- #25 Bring Christmas Home / Christmas Tree & Home Decorating
- #38 Spring Vlog: New Kitten, Sowing Seeds, Cooking, Houseplants… | Daily Life in April
- #30 Forest of Gold | Making Burning Incense at Home
- #43 Grow Vegetables 🥬 in Glass Jars – Without Soil | Hydroponic Gardening
- #22 Scent of Foraging Season | Baking Chestnut Cake | Homemade Ivy Laundry Detergent
#25 Bring Christmas Home / Christmas Tree & Home Decorating

(c) Her 86m2 Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. Christmas, my child, is love in action. It is a bridge. We need …
What do you think of this Christmas season? Let me know in the comment <3Read more about our Christmas tree & Christmas Decorating on the blog / Đọc thêm về trang trí nhà cửa Giáng sinh ở đây: https://www.her86m2.com/diy/bring-christmas-home-mang-giang-sinh-ve-nha The beauty of Bernkastel-Kues during Christmas / Thành phố cổ Bernkastel-Kues gần Giáng sinh: https://www.her86m2.com/travel/bernkastel-kues-cochem-christmas
I can’t believe its been 5 months since I found your channel, truly it has been the best 5months of my life because its when it all began for me. your videos literally induced a light bulb💡 moment in my life and words will never be enough to express my gratitude. 1.Because of you, I appreciate a life I used to hate so much that I couldn’t wait to get out of it2. Because of you, I started living more simply and it has made a happier human being3. Because of you , I started documentary my rural life which set the tone for my self acceptance journeyNow I am Happy and I am free☀😁You are indeed a blessing to our generation. Thank you for existing🤗💚
Simply love the holiday season! You’ve captured such a heartwarming atmosphere in this video. Thoroughly enjoy it ❤
“It is about a child, long ago and far away, and it is about the child of now. In you and me. Waiting behind the door of hearts for something wonderful to happen. A child who is impractical, unrealistic, simple and terribly vulnerable to joy.” ❤️ Such a beautiful sentiment!
You’ve created the most magical atmosphere! There won’t be Christmas this year where I currently live either, no markets, no Christmas decorations, everything is closed, and everyone is sad, saying they don’t even want to celebrate this year. But I want to have Christmas atmosphere at home and create my own joy. I think this is most important this time of the year, especially in our time. 🙂
What a beautiful Christmas experience, in the West it is different, but the special thing is to see the happy people who accompany us in these holidays !!
I always dreamed to see the Alsace Christmas market sin France because they are dreamy and I guess very similar to German christmas markets as Alsace is at the border. Unfortunately, I never took the time to do it and I am afraid that there will never be Christmas markets anymore.And your table decorations are so beautiful <3
What a beautiful home you have. These days the simplest decor and candles so cozy this is time to do this. What a great video of your hometown and family. I just recently found your channel and I couldn’t be happier with the small changes in my life as you have inspired.
“I now what I want for Christmas. I want my childhood back. Nobody is able to give me that. I might give at least the memory of it to myself if I try. I know it doesn’t make any sense, but since when is Christmas about sense, anyway? It is about a child, long ago and far away, and it is about the child of now. In you and me. Waiting behind the door of hearts for something wonderful to happen. A child who is impractical, unrealistic, simple and terribly vulnerable to joy. So, I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all year.”Well THAT hit some emotional buttons I wasn’t expecting when clicking on this video. This…puts some very good words to feelings I’ve been struggling with for over two decades now. I’ve not personally celebrated Christmas since my family died. Yes, I’ve gone to other’s gatherings and such, exchanged gifts and everything, but never felt much joy in my heart for this season in a long, long time. For years this season has become more of an annoyance, something to tolerate while waiting for warmer weather. All the while ignoring the discontent part of me, the lonely parts, the hurt parts – the child.It’s a little too late to do much for celebrations this year, for multiple reasons. But next year? Next year I’m definitely going to do something for Christmas. Even if just for me. Get a tree for the first time in years, put up some decorations, rekindle some of the old traditions that I haven’t seen in so long. And in the meantime, I’ll see about nurturing that child self again.So thank you for helping illuminate some shadowed corners in my heart.
I love it. Xmas is really a time to be with friends and loved ones.
You really touched my heart. It’s almost 4 years since my father died, already 4 Christmases without him. Christmas was our day, our favorite season… Whitout him for me it had no sense at all, I almost feared those days since he passed away. But in the last two years I started feeling someting different, something happy yet sad at the same time. And you perfectly expressed that feeling. It’s nostalgia for something hopelessly lost but at the same time a need of a new hope, the child inside my heart asking to be able to trust life again. Every time I put on the decorations on the tree or I cook traditional food as I did “before” I secretly ask myself: “Why? What am I doing it for?” Well the answer I gave to myself is the same you wrote in this video: for whatever is left of the child inside me. Thank you for this.
What a lovely video, everything is so beautiful 😍 the tree and the table setting, as well as the food itself were all amazing and the town you live in is also beautiful. Thank you for sharing this with us. Merry Christmas 🎄 🌟 😘 💛 🏴
Que lindo!!! Desejo a vc e sua linda família um Feliz Natal!🙏🌲❤
WOW! This vlog was so beautiful it made me cry. I am saving it to watch over again. Thank you so much for this and sending you and your beautiful family and friends much love this Christmas and always xxxx
Happy Holidays! Our Christmas Market got cancelled too, however all the lights are up in the neighbourhood and towns, it won’t stop us from the festivities.I really loved how you showed different cultures celebrate Christmas slightly differently, my mom is Singapore and dad is Hong Kong, so our dinner always have Chilli Crab and lobster noodles instead of traditional dinners.
It’s all so beautifully done. Very heartwarming <3
Grateful that Christ was born for us so we can celebrate and enjoy this Christmas season… love how the house is even more beautiful this Christmas 🥰
Que video más bonito, tierno, entrañable!!, me ha emocionado y me ha, hecho retroceder a mi infancia, gracias por compartir. Un abrazo y feliz navidad🙏💜😍🤗
Es hermoso ver tus videos cada ves aprendo algo nuevo de ti y aunque soy mayor que tu puedo decirte con sinceridad que te admiro mucho creo que eres una mujer muy talentosa e inteligente. Felices fiestas para ti y tu hermosa familia.
❤️❤️ Me encantó el vídeo creo que todos en algún momento deseamos regresar a la infancia. Pero lindos recuerdos invaden nuestra mente. Feliz navidad. Espero el siguiente video❤️
#38 Spring Vlog: New Kitten, Sowing Seeds, Cooking, Houseplants… | Daily Life in April

(c) Her 86m2 April is like a book that carries the scent of our world, and tells a tale of secret doors, of love, adventure and new beginnings. April is like the spirit of the woods, …
My daily life in April in photos <3https://www.her86m2.com/life/springs-arrival-ten-thousands-doors-of-aprilSo what have you been doing lately? Please share with me in the comment 🙂
When Jiji leaned into Caesar at the end, and Caesar started grooming Jiji. That stole my heart. You did such a great job introducing them two! I also loved the scene of your daughter learning how to ride a bicycle! It took me back to when I was her age learning from my dad ❤️
this is the kind of mother i want to be
Your little – actually, big – pockets of pure beauty, abundance, art and wisdom are such enormous contribution to balance and goodness in the world. Thank you AGAIN, Thuy, you are a gem.
Those clips of Caesar and Jiji towards the end were so sweet 🥺❤️
Who are these people that disliking this amazing video. Please feel it, it’s the beauty of appreciating the nature , taking care of a family with whole heartedly.
It’s like a real world studio Ghibli film ❤❤Serene and aesthetic
I can’t begin to express how I love the way you capture moments, it’s pure beauty.
It’s such a heart-melting moment when Caesar and Jiji sleeping and cuddling together!
haha Caesar looks like an old guys in a playful soul when playing around with Jiji. I love to see they build their relationship from stranger cats to family. Lovely video
Тоже сажала, смотрела как зацветают огурцы, читала, были на природе
I’m so glad the cats learned to love and wash each other in the end <3 the small one is so darn cute and so is Alexia, she’s growing with the spring too. Your videos are like therapy, feeding the mind and soul of your viewers. Thank You <3
I pray one day to live a life as simple and quiet as that, with the man and my child God has planned for my journey thru life.
Missed your videos, so glad to have this slice of peace today :~) thanks for the content 🤍
the scene of Jiji playing and leaning into Caesar was incredible. I couldn’t stop smiling when I saw that <3
This was so beautiful to watch ❤ Alexia playing with jiji melted my heart ❤ and the scenery in this vlog was just gorgeous 😍 also, your videography skills are wonderful ❤
O Kiko é um fofo 💜🌻 As paisagens e imagens são belíssimas e suas palavras me tocam profundamente….Gratidão 🙏
I discover your channel just a few days ago and I have to say that I’m in love with your videos ! Everything seems to come from a dream, whether it is the landscapes, the soft light or the poetry of what you film! Your videos bring a lot of serenity, thank you very much for this warm sharing! Life seem simple and beautiful this way 🙂
Que beleza, quanta paz! Gratidão pelos seus vídeos ❤🇧🇷
Just love your videos so much! These are those type of videos you don’t want to skip. So calming & inspirational! What a beautiful place🌱
#30 Forest of Gold | Making Burning Incense at Home

(c) Her 86m2 Tree resins have been a major part of human history and have been used in nearly every culture on Earth for thousands of years. Whether used in perfumery, …
You can read more about burning incense on my blog <3https://www.her86m2.com/green-living/forest-of-gold-making-burning-incense
When an artist truly pursue her art’s , you are the example. I could feel the fragrance up to here. Lots of ❤️
As a Chinese , I still use incense instead of perfumes or room spray , but surprised to see how you can pick up the ingredients yourself here in Europe and made it by your self. Some essential ingredients for making incense are mainly from South Asia. so I never thought of trying it myself .
Is there anything you cannot do? Amazing human … I learn so much from you. 🙏💫This video is poetry in motion and the universe in a nutshell.
Your cinematography inspires me to achieve mine in the future.Love lots from Philippines🍂🍃
It feels like I just walk into the forest with you guys. That place feels so peaceful to do nothing but breathe. 💕 (I’m currently stuck in the city that I miss place like that)
Poetic, entertained, informative, relax, inspiring, thought-provoking… All at the same time <3
So calming and fragrant . I could smell the herbs, flowers, and all the things that your hands have prepared.
I have lived in the countryside in the last 2 years, I decided to run back to the city a few weeks back, I don’t completely regret my decision because it lead me to the realization of how blessed I was to be able to life simply on a farm. 🌈I say this to say that Your videos really helped in me in my most vulnerable state ,in my state of indecisiveness I didn’t know where or what to do. Your videos were a constant reminder of what I am missing out on, you helped see the value in simple rural living🌱Please don’t ever stop sharing, you never know who your videos might be helping out there.🤗💜
This reminds of my grandma s Chinese medicine shop where there were hundreds of herbs, spices, leaves, roots, stones, dry flowers and even dry insects! They were placed in those little drawers. They are thought to have healing properties. I was sent to her shop for a few summers and I didn’t care enough to learn about them when I was a kid. Now I realised it s a treasure.
So deep, meaningful and beautiful, to understand the world of trees so intimately. I haven’t even reached the incense stick making part, but just taking a moment to think about all that I’ve learnt from your video in the first two minutes. Lots of love from India.
Que maravilha! Eu gosto da poesia das cenas e também da canção. Obrigado por partilhar conosco a beleza desses momentos. Eu agradeço por me fazer lembrar que bem viver é olhar o mundo com a esperança da criança. Saudações e bênçãos. 🙏👏
Really loved the video.I’m asthmatic so I can’t burn incense or even wax melts since they trigger my asthma. But I do sometimes put small pine branches in a vase from my forests walks or put orange peels on the radiators to make my house smell nice.
I just discover your videos. It is a real treasure. inspiring and bringing so much peace and honnesty, full of beauty and humility. You made my day, probably more than one day. I feel like starting a small garden again but differently on my balcony with my teenage girl thanks to all the good advice you give. Thank you for all these beauties of words, images, musics, sounds, bringing nice emotions…Thank you
Voc� � inspiradora… Gratid�o por compartilhar momentos t�o bons! Realmente assistir seus v�deos, me acalma, me alegra, me inspira… Tudo de bom para vc! Abra�os do Brasil!
You make the most beautiful videos. Your lifestyle and aesthetics inspire me! 🌿
I really love your video. Is so beautiful and calm. Soul healing. Thank you for making such a wonderful video. ❤️
Omg Alexia’s so cute!!! As always your video is so calming :’)
Show de vídeo 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻❣️Parabéns pela legenda em português ❣️
Your videos are so therapeutic. Thank you for sharing all of your favourite incense/scents. Seeing you with your family is so wholesome!
#43 Grow Vegetables 🥬 in Glass Jars – Without Soil | Hydroponic Gardening

(c) Her 86m2 Following the video #41, today I’m going to show you how to grow vegetables (lettuce, herbs..) in a glass jar. This is a passive hydroponic system – it does not …
Read more on my blog :)https://www.her86m2.com/green-living/growing-vegetables-in-glass-jars-hydroponic-gardeningDo you have any questions? Let me know in the comment <3
My mom and I were just chatting about starting an herb garden with this method! Perfect timing 🙂
I never knew you could do this 💕 I’m so AMAZED at what you’ve been showing us recently!
For those unfamiliar, don’t cut/tear rockwool when it’s dry and breathe in the dust. If you must do it while dry, wear a mask, otherwise, soak it first.
Your little girl is so precious! Enjoyed this video! I been wanting to get one of these Hdroponic gardening system but first want to do the manual way with soil first & see how it goes. Thank you for all the effort you put in these videos!
Ahh yes, “The Secret Garden” …a place where time stands still 🤫 🙏🏻 ✌🏻❤️ 😊
Meu canal preferido sempre. 👏❤️💕
Impressionada com suas habilidades, cuidados e carinho com tudo que faz, vc é maravilhosa! ❤️❤️❤️🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
Obrigado por partilhar conosco tantos saberes. Aprendo muito de jardinagem com você e me encanto da delicadeza com cuida de plantas. Saudações e bênçãos. 👏🙏
Wow! I’m so impressed! I am growing lemon trees by my kitchen bay window hydroponically, and I’m going to try to grow the lettuces and herbs like you! I’m so inspired! Thank you sincerely!
Watching your videos is always so fun and relaxing. They inspire me so much. Looking forward to the next one!
Thank you for this video!! I don‘t have a garden so this is perfect 😍
So exciting to see😊❤The glass jars looks so beautiful, you really can make a jar look so beautiful. Thank u for sharing🥰🥰
So exciting to watch the progress of your balcony garden! I love how sustainable it is as well.
Yay!!! Waited for this one since last week🎉I live near the equator so the seasons didn’t really affected me much this year but I’m also very thrilled and excited to learn more about hydroponics from you 🌼❤️
Wow just wow🥺 Mother Nature has so much to offer this is so beautiful 😍
Now I prepare seed sprouts just like you showed us in another video. I am not yet ready to start hydroponics because we have not had adverse weather conditions so far. Thank you for teaching us. It is never too late to learn. Greetings from the south of Chile
Wow another one! I keep learning so much from you!💚💚💚
its great that i found your channel,i can learn lot of planting here.i love to grow my own herbs too.
You have greatly inspired me to start my own hydrophonic garden. Thank you.
#22 Scent of Foraging Season | Baking Chestnut Cake | Homemade Ivy Laundry Detergent

(c) Her 86m2 The wilderness is simply green and vast, but our ancestors knows exactly what they were looking for and points things out from a distance. Those precious …
How was your week? We had a very productive week and almost finished Alexia’s room makeover. It’s coming up next week <3 Chocolate & Chestnut Cake / Mini Gato Socola Hạt Dẻ: https://www.her86m2.com/cooking/mini-chestnut-and-chocolate-cake English Ivy Laundry Detergent / Bột Giặt Eco từ Lá Thường Xuân: https://www.her86m2.com/green-living/english-ivy-laundry-detergent Horse Chestnut Ointment / Thuốc Mỡ Hạt Dẻ: https://www.her86m2.com/green-living/horse-chestnut-ointment-thuoc-mo-hat-de-ngua
This channel is such a hidden gem 💎
One word: WOW.I watched on my TV instead of my phone and the 4k quality is so amazing! I’m never watching your videos on my phone again 😅
This has become my favourite channel on Youtube. I love watching these cinematic videos because its such a great visual experience to soak up these vibes but I also feel a little bit of pressure because I want to share my content in a visually stimulating way too but videography and filming is my weakest point. I want to send you so much of love for creating these inspiring films though. ❤❤
I would say Cinematic artist is exactly you. Furthermore, it is all about lifestyle, self-caring attitudes and family stories. This is how the we, I myself as a young people should focus more on this. I know that some people here agree with me that the positive power you are expressing via these videos is amazing, there are many depressing people need it to be calm, motivated and find back their living determination. I was and always be your fan to follow your magnificent arts. Send to my beloved Vietnamese sister with best wishes.
This kid has such a beautiful childhood 💗💗💗
Living in a rural cottage has shaped my life in the most unexpected way… and coming here on YouTube and seeing you document you journey in the most calming way, makes me realise just how blessed I am .Sometimes we spend too much time complaining about where we should be and what we should be and we miss out on the beauty in the season that we are.This is a gentle reminder that nothing is without purpose.🌄Thank you for being beam of light in my life, you have no idea how much you have inspired me😥🤗💚
This is a woman of many skills and talent… carpentry, gardening, baking, foraging, ethnobotany!! I wouldn’t be surprised if she also filmed and edited these beautiful videos. Thank you for randomly appearing on my timeline. Watching your videos and living vicariously through you brings me absolute joy!
I love your vlog. You presented the whole story gracefully by focusing on the bigger picture: the trees, the plants, the seeds, the rivers, and life itself.
Este canal é tão inspirador!♥
oh my god, you are a farmer, a pastry chef, a chef, a good mother, an artist, such a beautiful woman with so much talent, it’s amazing! 🥰 if you need help with chestnuts, it is the specialty of my city and the emblem of our city. Annonay, which is also twinned with Stuttgart! thank you for your beautiful videos and explanations, you are the best! Bisous from France ☺🙏🏻
Watching your ointment making reminds of me our family ointment too! We have a family ointment that’s been passed down through several generations. To this day my aunt is the only one who knows the full recipe to make it but it has been without a doubt better than any store bought ointment. Many of my family suffer from eczema and this is one of the only thing to make it disappear in less than 2 days. Sometimes we forget how things passed through generations and history came so far away, yet at the same time it’s a slowly disappearing tradition.
There is so much forgotten goodness in the world. Thank you for reminding us of it all 🤍
The chesnut picking reminds me of my birthplace in France, for years I would go pick them with my friends and come back with bags full of them. It’s becoming so rare now <3
So ein Inspirierendes Video🌸Ich Liebe diese Ruhe und Frieden die deine Vidoes bewirken❤ Ich bin fast 40Jahre alt aber lerne jedes mal etwas neues von dir,Danke dafür❤❤❤
estou morrendo de amores por essa produ��o, por esse canal!
I love your channel so much. Every single moment soothing my anxiety mind. Thank you for your hard work to give peace to our mind. 😣
Your words are always so beautiful. Your videos are always so calming and relaxing to watch. Your channel heals my mind and soul 🙂
this is such an amazing vlog. very beautiful. I wish I could go to Europe and explore the forests there on fall, because everything looks so beautiful, peaceful, and relaxing! Thank you very much for sharing it, it helped me a lot
🙏💜🌻🌲Gracias por compartir, me encantan tus recetas!!, cuanta sabiduría tienes, tu hija aprende de ti y eso es muy importante!!