
(c) フブキCh。白上フブキ ホロライブ所属の白上フブキです 感謝ぁ!
37:05 here what you are looking for
37:05 me: open pixiv, danbooru for search R18 artFubuki:
おめでとう pillar of Hololive!32:20 she stares into our souls36:35 yes that is what we are here for37:05 big face39:50 boo
Respects to the guy who translated the entire stream
36:45 oh God shes cute when angry
1:01:45 Fubuki’s message to us fans
Come to think of it, When you reaches milestones, there are so many unique events occurred.700k – the word ‘friend’ begin800k – legendary stream for waking Marine and Shion900k – celebrating two time1M – reaching while playing with whole gamer generation (really rare event when reaching milestone while collab with whole generation)P.S. I started subscribing her when she was about to reach 700k, so I don’t know what happened before.Sorry if my grammar is wrong.
37:26 this, does put a smile on my face
3:41 開始🌽歌🌽🎂1曲目 15:31~🎂Shiny Smily Story / ホロライブ (16:10頃まで小音)🎂2曲目 19:57~🎂夢見る空へ / ホロライブ 🎂3曲目 24:27~🎂Say! ファンファーレ! / 白上フブキ🌽スクショタイム🌽🎂令嬢 30:55~🎂 30:55 BB 31:04 ガチ恋距離 31:20 ジト目 31:32 a 32:09 ガチ恋距離 32:20 ガンギマリ 33:26 証明写真風🎂いつもの 33:56~🎂 34:33 PB 35:10 超ガチ恋距離 36:00 全身 36:35 へそ 36:58 おこ顔 37:03 ガチ恋距離🎂ゲーム衣装 37:47~🎂 38:20 ひざ 38:43 しっぽ 38:55 くつ 39:50 ツインテきーつね 40:14 ガチ恋距離 40:29 センシティブビーム🎂私服 41:22~🎂 41:32 全身 41:40 ガチ恋距離🎂着物 42:34~🎂 42:38 お正月きーつね 42:44 ガチ恋距離🌽話題🌽🎂ホロメンでお出かけした話 8:47~🎂 10:15 おみくじの結果 10:55 さすミオ 12:00 おみくじ結果を踏まえて 13:19 おまかわ🎂今後やってきたいことリスト 44:25~🎂 45:02 今までやってきたこと 45:49 これからやってみたいこと 58:46 まとめてみると 1:00:16 次に向かって 1:01:45 1:01:45🌽感謝のメッセージ 1:01:45 1:01:45 ~🌽 1:01:45 1:01:45🌽その他🌽3:44 フブキクイズ5:23 改めまして6:28 乾杯!7:15 オタク女子のKP17:32 ぞい!24:07 スーーッ…24:32 衣装替え25:57 かわいい30:36 BB?40:14 かわいい48:03 ビートボックス54:10 ありがときーつね!54:55 ね56:32 お忘れの方はお早めに1:00:08 マルナゲドン1:07:25 終わりのあいさつ1:07:41 神ED
Thank you very much, Fubuki!Without you, many of us wouldn’t be here to appreciate Hololive and Vtubers in general. You really did your best throughout these past two years. We really appreciate everything you’ve doneHere’s to 1 million subscribers! And may you have more friends come your way!
I didn’t even have depression but she cured it before it even arrived. A true friend if you ask me!
Many thanks to Des P and TL-er friend who’s worked hard on providing the CC subs for this and the Birthday 2020 Streams of Fubuki. Truly helpful and very much appreciated o7
This cat is the reason why I fell into the rabbit holeCongrats Fubuki!おめでとう!!
As i commented on the birthday stream, i also would like to thank Des. P, T-chan, to _arc, Pentao, Kanaderu, NoodleBrain, and everyone else here who helped with QCing the subs. We now can celebrate with Fubuki her amazing 1 million sub stream!
1 million huh? It feels just like yesterday when I was new to the rabbit hole, no 5th Gen and EN branch yet. I remember when Fubuki brought a ton of overseas viewers with a single short video. Sasuga Alien Catto, truly spectacular. 1 million friends are a *LOT* of people, I do hope that we can still continue forward and reach even greater heights! We will always have your back Fubuki!
i am eagerly awaiting for Fubuki to appear on the big screens in Times Square
Didnt know the entire vod was translated. Very cool
I thought the doko mittenda clip was a lot older for some reason.
I dont have the money to give a superchat but, i must not skip any ads to help. Congrats on 1million sub fubuki!

(c) フブキCh。白上フブキ アークナイツに爆ハマリしてしまった白上フブキによる! 白上ブートキャンプ!!! ================= 『アークナイツ』のダウンロードはこちらから!
Instead of Pekora’s laugh going: HA↗HA↘HA↗HA↘HAHer legs went: ↗↘↗↘↗↘↗↘↗↘↗↘↗
57:50 Top 10 Images taken moments before disaster.
9:05 I think pekora is showing something to korone on her phone
Everyone is talking about Pekora, but let’s not forget that Korone teleported into the bag for a second
13:52 Korone patting Pekora
43:05 Pekora is damn lucky.. LMAO
This is my unbecoming, Welcome to the world of arknights57:45 Rabbit going a get down on ending streaming
Oh wow Peko thinked so fast she went on Okayu’s back and arrived at a split second before darth vader pulled her up so we couldn’t see her pantsu
Pekora is every gen’s bestfriend everytime she’s around with other gen and 3rd gen they always tease and bully her 😂
57:50 pekora gonna be on asacoco
36:2541:26i love Okayu xd
This is quite an interesting collab.And once again Pekora’s luck is attracting salty players.
ヨシヨシ5:22 13:55 22:23
Nobody:Korone:*hits/punishes pekora*PHE!!!!!
I would love to see Hololive operators in Arknight style art and costumes. They also fit really well with the whole kemonomimi thingy too
Fubuki: Time to do some squats!Okayu: Time to raise the roof!44:42 Dogeza Fubuki
I don’t understand a single thing they say but I’m interested nonetheless
1:58 これを聞きに来た
57:48 pekora’s legs are flying lmao

(c) フブキCh。白上フブキ BOINBOIN〜〜〜〜(^・ω・^§)ノ =========================== 白上フブキお誕生日2020記念グッズ販売!
Fubuki: uploads literally anythingEveryone: I am speed
Flexing on Rushia: the animation.
Top 10 Questions Scientists can’t answer:1. Why is Fubuki so cute
Everyone: “I AM SPEED!”Me:”I AM LATE!”*cries in my 5kbps wifi.
RWJ: I can roast people in 60 secondsFBK: *I’ve just roasted Rushia in 6 seconds.*
Meanwhile Rushia in a distance:NEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Other: **Comments about Rushia**Me: **Setting this as Alarm and ringtone**
Fubuki: Boin BoinMe: i sense a necromancer menacingly staring at me O_O
Depression kun: aight I’m bouta head out
Fubuki posts a six second clip of her saying “Boin~ Boin~”100,000 people within 3 hours agree that this is interesting enough to view.
I love Fubuki’s laugh, it’s so sweet and innocent. There’s nothing spiteful or catty about it, only simple pure enjoyment of what she’s doing in the moment and of herself, full of positivity and happiness, without worry of judgement or negativity from anyone. She doesn’t even just laugh at funny stuff, she laughs when she’s having fun, which is awesome. Purest sound I’ve ever heard. It’s amazing! <3
rushia: “i’m now the most superchatted girl in the world, i got everything in life and i’m satisfied”fubuki: *this video*rushia: *cries*
She becoming like someone else. Cant remember her name. People told me that person is a “necromancer”? Ah, whatever that means.
Hololive Staff: “But Fubuki, they already know?!?!?”Fubuki: “NO…… they won’t know unless I tell THEM!……”
She literally could just post 1 second video of herself looking at camera, and it would be comedy/cutenes gold
This is going to be remixed into a full song, I feel it.
We’ve discovered that Fox is indeed, “boing boing”. More at a later date
my parents wondering why im running upstairsMe:

(c) フブキCh。白上フブキ 『ホロライブ10年トライアル王決定戦』 ハッシュタグ #ホロ鉄10年 【共通ルール】 □ゲーム設定固定 □リスナーへの質問や調べる行為はあり □リセット禁止 □楽しくプレイ …
Just Stay Safe Everyone in Japan, don’t worry about anything else
I’m confused, but my guess is an earthquake happened in Japan during the stream, and Fubuki was saying something about her monitor shaking?
stay safe friends!
おつ🌽じゃーいIt was fun until the end! I’d like to thank the HOLOLIVE members for participating in this great collaboration with Fubuki! If I have a chance, I’ll look forward to the second episode! Thank you all for your hard work until the very end! HOLOLIVE is the winner of number 1!
1:04:52 おならマン白上かわいい
Good work FBK, Stay safe during these times.
Stay safe my friend
Stay safe Fubuki. I love you.
unable to watch till the end, but thanks for stream fubuki-san!*peak trending at #10 game btw
Thanks for the big Collab
breh. i missed the stream

(c) フブキCh。白上フブキ ホロライブ所属の白上フブキです うたわくです。 カラオケ音源 カラオケ歌っちゃ王 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1tk9F5-MGXEq4LWnjmrtpA 野田工房 …
03:58 開始09:49 白金ディスコ 15:30 カサブタ 21:07 プナイプナイ24:35 ペガサス幻想 27:51 星間飛行 32:53 シルエット 39:26 夏色 41:58 新宝島 44:10 お願いマッスル 45:24 ダダダダ天使45:54 シリョクケンサ 48:35 バラジクロロベンゼン 49:22 メランコリック 54:30 もってけ!セーラーふく 1:03:20 シャルル 1:04:53 ロリ化 1:10:00 start1:15:40 夢であるように1:16:55 サウダージ 1:17:34 ネオメロドラマティック1:23:35 白上参戦1:25:45 君がくれたもの 1:25:57 メリッサ 1:26:37 お茶目機能 1:29:32 Oath Sign1:34:21 慟哭の雨1:34:53 夜は眠れるかい 1:36:56 シュタインズ・ゲート 1:37:19 ペルソナ 1:37:49 ガウリールドロップキック 1:38:34 アラジン 1:40:27 ベルベットルーム 1:41:55 サトミタダシ 1:52:41 儚くも永久のカナシ 1:58:27 だから僕は音楽をやめた 1:59:13 決意の朝に 2:00:10 ブリキノダンス2:04:57 アゲハ蝶2:06:13 純恋歌 2:07:26 Beautiful Daysあってるよね?
1:14:02 she read my name and my request 😆
I love that she sang the ikuzo ver. of platinum disco
2:12:00 ゆっくり白上
A true goddess, that voice is divine!!!
Thank you for connecting us to each other.
フブキちゃん可愛いよ・゜・(つД`)・゜・48:47 メランコリック
I love you Fubuki! Thank you for the nostalgic anime songs which I totally have forgotten, you’re the best.
フブキちゃんの綺麗でかわいい歌声も黒ちゃんの力強くかっこいい歌声もほんとすこすこのすこ! 選曲好きなもの多くてもう幸せ…!
Fubuki doesnt use auto tune, thats a remakable fact, fubuki thx a lot, this is awesome. Kuros voice is great, And the most important, you had a lot of fun, Keep on! Love your work.
56:56のコメントにRap Godねだってるヘッズがいるの草
53:35, she read my request!!! Best thing to happen to me in 2020!!!!! TT v TT