DIY just do(おすすめch紹介)

DIY just do(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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Few people know the secret of a wrench!

Few people know the secret of a wrench!  (c) DIY just do

(c) DIY just do My friends, my name is Eugene! I’m the author of the channel. lots of ideas. I’m putting everything I’ve done with my hand on this channel. Creative Ideas, useful …

Excelente proyecto, respetos desde Venezuela.👍🤜🔥🤛💯💯🙏

Excelente idea, respetos desde Venezuela🙏💯👍💯

Nice work Eugene. I enjoy your channel. Thanks for sharing.👍👍🍁

Good job mister good idea well done

very good!!

wrenches are awesome

O cara estragou duas chaves fixas pra isso

Any body else Notes that the threads are all LEFT HANDED HUH Any BODY?????

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Your wife will be surprised at the idea!

Your wife will be surprised at the idea!  (c) DIY just do

(c) DIY just do My friends, my name is Eugene! I’m the author of the channel. lots of ideas. I’m putting everything I’ve done with my hand on this channel. Creative Ideas, useful …

My wife was so surprised, that she packed her bag and moved to our neighbour!!! Good bless him.

Vitamix is so expensive. Just think of all the meth you could buy with the money you saved just by making your own blender. My wife hasn’t been home in weeks and now her voicemail is full. But when she does come back I’ll let you know what her reaction was.

the threads on your container are the reverse of those in my country. Is that normal where you are?

Hi just do brilliant idea for the wife beautiful job well done

Mmmm… metal bits in my smoothie!!!

wowwww super


Jajaja mi buena la batidora

hello friends

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POWERFUL IDEA from MOTOR !!! All the children came running to see

POWERFUL IDEA from MOTOR !!! All the children came running to see  (c) DIY just do

(c) DIY just do My friends, my name is Eugene! I’m the author of the channel. lots of ideas. I’m putting everything I’ve done with my hand on this channel. Creative Ideas, useful …

Hello mister beautiful idea good job well done

Incre�blemente veo que todas las roscas son izquierda de que pa�s eres saludos en una de las ideas que v� hay na similar ac� en Argentina un hombre fabrico un generador de gas a basura y se lo instalo a un auto el lo llamo auto a gasura


I like your work, but have to ask why the video is backwards?

What a waste of electricity …

kreratif….. (Indonesian)

An idea from old pads! It really works

An idea from old pads! It really works  (c) DIY just do

(c) DIY just do My friends, my name is Eugene! I’m the author of the channel. lots of ideas. I’m putting everything I’ve done with my hand on this channel. Creative Ideas, useful …

Estupenda idea y m�s reciclando materiales

Good idea

ATTENTION !!! the preview image is fake. La imagen de portada del video es falsa !!!! Estov paseando por tus videos. Y veo la cantidad de votos negativos por imagenes falsas. Solo usas para atraers vistas. est� mal hacer eso. de nuevo negative vote for you. mi voto negativo para ti

The secret of the bicycle wheel! Which not everyone knows about

The secret of the bicycle wheel! Which not everyone knows about  (c) DIY just do

(c) DIY just do My friends, my name is Eugene! I’m the author of the channel. lots of ideas. I’m putting everything I’ve done with my hand on this channel. Creative Ideas, useful …

1:37 What is that laser tool you used?

I see an image of a bicycle wheel rim with a saw blade attached and watch a TV wall mount being built. Wow. Nothing more than click bait.

Eu gostei dessa ideia!

Misleading. Wouldn’t hang anything on that train wreck….

Good job my friend

Did I really just waste five minutes of my life?


ATTENTION !!! the preview image is fake. La imagen de portada del video es falsa !!!! Estov paseando por tus videos. Y veo la cantidad de votos negativos por imagenes falsas. Solo usas para atraers vistas. est� mal hacer eso. de nuevo negative vote for you. mi voto negativo para ti

How to make sawdust!


So what’s the big deal

