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(c) Subaru Ch. 大空スバル あじあじ!!!!!!! ☆ご本家様! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0rwL3hLBjs ☆動画制作 2mk様 …
Remember that Subaru’s also an idol. When she sings,she transforms into a swan.
Born literally with a hole in her heart, got hit by a car, house burned down and after all this she still sings and performs.Subaru is one tough bird.Respect.
I don’t know what she’s saying but she looks excited so I’m happy.
Subaru : im gonna show off to the oversea fans that im an idol-Overseas : *SWAN!*
Me: *wears all black*People: he looks like someone who listens very heavy musicMe: *Hololive original songs intensifies*
50% CUTENESS50% SHUBA SHUBAoverall: 9000+ /100
Reject Tsundere, embrace Tomboy
[✓] Cute[✓] Genki[✓] Tomboy[✓] Tsukkomi[✓] Brighter than a thousand suns[✓] Saved an old man’s carrer[✓] Baptised YAGOO[✓] Normie in the process of corruption[✓] Sings[✓] Dances[✓] AHEM[ ? ] A”S”M”R”[✓] Shuba ShubaLiterally better than perfect.
Remember fellas, Subaru was met with many tragedies,and she’s still much better than spoiled kids,an idol to which we all look up to. And YOU can be the same,because if she can,then you do too.
The subtitles literally says “[音楽] ” which means “[Music]”
I can’t believe our tomboy is so freakin’ cute when she sings.
she is literally an idol anime girl donald duck, but she’s a goddess too.
Subaru : “Im a Tomboy”Also Subaru : Has Hearts,Candies, and Strawberries as a background
this is stuck in my head and the only the only way to get it out of my head is by listening to this until I’m sick of it
When Subaru streams: DuckWhen Subaru sings: SwanSubaru at any time: The Best

(c) Subaru Ch. 大空スバル 今回はハーフだけど、 いっぱい今年は頑張ってうたう!!! ☆楽曲本家様 キノシタ様 YOUTUBE→https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvy_1uRgNNu-h3JJCJOGfpw …
Everyone: *Why is her Voice so unique?*Intellectuals: *T o m b o y*
Why is this duck so darn cute
“What is she doing?””Her best”
0:46 「らめらめ」は最高
petition to let subaru cover mio honda’s step
Subaru never fails to put a smile on my face.
Just finished watching this at 1440p. My life span has increased by at least a century
The OP to the new slice of life comedy: “my little duck cannot be this cute!”
This is a certified hood classic
Friend: so whatre your type of girls?Me: idk maybe like a *duck*
Joke aside, I really want to hear more Subaru’s cover songs. Her singing voice is quite unique and really great.
this has shown up in my recommended everyday for the past two weeks, and I can’t stop clicking on it.
And now i have to listen to this song at least once a day.
【80万人記念】大空警察!!:OOZORA Police【ホロライブ/大空スバル】

(c) Subaru Ch. 大空スバル イラスト…Ryou唯 (@yl3020251)先輩! ※ジョーク配信です!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 【参加してくれたみんな!】 ☆ラミィちゃ!
In the idol industry, seiso-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In Hololive, the dedicated detective who investigates these vicious felonies is member to an elite squad known as the Oozora Police. This is her story.
23:00 So this is the reason why Aki is late on her scheduled stream yesterday! She was arrested and sent to the jail!!! Oh poor Aki 🍎🍏
Need a sequel for this. Subaru as police officer and Ame detective versus Coco the yakuza queen and Korone yandere boxer to save Okayu , also for vengeance
subaru in cop outfit is just perfect especially with her short hair too. Subaru is so cute, smart, and very beautiful.
OH GOD! Kaichou is still on the loose and framed the Smug Cat. Will Shubaru catch the true culprit or will Kaichou defeat justice? Find out next time on Shuba Ball Z
Law and Oozora: Don’t run a fowl of the law.
2:40 開始 START7:35 雪花ラミィ16:50 アキ・ローゼンタール25:05 潤羽るしあ32:30 桃鈴ねね40:20 桐生ココ(猫又おかゆ)48:45 宝鐘マリン1:00:30 SHUBA CHAT TIME
ofcourse Coco was the only one that got away with it and framed Okayu LMAO
Since the police was defunded, there’s only Officer Subaru left.Horniness and transgressions run free in HoloCity.But she won’t give up.
I love this way too much! This was one of the best stream ideas! Marine was hilarious!
How does she come up with such fun ideas?How does she keep doing it!?This was so much fun!Enjoyed every moment of this stream. Great work Subaru.
This was great
Thank you Subaru, for saving our reputation by picking that question
her angry face is just too cute for me
改めてスバルちゃん80万人突破おめでとう🎊(*^▽^)/★*☆♪タイムスタンプ⏰2:39 あじまる‼️大空警察あじまるよ~👮♀️2:53 ちわーッス‼️って草3:39 今日は何するかと言うと🚓4:34 実際どんな感じかと言うといやネタバレw6:39 大空警察取り調べスタート🚨最初の容疑者知ってたw☃️15:48 容疑者2人目🍎24:29 容疑者3人目🦋32:18 容疑者4人目🥟39:49 容疑者5人目🐉+🍙48:17 容疑者6人目🏴☠️59:45 放課後しゅばチャット読みタイム🌇1:03:13 名前呼びスタート🏝️1:03:47 明日は絶対絶命都市やる予定だよ📅1:08:21 スバルちゃんカレー作ったからの明日はスバルちゃん忙しい🎤🎶1:13:07 第2弾あるかもしれないの嬉しい😄✨1:15:46 最後そうだと思っていたが明かされる衝撃の事実w1:21:20 タイマンでコラボしてないの誰だ?1:28:01 100万人何しようかな✨1:32:01 なになに!?めっちゃ気になる👀✨大空警察めっちゃおもろかった🤣第2弾マジでやって欲しい✨ラミィちゃん☃️アキちゃん🍎るしあちゃん🦋ねねち🥟会長🐉船長🏴☠️何よりスバルちゃん楽しい時間ありがとう🥰明日レッスン大変だけど頑張ってご褒美ゲットッス(o^-‘)b✨明日の配信も楽しみ🥳🎶
【#大空スバル新衣装】90万人記念新衣装大発表会/NEW OUT FIT【ホロライブ/大空スバル】

(c) Subaru Ch. 大空スバル 被せ禁止枠ではないです!よろ! ☆天才衣装を仕上げてくれた母ちゃん! →しぐれうい母ちゃん!
When your tomboy turns into a legit cute seiso girl :wait , that’s illegal
Can’t call her a duck anymore, that new outfit officially makes her a swan.
That iconic moment when the tomboy saying”I am a girl too” and become unbelievably lady-like.
Subaru with long hair… Almost feels wrong. Cute, yes, but wrong.
Something about tomboys acting all feminine makes my heart explode.Still not getting it checked though.
Here’s to hoping for a duck costume reveal one day.
Ui-mama, I’m sorry for all the Loli jokes. This is glorious!
49:23 When the childhood tomboy friend next door shows up to the school dance like…
she’s so cute that my tears comes out
cute : yes black hair : Yes tomboy : YES long hair : YESSS twintail : YESSSSSSSSTHANKYOU UI MAMA FOR MAKING A PERFECTION!!
48:32This was when I started to see angels with harps descending from the heavens to take me…
“Oh! Im Die, Thank you Forever”- Inugami Korone
I could imagine everything, but not that i would fall in love with a duckWhat am i doing
She’s like one of those girl that after someone left her (read : her kensetsu employee) suddenly she becomes really beautiful ww
Shess sooo cute, that long hair & twin tail is treat to the eyes, but her short hair with Ribbon is the greatest of them alll
“Subaru is a girl too you know?” is realoris it Duck Becomes Swan?
Well there’s Subaru. Make me falling in love with her all over again.
that moment when a tomboy try a feminine look and she looks god damn cute
Our tomboy duck has now officially turned into long haired girly Swan
I never knew I needed a long hair Shuba… Ui-mama is such a genius
【 #ホロワードウルフ 】ワードウルフホロライブ!!!!!!【勝!!!!!】

(c) Subaru Ch. 大空スバル ーワードウルフのルールー ・少数派は1人、多数派は4人です。話し合いの中で少数派をみつけるゲームです。 ・5分話し合いを行い、全員で一斉に投票します。 ・もし、少数派 …
50:24 お嬢「勝ちたくねえのかオメェら!」
16:23 自分が少数派ではないと気付いたときのみんなの反応が好きすぎるw
i laughed so hard in this stream, thanks for this collab okmams
6:10 ここでモールス信号出てくんのしんどww
4:13 ここら辺からピカピカさせて遊ぶころねが可愛い

(c) Subaru Ch. 大空スバル ひとりでするの怖いので見ていてほしいスバル ちなみに別に案件じゃないよ 本ゲームは株式会社Cygamesの配信ガイドラインに則って配信・収益化を行なっております。
imagine Subaru realize that when she reach the rank 100 she just finish the tutorial…
グラブルやってるから全部知ってるはずなのに、スバルのグラブルめっちゃストーリー面白かった。 チャンネル登録しちゃった。
Subaru genuinely enjoy this game, good for her, and i hope she can play the kimetsu no yaiba event!
Can’t wait for her to fight all the raid boss xD
1:16:10. ここ好き
have fun subaru! play the main story, event story and side story they are interesting to play, the only yabai one is 古戦場..
Rackaammmmm all the way, demn feels nostalgic for the first time plying gbf,now that has been 4 years plying …idk what to say anymore, gacha hell indeed lol
2:24:54 モブおじ「うるせぇ!!! いこう!!!!」どんっ!(殴打)
2:31:46 それではみなさん、ご唱和ください