- 【御座候・今川焼き】ずっと見てられる職人技|Imagawayaki Cake|Japanese Street Food|大判焼き・おやき・回転焼|大阪 Osaka
- おでん屋台の1日に密着 – Old Style Oden Stall – Day in the Life of a Master – Japanese Street Food – Hot Pot
- 【PAPABUBBLE|パパブブレ】飴細工職人によるキャンディーの作り方|Handmade Candy Making|Japanese Street Food|사탕 수제캔디|手工糖果・糖果製作
- 町中華の1日に密着 – ラーメン・炒飯 – Old Style Ramen Restaurant – Day in the Life of a Chef – Japanese Street Food
- 【深夜の屋台ラーメン】阪神軒 一杯の中華そばができるまで|Old Style Ramen Stall|Japanese Street Food in Kobe|チャルメラ 兵庫県 尼崎 武庫之荘
【御座候・今川焼き】ずっと見てられる職人技|Imagawayaki Cake|Japanese Street Food|大判焼き・おやき・回転焼|大阪 Osaka

(c) MOGUMOGU – Food Entertainment – モグモグ 御座候(Gozasoro) あかあん(95円) Red Sweet Bean Paste(0.90USD) しろあん(95円) White Sweet Bean Paste(0.90USD) HP:https://www.gozasoro.co.jp/ …
I really wish to go japan and try this. Singapore has so little ingredient inside, only a small ice cream scoop.
見ていて楽しそうなのでやってみたいです笑 美味しそう
職人技も凄いけど、あのリズミカルに生地入れるやつ( 4:52 )やってみたい😊
おでん屋台の1日に密着 – Old Style Oden Stall – Day in the Life of a Master – Japanese Street Food – Hot Pot

(c) MOGUMOGU – Food Entertainment – モグモグ おでん屋台 さんかく Oden (Japanese Stew/Hot Pot) 今回八王子駅の近くにある、おでん屋台「さんかく」さんを撮影させて頂きました。 おでんの具にはこだわりがあり、 …
Meskipun cuma gerobak, tp terlihat profesional dan sangat bersih. Salut
As a wise man once said, “Oden wouldn’t be oden, if it wasn’t boiled!!!!!”
_oden wouldn’t be oden if it wasn’t boiled_*-Kozuki Oden* 🍢
I prefer old stall vs marketplaces or shops, there is a very special place in my heart (and tummy). Everything is so authentic , call me old school but hey I’m 59 after all
It’s really cool to see someone on the younger side also running a food stall
This is so cool!!! Would love to go there!, but unfortunately I’m a criminal
“Oden would’nt be Oden if it was’nt boiled. ” 😁
The owner of the oden stall is very friendly. Love to see it.
Everything about this video is good, relaxing, and enjoyable. The food looks great. I’d love to find a stall like this one day. This guy does an amazing job.
Imagine chilling with friends there, that would be my heaven 🙂
Looks at all of that delicious food.Looks down at my toast and butter.Looks up at video.Cries.
this would be great in a chilly day, hope I get to try some soon
the fact that he always uses boiled water to rinse the bowl before serving makes me feel good 😌 #respect
I love street food from Japan, greeting from Argentina 🇦🇷😊❤️
Tell him his food looks amazing and to keep being him
I could eat this everyday but alas, I live in a rather remote place far from Japan and must survive off of instant noodles and processed snacks.
That cross-section of the fish cake stuffed with soft boiled egg: money shot
Vendors like this one are a national treasure!
How wholesome… People coming here after work having a bit of quality time thanking each other for the day’s work and enjoying the food
【PAPABUBBLE|パパブブレ】飴細工職人によるキャンディーの作り方|Handmade Candy Making|Japanese Street Food|사탕 수제캔디|手工糖果・糖果製作

(c) MOGUMOGU – Food Entertainment – モグモグ PAPABUBBLE (パパブブレ)大丸心斎橋店 Art candy shop “PAPABUBULE” aiming to be the most interesting candy store in the world. 世界一おもしろいお …
I’ve seen so many candy making videos yet the ones made in Japan looks the most professional. It’s not just candy making and buying candy but it’s a performance with interaction. They really give you a whole package for your money.
It’s amazing how they get the strings to be the same diameter entirely by feel.
I’m diabetic, this is like watching someone make beautiful bits of poison. I could measure the distance between me and diabetic coma in caramels.
I’ve never clicked so fast. I was watching so much of these lately and I’ve been running out of videos😂
I was scared for the candy cutting lady that she might accidentally cut her finger 😂
Japanese people work with really quick hands.
Never ceases to amaze me that the starting product ends up as it does 😎
I want to purchase some of this candy. Looks so good!
와 이거 보니까 꿈빛파티시엘 보고 싶네
They look so happy doing this, that’s the best part
Вааау, сразу карамелек захотелось 😅🍭🍬
I didn’t even understand half of what they’re saying but it’s so satisfying to look at ✋
彼らはとてもすごいです!! (Mereka sangat luar biasa!!)
Bruh props👍🏾 to these people cause I could never contain myself, I would secretly be sneaking candy in my mouth and pocket. 😂
These are artist, what else? Great video, thanks from Italy.🙋
Hypnotising wonderfull to watch.
진짜 신기하다….
It’s amazing 🤩🤩
町中華の1日に密着 – ラーメン・炒飯 – Old Style Ramen Restaurant – Day in the Life of a Chef – Japanese Street Food

(c) MOGUMOGU – Food Entertainment – モグモグ ラーメンya (Ramen Ya) テレビや雑誌の取材も多い人気の中華料理屋さんラーメンyaさん。 今回は一日のルーティーン(開店準備・仕込み・営業風景・調理風景)を撮影 …
Definitivamente la dedicaci�n y el amor con las que se preparan estos alimentos se ve reflejado en su exquisito sabor!
she knew exactly how many noodles to put in each bowl, lol i love it🍜🍜🍜🍜❤️✅✌️😎
Great video! I would love to make videos like these in the future. I will definitely add this to the March Ramen News post on my site!
Why I’m torturing myself watching this when I’m hungry 🤤
I’m watching it at 3 a.m. ,gonna cook instant noodles,pretending it’s real ramen, hello tomorrow’s heartburn
Time has proven their quality.
Oh I can imagine, how tasty it is!! Very interesting!! Greetings from Germany!! I like Japan!!
These people work so hard, and everything looks delicious
Appreciate for Indonesia Subtitle.
あーこんな店近所に 有ったら幸せだなぁ🎵チャーハンもラーメンも餃子もめっちゃうまそう✨パーフェクトだ(笑)
Definitely going to here when I go to Japan one day. Show some love
Awesome find! I love your videos and love ramen. Here in Los Angeles, we have good ramen but I know it’s nothing compared to traditional ramen like in Japan. I hope to come visit in a few years or whenever the world goes back to normal. Thank you!
Um restaurante de lamen � moda antiga faz o pr�prio macarr�o. Esse a� usa macarr�o industrializado pronto.
I’m Japanese and still don’t understand the whole omurice, thing.
Look good. ❤️
【深夜の屋台ラーメン】阪神軒 一杯の中華そばができるまで|Old Style Ramen Stall|Japanese Street Food in Kobe|チャルメラ 兵庫県 尼崎 武庫之荘

(c) MOGUMOGU – Food Entertainment – モグモグ 阪神軒(Hanshinken) 住所 兵庫県,尼崎市,武庫之荘駅(Hyogo-ken, Amagasaki-shi, Mukonosou Station) …
this ramen stall looks cleaner than local restaurant near my neighborhood lol
Anyone else on a ramen video spree?
8:53 I keepin my eyes on the dropped egg yolks for whole time, yet magically disappear on 9:26
stalls are still the dominant way of selling foods in Indonesia. But seeing it in Japan, truly a unique experience.
Aparrently, ramen stalls is the Japanese version of the infamous “Pares Mami” of the Philippines. Might aswell look it up here in youtube, hope you’d appreciate it.Kung kapwa kita, nice to see you here.
You can practically hear the thoughts of the guy in Hawaiin shirt at the start of video, as he slows his pace. “I really could go for some ramen right now.” 🍜
not sure why youtube recommended me this, but I love it.
Wish we had teleporter technology, i’d be ordering a bunch of ramen. Love how the cart is organized
550 yen is a very good price for a bowl of ramen that looks that tasty.
This is why I am fascinated of their culture.
I hope i could try this at least once in my life. Very warm vibes
Really hope this tradition exist in the next 100years
I really like this kind of restaurant since it brings the owner and customers closer. 🙂
Wish i could go to Japan and taste this Ramen!
I’ve lived in many cities and honestly can’t recall ever seeing anything like this before..it’s fantastic