DIY Garden Ideas(おすすめch紹介)

DIY Garden Ideas(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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How to Grow Roses from Cuttings in plastic bottles for beginners

How to Grow Roses from Cuttings in plastic bottles for beginners  (c) DIY Garden Ideas

(c) DIY Garden Ideas ✪ Copyright © DIY Garden Ideas – (Do not reup) ✉ Contact:

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Hola! Una pregunta �despu�s de meter los esquejes a la tierra cada cu�nto se les tiene qu� poner agua?

Классный метод!👍Взяла во внимание👌👏Благодарю за труды!Спасибоооо!🙏🙏🙏🌹🌹🌹💃😘🥇😍

Soooo glad to learn from you how I can grow more rose plants from a treasured heirloom Victorian rose I have left in pot too long. Thank you!🙏🏻❤️👏👏👏

3:19 это чистый песок да?

The medium used, was it soil or sand.

Could you do this in the fall just before frost makes the bushes go dormant? Then grow the new saplings indoors all winter???

“Hey I’m Poor””I want to raise my family with poverty””But Youtube is not giving me views””Ya I am worse then others”

Excellent! I’ll have a try.

Sou sua mais nova seguidora. Amei suas explicações. ❤❤❤👏👏👏

so we start with sand or could I use potting soil?

Bom dia gostei muitp do teu video. De plantação de rosas.👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤

Сначала надо все приготовить, а потом браться за цветы, а то лежат, бедные и вянут, а так сразу в посадку

I like your music selection sir, me i know whose sing the song thank you. Good job…

Türkiye’den izliyorum sizi harika vidolarınız var kısa ve öz sonuçlarıyla inanın dilinizi bilmediğim halde her anı anlayabiliyorum.🤗🤗🤗

Lindas obrigada pela dica olha pôr gentileza você pode mim responder eu tenho uma planta no meu quintal ela tem às folhinhas verde tem umas bolinhas vermelhas às bolinhas cai ela dá uma florzinha piquinininha eu gostaria de saber se ela é tóxica desde já agradeço 🙏 obrigada 🙏

What kind of soil did u use?😍

반가워요 많이 배웁니다 화이팅입니다 풀청하고 응원합니다 건강하고 행복하세요 ♥자주뵐게요

Thanks for sharing this beautiful technique.

The music over powers the subject.

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Amazing idea: DIY Spiral garden from plastic bottles for small space

Amazing idea: DIY Spiral garden from plastic bottles for small space  (c) DIY Garden Ideas

(c) DIY Garden Ideas Many plastic bottles are wasted, take advantage of them to create a Spiral garden from plastic bottles for small space. It’s very easy to get a colorful and beautiful …

Hope you like it. Please comment opinion below!

Muy hermoso,pero pregunto, el gluten que hus� es caliente y eso hace que el pl�stico de derrita.

NO PLASTIK! 🌈🌍👉🏡👉👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🌱🦋🌷🦌🐆🌏💖☝️

Esto ayudar� al planeta, cultive os m�s plantas y �rboles no a la tala de �rboles. Dios nos ama.

This is lovely. This takes time and patience. Beautiful.

This is a great idea! I love that you’re recycling plastic bottles and it would be amazing if many more people did the same. Keep up the good work! Greetings from Uruguay.

Господи у меня б нервы сдали б столько крутить. Идея классная,хотелось когда нибудь повторить

Sehr sch�n,aber der wei�e Boden der mit der Schere geschnitten wurde , war der aus Pappe.Das weicht doch dann beim Gie�en der Pflanzen durch. Aber sehr sch�n und wahrscheinlich nur f�r eine Saison.Toll

Houla, it’s so very beautiful. I would like my husband make for my mother’s day June 7th 2020.

” Todos Seus trabalhos De Artes S�o Lindos Mas Esse Ai Est� Demais! Parab�ns!!! BOA NOITE A TODOS CUIDEM SE””

Que lindo ! Maravilhoso ! ♥️

so nice,very creative and artistic love it thank you for sharing friend God bless you always…

Simply Amazing… Can you share the measurements you used for each step in terms of the length of wire you used.. I’ll like to try this. Thank you!

Nice idea, thank you for sharing this.

Только вот дно как я поняла из картона, оно недолговечной.

Ну вот, одно из решений куда жевать пластиковые бутылки, молодец.

Beautiful and Amazing this garden 😊

Te felicito heres muy inteligente y muy creativo té quedan hermoso todo lo que haces suerte 👍👍👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️❤️🇺🇾

Muito criativo!!! Lindíssimo 👏👏👏

*Muy lindo, pero el cart�n redondo q us�, al mojarse no desbaratar�? cuando riegue las plantitas, por el peso de la tierra, no se destruir�?*

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Unique & Beautiful, Recycling PVC Pipe into Garden Planter Pots

Unique & Beautiful, Recycling PVC Pipe into Garden Planter Pots  (c) DIY Garden Ideas

(c) DIY Garden Ideas If you like our video don’t forget to press the button “Subscribe ❤️” and “Like ” !! Subscribe and View more here: Hello everyone, today …

Hope it is Useful to you! Please comment your opinion below! Don’t forget to press the button “Subscribe ❤️” and “Like 👍” !! Help me Share this video with your friends. Have a nice to @all ❤️❤️❤️

S� pela m�sica j� valeu o layc Parab�ns pelo seu trabalho muito lindo Obrigada por compartilhar com agente!

Que le puedo decir estimado , como siempre usted sorprendiéndonos… Simplemente hermoso, muchas gracias por enseñarnos estás preciosuras que usted siempre hace . Que Dios lo bendiga junto a su familia…un gran saludo con mucho cariño desde Chile 🇨🇱♥️.

Kudos on a very unique and also unusually good-looking design!

A sua razão de estar ensinando a arte parabéns pelo seu vídeo especial 👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾

So Amazing!! I love The first song too❤️

Very good, what I liked is, most of the woodwork is done by simple old tools. सुंदर।

These are excellent I really like them, you’ve very talented

Awesome job! Greetings from Brazil.

Muito bonito gostei 👏 muito parabéns obrigada e uma peça de decoração com flores ou hortaliças

I love your craft, but, you know, I live in the Amazon region and it is not easy to find soft wood in my city.

Слов нет.Фантазия человека порой зашкаливает. Одним словом— талант👏👏👏👏👏👍👋

These planters remind of planters in Britain in Middle if field roundabout or a planters on the side paths well way better and would look attractive here in britain

Parab�ns, perfeita criatividade. Vou fazerFeliz Deserto, Al

Lindas flores amei sua criatividade parab�ns �timo pra plantar lindas rosas

Sooooo beautiful, lovely, wonderful, awesome and amazing really amazing I like it. I am a plant lover, I have plants and its useful for my mini garden. Thank u!

Soon cute ! Great job ! Love it 😍. Could I have an idea about how you made the nice floor for the garden?

Maravilhoso msm s.pintar j� tava estava lindo e essa �ltima m�sica adorei bom gosto essa flor vinca ou. Maria de vergonha � f�cil de cultivar tenho v�rias e a planta catro roxo muito ex�tica parab�ns

Love watching you do your projects, and your music selection is awesome!

Inspiring music 🎶 wow you have a gifted hands ✋ 🙌 amazing Praise God you’re anointed to do it pointing it to start you business it will prosper you. AmenIm watching from New York

Brilliant idea | How to grow mint from recycling plastic bags for beginners

Brilliant idea | How to grow mint from recycling plastic bags for beginners  (c) DIY Garden Ideas

(c) DIY Garden Ideas If you like our video don’t forget to press the button “Subscribe ❤️” and “Like ” !! Subscribe and View more here: …

Hope it is Useful to you! Please comment your opinion below! Don’t forget to press the button “Subscribe ❤️” and “Like 👍” !! Help me Share this video with your friends. Have a nice to @all ❤️❤️❤️

Mas essas sacolas s�o novas. N�o foi reciclagem.

Hola DIy excelente idea le felicito por abulidadesmis en todos los proyectos

This is THE most useful gardening video I have watched and I have watched many…thank you. Also good music.

Y que suceder� cuando la bolsa de pl�stico comience a romperse ( � degradarse)


I have germinated in a similar fashion in Zip Lock bags it works very well.

Ameiii, lindo demais 💕🙏

love that soundtrack

Gente isso dura pouco pq o pl�stico vence r�pido devido o calor do sol ou at� msm dentro da �rea molha e apodre�a e logo parte e vai tudo.

Excelente procedimiento , práctico y muy sencillo 🙋🏻‍♀️Un abrazo fraternal desde BOGOTÁ COLOMBIA 🍶✨🇨🇴✨

Me encanta esta idea, es hidroponia f�cil y simple, y la Estructura muy pr�ctica! Gracias!!

Very clever, practical and cute. Thank you.

One of the most cost effective methods of propagation, I’ve seen till now.Hats off to you..! ❤️

What a superb idea and interpretation . Keep it up bro.

Really like it.specialty water dripping systems

Ah ja – ich kaufe mir also einen Stoss Plastikt�ten und recycle sie indem ich Pflanzen darin wachsen lasse- Kommt das noch wem komisch vor?

Maravilha! Deus aben�oe!

Mais prático,usar sacolas usadas? A mãe natureza agradece.🙏

Simplemente exelente genial y maravilloso 🌾🌿🌱🙏🙌

Recycling Plastic Bottles into Wagon Planter for Your Garden

Recycling Plastic Bottles into Wagon Planter for Your Garden  (c) DIY Garden Ideas

(c) DIY Garden Ideas If you like our video don’t forget to press the button “Subscribe ❤️” and “Like ” !! Subscribe and View more here: Welcome back to my …

Hope it is Useful to you! Please comment to below! 🙏

Ol�, eu gostaria de saber o nome dessa planta, desde ja agradesso

Maravilhoso, amei.


Que lindo que ficou, vou fazer..😃😃🌸🌸

It helps me alot when I rearrange my garden….Thank you inspiring idea. stay connected and see you arround.

Very creative. I’ll try to do it as soon as I have gathered materials. Thanks for sharing.

Lindo e perfeito trabalho, vou fazer pra colocar no meu jardim, em nome de Jesus.

Oi colega nota 10 pra voc� lindo e perfeito seu trabalho de reciclagem

Идея подана хорошая,на мой взгляд хрупкая ,основание Нада заменить,а бутылки набить хотя бы песком ,результат-супер ! спасибо 👍😃

Sensacional !!!!…..Amei e j� vou fazer igual para aproveitar garrafas pl�sticas em algo realmente �til….Obrigada….

Good to no what you can make with the empty bottles well done as they look good for putting flowers in Thankyou.

Your such a creative one ❤️❤️

Parab�ns, muito lindo

Parab�ns,lindo seu Trabalho! E essas garrafinhas diferentes ; das de �gua que costumo encontrar…suas garrafas t�o lindinhas , s�o de suco ou �gua , em qual cidade?!


Parab�ns! MARAVILHOSO!!!

Lindo tutorial. Solo agregar�a un lienzo de tela o camiseta usada para cuando drene el agua no se lleve la tierra . Gracias por compartir.

Como siempre,: un genio

Muy hermoso! 😍Se vería lindo también en color café! Saludos desde Chihuahua! 😘

