Kendra’s Language School(おすすめch紹介)

Kendra's Language School(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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Pratique ouvindo ingl�s nativo – Treino eficiente de listening

Pratique ouvindo ingl�s nativo - Treino eficiente de listening  (c) Kendra's Language School

(c) Kendra’s Language School Pratique ouvindo ingl�s nativo (n�vel intermedi�rio) – Ou�a repetidamente a pron�ncia de falantes nativos, e isso melhorar� …

Pratique ouvindo ingl�s nativo (n�vel intermedi�rio)

O cara falando: jsndndisnxndnso.Ela: I like that young man .Eu: 🤡🤡🤡

A voz feminina � mt mais f�cil de entender

Mano, os americanos tem muita pregui�a de falar, certeza absoluta. Uma palavra por cima da outra, uma frase com 10 palavras o cara resume em 3 kkkkkkk

Ele: That’s his specialty!Eu: That is a especial tea!

Estou estudando ingles a pouco mais se 7 meses a fio, meu listening � a minha pior habilidade. Tor�am por mim kkk

Eu comecei a treinar meu listening recentemente, deixo o video com velocidade 0.75 que fica muito bom

Listening � a pr�tica mais importante no aprendizado de ingl�s, �timo v�deo!

Vou ouvir todos os dias , para aumentar meu vocabulário!💜💙

To aqui aprendendo inglês 😭😣😚😚😚✌🏽 15/04/20

eu:frase 1: muito f�cil KAKAKAKfrase 2: tranquilinfrase 3: epafrase 4: me fodi

Excelente pra praticar listening, excelente mesmo. Me deixou at� mais animada, porque meu ouvido � muito ruim. Muit�ssimo obrigada!

Essa � a ideia, ele fala o real ingles e ela facilita levemente.

After almost 3 months, I fineshed the video. It is a great video, it helped me a lot! Thank you!

fui enganado 2 vezes seguidas, “he returned”(here turned) e o take off”(take coffee), sou novato ainda pessoal

Recomendo deixar o video em 0.75� fica mais f�cil de pegar cada palavra e voc� pode at� conhecer mais cada palavra

I hear words in English even if I don’t understand, it helps me a lot to memorize!

�tima ajuda para treinar ingl�s. Muito obrigada.

Congratulations! Your lessons are really good. The method you have created is efficient and interactive. May God protect and enlighten you. Thanks

Ele: He returned from Holland in JuneEu: He returned from Poland engine

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Efficient training of Spoken English listening

Efficient training of Spoken English listening  (c) Kendra's Language School

(c) Kendra’s Language School Repeatedly listen to the pronunciation of native speakers, and it will really improve your listening level! The recording will be played four times in total. First, it will …

What kind of learning content do you want us to create?

Thank you for sharing such an extraordinary material. Female and male voices in addition with written sentences makes easy to get a deep understanding. Please, make more videos like this one. Maybe choosing a topic and using different tenses for the same sentence could make it even more useful. Congrats


This is my favourite program for listening and speaking of English language,it help me so much to learn about it. Thank you

This is the best video ever! I would really appreciate it if you could make the next step. It is extraordinarily well done! I am grateful for your efforts. Jinniekim

I think the difficulty of this materials is wonderful, especially for learners like me.Huge thanks for your extraordinary work!

That’s excellent for me. I feel that I’m improving my listening.

Thank you for sharing these extras or nay material and I’ve been learning English for five months intensively in American and those material help me to practice speaking and listening I really appreciate,thank you

After I heard your lesson, I loved it and thank you very much <3

This video is amazing! A real quality content to learn English.

Thank you very much, this technique is the best for deep learning. We need more.PLZ give us TPA phonetic spellings)


Thank you for helping me every days, with english.

my teacher sent me this link, I thought I was getting rick rolled again-

Thank you. This video is the most useful to understand English spoken. I was looking for that for a long time

Very interesting and helpful method. I was looking how to improve my listening; now I am in progress daily. Thants a lot.

Thankx to delivered us good material.,It is very helpful to improve listening…plz make more video in english like this.God bless u from Pakistan💚

Hello everyone. This is very great listening. Thank you for 🎧

I was just looking for this kind of English Listening. Thank you it is excellent.

Muito bom para aprender inglês nesse formato, parabéns 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

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1000 frases de conversaci�n en ingl�s que parecen f�ciles pero no lo son

1000 frases de conversaci�n en ingl�s que parecen f�ciles pero no lo son  (c) Kendra's Language School

(c) Kendra’s Language School Estudiemos algunas frases en ingl�s que parecen f�ciles pero que no lo son. En el nivel b�sico, todas las frases utilizan vocabulario y gram�tica, por lo que son …

Nuevo canal de YouTube “La pr�ctica online de Kendra” Ejercicios de Conversaci�n en Ingl�s para conseguir Soltura

Thank you, my boyfriend and I are using this to learn each other’s languages.

doing this during quarantine .even though already im fluent and was born in america and this is my first language.just doing it so i can

Hey no Las tienes como en cartoncillos para leerlas mandame decir me gustaria comprarlas gracias

لو الترجمة بالغة العربية كان أفضل من هذه اللغة التي لم نعرفها

Me gustan todas las frases genial y como se pronuncian

the best channel.Congratulations!!!!!!!

Me gusta la clase porque escribe en inglés y español y hablan muy claro muchas gracias, Bendiciones 🙏❤


Japanese people can learn both english and spanish…..

Gracias porq aprendo dios le bendiga

Muchas gracias por ayudarnos a aprender, me gusta mucho esta metodología y que pronuncian y escriben en inglés y español. Yo estoy escuchando los videos todo el tiempo mientras trabajo las 8 horas y he aprendido muchas palabras nuevas gracias a ustedes. Graaacias!!!😊

Ecxelente curso Muchas GRACIAS 🌹

Buen video, gracias.

35:24 😥😩

Es increiblemente bueno para quien quiere estudiar y no cuenta con el tiempo necesario , muchas gracias

Seria mejor que No Lo tradujeran en espa�ol seria Ma� practico con leerlo es auficiente.el de habla ispana se concentra Ma� en El espa�ol por eso


Muy buen video, gracias. Aunque no est� literalmente bien traducido

Muy agradecida por presentarnos un trabajo tan extenso y bien elaborado. �FELICITACIONES�

Easy & Slow English Conversation Practice for Super Beginners

Easy & Slow English Conversation Practice for Super Beginners  (c) Kendra's Language School

(c) Kendra’s Language School Let’s practice the 200 phrases that beginners of English need to memorize first, along with super slow sounds read by a professional narrator! The Narrator …

I like this video because I like the slower to improve my English. I don’t understand how the natives English.It’s so fast and I can’t understand it.God bless you.

I teach ESL adult students. These phrases are very helpful for them. Where can I find all of the 200 phrases? Is there a link?

thank you teacher

Thanks Teacher very much.I am really appericate you.Sharing your lessons videos are useful for me as a beginner.I really believe that I am a good listener for speaking English.

I definitely wii improve my speaking English skills

It was very useful . Ur teaching Was Also very understandable . Thank you 😌❤️

Thank you for your content, maam!

I need 5 days to Remember that word.

Thank you so much teacher

Thank you for your lesson, it is very very helpful, and the way you explain it so good. And God bless you and your family. 👏👏👏👏🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟👍👍💖😀

That’s good . Thank you a lot

Thank you..God bless you.

It is most powerful for english beginning learnets.

Thank you so much for your nice video!

Splendid speaking, this helps beginners, thank you💐

Muito bom a aula

I really like it this video bcz I want to improve my English my English is weak

Thank you teacher.

Learn English with fun😅Your pronunciation is really helpfulThnks 👍🏻

Good job.. Thakyou so much…

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