- Amazing Flower Pot. Made From plastic bottles for your Garden…
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- Unique Ideas | How to Grow Succulents in Plastic Bottles easily…
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- Amazing Ideas, Recycling Plastic barrel and wooden planks into Beautiful Flower Pot…
- Wow! Amazing Flower Tower Pots, Recycled from Plastic bottles for Garden…
- Recycling PVC pipes & Pool Noodle into Planter pots for Garden…
- Brilliant idea | How to grow Onions & Garlic in Styrofoam Box for beginners
- Smart idea for Plastic Bottles, Recycling Plastic bottles into Flower pots
- Recycling Plastic Bottles into Hanging Garden Planter Pots
- Super cool garden hanging | Recycling plastic bottles into very beautiful hanging flower pots
- Brilliant ideas, Recycling Plastic Barrels into beautiful flower Pots
- Super Ideas! Recycling Plastic Bottles into Garden Planter Bench
Brilliant idea | How to grow Onions & Garlic in Styrofoam Box for beginners

(c) DIY Garden Ideas ✪ Copyright © DIY Garden Ideas – (Do not reup) ✉ Contact: qc@5t1media.com.
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You DON’T plant Garlic like that. Never mind the fact that Garlic needs a chilling period to set its bulb, Garlic is grown from a SINGLE clove. Jamming them all together like that won’t produce anything. They’ll all be stunted and give you less than poor results. To reiterate for new gardeners, planting Garlic like this won’t give you more Garlic….you are just wasting the Garlic you already have. 🙁
The green at the top that’s growing is actually “escallion “ it is used in cooking to season your meat or rice ..
O alho tem q ser plantado , um dente em cada covinha , p formar uma nova cabe�a
Ok, mas… e o resto? Qto tempo pra colher?
�tima sugest�o para cultivo familiar.
O erro ai � que alho n�o se planta a cabe�a,se planta um dente.Assim se multiplica e tranforma em cabe�a!!
Gostaria de ver a colheita dessa planta��o.
Tudo que � feito com muito amor e paci�ncia , ser� dado como recompensa . Amo horta em casa
Mas tinha que plantar o alho por cada dente separado
Deus Aben�oe tua vida e toda a sua Fam�lia Gratid�o
Alimentos saudáveis sem agrotóxicos e sem risco de desenvolver câncer!!! Ideia genial 👏♥️
Unbelievable how fast the roots and leaves are growing. Thank you for sharing.
Valeu a inten��o, mas a coisa mais simples do mundo, � plantar cebola, e alho. N�o precisa esse trabalho todo. Sem falar que o alho � plantado dente, por dente, e n�o a cabe�a. Uma cabe�a d� pra plantar essa cxa grande de isopor, e ainda sobra.
Many have chosen their spiritual direction, the finalization process begins…
Obg amei “thank you loved”
Maravilhoso, excelente
This happens in my fridge without me trying. One onion two weeks on the road…boof a garden in my fridge.
I should try this at home someday thank you for the little hack! :3
Smart idea for Plastic Bottles, Recycling Plastic bottles into Flower pots

(c) DIY Garden Ideas If you like our video don’t forget to press the button “Subscribe ❤️” and “Like ” !! Subscribe and View more here: https://goo.gl/YQU17u Making use of old …
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Looks like they’re gonna topple down with the slightest wind 🤷🏻♀️
이럴수가 ~~버려지는 페트병으로 멋진 화분으로 변신하다니.나도 해봐야겠네요
Lindo o seu trabalho voc� n�o faz pra vende gostaria de compra muito lindo
so glad i was high when I saw this
Qual tipo de tinta � essa utilizado para pintar as pe�as. Tudo muito lindo e muito criativo. Parab�ns.
Bravo!! Amazing idea!
I love this so much, I’m going to try it thanks for the video 🙂 AWESOME SAUCE ! God bless
Great idea. A good use for plastic bottles that would probably end up in our oceans or land fills.
How do you add more water to the reservoir bottles? Greetings from South Africa xxx
Çoook güzel ilahiler ve saksı yapımı gördük teșekkürler
Me encanto…maravilloso trabajo!!!
Lindo.Parab�ns,vou tentar sua id�ia.Obrigado.
Привет. Спасибо за показ. Заботиться об экологии и красоте никогда не поздно. И ненужное в деле, и красиво. Успехов, здоровья Вам всем, хорошего настроения.
Nice n unique idea. ThankGod for you to have that wisdom. Pearl if davao citu
Thank you for sharing! Interesting ideas… how do these hold up after a few months? Would you do a little tour of your past DIY?
Wow. Such a creative piece of work. Brilliant idea. 👏is
Very beautiful and colourful. Great idea to reuse the bottles and self watering too. With water shortages all over the world it’s a sensible idea. Could also use grey water. Here in Australia we get droughts so I save rain water for my plants. I use fresh water on edible plants.
It’s really a good work with plastic and also astonishing 😍,a good method for watering plants 👍 Really useful ,I will try this method surely 😊
Recycling Plastic Bottles into Hanging Garden Planter Pots

(c) DIY Garden Ideas If you like our video don’t forget to press the button “Subscribe ❤️” and “Like ” !! Subscribe and View more here: https://goo.gl/YQU17u Making your own …
Hope it is Useful to you! Please comment your opinion below! Don’t forget to press the button “Subscribe ❤️” and “Like 👍” !! Help me Share this video with your friends. Have a nice to @all ❤️❤️❤️
Perfeito como sempre 👏 👏 👏 Amo seu canal Beijos 💋 💋 💋 💋 @canalmarciacris Brasil
Que dom maravilhoso .Deus aben�oe sempre e ainda ajuda a natureza. BRASIL PRECISA DISSS
I need a boyfriend like him 😂😍
Me tira uma d�vida, esses vasos suporta at� quantos kilos?-Brazil
So inspiring!! Love it
Parab�ns pelo visual do vaso de plantas! Show!!!
Achei incr�vel do in�cio at� o fim. PARAB�NS e muito obrigado pela dica fant�stica.
Don’t know where you get your ideas from but I love them, very good
*Que coisa linda! 👏🏼👍🏼Dá até pra fazer iluminarias 😀
I give you 100/100 for this wonderful result for the shape and colors. You are really professional 👍🌹👏
Isso � maravilhoso!
Maravi-lindo!, o seu trabalho. Parab�ns!
🇧🇷 que delícia de vídeo, excelente trabalho, música suave obrigada ❤️🇧🇷
I luv it, l enjoyed watching, amazing job. Thanks for sharing
That would also look nice with lights. Love the planters, great job.
Perfeito lindo demais 🤩❤️🤩👏🤩👏👏🤩🤩👏👏
Que lindo amei!Belo trabalho!👏👏🙌
Parabéns!!!Ficou lindo muito lindo o seu trabalho! 👏👏👏👏Deus te abençoe sempre.
Super cool garden hanging | Recycling plastic bottles into very beautiful hanging flower pots

(c) DIY Garden Ideas If you like our video don’t forget to press the button “Subscribe ❤️” and “Like ” !! Subscribe and View more here: https://goo.gl/YQU17u If you want to have a …
Hope it is Useful to you. Please comment your opinion below!
Wonderful gardening idea for small spaces, plus using recycled plastics is just amazing, we need more people like you…most people just go buy 20 new plastic pots 🤦♀️you are amazing!!! ❤🙏
This is absolute genius.. wow
I can’t draw straight line even with scale sometimes Lol 😂😂
This video makes me miss art school and getting to make all sorts of cool. Innovative things out of leftover and recycled materials with my friends ❤
Все хорошо и красиво, только куда будет стикать вода после поливки?
if you reading this just know you are an amazing person! you are an incredible human. and you are loved and so strong and very special!💖
Patients, perceiverence ; perfection all three you got ! Amazing
I love what you did. Painting the plastic gave a lot of extra color. ❤️
I am impressed with his tidy and neat backyard / workshop / patio. Good to see something like this..
I’d like to see this after a year.
Oh my goodness. I was thinking of doing the same thing with these bottles because it would be a shame to throw them out. Thanks for showing me exactly how to do it! Save the planet! 😘❤️🙏🏾
So weird that anyone “dislikes” this. Those people need to GO find something to make them happy SERIOUSLY.
Love it, Love it, Love it! You have given me another why to look at my juice bottles, rather than just recyclables.
I love that idea it is so beautiful.
Beautiful idea! This would look lovely on the side of our house to trail down to the pond garden we have, like a floral waterfall! So much easier, lighter, and nicer than using a full crate! And the bottles on the caps make them easy to trade out. Or to bring in during harsh weather for other plants that aren’t perennial. Thank you so much for sharing!
That’s such a great project 👍
Wonderful aesthetically plus great way of upcycling n saving the environment! Great talent! Keep it up!
Wonderful hanging garden! Looking forward to trying this!
Good to look at let’s see what happens after a month.
Brilliant ideas, Recycling Plastic Barrels into beautiful flower Pots

(c) DIY Garden Ideas Recycling Plastic Barrels into flower Pots is one of the most reusable methods because it is simple and cheap, You just need to use additional wooden sticks to …
Hope it is Useful to you. Please comment your opinion below! Thank @all 🙂
A man that doesn’t have to use high tech tools to make very nice useful items. 👍
“Parab�ns ficaram Lindos.”
Beautiful. I love the simple use of toolsnand the clean job. You can see the carefulness and doing a great job that isnt sloppy.
I love this, must try
This guy is full of ideas..x brilliant…
Love the flower pots.
! Muy Hermosas ! 🌹🌹🌹🌹
Adorei , id�ia genial , muito criativa.
Ficou MT bonito e elegante. Parab�ns!!
I love this video, beautiful idea!!!
Muito legal, criativo e muito bom gosto, adorei! Parab�ns.
Ficou lindo inscreva em nosso canal de artes s�o oitenta Artes gratuitas para voc� vamos te ensinar digite no YouTube: Elson Fernandes Arte e Cultura
Vc você faz pela encomenda é lindo maravilhoso show o seu trabalho é um show parabéns 👏👏👏 🇧🇷 Brasil OK 👍
Beautiful as always! 🤗🙏
São. lindos seus trabalhos sou Brasileira ❤
Belíssimo 💖
Esse suporte poder� se feito de ferro
MT interessante e caprichoso TB parab�ns
Just 3 weeks ago I saw the hanging plants you did by the sliding gate.. Now it’s gone.. Guess it did not work for sliding gate 😁
Super Ideas! Recycling Plastic Bottles into Garden Planter Bench

(c) DIY Garden Ideas If you like our video don’t forget to press the button “Subscribe ❤️” and “Like ” !! Subscribe and View more here: https://goo.gl/YQU17u …
Hope it is Useful to you! Please comment your opinion below!Don’t forget to press the button “Subscribe ❤️” and “Like 👍” !!Help me Share this video with your friends. Have a nice to @all ❤️❤️❤️
Классный парень, прочный каркас, красивый диванчик. Спасибо, что делитесь идеями!
Каждому, кто читает этот комментарий, желаю большого Сибирского здоровья Вам и Вашим близким и благополучия!❤️🤗😊 Друзья, предлагаю посетить наш канал
Отлично! Теперь знаю куда ещё использовать ПЭТ бутылки! Спасибо!Фантазии нет предела!!!Молодец!!!
Молодец, отлично сделал. Цветы очень красивые. Рада новым друзьям
A capacidade humana de construir deveria superar a de destruir sempre! Trabalho incr�vel.
Такой молодец, всегда что то полезное
Класс . Молодец.
Это классно!!! Вперёд за новыми идеями!!!
Ele � muito amigo da natureza. Alem de construir um sof� com garrafas pet ele tamb�m est� ajudando o desperd�cio de lixo na natureza. Qu� coisa Sensacional. Parab�ns
Вот это терпение у парня!Меня б на долго не хватило!
Que bendici�n que tienes con tus manos y tus diferentes ideas as� es como ayudamos a nuestro planeta ,saludos desde Costa Rica fiel seguidor.
Здорово. Если все будут использовать пластик то мусора будет гораздо меньше. 👍 👍 👍 кто то делает красоту из бутылок кто то из цветных пакетов. Молодцы.
Simplemente genial!!!
Какой молодец,настоящий дизайнер и так любит цветы.Идеи у него нескончаемы.Красота.
Magnifica idea que cumple con dos funciobes basicas en estos tiempos…Reciclar y ayudarnos a ordenar nuestro entorno.Gracias por compartirnos esta idea.
Trabalho lindíssimo 😍 parabéns 👏👏
Que buena idea me gusta tu jenialYdea pues estas protegiendo el medio anbiente sirve para de banca de jardiner�a y para adorno enel jard�n me gusta mucho esta ydea
Fant�stico! Show!
Hermoso . Te felicito por tu paciencia y creatividad.