- Warwick: The Wrath of Zaun | Champion Teaser – League of Legends
- Ignite: Finals Remix (ft. Zedd) | Worlds 2016 – League of Legends
- Stick Figure Spotlight V: Will of the Blades | League of Legends Community Collab
- Braum: Trials of the Poro | New Champion Teaser – League of Legends
- DJ Sona: Ultimate Concert | Skins Trailer – League of Legends
Warwick: The Wrath of Zaun | Champion Teaser – League of Legends

(c) League of Legends In Zaun’s Gray-filled streets, the criminal underworld is hunted by an engineered beast.
2017 : The scariest cinematic ever2021 : The saddest cinematic ever
he looks like he could be a great dad to 4 children
All the cinematic that’s about Zaun and Piltover just hits different after Arcane
So that’s why Warwick only goes for the criminals, even after all those times, Vander is still protecting the Lanes.
The fact that everyone is in agreement that this is Vander is heartbreaking. Riot, please. You’re hurting us.
“You were there.””Let me forget.”- Warwick to Jinx”The fear in your eyes. I’ve seen it before.””Zaun needed you.””Who taught you how to punch!”- Warwick to Vi”Jinx! All your fault! All your fault!”- Fiddlestick to Jinx”Faces… Fading in the flames… It was all her fault.”- Swain to Jinx”She was closer than he realize.”- Swain to WarwickRiot has planned for Arcane a long time ago.
Vander? Daddy? That you?Also, this trailer is still genuinely chilling nearly five years later, it’s great.
I can’t believe that a man so loving towards his adopted children has become such a beast. Repect for Vander
Man i swear everything about Zaun is just utterly tragic…
Yes, im here after having watched the first three episodes of Arcane, MARVELOUS
Its coming lads. We’ll get to see Warwick animated again soon…
Vander is definitely Warwick in Arcane. Remember when Vi were mad at jinx then leaves her. Jinx started shouting Vi’s name. While Vander is lying dead (he could still be a little concious).. And warwick’s lore it stated there that Warwick struggles to recall his single memory that he hears a girl screaming someone’s name.
The fact that they wrote my boy WW as one of the best characters in a show brings me to tears
Wow, Vander still has it in him, protecting Zaun and still running the streets, but in a different way
“You were there…””Let me forget…””She was closer than he realize….””Faces…fading in the flame…it was all her fault”
I don’t even play LOL but I’m so obsessed with these cinematics
Fun Fact:The dude that died first is voiced by Warwicks old voice actor.Kinda cool.
Hope Vander turns out to be WW. Hes too good of a character to be dead 🙁 He became one of my favs quickly! 🥰
Knowing that Warwick is having rage pumped into him when he feels fear or smells blood changes the view of this cinematic so much
Cannot get over how well this has been animated, even after all these years. Props to Riot’s team for working so hard on this and Arcane.But why did you have to break our hearts? Vander only wanted Zaun to become a better place for his children
Ignite: Finals Remix (ft. Zedd) | Worlds 2016 – League of Legends

(c) League of Legends The ‘Finals Remix’ of Ignite “Ignite” — a creative collaboration between Zedd and Riot Games. Written by Anton Zaslavski, …
This is the “We know you’re Bronze, but we want you to feel and act like Challenger” song.
I like this version and the original and i don’t see why people are so unsatisfied with this as the worlds 2016 song…
To this day, the single most perfect mix of Epic and Electronic composition for the League World’s.. It feels like a triumphant story is being told in the Championship remix of this song and it gives me chills..
Honestly, I like this version than the original.
This version of the song added more of the hype aspect that was probably needed to make it a WORLDS song, if only this had been the original, many more people would have been pleased with the effort and it may have actually been quite popular. Worlds is meant to be a very atmospheric time in the league season, and the song itself must also add that atmosphere, I think this version did it a whole lot better.
That Orchestra from 2:56 – 3:05 was epic
I love this song, this song is so catchy, I could listen to this everyday
This is what the original needed. This elevated the song into realm of “worlds collide”, “Legends never die” and the best of all: “Rise”. The worlds theme is just so amazing.
The difference headphones makes with this is ridiculous. Without them it feels kinda choppy, and kinda oversaturated, like there’s too much going on. But once you have a good headset on the balance is perfect, the drops don’t sound misplaced, and there’s a ton of detail that’s missed in normal speakers.
There’s a fire that burns insideIt’s an instinct that never liesThe target’s tattooed between our eyesStand and fightUnder the lights on the high stageA part of your life it can take awayJust like the blood running through your veinsEveryone’s watching through your eyesThere’s only two options win or die, win or dieWin or die, die, die, die, dieIt went from a spark to an open flameNow destiny’s calling out your nameSo reply, so replyAnd igniteThere’s a power that’s underneathAnd you can’t see it ‘til you believeOn the edge of infinityFeel the rushUnder the lights on the high stageA part of your life it can take awayJust like the blood running through your veinsEveryone’s watching through your eyesThere’s only two options win or die, win or dieWin or die, die, die, die, dieIt went from a spark to an open flameNow destiny’s calling out your nameSo reply, so replyAnd igniteIgnite, igniteIt went from a spark to an open flameNow destiny’s calling out your nameSo ignite, so ignite
If the first drop was longer and happened twice this would actually be fire. For now its pretty lit still 🙂
This song is so epic. It actually makes me feel powerful! Great to listen to while playing games.
I think this is way better then the last one. It fits League better.
Las orquestas le agregan epicidad a cualquier composicion musical <3
I really love this song When i hear this somethings ignite inside of me
There’s only two options: win or die….Because legends never die
I used to be partial to this song, but when I heard it live at Finals with the orchestra and “holograms” and Zedd actually being there… It’s got a special place in my heart now.
This version is great. It carries the hype that the finals deserves and it’s musically well done. It’s just unfortunate that people can only stand very simple music. They will never understand the beauty behind this song or groups like Protest the Hero and Animals as Leaders.
I need this on Spotify ASAP 😀
Hermoso, excelente la mezcla, un poco flojo en el final pero igual sue�a genial <3
Stick Figure Spotlight V: Will of the Blades | League of Legends Community Collab

(c) League of Legends Fire bears count as a blade. Hyun ▻ https://www.youtube.com/hyun Hyun’s Dojo ▻ https://www.youtube.com/user/hyunsdojo …
Seriously, the Aurelion Sol part can’t be more realistic
I love it when Jhin runs, then shaking the head XD
As a Aurelion Sol main, it hurts how he mocked even in an official animation.
It’s funny that riot themselves make fun of Aurelion Q dmg
in gameyasuo : 0/15/2master yi : 0/7/1GG
Free hugs for whoever can find all the Easter eggs. We put in too many.
They should make Aurelions Q scale with its size, like the bigger it is the more damage it does
Jhin appears in stick figure spotlight 5 instead of 4Jhin : *sad jhin noise*
Gragas isn’t a stick figure…he’s a THICC figure
When you throw the whole Galaxy at the enemies but it has less dmg than a bulletTalk about balance.
Sudden Illaoi triggered the shit out of me
2:23 That was good I ain’t even gonna lie
4:20 this dmg is so real
I always have loved Jhin. This animation set has made me love him even more with the using his gun parts as a scope or whatever.
I’m very impressed that they made Illaoi vs Gangplank into a fast paced fight with each of them using different attacks. Super easy with swords and stuff, but tentacles and barrels not so much.
it’s been 4 years and the Aurelion Sol bit is still accurate.
I love how aurelion has a huge skill shot but it deals low damage it Just says what happens in the game
2:55 You can hear Annie saying “why are you doing this to me” its refering to the LEAGUE OF LEGENDS FAIL by Gonzossm in which she said that trying to run away after hard beating
I honestly can’t wait to play the fighting game, although I must understand that they have to take all the time they need to really make a good game 😔
I like how they didn’t make Riven, Yasuo nor Irelia lose to each other, but die in a comedic way, so nobody would be offended 😉 I see you :3
Braum: Trials of the Poro | New Champion Teaser – League of Legends

(c) League of Legends With the Freljord’s winter closing in and an almighty battle raging around him, one brave poro bounds on in his eternal search for …
Braum is the guy every man wants to be. Big, strong and kind.
I still remember when this first came out everyone was like ‘if the poro dies we riot’
Some heroes Hold the Door, some heroes Break the Door, but there are some who Use the Door
Braum’s lore is literally being such a nice dude that even the evil characters like him. Pretty sure if he just thought to walk up to aatrox, xerath, or the void itself and asked them to stop they would feel too guilty to keep being evil.
The heart is the strongest muscle! (That’s why his chest is so damn ripped)
That moment you see a toxic Braum. “There’s no hope in this world anymore.”
Was I the only one scared that the poro was going to die? Oh when Braum saved him I was so relieved.
POROOOOOO <3 <3 <3
Braum needs his own movie
Beautiful character, design, story, voiceover. Braum is a nice champ too
Okay who fed the varus?
braum is like “fuck my adc, im gonna save this poro”
Braum is such a cutie , I wish he would exist in our world so I could hug him :3
That poro is any adc whatsoever.
Braum has two things, one is his large door-like shield, the other is the heart that cannot cover with it
Isn’t he the dude on the Pringles packages?
When Braum survives damage, summon a Mighty Poro
the most sympathic champ was born <3
Nearly 2 years later, I STILL feel such a rush of excitement when he jumps in to save that poro <3
I love playing Braum, it makes me feel so heroic to jump in from of my teammate and protect them.
DJ Sona: Ultimate Concert | Skins Trailer – League of Legends

(c) League of Legends DJ Sona’s 2015 Ultimate Skin Music – A musical collaboration by Riot Games, Nosaj Thing, Pretty Lights, The Crystal Method, …
With current technology and the money that Riot has, they could honestly make this happen irl
Enemy zed : ı will go to bot laneBot lane :
Admit it..Whenever there’s a DJ sona sup…You turn on the Sona radio
I am here after DJ Yasuo being unable to sing
Should’ve used DJ Sona for the new True Damage group.
Dj Sona’s ultimate concert is 1 minute and 30 seconds long…Fans still satisfied.
This video alone makes me proud to be a Sona main.
At least she didn’t need to kill Skarner’s race to do this.
The original is always better than the 2.0 version 🤧❣️
Next worlds they should just randomly throw DJ Sona up on stage to hit everyone with the out of nowhere nostalgia
my body is so beyond ready for this
Anyone here after Seraphine? Sona was always better.
Dj Sona the queen of the LEAGUE OF LEGENDS musics
1:11 this part always gives me goosebumps
YouTube 2015: EhhYouTube 2020: Sure let’s recommend this 😎
I dont play League not that much anymore, but this Skin is one of the few reasons I still play from time to time. DJ Sona is simply the Best Skin!
Youtube recommendations 2015 : …Youtube recommendations 2019: DJ Sona: Ultimate Concert | Skins Trailer – League of Legends
DJ Sona > KDA seraphine.
BRING BACK SONA its not faaaair she deserves all the floweers
Still by far one of their best trailers