
(c) Noel Ch. 白銀ノエル へっぽこ脳筋女騎士によるホロメンASMR講座[第一弾]! 今日はASMR初心者だけど伸びしろピカイチ!かなたんがゲスト 一緒に音で遊んでいきます~!
5:03 My favorite sounds: Gorilla squishing human organs and Noel laughing.
Kanata breaking things with her 50kg grip is ASMR i didn’t think i needed in my life.
The way Kanata plays with the Gel Ball is like she is squashing someone’s organ LMAO
41:50 かなたママ(・@・)🍼
Kanata absolutely destroying everything she touches is so on brand for her asmr, lol.
Kanata’s turn: Itai!Danchou’s turn: kimochii!At the end you awaken something inside you
Words can not express how much I want to be that microphone
Kanatan learning from Noel is just too adorable
Thanks for the ASMR Noel and Kanata
4:44~「 潰 し ま す 」「も う ち ょ っ と 潰 し ま す 」「 両 手 で 潰 し た い と 思 い ま す 」不 吉 な 数 字 で 不 吉 な 3 段 活 用
This hits way different from the one she did with Marine, yet I reached true happiness all the same again
Kanata absolutely obliterating the slime. Love it.
This was such a good time, Danchou is a good teacher,and you two have great chemistry, you are both such kind and gentle people !
Legend says that Ku100 is the Creator of Heaven and that Nobody can take his place.
The ASMR training is a huge success! So glad Noel can do off-collabs again.Kanata was joking around with her gorilla grip, but ultimately she did learn a lot and is already improving!
Kanata so multitask that she can do Comedy ASMR as well.
Alternate title: “Berserk Gorilla learns to control strength from Refined Knight”
As i was falling asleepKanata’s grip almost made me fear for my life

(c) Noel Ch. 白銀ノエル 白銀ノエル誕生祭2020 で沢山呟いてくれると嬉しいです ✨ ✥————————————————————————-✥ [ メンバーシップ開始 ] 白銀愛好会に参加しま …
I recently fell into the EN rabbit hole and am now discovering the rest of hololive. God have mercy on me and my wallet.
52:57 自分用 Don’t mind me.This is my favorite part 草
She’s so happy, i’m so proud
47:13 relive a Danchou rapping. Her rapping is so cute. Happy Birthday, Danchou!
Happy Birthday, Danchou! And thank you for this wonderful celebration stream! Rejoicing and celebrating your birthday with lovely music and convivial merriment was a great pleasure! Additionally, it warmed our hearts to see your senpais, friends and kohais drop by to send you their regards and wishes! The amiable conversations and genial chats you had with them were pleasantly wholesome to listen to! Moreover, we were touched by the countless superchats people donated to express their heartfelt felicitations!Seeing you in such bliss, we couldn’t help but smile in return! After all, for everything you’ve done to bring joy and laughter to our lives, you deserve happiness too, and we’re really happy that you had lots of fun today! We hope you will relish the remainder of your special day! May the happy memories be forever cherished as you carry on with your endeavors! We as your fans, new and old, casual and dedicated, will continue to support you for many years to come! We love you! ⚔️🎂❤️
Came from a clip, it’s been a while since a totsumachi it’s fun really hearing this
Our mother knight can’t be this rap, yes i admit that danchou was cute rapper idol, happy birthday shirogane noel~
For the 26th time,Happy Birthday Dear Knight!❤️❤️🎉🎂
8:00 マリン毎日ぐーるぐる? ・・・・・・助かるんだワ。定点で眺めたいんだワ。
2:12 開始⚔歌⚔1曲目 7:37~俺ら東京さ行くだ / 吉幾三2曲目 47:13~ココロオドル / nobodyknows+3曲目 51:38~その血の運命 / 富永TOMMY弘明4曲目 53:51~Great Days / 青木カレン・ハセガワダイスケ5曲目 55:23~ギミチョコ! / BABYMETAL6曲目 58:14~Wonderful Life / 酒井ミキオ⚔凸待ち⚔1人目 🏮夏色まつり 11:08~ ↳12:36 レッスンの裏側 ↳14:34 ところでいくつに2人目 ☃️雪花ラミィ 15:31~ ↳17:17 コラボするなら ↳17:42 何やってんだよ団長! ↳19:58 あーん3人目 🍙猫又おかゆ 20:49~ ↳21:39 気に入ってる配信 ↳23:16 そういうところが好き4人目 ⚓️湊あくあ 24:50~ ↳25:45 草 ↳26:40 感謝したいこと ↳28:38 プレゼント ↳29:20 草5人目 🔥🏴☠️👯♀️🦋3期生 29:50~(フレア・マリン・ぺこら・るしあ) ↳29:51 草 ↳31:13 人狼はじまた ↳32:20 草 ↳32:48 消えた船長 ↳33:24 目標 ↳35:33 3期生の絆⚔グッズ発売のお知らせ⚔ 39:12 グッズ詳細! 41:27 あっ 42:15 購入にあたり了承してほしいこと① 44:08 購入にあたり了承してほしいこと② 44:27 購入にあたり了承してほしいこと③ 1:02:50 終わりのあいさつ1:03:07 ED
41:15 るしあの平面マウスパッドについて語る団長32:05 草
39:16 告知です!それとハッピーバースデー!団長!告知内容は…ぽめぇら観て驚け…!遂に出たぞぉ…!

(c) Noel Ch. 白銀ノエル 引っ越し終わりました…! フレアwelcome… 不知火フレア Twitter:https://twitter.com/shiranuiflare …
The fact that Noel invited Flare to be the first person to have a sleepover at her new house is so てえてえ~ d(•́▿•̀)1:11 Start~39:15 Weird noise made by Flare48:53 Noel asking all of the sudden if Flare wants to keep a pet 54:26 Showing a pic of her hamster58:46 Noel explains why she named the Hamster “Pop”. When she held it on her hands, the Hamster peed & it smelled like popcorn1:05:02 Flare asking Rushia to save her from Noel’s weird questions (Something about Elf forest & peeing)1:06:48 Looking at her hamster again & admiring how cute it is1:08:12 Noel laughing creepily 1:11:38 Rushia’s heading over to Noel’s place!1:19:51 Noel making cat noises 1:20:35 Noel leaving temporarily to pick Rushia up, Flare holds down the fort1:24:09 Flare showing the sound diff when going close & being far apart__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(1)1:26:15 *RUSHIA ARRIVES & JOINS THE SLEEPOVER!!!!!*1:29:44 Rushia tea drinking noises1:30:07 The trio laughing over Rushia’s image1:31:54 Rushia notices the Noel X Flare tapestry LOL1:35:38 Flare: “Cute” Rushia: “Where do I look cute?” Flare: “Your chest” 1:40:24 Rushia says Noefure is Gachi after hearing that they bought pair rings1:43:48 Flare treating Rushia as a child1:44:05 Rushia asking who’s the dad & who’s the mom1:48:48 Marine appears in chat!! 1:53:33 Noel notices the last person missing from 3rd gen on the screen1:54:16 Bringing out a Marine image to complete 3rd Gen members2:00:39 Rushia complaining that almost every item in Noel’s house is related to Flare__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(2)2:06:43 Noel briefly taking over Flare’s avatar 2:07:35 Another Mama & child roleplay by the trio 2:08:39 Marine appears in chat again2:15:51 Marine appears in chat again (2) 2:19:11 Flare feels that Rushia’s cat noises is cute2:21:18 Rushia & Flare’s “Ahhhhhhhhh!!!”2:24:34 Marine appears in chat again (3) 2:26:20 Marine appears in chat again (4)2:28:21 Noel trying to convince Flare that’s she’s number 1There are many more Noteworthy moments in the stream, be sure to check it in full~!
1:37:45 第三のおかゆ2:03:02 るしあマジ天使(RMT)2:04:13 花子の話
Congratulations on Moving to a new house Noel! TeeTee stream with Flare and surprise Rushia!And welcome Pop-chan 🐹 to the family! Just don’t inhale the hamster on accident…
1:25:33 ホムラ「認知してあげない」3期生全員集合(?)ってやっぱ絆あったけえなあお部屋チェックで歩き回るるしあちゃんかわいい
2:13:00 謎のゲイン低下
I wish I understood Japanese so I could watch this whole thing 😢
45:20 指輪出来る話💍 てぇてぇ度Max
幾度となく尊死・甦生を繰り返し、今度こそノエフレ耐性を得たと思っていたが…”るしあチェック” は進研ゼミでもやってない😇
バブみ選手権について言及したかった( ˙꒳˙ )
1:44:062:07:24 ここの団員達のシンクロ好き。ママァ‥
6:47 方言すき
1:24:11 フレアガチ恋距離ちょいあとにおかわりもあるよ

(c) Noel Ch. 白銀ノエル ハンマーで愛しい人を守る… (守れるとは言ってない) #ノエフレMH でツイートしてね 不知火フレア …
It’s good to see mom and dad spending some quality time together
59:16 突然の本音 ~やっぱり団長って性獣だわ~
Hunting Monsters together is a perfect date for a Knight and Elf. Thank you for Tee Tee stream Noel and Flare!
17:34 自分用
A female knight and a female half-elf with a long rivalry between them, had to put aside their difference and fight together the true threat this world has, the monsters and elder dragons. That would be a nice subplot for Holo Alt.Great stream Danchou and Fu-tan.
That’s is so late ,i never feel asleep and watch it after awake!😂😂😂
⚔️ノエフレ🔥 (rough translation) (Mostly Noel trying to flirt with her wife) 1:04:07 F: Noe-chan is here 1:05:49 N: I will protect you princess 1:17:13 N: I will follow you no matter wherever you are 1:31:47 N: Were you lonely? 1:38:26 N: It’s okay if I give you mine extract? 2:02:47 N: Playing with Flare it doesn’t feel like we are streaming (I guess she feel more natural and easy playing with Flare while streaming) 2:05:48 F: Well I wanted to go out with you as soon as possible 2:10:56 Noel is worried that she feel too relaxed (You can hear her humming) 2:22:28 Noel offer her extract (again) to Flare 2:37:02 Noel think asking for extract is kinda ecchi 3:42:42 Flare said Noel is really good and after that compliment Noel got embarrassed
こんまっする~こんぬい~長文相槌失礼します。8:30 フレアさんが行っちゃった時の団長の表情w9:00 フレアさん置いてクエスト行っちゃうんか~いw10:10 草! フレアさんに置き換えられたw17:30 よっしゃーーーー!がめちゃかわ。クエスト達成w18:40 機材トラブル中…からの本編開始! こんまっする~!こんちゃっす こんぬい~!21:30 29:20 何を見せられてるのか…感動のドキュメンタリーを見てるのだ。ノエフレコラボ~配信に至るまでの試行と苦悩~39:00 ちょっと雲行きが…w 帰る場所になるのは素敵 団長優しい好き42:20 ノエル団長ソロクエスト開始!44:50 マッスルメトロノームたすかるw 茶柱!56:50 強き者を見抜く目…さすのえです!✨ 実況たすかるw58:40 耕すのうまいねは草1:03:10 やっぱりお団子食べる時はマッスルメトロノームなんですねw1:04:04 こんどこそ本編開始!1:04:20 フレアさんがノエちゃん連呼しながら回ってるの可愛い😊 ぬいぬいしながら回ってるのはちょっと渋いw あ、フレアさん先行っちゃった へぇ~途中参加できるようになったんだ1:08:30 今の壁蹴ってウルクススの頭上から攻撃入れるのめっちゃかっこいい😍1:13:40 団長めっちゃうまくなってる!1:27:05 ウルクスス討伐ないすぅ!!!1:28:40 シは救済1:44:21 オサイズチ討伐ないすぅ!!! ハンマーは一発がでかいからラストヒットとりやすそうだよね1:47:35 お団子食べる席遠いwソーシャルディスタンスは草1:57:20 脳筋は最強よ…2:01:35 ドスバギィ討伐ないすぅ!!!2:09:57 ちょいちょい団員さんが眠りとか麻痺をキャンセルしてるのを見ると誇らしい。いや全く関係ないんだけどさぁ…2:11:24 みんなの帰る場所、フレア 2:22:58 必死にエキスをあげようとしてる団長が「あたしは今真剣なんだよ」って怒られるとこ好きw2:23:48 クルルヤック討伐ないすぅ!!!2:28:05 フレアさん>詰まったお団子をお茶で流すと気持ちいい…すいません、それは賛同致しかねます2:30:40 え、今気付いたけど、団員さんの攻撃かっこよくね?ヒュンヒュンヒュンって何かワイヤーが舞うやつ2:45:00 大事な落とし物>💩 ふふふ…2:46:22 それは救心ですじゃ2:47:42 ヨツミワドウ討伐ないすぅ!!!2:50:50 唐突な一狩りいこうぜはドキッとしました3:09:44 神話生物は草3:24:43 ああああああああああああ!!!!! リベェェェンジ!!!3:29:10 先に行ったはずのフレアさんがいないw3:39:35 三つ巴の縄張り争いw3:41:46 音もキンキンキンでしたからね…3:43:32 本日三回目のエキスネタwさてはツボったな?w3:55:40 視界のすみにおったで!wフルフルもよう動揺しとるわw3:56:55 あっ…3:59:55 初めての共同作業(捕獲)!! おめでとう!!🎉 フルフル装備白っぽくて白銀聖騎士団のシンボルカラーっぽい!4:07:25 フレアさんのガルク(?)犬感すごいは草すごい楽しかったですー!おつぬいまっする~!揃わんなw

(c) Noel Ch. 白銀ノエル ノエルーム で沢山呟いてくれると嬉しいです ✨ 素敵なサムネイラスト:ろこ(@rocoroco1115)さま! https://twitter.com/rocoroco1115/status/1365592566977024000 …
Noel is about to hit 1 Million! 🎊🎊🎊🎊
Congrats on 1 million Subscribers danchou!!! 🎉🎉
Thank you for another entertaining stream Danchou we love you ❤❤
Many people like you (Indonesia people)
Mau gelud hah
So noel is fellow hammer user huh?sSSSUUGEEE
2:48:55 チャットの反応的にもしかして騎士団はヤバTの知名度低い?
Thank I Love You Noel