- 握ると皿を洗えちゃうマシン / Handheld Automatic Dishwasher. Fun Kitchen Gadgets
- 究極のMYO焼きペヤングを作る!Ultimate Mayonnaise Maker & Peyoung Yakisoba Maker
- 手を作ってパワーアップしてみた!My new hand. Cyborg Hand. Japanese toy
- 業務用ネギカッター、早っ!Green onion cutting machine. Japanese leek Automatic slicer
- マグロケーキ解体ショー / Bluefin Tuna Cake Dismantling Show
握ると皿を洗えちゃうマシン / Handheld Automatic Dishwasher. Fun Kitchen Gadgets

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この雑貨について◇ [コレクションNo.0492] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回は握るシリーズ第二弾です。前回は「 …
洗う皿を準備する為に食べ過ぎました。コメント&グッドボタンすごく嬉しいです。詳細と感想は概要欄に書いています。関連動画は下記です。[握るシーリーズ第一弾の寿司トング / SUSHI TONGS]https://youtu.be/GhlsByny6e0[皿の皿 / A fancy dish “Plate-Plate”]https://youtu.be/xIC1IuD8WLc[ジョーズのスープ皿/ Jaws Soup Plate]https://youtu.be/vILpm6TixOk[ヒゲのおじさんスポンジホルダー / A bow tie kitchen sponge holder “Mr. Sponge”]https://youtu.be/o1l44E6fwuI
Obviously not the most practical, but kids might enjoy the novelty of it and help with the dishes!
Thanks for this! the handwasher looks cool actually but seeing how it use and works seems pretty tiring.. you have to be in good control otherwise it may breaks your things 😂 BTW, your dining utensil collections are really fascinating 🍴🤩 I wonder how many, where you bought them and your house look like inside ?? 🤔 indeed interesting 😊😉
Parab�ns pelo canal! Sou super seu f�
Love your videos wish there was English subtitles for when you point things out on packaging
Trafiłem na Ciebie przypadkiem ,super sie ogląda i masz suba odemnie .
Love the shape of that sink and how big it is! Don’t think we have that kind in the states, if we do I have never seen them at least! Do they have regular dishwashers over in Japan? If so be better off with one rather that that handheld one because of the sponges inside. Sponges are perfect for harboring bacteria Because of the thousands of holes in them. How is someone suppose to use that on a long term basis? Are they replaceable can you order replacement sponges for that thing?Good ideas but a bit worrying if it weren’t able to have replaceable sponges.
As much as hand-washing might be more practical for the average person, this could be great for people with arthritis or similar conditions!
Never have I’ve been so entertained by some one washing dishes.
Un v�deo genial como todos pero sigo pensando que es m�s r�pido lavar a mano ^_^
I like how one product leads into another. The whole video is very cohesive! 👍
And now, you got one more thing to wash, the handheld washer lol
I know the video is about the dishwasher thingy, but the ufo soap recipient with the cow was the greatest thing for me in the whole video xD
This will surely make dishwashing more fun xD
that’s the most useless, cumbersome kitchen gadget i’ve ever seen. i need it.
I’m truly addicted to your videos😊 very fun to watch
究極のMYO焼きペヤングを作る!Ultimate Mayonnaise Maker & Peyoung Yakisoba Maker

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター In Japan, it is safe to eat raw eggs by best before date. Not only eggs but chickens are strictly quality controlled by egg factories …
ペヤング超超超大盛GIGAMAXマヨネーズの動画もアップしました。下記チャンネルもどうぞ宜しくお願いします。My other channel. Please subscribe to my channel.https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs5DZw6JqgrGuyyjYAjV4IQ
Love the Miffy collection! Usually I’m not into cute stuff but that Miffy pot is in my wishlist now.Also watching this at midnight makes me so hungry. The Peyoung looks really tempting!
I feel somewhat sad that I can’t try this delicious looking food also I love the sound effects and hand gestures, I’ve tried finding the machines that you use but can’t find it for a decent price. I love the kitchen accessories you have too! Thanks for the smiles and keep up the good work! 😁👍🏻
One of my fondest memories of living in Japan is eating TKG every morning on my way to work at a breakfast restaurant near the restaurant I worked in akasaka. The eggs have so much flavor it’s crazy. Almost as if they are seasoned in the shell. I still dream of eating those eggs so many years later. Nihongjin tamago sekai wah ichiban!
I remember trying Japanese mayonnaise for the first time, and my taste buds exploded in happiness
Me encantan tus accesorios de cocina!! ❤ :3
YES. THAT is mayonnaise! This all looks DELICIOUS
Hmmmm comida deliciosa essa 🤤 que vontade
This would have been great when I was in college. I probably don’t need any more kitchen gadgets in my home, but in my dorm room these would have been fun to have. Especially since cafeteria food was not gourmet back then.
Muito legal, parab�ns!!!!
AAA seus potinhos são muitos fofinhos 🎐🙏💌🇧🇷🇧🇷
I wasn’t very wise to watch this hungry, but this made my night! Look delicious ♡~♡
Kkkkk deu vontade de comer isso agora kk
That food looks delicious! 😋
Y’all have the best tools ever for home and kitchen👍
Such a stress relief. Can’t get enough this 🙂 keep it up!
Im just new here.. I just discover your videos yesterday and I almost watch all your videos. (video marathon since yesterday) 😁 I love your posts and always got hungry watching you eat your mouth watering meals. btw i also love your tools/gadgets 😊💓 love from philippines.
Another great video, I love your plates!!! I’m from Mexico, please, don’t stop doing these amazing videos!! I learn a lot from u!! Thank you!! n___n
Thank you for the English translation .these videos are visually appealing to me thank you oh and the gadgets I wish they had stuff like that here I mean they do but it’s always bulky and pricy
That bread and noodles WOW, I know that too much carb but I love to do it too. And i need THAT Mayonnaise maker!!
手を作ってパワーアップしてみた!My new hand. Cyborg Hand. Japanese toy

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この玩具について◇ [コレクションNo.0514] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回はサイボーグハンドの紹介です。
バナナの人形焼は「手」に見えましたか?たい焼きを焼いた動画も是非ご視聴ください。Please also watch the Taiyaki video.https://youtu.be/M_iMxkVN5zc
It really feels like you can find any novelty item in Japan.🤩 Such a fun video to watch 😄
Good way to make popcorn quick is to get a non stick pan (with a lid) put a pinch of salt, enough to spread over the bottom (that’s to make things slide easier, since salt doesn’t melt) and then put the kernels in. You let them heat up with the lid on at medium heat, shake once in a while. Once the first one pops, lift the pan off clear, put the heat on max, and then slide the pan with the lid on in a rocking motion (half way pancake flip) and then repeat until all kernels are popped. Keep the pan at least 4 to 5 cm off the flame, just let the heat work in. Works best with a 3 mm thick aluminium pan, non stick or ceramic coated. The pop corn that comes out is a delight. Perfectly popped, crisp, dry, and very an incredible crunch to it. even the little shells of kernel that come remain are crispy.
Everybody let’s give this man a hand 👏
Muy bueno uwu 👍Alguien sabe donde puedo conseguir el pingüino
I can’t imagine that penguin screwdriver is very comfortable to use extensively.
Wow que habilidad y paciencia para armar todo !..me gusta mucho el canal!..saludos
YASS, I wish I could have some of the things you boughtYou legit always make me jealous
When you feel like you were watching someone build a gundam. XD
Hola! Nunca habia visto juguetes de manos. Saludos
The cyborg hand looks strangely similar to a gunpla model kit. Right down to the colors.
I gotta ‘hand’ it to ya, they sure look pretty ‘handy’.
He seems like he would be the funnest friend ever 😭😭
I like this channel. Straightforward content. No distraction.
muito assustador ver tanta m�o, mas a comida continua ser saborosa……gostamos de voc� aqui no Brasil.
Dude, you are so cool! How do you find all of these diffrent hand things?
Even when I bought it, I wasn’t sure that I could assemble it.
that looks so cool!! nice vid as always ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
業務用ネギカッター、早っ!Green onion cutting machine. Japanese leek Automatic slicer

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この雑貨について◇ [コレクションNo.0497] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回は業務用ネギカッターの紹介です。
森の小動物のような可愛いフォルムに一目惚れをしてしまい……気がついたら購入完了画面でした。コメント&グッドボタン励みになります。ありがとうございます。詳細と感想は概要欄に書いています。関連動画は下記です。[刀の箸 / Samurai sword chopsticks]https://youtu.be/i8nJPCGNIJo[カロリーゼロジョッキ / 0 kcal mug]https://youtu.be/ut7EDiBzuQg[究極納豆マシン / Natto Machine]https://youtu.be/4n2uuKD6Nz8[リスしゃもじ / squirrel rice scoop]https://youtu.be/NAcHInNnlCc[カオナシグッズ / No-Face Goods. Ghibli]https://youtu.be/ZnKm4iGj6yA[牛解体焼肉パズル / Yakiniku Puzzle]https://youtu.be/tM0cLZR4A4g[卵の騎士/ ARTHUR Egg Cup]https://youtu.be/WNvfssMStbg[豚のエッグセパレーター]https://youtu.be/zOmLAqHY8Lo[食品サンプルラーメンどんぶり]https://youtu.be/NhMehiuha4k[アインシュタイ皿 / Einstein Face Dish]https://youtu.be/Ld1fkZbWFRI[黒豚パズル / Pork Puzzle. Pig Puzzle]https://youtu.be/HRVbjmOMnp0[色鉛筆風の箸 / Colored pencil Chopsticks]https://youtu.be/nnsHT6L8zN4[野口英世皿]https://youtu.be/Ld1fkZbWFRI[魚の醤油差しボトル / Big Soy Sauce Bottle]https://youtu.be/DtmfkH7CYNw
This guy must have a green onion farm in his backyard
Having a bit of a rough night, but your vids always bring a smile to my face. Thanks ♡
Never have I ever thought in my life I’d get to see automatic leek cutting slow motions 👀
It’s kind of cool that things in the videos are all covered by japanese and still we can enjoy the video. Even the unboxing part in the beginning amuses me
This is my daily dose of internet. Seriously speaking, since discover this channel, I haven’t gone a day without watching one of his videos. Hahahahha!
He is so happy with a simple thing like that! I’m sure he is a wonderful optimistic guy!
Tão satisfatório esse vídeo, parabéns 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
This guy has all the amazing objects and machines in the world.
I have been struggling to remember what the sound effects were, but finally, when I heard the “oh no”, I remembered Kid Pix. It was an animated paint program that could make little movies as well as pictures. I probably didn’t understand any of what I was doing, but some of my earliest memories of using a computer by myself were just playing with it and watching the stickers move around the page.Of course, this could have just been some generic sound effects that everyone used, but it still made me smile.Also I love green onion, this is a fabulous machine.
There is no such thing as Too Much Green Onion. I loveeeeeee it so much. Can eat with everything and everyday.
I love this machine!!
If you own a green onion in Japan, this guy will definitely make you rich.
Me at the beginning of the video: “No way is a machine that big worth the counter space.”Me after the video: “i need dis”
1:32 割とクオリティの高く値段も高そうなネギをご用意されてらっしゃるのがさすがです。
Comes with an extra fuse? That’s freakin’ thoughtful-!
i love the gusto with which this machine took that leek
A machine that encourages healthy eating – with wonderful green onion breath!
マグロケーキ解体ショー / Bluefin Tuna Cake Dismantling Show

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この雑貨について◇ [コレクションNo.0496] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回はマグロケーキの紹介です。楽天で …
最後は宣伝をしてしまいましたが、もう1つのチャンネルでも雑貨を紹介していこうと思っています。Instagramも近日再開するので宜しければフォローお願い致します。[もう1つのチャンネル / My other channel]https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs5DZw6JqgrGuyyjYAjV4IQ[おもしろ雑貨コレクターInstagram]https://www.instagram.com/iseebitarou_com/[マグロ解体パズル / Tuna demolition puzzle]https://youtu.be/8cYxc5yDZgs[黒マグロ解体フィギュア / Dismantling Figure Bluefin Tuna]https://youtu.be/HPf8adPXFtU
Now that’s what I want to see in a novelty cake – not just pretty sugar shapes on the outside, but faithful reproduction of the inside 🙂
I will never get tired of your videos, the editing is so funny, and it makes me want to buy all those kitchen tools and toys. Konnichiwa from the US ^ ^
its so cool that the cake itself resembles the flesh of the tuna! I was surprised to see the colours and shapes when he cut into it
I honestly want to see your house with all of these gadgets You have such amazing stuff, just like the tissue cushion I love it lol
Those scissors are way cool! I would love to have a pair!! I also really like the fish puzzles!!
He’s soo extra… I love it. 😂💖
Wow the cat set is so cute~! 💕I would love to get a cat set as well. 😊That cake looked really delicious~! 😋
マグロのケーキちゃんと細かいところまで作られてる… 凄っ
Ele : derrama líquido na mesaEle ainda : aproveita a chance para exibir mais itens incríveis e divertidos. 😂😂😂
Also I love the cat holding the tea bag.
I’m very jealous of your cat tea sets they’re so cute
Dude must have hundreds of random quirky kawaii items, I want a tour of his house 😂
When I saw the inside of it I thought it was a milk cake, which if any hasn’t had it or ever heard of it you should try it, very very tasty and full of flavor. You can get a milk cake with any kind of milk but goat’s milk is the best it’s more rich in flavor and goes well with how sweet the cake is. It will be very wet and soggy so don’t be put off by that it’s suppose to be like that, it’s the milk they soak it in but so so yummy and delicious! Please try if you haven’t yet it will be worth it, and you may think that any other cake can’t hold a candle next to the cake! ♥️😋😋😋♥️
I really enjoy your style of video making! You seem very enthusiastic about everything you film and it’s very entertaining to watch 😊
I am so happy to see another video. You make me so happy. What did the cake taste like? Where can I buy any of the items you feature? Thank you for all you do. You bring so much joy. I always feel so good when I watch your videos.
i completely lost it when the fish tissue box came out 😂
tu videos siempre me alegran despues de un dia dificil
Adoro seus v�deos e j� fui pro Japan 4 vezes .sinto saudades da comida .me manda um lamen onegai kkkkk
ケーキの度に飲み物も間食して主さん意外と大食い…?全部めっちゃ可愛かったなー( ¯﹀¯ )