- PAPABUBBLE キャンディーの作り方 – Handmade Candy Making – Japanese Street Food – パパブブレ 飴細工職人の手作り – 수제사탕 만들기
- 【京都クレープ】京抹茶とチョコレートクレープの作り方|MATCHA Crepe|タピオカベリーズ|Japanese Street Sood|Kyoto
- うなぎ 田代 – 厨房の定点カメラ – 職人の早捌き 串打ち 焼き – Grilled Eel Master – Japanese Street Food – Inside the Kitchen
- 【西成・たこ焼きの名店】職人の焼き方|創業62年 一富久 大阪|たこ焼き・いか焼き|TAKOYAKI|Japanese Street Food|Osaka
PAPABUBBLE キャンディーの作り方 – Handmade Candy Making – Japanese Street Food – パパブブレ 飴細工職人の手作り – 수제사탕 만들기

(c) MOGUMOGU – Food Entertainment – モグモグ PAPABUBBLE (パパブブレ)大丸心斎橋店 世界一おもしろいお菓子屋さんを目指すアート・ キャンディ・ショップ『パパブブレ』さん。 キャンディー作りの実演は驚きの連続で …
It looks so fun making these i wanna try so badly
I’m so satisfied when I’m watching how they make candies🥺❤️🔥🤤
당신이 찾던 한글 댓글
I wish I could get some of these candies 🤤🤤🤤🤤
without a doubt the best making sweets, it is impressive and very interesting! 🥰🥰
Это карамель ?
Amazing skills ❤❤❤❤ keep going 🙂🙂
candy is a fun and cute food, and thats how its made… with fun and cute way too
맛은 걍 사탕 맛인가
Quero muito poder provar essa balinha
Ojalá algún día lo pueda ver con mis propios ojos 😀
Звездные конфеты с ярким представлением производства самой конфеты 👍
Se ve bastante rico 👍
🥰🥰احبكم من العراق ههههه متفهم كلامي
15:08 entendible tenga un bonito dia xd saludos bro
【京都クレープ】京抹茶とチョコレートクレープの作り方|MATCHA Crepe|タピオカベリーズ|Japanese Street Sood|Kyoto

(c) MOGUMOGU – Food Entertainment – モグモグ タピオカベリーズ(Tapioca Belize) 京都タワーサンド店 HP:http://tapiocabelize.jp/ ・チョコクレープ(生クリーム・バナナ・ストロベリー・ブルーベリー・バニラアイス) …
wow ! i love crepe ! this one looks very beautiful ~ 😍👍
Great job 👍
very delicious! great cooking video! great sharing!
Thank you for watching. Please feel free to comment :)お気軽にコメントお待ちしております(^^)
うなぎ 田代 – 厨房の定点カメラ – 職人の早捌き 串打ち 焼き – Grilled Eel Master – Japanese Street Food – Inside the Kitchen

(c) MOGUMOGU – Food Entertainment – モグモグ うなぎ 田代(Unagi Tashiro) うなぎ 田代さんの1日に密着した動画はこちらです。 Another video of this shop. (Day in the Life of a Grilled Eel Master) …
Thank you for watching 😋Another video of this shop. (Day in the Life of a Grilled Eel Master)うなぎ 田代さんの1日に密着した動画はこちらです。https://youtu.be/7685TriwPQo
this young man is been filmed a million over.
this is the first time i saw a grilled eel with that much char on it and i must say it look really really good way better than normal grilled eel
Wow! That’s some fresh eel! I wonder what the eels are talking about at 2:30.🤔😆
That filleting knife he’s using used to be a 300 mm yanagiba! 🤣 after millions of lives taken of delicious unagi..
Ate there last year, absolutely worth it, one of the best meals out that I had in Japan.
안먹어봐도 맛있다는걸 알수있다…
Salut!ohlalala çà donne faim tout çà,excellente vidéo…Merci!😉
You can tell he has done this for many years. The cuts looks so beautifully precise down to the tip of the tail. I’ve never seen one that can cut it evenly done like that.
이야 진짜 맛있겠어요 ㅎㅎ 일본으로 여행가게되면 꼭 먹어볼게요
鰻は苦手だけど なぜかたべたくなってくる‼️ 手際いいなぁ😃ずっと近くでながめていたい
I don’t know what to say but I was on time, thanks for the video:)
น่ากินมากๆ ข้าวหน้าปลาไหล 🇹🇭🇯🇵🤝❤️👍✌️🍺🍻
맛있겠다. ….
싸고 맛있으니깐 손님 많은듯하네
Where are the fish innards mate? They seem to magically disappear when preparing the whole eel and just magically reappear in what looks like a can-of-sorts when preparing the grilled liver!?! I tried to closely watch the video but am really baffled.
If only you washed the fish with blood and blood
저도 일본 여행 가면서 친구가여기 장어 덮밥 맛집 있다면서가까우니깐 한번 가자고 했는데막상 가니깐 예약 해야 된다면서그래는데 한국 에서 일본 여행왔는데 여행 재껴 두고 왔다고하니깐 다행이 주시더라 고요여기 진짜 맛집이 에요 강력 추천합니다 한번 맛 보면 잊을 수 가없어요 다음에 일본 여행 가면은꼭 여기 한번더 갈려구요 ^^
【西成・たこ焼きの名店】職人の焼き方|創業62年 一富久 大阪|たこ焼き・いか焼き|TAKOYAKI|Japanese Street Food|Osaka

(c) MOGUMOGU – Food Entertainment – モグモグ 一富久(Ichifuku) たこ焼き(Takoyaki) 7個 ¥350 10個 ¥480 15個 ¥680 創業62年長く愛され続けているたこ焼き屋さんです。 ダシが美味しいので『何もつけなくても …
I want some Takoyaki!
i enjoy the process of making the takoyaki ! 👍
Awwww takoyaki I miss you.Very good video
i enjoyed, thanks
Very good congratulations
Nice video sharing big love big food always
食べ応え抜群やね。熱々 食べたーい!
Thank you for watching. Please feel free to comment :)お気軽にコメントお待ちしております(^^)
最近 たこ焼き焼く 動画見ているが それぞれの 個性が 在りますね? どれが いい 焼きなのか 😖 でも 美味しそう😃
汁足しまくったら 誰でも丸く焼ける、半分で丸く焼くのが職人だ。