
(c) Subaru Ch. 大空スバル メンバー限定絵文字がつかえる! スバルの休日(オフショット画像)が見れるように! なります!! twitter フォローしてくれるとスバルはうれしい …
1:15:17 スバルちゃんがコメみてるか分からないけど、実は「たいようさんさん」は「ねねち」が言い出しておまるんが書き込んでます。スバルちゃんの「一番ヤバい、五期生で、ダンチでヤバい」は正解(笑)流石鋭い!
Finally, shubangelion was born, so this kensetsu war is burning up, but i approb with our cute tomboy!
27:12~27:40 悲鳴→やっぱはあちゃまなんだよな~の流れすこ🦆
1:19:10 自分の声のデカさに引いて、反省するスバルちゃん
Does it have any protection against lighting?I’m worried about it getting destroyed, she worked so hard on it.
お疲れ様ーーーー本当面白かったーーーーー^ ^ぺこみこと他のメンバーの反応が楽しみだな^_^
Subaru-chan showing what she is planning to do with both Miko and Pekora…XD
ランダムスバル:ramdom subaru

(c) Subaru Ch. 大空スバル メンバー限定絵文字がつかえる! スバルの休日(オフショット画像)が見れるように! なります!! twitter フォローしてくれるとスバルはうれしい …
That sound at the end is you getting your life points recovered.
“WHO’S THAT POKEMON?””IT’S DUCKSHUBA” Duckshuba: shubashubashubashuba
Your duck is evolving! Your duck has turned into: SWAN IDOL
Proof that Shuba sees _everything_ you post about her: the “random Subaru” was a little out of context image of her that someone put in the corner of a meme that Kaichou showed two weeks ago. Sasuga, ego-search swan 😂
“A random swan has appeared what would you do?”*I’ll take that swan home and take care of it*
“That’s cute”-Everyone and probably even Sun Tzu
… *slams big, red button* RED ALERT! She knows! _She knows!_ She knows the memes we made!
“Our Duck Idol Can’t be This Cute!” Boy, was we wrong. She keeps getting cuter and cuter.
Well this is going to be my phone wallpaper for the rest of my life.
**Cute Random Shubaru appears**I’m die, thank u foreva
POV: You’re holding a bread in a public park
I don’t want to look like a sick dudebut her boing boings got physicsthat aside, cute shuba shuba has appeared!
I thought this was a random edit but realized its actually from the duck herself
0:01 ここ最高だよな
Subaru: Just being cute and random.Us: “More of this? Yes, more this please.”
My satisfaction is immeasurable and my day is made.
Inspired by recent meme, local duck has been found acting like an idol

(c) Subaru Ch. 大空スバル メンバー限定絵文字がつかえる! スバルの休日(オフショット画像)が見れるように! なります!! twitter フォローしてくれるとスバルはうれしい …
20:29 my favorite oni giggles
54:50 Here you go, cute Ayame’s scream
1:08:23 I bust my guts out laughing at this epic duel between duck and doog
Subaru sounds like a school teacher on a field trip. lol. I love it. 😆
OKBR視点もあるのでそちらも観て頂けるとより楽しめるのでお願いします( ノ;_ _)ノタイムスタンプ⏰1:06 あじまる‼️ちわーッス‼️1:31 今日は何をするかと言うと?2:40 ゲームの説明助かる✨3:44 今日のメンバー紹介🌽😈🌲🚑️🥐🍙♌️☃️8:04 ゲーム画面に移ります📺️➰🎮️9:02 L4D2スタート🧟🔫(FAMSハンターOKBRゾンビ)17:16 OKBRハンターFAMSゾンビチェンジでスタート27:08 泣きの一戦をw30:10 Round2スタート(FAMSハンターOKBRゾンビ)38:24 OKBRハンターFAMSゾンビチェンジでスタート45:00 ノータイム再戦w45:20 一回集合‼️49:52 ステージ変えてRound3スタート(FAMSハンターOKBRゾンビ)59:58 OKBRハンターFAMSゾンビチェンジでスタート1:12:12 みんなの感想FAMS対OKBRという神対戦本当にありがとうございます!!✨もうおもろいしw熱かったし✨本当に楽しい配信ありがとうございました😆🎶第二回待ってるで(o^-‘)b✨
Shuba using new melee hunter strat lolReally fun and cute stream, hope u doing it again soon.
Fun stream🤣looking forward another stream like this 🤗🙏
Ever since Hololive started playing L4D2 I always wanted to see a versus mode! It turned out to be much more amazing than I thought! Can’t wait to see more versus streams!Thank you for hosting Subaru! It was nice seeing your skill as infected improve so much! And thank you Ayame, Fubuki and Mio!
理知的リーダーフブキにパッションと共に突撃スバル、鬼神と化したお嬢、悲鳴かわいいミオしゃと、FAMSチームも全員面白かった!今回は惜しくも負けたけれど、次は先輩として圧倒しちゃいましょ!笑Good Game! 第2回を楽しみにしています!
Amazing stream! Gg for both teams!
i like the fact that they’re scared and targeting botan.. as expected from “La-lion”.. HAHAHAHA
今までの協力も面白かったけど対戦も安定の面白ろさでした(ミ ´꒳`)
【】うおおおおおおおおおおおおお/my voice is………【】

(c) Subaru Ch. 大空スバル イラスト…ぴーす (@piisu_)先輩! ==================== 8/11まで!2020お誕生日限定ボイス&グッズでております!
This is just a Summary TL with help from Gundamfinal’s Live TL , Please thank him 3:01 Suba returns 4:30 Suba very excited to finally speak , but knows not to speak to loud or get scolded by staff for speaking too loud 5:30 She went to the doctor to check her voice and doctor wanted to see her voice, doctor notes that’s really bad 6:10 when her voice goes bad, she would sing something to tune her voice 8:20 During Okayu’s call stream , suba realised how cute Gen 2 voices are and her’s turned out like this 9:52 She figured she would return with ohayou Subaru(on saturday) but the Recording on friday was so crazy(ended at 1am) 10:26 Marine said evertime subaru talked, her voicebox pops out, that friday morning Suba couldnt talk too well but went for recording and tried her best and was able to get her voice to come out better 11:47 Miko was there too and said her voice would end up crazy tomorrow, that morning her voice was alright but her throat was screaming for her to stop. On sunday, it didnt hurt anymore but still went to the hospital 13:05 She was really down that Day, Lamy was sitting next to her and was looking at Lamy’s chest the whole time. Subaru thought she was really tired as she never thought of looking at chest. Suba ended up spacing out and stared at Lamy’s chest and lamy quietly pulled up her zipper. 14:08 Everyone was worried about Suba and staff gave a drink which tasted so bad and made weird face 14:48 Miko comments “Miko Ch. さくらみこ) はじめてレモン汁舐めた時の赤ちゃんみたいな反応だった” “my face became a baby when i drank that juice for the first time” 15:15 Subaru notices Miko commented on her stream 15:50 Suba went for her break and noticed that her manager had prepared a drink for good luck 17:35 When the recording was over(at 1am), they all yelled in joy and one of the staff said they looked like crazy people 18:10 One of the manger said they prepared pudding and Suba had a smile on her face but what made it worse was she spilled the pudding. She had no energy left to even react and her manager wiped the pudding off for her. 19:52 senchou kept saying she want to marry Noel and suba wanted to marry noel too because she is so kind. At first, Marine was going “chu Chu” to noel at the start of the recording but end of the recording, even subaru wanted to marry Noel too 20:52 Friday was really the peak of the week, she returned hom and had bath but her throat suddenly acted up like saying “im finished”,her adrenaline helping her throat ended 21:45 Suba note it’s been a while since she took the week off and was bored, Okayu’s friend “kayoizuma” messaged her on line and asked if she was alright, she gave gifts that was good for the throat 21:49 Her grandpa also messaged on line to ask how Suba was doing but she accidentally paniced and sent a “I am King” stamp, Grandpa ignored her and asked to try making curry 24:59 For the Gen 2 collab, she first thought she would skip but since Aqua was hosting this, she would join in 26:20 Since suba wasnt able to speak much, she would nod yes or no. There was some parts where she would need to speak and she would go “Unn” 26:41 in Subatani voice 27:25 Ayame got so surprised and thought she was angry but wasnt and was the only way to speak clearly. Apparenytly that voice sent out a lot of pressure 28:27 Shion ended up being late as she ended up in a different place and was worried but she made it 29:08 Gen 2 ate beef tongue, shion cooked the meat. Subaru was sat between ayame and Shion and had to go pass me to pass the meat to Ayame. Subaru made eye contact to signal Ayame to pass the meat. Aqua did most of the talking, Shion was pretty quiet and Ayame was so cheerful 31:39 Gen 2 went to Subaru’s house and Aqua changed her desktop BG to all green for some reason 32:16 Subaru hopes Shion can help decorate her desktop this golden week but doesnt seem possible 34:35 While eating, they realized Okayu’s call in stream was happening and they joined in, they spilt okayu addicts and the oneesans into groups 37:20 Reine collab talk, they met 1 hour before stream but when 10 mins was left before stream, reine started accting strange saying 10mins left and 5 mins left, one min left she was so nervous saying like “What do I do.. its gonna start and found her very cute and triggered her Mama instinct 39:00 Because of Reine’s height (172cm) and subaru’s height (154cm), Suba was postioned where her eye level was at reine’s chest. 40:00 Subaru found a reddit post about Subaru looking for her Mama story (Please check twitter artist user KhoaPhan96, That art is Very cute and lovely) and this duckling would go looking for her mama but no one would become her mama. In the end, “reine” ended up being her mama. Suba also reminds people that this is a joke and dont take this seriously 41:40 A lot of ID members invited Subaru for collab when they come to Japan. She got one from Iofi and also Moona, Moona sent a message saying “My japanese is bad but would you collab with me? and she replied “Of course! I cant do english too! 45:20 People have been saying she overexaggerate her stories but she was saying the truth but she realized she was explaining randomly from her memory, Marine told her off about that too 48:27 Subaru and crew played off stream Among Us again 49:42 Subaru has planned a lot for golden week, SubachocoLuna 3D will happen around late may, She also will report on the Real Horse riding she did (before the bad throat period) 50:55 Subaru is really glad she could stream today, notes that whenever she speaks into the mic, the volume becomes double, especially for Rockman But people said her voice was cute during then 53:38 Asked what to stream tomorrow and decided on playing Resident Evil 7 DLC (end of Zoe) , Also wants to try Amsr with Noel with her current voice 57:48 Superchat Starts
She is back, this world is more brighter for Subaru
I’m happy to see your voice is doing better
Shuba Shuba amo tu voz, me llena de energ�a
Glad your voice is feeling better Subaru, take some time to rest if you need to. We’re all here for you.
The Sun rises again !!!
“A””Aaaaa”Goku is back!!!! <3 <3 <3
subaru voice in this stream just show that subaru usual voice has been mix with the debut subaru voice🦢🦢:D
3:52 Gura: Finally, a worthy opponent! Our battle will be legendary!Hope you got a good rest during your break, Subaru. Also, you’re voice sounds a little cuter, I can definitely hear the difference. You didn’t want us to forget you and we promised you we wouldn’t. Not now, not ever. Glad to have you back, Best Duck.
Her voice seemed different for some reason. As if she is less duck and more feminine/cutesy. Anyways, glad she came back healthy again.
Well that was fast, Im glad that you sound much better 😀
Welcome back, Subaru!!!!! We missed you and we’re glad your voice is feeling better!!!!
Welcome back duck girl shuba shuba. we miss you
I love how she has embraced duckhood
I’m so glad to see you came back, welcome back our cute tomboy idol~
Welcome back hope you stay healthy.
Please take some time to rest Subaru 😭Your voice & laugh must be protected at all costs
Please continue to take care of your voice, Subaru!
Welcome back Subaru! I am glad you are okay now!

(c) Subaru Ch. 大空スバル メンバー限定絵文字がつかえる! スバルの休日(オフショット画像)が見れるように! なります!! twitter フォローしてくれるとスバルはうれしい …
Model: GunDuck Type: ShubaDamThreat Level: SS (Shuba Shuba)
Pekora in her house: “I feel a great disturbance”
01:28 声入り 03:02 本日の目的 08:42 スバル作の温泉を自慢 18:16 ToDoリストを作成 21:50 ポンコツ全開 30:54 初めてのゴーレムトラップ 34:20 設計図公開 38:30 土台作り 43:47 会話にパッションを求める 48:10 コンクリート or 羊毛 50:38 足作り開始 58:48 足場持ってる? 1:19:57 おかゆんからのお土産 1:20:52 大喜びのスバル 1:34:04 途中経過1 1:36:40 膝上の設計図 1:42:22 だぜ! 1:46:29 リスナーを心配するスバル 1:48:04 意図しないスバルからの反撃 1:53:05 モンスター大量発生 1:59:07 覚醒し始めるスバル 2:27:50 途中経過2 2:38:18 雲行きが怪しくなり始める 2:49:30 Excelの断面図で混乱に拍車がかかる 3:04:27 コメ欄にお説教 3:17:36 途中経過3 3:28:28 途中経過4 3:42:00 コメ欄にスバル激おこ 3:42:30 いつもの流れ 3:43:25 いつもの流れ2 3:48:00 途中経過5 *3:49:03* 以降、大荒れのコメ欄とスバルの爆笑のやり取り 3:51:40 置いてけぼりのリスナーに笑いが止まらないスバル 3:55:36 スバルそっちのけで大盛り上がりのコメ欄にご立腹 3:58:46 本日の結果 足だけでペコダム並の大きさにビックリw どんどん上達が見られたけど、やっぱり太もも付近は複雑で難しいねぇ コメ欄とスバルちゃんのやり取り、めっちゃ笑ってしまったw
30:54 ゴーレムトラップが発動してるのを初めて見たリアクション良すぎて草
1:30 開始
そしてまだ気づいていないのである… シュヴァンゲリオンが大きくなることで、 スバ温泉の影がさらに薄くなることを…
The more I look at ShubaDam, the more it reminds me of those mass produced Eva Units
1:20:47 おかゆんイケメンですわ…
Am i the only one worried about a lightning strike since it is made of wool?
Buff shubadam…..this does bring a smile to my face🔥
now we just need them to build a giant Mio behind them with a sign saying “ichiban tsuyoi”