400kになるまで歌います!!! I’ll sing until I hit 400K!!!

(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと thumbnail illust @nab0i Thank you ☁️お約束☁ ・みんなに優しく ・他の配信者さんに迷惑をかけない ・配信と関係ないコメントをしない 約束を守られていない方は私 …
Congrats on 400K
I Just realize how fast Tenshi is Growing. Tenshi Just debut on December 15. it’s only been 3 months and She’s almost have half a million subscribers. She probably one of the fastest-growing Independent Vtubers out there
40万おめでとう これからもがんばりましょ for being so special to me and tenshimps
Tenshi has this wonderful timbre in her voice that’s just so lovely to listen to. I also love how much more confident she’s become with her singing compared to her earlier karaoke streams. I really try my best not to miss a karaoke stream now, they’re just so fun and special.
I’m glad that we made you smile.
“Konichiwassup” Goddamn Genius next to “Yametekudastop”
She call for us again at the beginning And we dont regret answer her calling 💖
Can we please apreciate the fact that Tenshi put all song title in Romaji? ♥
Congrats on 400k subs. Can’t belive you hit 300k subs back in December. Thats crazy. Now its time to grind all the way to 500k. Leta goo. おめでとう!
From Aishiteru Myra, to Aishiteru TENSHIMPS. We love you too Tenshi and we’ll support you all the way! 10Q for your Hard work!
Congratulations on 400k tenshi. You deserve all of them ❤
I am grateful healthy enough to watch it live thanks for the sweet karaoke
When our Tenshi hits 500k my soul is gonna pog so hard that it’s gonna make a hole in the space-time continuum
Thank you for that wonderful singing stream and congratulations on 400k subs tenshi!!
Oh great I missed the stream. But it’s not important. Congratulations on 400k Tenshimps, Angel!
Congrats 400k tenshi! You made everyone happy
This girl just started in December already reach 400K subs really fast 😳👍💖I can’t imagine if she didn’t suddenly went hiatus before, she might actually got a lot more subs by now 🤧👍💖She deserve it with her wondeful streams 💖
52:59 Blessed💙
Omedetou Tenshi! Congratulations! Pogchamp! Go go 500k next, Tenshi. We will always be supporting you.
Im glad i’ve watch the entire stream, and its not short stream💙💙💙💙💙At first i thought the bees tragedy gonna happen (because she will sing until 400k ,and her subs already 399k ..)😅

(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと なんでこれを撮ったかはわからないです。 I don’t know why I took this. BGM Producer : RICKY Ch.
I think we can make this into a religion, but it’s one we’ll have to worship on the downlow.
Whenever she takes a break i get vietnam flashback.
Latest news;From her Twitter;She said she’ll be taking a break for her new video song 😆💖From membership post;She apologise she need a bit time to settle her works & hope we can wait for her So while waiting go help rewatch back her videos like her King video song almost reach 1Million & share her wholesome clips to more people to support her too
if Tenshi crying*so do i*
I think we can all agree that the cutest baby is a tenshi baby
Her baby impression is scarily on point.
Is it just me or does her baby crying voice sound really realistic?
Please wait a little longer people, I’m pretty sure she’s trying her best to stream as soon as possible. Remember that she’s an independent vtuber atm and doesn’t have the backing of a big company.Making quality content is hard, be it your own or commissions, and the process of piecing it together takes lots of time and specially if commissioned from different people (who have different schedules due to multiple clients). Also if you look at her twitter it would seem shes gotten new hardware and likely even more tools for streaming which she has to set up.Stay strong Tenshimps!
Five days without Tenshi is TOO LONG
*Tenshi when she looses her shotgun be like*
Himemori Luna: Finally a Worthy Opponent
Tenshi’s baby impression is too strong, I don’t know how to handle this
“Who’s the one who makes Tenshi cries”*Loads SPAS-12 religiously
She is weaponizing it. I can’t take it. She’s too freakin’
I wouldn’t mind losing sleep for this baby
This is just absolutely adorable, my Kokoro goes doki doki~*Found my new alarm as well*
I’ve been waiting for your new cover our angel it will probably take 3 weeks take your time tenshi love you💖💖💎💎💖💎💎💖💖💖
“I don’t know why I took this”Neither do we but tenshi is still the cutest thing to exist
In tenshi’s words…”My baby~!”
As someone who babysits a lot, this triggered my babysitting mode and it scares me.
Angel Shotgun Time [Apex Legends]
![(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと Angel Shotgun Time [Apex Legends] Angel Shotgun Time [Apex Legends] (c) Uto Ch. 天使うと](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UCdYR5Oyz8Q4g0ZmB4PkTD7g/C2wXHHJzz0E.jpg)
(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと thumbnail illust @kitcxt Thank you ☁️お約束☁ ・みんなに優しく ・他の配信者さんに迷惑をかけない ・配信と関係ないコメントをしない 約束を守られていない方は私がNG …
Tenshi didn’t end the stream until she got that W, a true gamer for working so hard for us, make sure to get some sleep
Best 4 hours of my life.
Shout out to Tenshi for not giving up. It was a really good stream.Shes also been visited by 3 of the hololive vtubers. First being Anya, The second one, being Ollie. And The third one being Mastsuri, The goddess herself. I guess the Goddess wanted to check up on her angels. Very Pog.
4:35:33Congrats on the win Tenshi! Hope you get some well deserved rest fit for a champion!!!💙
おつかれさま、今日はめっちゃ楽しいCheers for champion, POGGARS, GG MEN
2:06:43 Seiso GOD meet Seiso Tenshi
Seems like she got sick and won’t be streaming for a while. Who would’nt get tired tho? She’s working part time while streaming. Rest well, our tenshi
Seriously this hits differently for the tenshimps thats been watching her previous apex for months while waiting her, it gave a fresh & good feelings 🤧💖& I even bet theres actually a lot of tenshimps thats already train alot in this game, just dont know how to join & help her like that one tenshimp guy that manage to help her once hereEdit;Btw just get update from members section, Tenshi will play apex with tenshimp members soon 🎉🥳🎊Hope pro apex tenshimps can join in too 😎👍
Watching from start to end made that last round so much more satisfying. !
3:58:30 unbelievably adorable
おつうと~It was a long fight, but Tenshi manage to win !Congratulation~
tenshi’s too cute and too strong…..behind you~
1:48:27 She still practicing & learning English even when playing gameShe even use english audio setting when most of us use jp audioBut my angel, this game is not the right one to learn english from, you’ll end up like a certain elite maiden beyond saving later 😂
Tenshi seems to be color blind, or did she turn the colorblind mode on for the viewers?Anyways, great stream and nice win!
10Q tenshi that was a fun stream!, also it’s nice to see other vtubers support tenshi
Tenshi really did her best this stream, cant wait for the next!
26Feb From Her Twitter;”I have a bit of a fever so I’ll be taking a break from the stream.😷😷😷Sorry.😭😭😭😭”.She’s not feeling well and will take a bit break from streaming until she gets betterHope you guys can send some love to her Twitter 💖She’s been working very hard & pushing hereself to stream everyday for us 🤧💖In the mean time we can try help watch her previous videos and share her good clippers to others 💖Like what amatsuka virus, seiso tenshi, ryujinosa & other clippers did 👍💖
Tenshi still looking for Susan even in this game ELMAO
Awesome stream! 10Q for this cute Tenshi
Tenshi is a champion for streaming for us daily. She deserves lots of rest 💙 Get well soon Tenshi!!!
Tell me how to play this game! IKZ!!!! [DOOM Eternal]
![(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと Tell me how to play this game! IKZ!!!! [DOOM Eternal] Tell me how to play this game! IKZ!!!! [DOOM Eternal] (c) Uto Ch. 天使うと](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UCdYR5Oyz8Q4g0ZmB4PkTD7g/fKovKMKcs1c.jpg)
(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと thumbnail illust @Im_osalad Thank you ☁️お約束☁ ・みんなに優しく ・他の配信者さんに迷惑をかけない ・配信と関係ないコメントをしない 約束を守られていない方は私 …
This was quite possibly the single most scuffed stream I’ve ever watched, and I absolutely loved every second of it. I approb!The entire stream is well worth watching, but, here’s what I considered to be some of the most significant events based on chat TL, the extremely basic Weebense that I’ve gained through osmosis, and my prior knowledge of Doom: 2:52 Tenshi arrives (without realizing she’s muted), apparently about 5 minutes after she woke up. 6:59 Tenshi mistakes the Battlemode (PvP gametype) tutorial for a base game tutorial, where she learns how to play as the Mancubus demon.9:27 Tenshi begins looking for the means to start the story mode… and gets a little lost along the way. 10:09 Tenshi finds the campaign button, but, as it turns out, she apparently purchased ONLY the DLC campaign. This allows access to Battlemode, and the campaign of the DLC “Ancient Gods – Part One”, but not the base game’s campaign/story mode. So, she begins the process of trying to figure out which version or bundle she needs to purchase in order to play (just on the Steam storepage for Doom Eternal alone, there are currently 6 different purchase options!)14:44 Tenshi has now successfully purchased the(a) game, and begins an actual Doom Slayer tutorial, providing her first exposure to Doom Eternal’s mobility, arsenal, and demon slaying. Following the tutorial, she spends a little while meandering through the main menu, trying to decide what to do while she waits for the game to install.26:42 Tenshi is placed into an online lobby for a game of Battlemode. But, as she soon discovers, Battlemode has voicechat, and her microphone is broadcasting to the two other players! Fortunately for us, one of the players in the lobby happens to have an echo to their mic, causing Tenshi to notice that they can hear her. *awkward cough*28:15 – 33:10 Tenshi has disabled voicechat, and thus now begins another match of Battlemode. The Slayer in this match is level 30, and Tenshi’s teammate is level 120. Meanwhile, Tenshi is level 1, and has *literally no idea what the hell is going on* for the entire match.35:45 – 44:48 Tenshi decides that since Battlemode is clearly not going to be a viable way to fill the time, she’ll instead begin playing the DLC while she waits for the base campaign to install! Unfortunately for her, the DLC campaign is designed with the assumption that you’ve already completed the base game, and mastered the combat loop. Upon learning this through her death, she promptly decides to change course.49:10 – 1:13:46 Tenshi changes course *drastically*, and launches Minecraft. Shenanigans ensue, coupled with periodic checks of the game’s installation progress, as well as countless people in chat that are very confused.1:14:24 Tenshi launches the game, after having waited approximately one full hour for it to install, all while live on stream! Only to discover she actually bought and installed “DOOM” (from 2016), rather than “DOOM Eternal”! However, nobody really minds, and so truly begins the saga of the Angel With A Shotgun!(Note: not going to timestamp the Minecraft segment currently, as I’ve already spent more time than I’d expected in order to readjust the comment to fit a timestamp format. Furthermore, I fell asleep around 20 minutes into the Doom 2016 gameplay, so I don’t know actually of any specific timestamps after that point. Let me know if there’s anything significant I missed or got wrong, and I’ll add it in! Also, friendly reminder to leave a like on the video if you enjoyed the stream!)
For those who are confused: She realized she only bought the DLC for DOOM Eternal so then she went to buy the game and then she went to Minecraft while waiting for DOOM to finish then it turned out she bought DOOM 2016 and just played it.
She’s a little confused, but she’s got the spirit.
Cant believe i was smiling for 3 hours.
Honestly, it might have been for the better she didn’t play Eternal. Not only is 2016 easier to get into, but she probably wouldn’t have the heart to betray her fellow tenshis, the maykrs.
when a tenshi Rip and Tears, you know it’s biblically accurate
Literally any other weaponTenshi: _I sleep_SHOTGUNTenshi: *ORA!*
There were some technical difficulties but it was all worth it when she starts giggling while blasting demons with a shotgun.1:27:23 heheheheheh
1:25:35Man 5 years later and this still sends chills down my spine
Tenshi Downloading Ancient Gods thinking it was the Main game Just to Download DOOM 2016 was the funniest thing eversidenote: she missed plasma rifle that was on her screen 8 times, i think she looked at its direction for 5 times xD just to end the level without getting it
For those who joined near the end, Tenshi had troubles with DOOM Eternal so she switched to Minecraft then DOOM 2016
*”There are no Accidents”*Only Happy MistakesEventho theres some technical dificulties at first, still all well & ends well And honestly, people also been repeating advising her to play Doom2016 before Doom Eternal So this accident was a actually a blessing in disguise ✨💎💖
I think it’s actually better this way that she played DOOM 2016 first. Not only is it a better starting point being easier to learn and play, it also provides a lot of context for DOOM Eternal that she might not appreciate if she had played it first. Though yeah, confused tenshi is confused LOL
Demons: Turn to mush.Tenshi: Hehehehe!My heart: Same as the Demons.
Not the DOOM Eternal stream I expected, but I’m glad it turned out this way.
Thank you for the stream tenshi, not the stream I expected but I’m glad she got to play doom 2016 first
1:31:15Imagine slayer-chan say ‘kyah’ when get hitted
Just when I thought I got off with type 1 diabetes the end literally made a new type of diabetesI’m die. Thank you forever
Can’t wait another Doom streamI miss that gremlin laugh already
what I’m realky surprised about is not only the fact that most of her chat was in english but also most people watching (myself included) didn’t mind she was playing DOOM 2016 and not Eternal. She HAS to be an angel to unite people this much.
[51 Worldwide Games] First collaboration with Nabimama !!!
![(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと [51 Worldwide Games] First collaboration with Nabimama !!! [51 Worldwide Games] First collaboration with Nabimama !!! (c) Uto Ch. 天使うと](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UCdYR5Oyz8Q4g0ZmB4PkTD7g/RAnaB53tg1k.jpg)
(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと Nabimama https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzKkwB84Y0ql0EvyOWRSkEw Thank you for watching the stream! Thank you for your support. I am studying …
Kiara: Is this heaven?It sure is
Can we appreciate how Tenshi moved her head so that we could see what was going on behind her sometimes?
there is nothing more beautiful than a mom and her kid having a good time togetherthank you so much, looking forward for more collabs
I died at least 44 times watching the cuteness unfold.
Thank you for this collab and hope you guys had fun! I was cheering you on smol child! #1 Moral Supporter for Smol Child !
27:00 did Nabi-mama say hurry up and die? Lmao such savagery.. xD you know where Ame got her ground pound instincts. Poor Tenshi getting owned.
They should just redefine the word “cuteness” and “sweetness” in dictionary, and change its meaning with the link of this stream.
The cuteness in this collab was a lot to take in
41:13 that tinge of toxicity is a cherry on top
These two are so cute together I died many times. 🦋 Can’t wait for more collabs with Nabi mama in the future!
Pro gamer Nabi mama and Utroll gamer tenshi. The collabo of two angels were so fun. Congrats Nabi mama for winning. 💙
The blessed combined laughing of these two is just too sweet💙💙💙
TenQ for the wholesome family collab💖 💖very fun ❤Hope we can have more family collab in the future 💖& maybe see both angels sing together one day 🎶❤
I was smiling the whole time and i now my cheeks hurtsThank you for this cute collab うとちゃん and なびママ!🦋
The cutest collab ever
Thank you for the stream! This is the cutest stream ever!!!, Nabi mama and Tenshi are both super cute, adorable, and sweet!!! 💙💙💙
Nabi mama laugh is scary and cute at the same time
Final Score:Tenshi: 9Nabi-mama: 12Win or lose, this is a great and enjoyable stream. Congratulations to both of you
the times i died from cuteness is so many this stream!truly the cutest collab stream ever! and thank you tenshi and nabi mama for making my day a lot better! 💙💙
This was the cutest stream ever, Nabi and Tenshi Kawaii!