【 #WWhololive 】ワールドワイドホロライブ!!国際交流するッス!!!【日本語放送】

(c) Subaru Ch. 大空スバル 今日はみんなと異文化交流コラボをするよ!!!! 国によって文化も価値観も全然ちがうからたのじみ!!!!! ※今日の放送はあくまで各自の個人的意見をもとに構成 …
1:36 Start 3:30 Introduction: Subaru (Hololive Japan) 4:30 — Iofi (Hololive Indonesia) 5:39 — Rosalyn (Hololive China) 6:45 — Coco Caine?! (Hololive America) 7:24 — Coco (Hololive) 9:21 1st Topic: Talking about where they are coming from and how many members each Hololive has 9:55 — Hololive China Members 14:49 — Hololive Indonesia Members 18:51 — Hololive Japan Members 23:56 2nd Topic: Talking about Hololive Image (Ohh poor Yagoo! THEY KNOW! xD) 24:42 — Iofi’s opinion 26:40 — Coco’s opinion 28:34 — Rosalyn’s opinion (She first thought that Hololive would be like AK48) 30:20 — Subaru’s opinion (Amazoness High School Girl) 33:09 3rd Topic: Signature Food and Tourist Spot 33:36 — Subaru – Sukiyaki 37:22 — Subaru – Fushimi Inari-Taisha (Shrine in Kyoto) 39:10 — Rosalyn – Shrimp Gyoza 41:14 — Rosalyn – Shikinjyo, Forbidden City 43:04 — Coco – Pizza 46:17 — Coco – Harlem New York 47:48 — Iofi – Rendang (poor Watame LOL) 49:34 — Iofi – Candi Borobudur 51:19 4th Topic: The way they celebrate birthdays 51:51 — Subaru 54:45 — Rosalyn 55:48 — Iofi 57:46 — Coco 1:01:44 5th Topic: Hamburger Set Price 1:02:23 — Subaru – Mcdonalds 600yen. lol 1:03:56 — Coco – 4,99€$ -> big size (or we can say “kusa size”) 1:07:49 — Rosalyn – 400yen – no vegetables on burger. 1:10:55 — Iofi – 300yen – they have a chicken set. ohhh. no fries, but rice 1:14:51 Last Topic: What would you recommend to watch first for the international viewers for each region 1:15:03 — Iofi – Hololive ID First Debut Stream 1:16:51 — Rosalyn – Hololive China Girls Talk 1:19:03 — Coco – Japanese for Real 2020 1:20:49 —– MIO!!! YABAI!! xDDDD (The time when Coco teached Mio english) 1:21:38 — Subaru – The Youtube Channel: hololive ホロライブ – VTuber Group 1:23:24 Last, Impressions of today’s collab 1:23:47 — Iofi 1:25:27 — Rosalyn 1:26:25 — Coco no time for subaru’s impression, because flare’s 3D Debut was starting in like seconds. lol
Iofi: Candi BorobudurMe see the picture: That is PRAMBANAN 🤣🤣😅
This was a great stream. I love that all the world branches of Hololive came together. I’m super interested in the China members, especially Roz (card games ftw!) but sadly they almost exclusively stream on Bilibili.On another note, it was pretty annoying to see people in chat go “Pizza is from Italy!” or “Pinatas are Mexican!” for Coco’s choices. Remember guys, America is a HUGE country, with a bunch of different ethnic backgrounds influencing all parts of the country. American Pizza is different than Italian Pizza, and Coco saying she did pinatas for her childhood pretty much confirms she’s from the Southern US.
I miss these streams and the CN girls :(I can’t tell you how many times I’ve dreamt of myself preventing all of the bad controversies so things like this could continue.
I came when she asked for overseas viewers. It was cute, and, honestly, it’s nice to feel needed.
24:45 YAGOO start sweating when Hololive member describing what Hololive truly is.
“Human is interesting”Where have I heard this word before? Seems familiar.
スバルも日本語しゃべれるんだ で草
Steamed : ebi gyozaFried: pastel udang.
ワールドワイドホロライブ各国のホロメンや文化とか知れて良かった✨開始時刻⏰1:36 ワールドワイドホロライブあじまるよ‼️3:08 各国自己紹介🚑️🌲🎨📖🐉9:17 国際交流スタート‼️世界のみんなと一緒に楽しめてホントに最高の企画でした👏良かった第二回あったらすごく嬉しいです✨
【#生スバル】第七回ソーセージレジェンド大会:SAUSAGE LEGEND【ホロライブ/大空スバル】

(c) Subaru Ch. 大空スバル フレンドマッチもやるからわざと負けたり切断してレートを落とすのやめような!!! レート:800~1000↑ 本ゲームは Copyright © 2014 milkcorp.com の確認を得た上で …
13:12 ある意味センシティブネーム
This game is just…crazy.Battle of sausages. Enough said. xDThanks for the gameplay, Subaru-sama.
25:50 のジャニーズの人、おそらくわざと動かないことでジャニーズのアレは不能って事を表現したかったんじゃないかと思います ……………
I cant wait for the translated clips
Thanks for the stream(oppenent sausage are too op )
【初見実況】零~眞紅の蝶~をするスバル:PROJECT ZERO 2 Wii EDITION【ホロライブ/大空スバル】

(c) Subaru Ch. 大空スバル イラスト…みかく(@mikaku_i)先輩! この動画およびライブは、任天堂著作物の利用許諾を受けて配信しています。 ==================== 8/11 …
3:54:15 ウインクしながらくしゃみ助かる Sneezing while winking
52:15 ガチな悲鳴助かる
Sound effect of this game is amazing!!!
I never thought the day would come when a hololive member plays Fatal Frame… Great choice!スバルちゃん、いいセンスだ!
仕事終わって観たら終わっていた😭なのでアーカイブ楽しんできます(*`・ω・)ゞタイムスタンプ⏰2:36 あじまる‼️零がついにあじまる‼️2:56 ちわーッス‼️スバルちゃんはどこにいるでしょうか?4:10 零~眞紅の蝶~スタート🦋3:28:47 放課後しゅばチャット読みタイム🌇3:30:48 続きは明日の14時から3時間くらいやる予定📅3:31:20 22日と23日配信できなさそうだから明日メン限やるってマ⁉️3:35:53 名前呼びスタート🏝️零おもろいって聴いてたけどホラゲーだから手出さなかったからスバルちゃんやってくれるの助かる✨この後のダンスと歌の自主練ファイトッス‼️✊😆✨アーカイブ観るか((( ;゚Д゚)))
Last year, I’m searching for someone in Hololive who played fatal frame but I can’t find one.But right now, Im so happy that my favorite vtuber stream and played it.This is a great gift for me ❤️
【#2】リベンジやるしゅばああああああ!!Duck May Cry!:DMC3【ホロライブ/大空スバル】

(c) Subaru Ch. 大空スバル イラスト…くや先輩 (@kuya_C3) この動画およびライブは 株式会社カプコンの利用許諾を受けて配信しています デビルメイクライ3 ©CAPCOM CO., LTD. ALL RIGHTS …
2:26:10 “Where is your motivation?”She probably has no idea what it means, but she said the thing! Spoken like a true daughter of Sparda
“Foolishness Subaru, foolishness. Lust controls everything. And without horniness, you can not motivate anything, let alone yourself.”
When the choice of game is so good you watch even when you don’t understand a word being said!
So sick that Subaru is playing DMC3! I’m also getting into the series myself (already beat 1), so playing it at the same time as her is very fun!Jealous that she managed to beat Jester first try! That one… took me a while. Then again, I’m also on Normal.
*spams Stinger* One of us! One of us! Gooble gobble! Gooble gobble! NOW she’s motivated!
I’m staying even if I don’t understand a full sentence, she won me over because of Dmc3
3:54:46 突然始まるダンテさんライブに困惑するスバルダンテさんのパッションあふれるムーブはスバルのツッコミと相性いいなw
It’s a blessing watching Subaru, watching all the cutscenes in this game.
3:20:05 – 3:20:08Nevan: – Come on Sugar Subaru: – YEEEEES!
Her reaction of this scene was priceless 36:43 2:32:40
3:47:07 Compatibility test ptsd intensifies. 95 points!
i love how she doesn’t know how to use devil trigger until nevan boss fight
In this stream Subaru gets a little MOTIVATED! Hope she plays 4 and 5 too, I know she’ll love them. Also @2:26:07
Subaru was feeling *M O T I V A T E D* this stream!
“Bang, bang, bang, pull my duck trigger”- Nero, probably
2:26:56自分用 二人の闘いが人間のレベルをはるかに超越していることがわかるシーン
GG Subaru rides along and have fun with the cutscenes. Commended for trying to use every weapons, guns, and styles. She’s smart at puzzle solving, too. Her playthrough is arguably a good sample if you want to introduce someone to DMC3
18:17 “A Storm is Approaching”I love this chat 😀
This party’s gettin’ crazy, let’s rock! Shuba Shuba