- Bullet Through Playing Card- Slow Motion Epoxy Resin Art…
- TITANIC SINKING IN A CHEST-Diorama / lamp – epoxy resin art…
- How to make a Volcano and Ship inside an EGG/Diorama/Polymer Clay/Epoxy resin Art…
- MINIATURE GUNS and GUN CABINET from Popsicle Sticks (+ Fortnite Hunting Rifle)-DIY…
- WARSHIP IN RESIN BOTTLE / Diorama – DIY Epoxy Resin Art…
- I mix Epoxy Resin and Baking Soda and see what happens- Epoxy Resin Art Experiment -DIY Diorama…
- Mayflower Ship model (finished) from Artesania Latina Kit- Wooden Model Ship…
- 🌋ACTIVE VOLCANO DIORAMA /LAMP🌋 – Epoxy Resin Lamp with Wood Base-DIY
- METEOR hits Building DIORAMA LAMP-How to Make-Epoxy resin Art-DIY
- TITANIC hitting the ICEBERG DIORAMA /LAMP – Epoxy resin art
- VENOM 3D SKULL Match Chain Reaction Amazing Fire Art Domino
🌋ACTIVE VOLCANO DIORAMA /LAMP🌋 – Epoxy Resin Lamp with Wood Base-DIY

(c) 4THECRAFT Project Sponsor: ALFAKEM LTD. http://www.alfakem.com/en/ & https://www.alfakem.gr/ Get a cute resin flower necklace at: http://bit.ly/ResinNecklaces …
Wow!!!!! This is the most perfect and beautiful resin project I have seen. Please create more!! Congratulations, you are amazing!
perfect, the bubbles look like burning embers in the clear resin! really nice work.
More patience than a mother with 9 kids. GOODNESS. This is absolutely beautiful. I’d be SO proud if I were you!
This small project is beautiful. Would be perfect if placed in a dark room <3
Really nice work!I have recently just started watching your videos and I’ve noticed that you’re always holding your project while sanding. If you attach some grip ultra and shelf liner to a board you should be able to set your project on the liner and just use your sander freeing up your other hand
The cool thing about resin is that even when you don’t want air bubbles, sometimes it makes things look cooler anyway. Like the air bubbles around the mountain look a lot like debris, not air bubbles.Very nice work.
Wow wow WOW this is so awesome! Every thing about this was amazing the little smoke cloud, the ashes, the way it looks with the light on 😮 perfect!!
Now make a version that had multiple lights that give the lava a moving/glowing effect.
This is the most amazing night lamp I’ve ever seen! My 6 years old son found this on YouTube 3 days ego. At first he asked me to help him to make one, but when I told him it’s very hard for us to make it perfect like yours, he showed the video to his dad, and then when he was completely disappointed in us, he started to ask me to buy him one exactly like this 😁.. Since then, he is asking this a couple of times a day, everyday!! He really loves your craft ☺️Is there any available for sale?
This. Is AMAZING! How do you do such wonderful creations?
This looks so cool! I love how the cloud looks, just looks awesome all around. And with the light, it really makes it come alive!
That really looks AWE FULL, not awful lol. The light really brings it out and is so cleverly hidden. I am going to try to make one, you have inspired me….just a beautiful piece! Would make a great gift!
que coisa mais linda…que criatividade..parab�ns pelo bel�ssimo trabalho
The illusion of hot lava is SO perfect! Amazing!😀
Wow! I should probably start making Diorama’s you inspired me to dude! That looks beautiful!
Now make a version that had multiple lights that give the lava a moving/glowing effect.
This was a very cool experience to watch you. You are very innovative and have an interesting mind. To come up with this plan and put it together made me subscribe. Nice job hun.Again, this is an awesome project and it came out wonderful!
Maravilhoso. Parab�ns.
looks nice. Note: if you warm up epoxy for about 10-15 minutes to 80�C, resin becomes more liquid and you will not have air bubbles… curing time is also shortened by half at least.

(c) 4THECRAFT Project Sponsor: ALFAKEM LTD. http://www.alfakem.com/en/ & https://www.alfakem.gr/ EQUIPMENT Camera: US: https://amzn.to/3aCoZ74 UK: …
Amazing art and skill! Instand subscription!
This is probably your best piece yet – absolutely amazing, I love it 😎♠
No sailors were harmed during the making of this masterpiece.
THIS – this is what I like to see on YouTube – a skilled artisan producing a fantastic work of art!
Am I the only one who came in thinking this was huge 😂 it looks great
“Let no joyful voice be heard! Let no man look up to the sky with hope! And let this day be cursed by we who ready to wake…the Kraken!”~Davy Jones
the one time bubbles in resin is good
I would accidentally burn my house down attempting to try this. Love your work. Great Job.
So beautiful that I cried 😭😭, now that deserves a instant subscription!
I admit to accidentally reading the title as “KAREN vs SHIP” lol.But for real this is incredible! I absolutely love it.
I really like this piece. It’s beautiful and shows how powerful we can be. But at the same time… we need a bit of help. The ending is a beautiful ending to what seems like a disastrous event for a ship. In the ships case I feel bad but I mean hey, that’s our job! I appreciate the effort and time you put into this project and I hope you have more ideas like this in mind, mate. I love what you did with it. Stay awesome!
I don’t really have words for this. That’s one of the most amazing things I ever seen
Unbelievable!!! You are so incredibly gifted !! (Love the music)
Absolutely love this! – awesome idea being able to create in and out of the epoxy in one piece! 👏 bravo!! 👏
The amount of time and detail you put into your makes is truly incredible – major props for your dedication and care!
This is my favorite lamp/resin art you have made. It is so cool how the legs are through the water and the way it lights up is so complimentary. Love your work, please keep it up!
Wonderful miniature!! I admire your love for details; the ship looks really great!! 👌
I showed my mother this video. Her immediate reaction to the finished product:”It’s terrifying but beautiful.”
I love these kind of videos and really enjoy watching the complex process in which the final product is formed
Woah! Beautiful! Where can I buy this diorama, it looks spectacular!
METEOR hits Building DIORAMA LAMP-How to Make-Epoxy resin Art-DIY

(c) 4THECRAFT Hello dear friends, In this video tutorial you can see how to make a diorama lamp of a meteor hitting a city building. This project was inspired by the …
Wow, awesome work!
Wow! This is really cool! My hamster was shocked by what he saw …
Before knowing your channel i just could not even imagine that every new realization could manage to be even more surprising and impressive than the previous one. And this new one is really jaw droping ! Just WOOOOW ! 🙏
HOLY CRAP, THAT’S INCREDIBLE! The music at the end really gives it that oomph as well! Gorgeous work!
Me to my wife: Honey, I need to buy a 3d printer right now!! Fantastic piece of art you made there.
Not going to lie when COVID ends I wonder who has made an art piece that ended right when they say the pandemic is over
Maravilhoso, perfeito!
Safety is important no excuses peopleRespirator MaskVentilation GlovesGoggles Make sure you do your research on it and what to mix it with and crap, watch all the warning videos PLEASE I CARE
Would have loved if there was an impact Crater through the entry side of the resin block.
Small/simple yet detailed and my favorite resin art so far!
Precioso, una gran obra de arte!!!
I saw a quote yesterday that I’ve been meditating on: “Awe inspires imitation.”When we are amazed by something, we want to do it too.Looking at your amazing artwork, I couldn’t help but dream of what I could do with your artistic abilities.I’d love to learn it, though I am busy learning a different form of art.Even so, I appreciate what you have done and I want to see more. Just subscribed.
One of the most incredible resin dioramas!! 😍👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Epic. Amazing. Beautifully done. Next, I want to see an exploding tie-fighter as it gets trounced by an x-wing.
Aww, just the right tone to start a beautiful and inspiring day with
It’s like once every other month The Algorithm shows me something cool. It must be all the times I streamed the songs One Winged Angel and �nema. Not sure how you thought all this up but, damn, I love your brain.
The light of enlightenment – each time you see it, you will think about how fragile is this world:)Just amazing masterpiece!
AWSOME WORK!!!so far the best resin art I’ve ever seen in my life 🏡 🏙🏦🌠
TITANIC hitting the ICEBERG DIORAMA /LAMP – Epoxy resin art

(c) 4THECRAFT This video is sponsored by LET’S RESIN. Visit their online store at: https://letsresin.com Amazon store : https://www.amazon.com/letsresin 3-1 ratio epoxy resin: …
I have commented on this before but a few days ago I had a sweet older patient who was heading to his forever home and was very distraught..(this is quite normal in the last days) as I sat with him I pulled my phone out and your video was the first one in my list..so we binge watched 4 shows before he fell asleep. He was so enchanted with your work! See..he was the man responsible for many of the details on fighter planes! Thank you for being you and for bringing him so much joy in his time of need! My heart breaks every time I lose a patient but what keeps me going is knowing that I can bring happiness and peace at such an important time in life ♡♡♡
This is truly amazing. You should construct another one with the ship sinking and the lights stiill on underwater…
Genius idea, brilliantly executed by an imaginative, skilled craftsman.
As a member of the model making team on the 1996 film I can say well done!
What a creativity and what a talent. I’ve seen a lot of masterpieces but this one is amazing! Nice work Sir, greetings from Austria!
I believe that this is an outstanding model of the Titanic.
This is the best Titanic Diorama I’ve ever seen! Makes me wonder how much it would cost to make one…
The warning at the beginning made it seem like I was about to watch how crack is made
As someone who is from Belfast and also lives in the town that Thomas Andrews came from, your model is absolutely stunningly realistic. The lighting of the ship and the iceberg makes you feel that you can see it moving towards its fate and want to warn everyone.Thank you for giving your talents to immortalise this breathtaking ship!Thank you from Northern Ireland 💚💚💚💚💚
It’s the lighting that makes this diorama stand out.Set this up in a darkened room would be very impressive.
It is amazing this is truly a masterpiece I’m sure those passengers and crew who lost there souls would appreciate this
What a masterpiece! I didn’t know you could paint that well!
As a huge Titanic fan, to me this is a wonderful work of art. Another masterpiece from the master.
Lindo, tanto a arte quanto a m�sica.Parab�ns.
A true work of art. Masterful. Very, very well done.
Most inspiring project, leading up to the whole narrative in the observer’s mind. And thank you for not using “My heart will go on” or “I wish to sleep with a fish”, or whatever that last one is called.
Truly beautiful! So glad I ordered this diorama. 🙂
Muito lindo mesmo. Parabéns ao artista!👏🏾
You must have had the patience of a saint to complete this magnificent artwork, it really is a masterpiece.
Absolutely beautiful work! The attention to detail is uncanny! I love the titanic history and story! Beautiful!

(c) 4THECRAFT EQUIPMENT Camera: US: https://amzn.to/3aCoZ74 UK: https://amzn.to/36EQony Camera Lens: US: https://amzn.to/3jqSA7v UK: https://amzn.to/39McuX8 …
For the stands you can solve this with 2 steps.1) Make the Stands out of the same Resin as the water.2) Lightly sand the Stands before application. This way the rest of the Resin will bind to it and make them virtually invisible.
No matter how dangerous they were, U-Boats will always be beautiful ships
The stands have a different refractive index than the resin, that’s why they are visible. Create stands out of the same resin next time. Also consider creating (paint) sand at the bottom. The waves were inspired. Good job on those.
I think this looks amazing. I think that the stands for the mines look ok to me. Well done and thank you for showing how to make the sea surface have texture. This is very impressive. I cant wait to see what you do next. 07
even though the stands are visible i would pay good money to have this sitting on my bookshelf. amazing work
The stands need to be made of a material that has the same refractive index as the resin.
When I saw you had tinted the resin blueish, I was thinking the stands should have been made int eh same color resin as clear against a blue background will be seen. The surface texture is amazing. great job on that. You have a real talent that I , unfortunately, lack.
The stands were made of CLEAR resin, while the “sea” is blue. That’s why you see them.You could also hang the chains and mines from a frame and pour the resin block upside down (but you’d have to figure some way to keep the sub in place).Great diorama anyway. It’s very well made.
This is amazing artwork, craftsmanship, and attention to details! That sea surface is just so beautiful 😍
the detail around the periscope breaking the water is a real nice touch and the whole thing looks really good
I love this diorama! It looks great!! An idea for the stands so they aren’t so visible is maybe try some smaller diameter straws like some coffee stirs
That looks absolutely amazing! I’ve always been fascinated by Submarines and seeing this was just what I needed today. This is giving me some ideas.
Thanks so much for the clear stands idea 🙂 I was looking for a solution to making aircraft In the air for a diorama but I think that they would be very useful, albeit making them a tad thinner.
I work for a large resin producer and it always impresses me to see the projects created by the end user. Looks awesome.
WOW, passing the light at the end was breathtaking, given all the work you put in consider putting submarine sound effects to add the finishing touches. Dioramas are like 3d photos frozen in time!
I love this!!! This art work is so breath taking
What a creative and detail loving job! I draw my hat! Especially the sea surface: just wow!
It looks awesome, I understand your grievances, I guess that comes with being a perfectionist and artist, but nonetheless, you have created a piece of art from nothing but the ideas and visions of your own mind. Very well done, too.
9:56 Next time, make the stands out of the same epoxy resin as the “water”. It will have the same light refraction index, and will appear to completely vanish once the main body of resin is poured.
thanks for posting man! This was incredibly relaxing and enjoyable to watch
VENOM 3D SKULL Match Chain Reaction Amazing Fire Art Domino

(c) 4THECRAFT WARNING ==== Dangerous chemicals and tools are used in this video. Some of the actions seen in my video could cause bodily harm and/or health issues.
Thats alot of hardwork ,keep it up
that was a lot of work !
OMG because I had not seen this, I like everything that is made with matches when someone creative does it!
I was searching for a venom match chain reaction and this one was perfect. Keep it up
Don’t worrie venom, I felt the same way when I tried spicy wings for the first time
Awesome , at least it wasn’t as crucial as riots death when was covered in the rockets 🚀 fuel tank, when venom opened it like a wound with the thing that almost kind Eddie
This hardwork deserves a million subs
çok emek harcamışınız, elinize kolunuza sağlık , yanmasıda daha muhteşem oldu
Lol I was actually kind of hoping you didn’t burn it because it was so much work and it looked so cool! Great vid!
Wow! Estupendo 👌Saludos desde Barcelona 😘
May I suggest combining ALL your match art fires into one video (only from the point you set them afire) and making them into a yule log type holiday video. Seriously. Unfortunately I think that would have required filming them until they burned out.
I don’t even care that this was two years ago I just had to watch because I love venom and I love match art sooo yeah
That was fabulous!
I imagine the sulphur smell was like the depths of hell!!
this is actually very accuratevenom gets hurt in fire
Oh my god!! Que fant�stico
Awesome job, I tried something similar in my video last month, keep them burning 🔥👍
First I luved the music…The anticipation…the building up..up..up..it actually gave me goosebumps…#Fukkn Amazzing…luv all u do..thanxx..oxmelissa 💋
this guy did this all for us,bro respect