland, for breakfast you eat sandwiches, porridge, scrambled eggs, sometimes herring, maybe something sweet. And in other countries, what Poles would call dinner, they eat for breakfast. It is fascinating to me! ❤️
chị ơi, hay quá ạ, em thích cách quay của chị thật, nhìn yên bình mà ấm áp, cố gắng ra nhiều video nữa nha chị
This made me tear up. I been away from home for 20yrs now and I know exactly how you feel. I long for my mother and her cooking.😢
Although I was about Alexia’s age, I immigrated to the United States also from Eastern Asia so I totally know what you mean when you say that you miss those homemade meals! There’s nothing better 🙂 it’s hard to find ingredients sometimes but always worth it
The food is so lovely….Thank you for showing us how you make your pho .What a good and conscientious mother you are. Alexia is a fortunate little girl.
I’ve always loved your content, because it makes me feel relaxed❤
From the few videos I have seen, starting with your balcony’s garden, I would say most people go on a life journey but you have elevated that journey to an art. Looks like a plan for ‘less is more’ in a new world.
I love this, I live in Germany now and have been craving dishes like these but have never really seen them made so thank you for making this video
Fui ao Vietn�, amei a viagem, as hist�rias e o amor que aquele povo tem pelo seu pa�s
From your most beautiful garden to your family, I am loving every video. You are blessed, as are we for the sharing. Thank You & Namaste 🤗💖
Thank you for not muting the natural sounds of everything (even in your previous videos). They’re so satisfying to hear! Hihi. May I ask where/how did you learn to cook? Did you attend culinary classes or did you just learn by yourself? 😍
Как греют души Ваши видео, до слез, спасибо за титры, очень круто их читать
Que hermosa pagina gracias por compartir al mundo, mi duda es c�mo se llaman las verduras que parecen sand�as miniatura ?
Your videos always put a smile on my face, when watching them…. Thank you from the bottom of my heart ! You are a special soul and you have a beautiful family… All the best for you, keep on going…. The foods you prepare are not only yummmmmmmmm, they are so full of design…. I feel so hungry every time I watch your videos 🙂
thank you for sharing your meals. I aspire to cook like this for my family once I recover from leg injury one day. So healthy and yummy and peaceful. Warm regards
Amazing! I am cooking as I am watching this. You’re an inspiration!
This is so amazing omg!!!! I definitely miss pho. I really want to know your recipe if that is possible.
Such a pleasure watching your videos :)I would love to know where you got your kitchen compost bin from?Thank you
#37 Reduce Waste at Home: 36 Easy Tips | Sustainability Starts from Home

(c) Her 86m2 Don’t make waste reduction at home complicated. Instead, focus on small changes and quick wins that are relatively easy to implement. Introduce the changes …
Thank you for watching – let me know if you have any tips to reduce waste at home for me of what I do wrong and I will update it to my blogpost. Let’s turn this into a collective idea hub and meaningful, civil conversation. See you around :)https://www.her86m2.com/green-living/36-easy-tips-to-reduce-household-waste-sustainability-starts-at-home
Love how you concluded the video. Many people who lead a sustainable lifestyle they tend to judge other people’s life. I’d say kindness would go a long way.
I just want to let you know that your videos are a breathe of fresh air. And everything in this video is true. The world needs for everyone of us to make small changes, not a drastic change just for an individual. It’s like donating money, sure it’s a good thing if someone donates $100,000 but wouldn’t it be better if a million people donated $1 instead? Small changes matter, so for those of you taking small steps in making this world a better place, my deepest respect to you. 💚💚💚
Beautiful as always. I love how you include Alexia in your interests and daily activities. She’ll grow up to be such a well rounded girl ☺️❤️
This is what they should be teaching in schools 🏫 ❤️
Someone suggested your channel for making a balcony garden and I am so happy they did! I am also happy to see that your content is more than that and I have been loving it so far! ❤🙂
This is an amazing video. I love how you never hold back giving us so much information in one video. I noticed many youtubers when talking about one topic it usually contains just a few tips so they can do more videos ☺️❤️
No creo encontrar algun comentario en espa�ol , pero esto es tan hermoso!! todos los d�as trato de mirar algunos v�deos para intentar de apoco cambiar h�bitos y mejorar d�a a d�a
It was so good. I just wanna grow fast now so that I can live in my own house at a beautiful place and I’ll always use your tips for my healthy and productive lifestyle. ( I’m smol and a student rn and wanna grow up early hehe)
Simplesmente apaixonada, adorei todas as dicas, sempre tento implantar coisas sustentáveis na minha vida, obrigada pelo incentivo 💜💜💜
I love it!! And it’s amazing how simply you make it seems and it’s also important to take notice of what you said about changing things slowly so we actually commit to them! Thanks for an amazing video!!! ❤
Melhor notificação do dia😍😍😍🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
I never stop admiring your wisdom. Each video is like a little gift of fate. We think in the same way, and I find a lot of useful things for myself. Thanks and good luck ❤PS Please tell us how you ended up in Germany, where do you live and what do you do?
I also indirectly realized that there were still some in my life that supported the destruction of nature. I’ll fix it again through this video.❤️❤️
Inspired by the clip at 5:27 — the portion of the video where you ask for suggestions — walking and biking when possible (over cars) is a great tip too! And of course, carpooling or taking public transportation, when possible is also better than driving by yourself 😀
This is the life I want soon 😢❤ just by watching this I get so much excited in moving out and having my own place with sustainable lifestyle
I’ll be moving where I can grow some veggies on a small porch and when I tell you I will be re-watching these videos religiously. . .🤠 Love this community and excited to try your new tips!
I am so loving how you are living your life. We should all aspire to be more like you ❤️
Amo Amo muito seus vídeos. Estou feliz por ser sua inscrita. És linda família maravilhosa! Parabéns por tudo que nos ensinas. 👏❤️💕🇵🇹
Obrigada por partilhar seu conhecimento 🌹❤️
#5 Simple Luxury | 7 Day Self-care Routine to Increase Mindfulness

(c) Her 86m2 Luxury doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with money 🙂 Một chút xa xỉ giản đơn để biết chăm sóc bản thân tốt hơn. 20 Simple Luxury Ideas / 20 ý tưởng về …
20 Simple Luxury Ideas / 20 ý tưởng về sự xa xỉ giản đơn: https://www.her86m2.com/life/simple-luxuries-self-care-increase-mindfulnessLife is Essentially Playful / Bản chất cuộc sống là hoạt náo:https://www.her86m2.com/life/life-is-essentially-playfulTiramisu Recipe / Công thức làm bánh Tiramisu:https://www.her86m2.com/cooking/tiramisuTravel Journal / Nhật ký xê dịch:https://www.her86m2.com/travel/travel-journal
I find it so interesting that while our paths would typically never cross is “real” life…the impact of a young, Vietnamese woman on an older American woman is actually profound! I’ve been so touched by your videos…their deeply insightful messages…the stunning photography…your beautiful family…and the wisdom you have which is beyond your years. I’m grateful to know you via this platform and to experience your art. I look forward to seeing more! ❤️
Every shot is a perfect piece of art
You are lucky you can pace your life and do the things that make you happy as well as tend to your little girl. I spent 32 years in a high stress work force and was basically reduced to shreds by the time I finally retired. I missed out on so much of my kids life (although I was always there but so exhausted I could hardly breathe.) Now I see what really matters is a slower and more loving life, filled with love of what you are doing. You are lucky to be able to do that as well as give that to others as a gift in the form of your videos, which truly soothe my soul.
This really makes me rethink the way I proceed with every day life.
I only found you yesterday and have been hooked ever since. You’re my new favourite channel! Your content, your editing, your creativity, and the love and thoughts you put into each video are truly stunning and inspirational. ❤️You give a new tuber like me so much motivation to learn and master the craft. Thank you.
I cried at the last sentences. I’ve been harsh to myself being busy because I thought that is the only way to grow up but then I felt my soul has become weak. Thanks for sharing nice stories♡
Vous êtes une vraie artiste. Toutes vos vidéos sont des leçons de respect et d’amour de soi , de la nature et de la vie en générale . 👏
No words can express my feelings towards you and your artistic works! Every single word, scene is a piece of art and I can feel it deeply in my heart. I’m all for you and have a feeling that we’re kindred spirits, like in a book I love “Anne of green gables”. ❤️
O que admiro muito em teu canal, al�m do excelente conte�do, � tua organiza��o. Os v�deos tem numera��o e s�o separados em cap�tulos. Isto � incr�vel, parab�ns
Currently I’m having trouble with finding my ownself…trying to make myself worthy. Every passing second the only thing that’s in my head is ‘Who am I?’ The same three words repeat in my head like a broken record, no matter how hard I try to not to abuse myself both physically and mentally I always end up doing so. I know it is challenging, but I will try my best to stop it and give my self some simple yet calming luxury.
Music Used in this video: Made a Way (Salt of the Sound)Endless Horizons (Ian Post)Oh Darlin (The Hunts)Stars of Wonder (Salt of the Sound)The Isles (Daniel Robinson)
It’s kinda beautiful to realize how simple things in our lives can make us happy
Gracias, muchas gracias por ayudarme a ser agradecida de los d�as de la Vida. A ayudarme a re encontrar la Belleza de las cosas, creadas con Amor… En tu libro se ve el mapa de Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, me emocion�, es Argentina, mi tierra… Gracias Dios te bendiga abundantemente.
Parabéns seus vídeos são incríveis,uma verdadeira inspiração para mim,transmitem paz ,equilíbrio, simplicidade,respeito ,organização e muito amor. Obrigada por tornar meu dia mais leve e inspirador.❤️😘
Gracias! Todo el video me ha llevado a reflexionar en el “no hacer nada y lo valioso que es”. Y me dej� en una paz de pensamiento ins�lito. Gracias
I can’t stop watching your videos. They are full of ethics and sensuality. I’m starting to see things with different eyes, with more attention and sensitivity. Thank you very much.
I can feel the peacefulness that you’re enjoying <3 That’s simple, sustainable and it makes my heart melting
I’ve never been amazed by anyone before.I really love the way you are determined to do all the amazing stuff you’re doing.I really wish I had a life similar to yours.Lots of love. –Evana J
Tenho a sensação de estar lendo um livro com imagens que se movem…amo seu modo de se expressar ! É tão calmo, suave tudo que faz é perfeito, poético ao mesmo tempo tudo muito bem colocado temas, sons, palavras, imagens!!Você é incrível!Mto amor e paz pra você e família!!!🥰🇧🇷