米麹の作り方-自宅で簡単レシピ- 【改定版】-How to make rice koji | Homemade Rice Koji Recipe-Revised version

(c) かわしま屋 Well Being- 健康のつくり方 – 米麹の作り方。ご自宅で手軽にできる米麹の作り方です。 出来上がった米麹は、自家製の塩麹や甘酒、味噌作りに使えます。 かわしま屋では麹の作り方や麹作りに最適な …
It’s beautiful, thank you.
HiGreat videoI ask you to help me deal with a problem that always occurs with me when I make koji rice. After 48 hours the rice became white and tastes sweet, but it does not hold together as one piece as in your video..Is this bad..How can I solve this problem?
Very interesting Thank you
i love the way you do videos man
煮沸消毒 ✖︎ニフツショウドク → ○シャフツショウドク
びわの葉エキスの作り方/How to make loquat leaf extract | Home made loquet lequeur recipe

(c) かわしま屋 Well Being- 健康のつくり方 – かわしま屋サイトはこちら↓ https://kawashima-ya.jp/ びわの葉とお酒でつくる、びわの葉エキスの作り方を紹介します。 鹿児島産自然栽培びわの葉(無農薬栽培)の販売や …
How to Make Natto-Home made Fermented Soybeans Recipe-

(c) かわしま屋 Well Being- 健康のつくり方 – In this movie we will show you how to make natto at home. Natto is a traditional health food transmitted from ancient times in Japan. You can easily make it at …
This is the best natto video i have seen. I made a few batches over the past few weeks with varying results and this video is the closest to my good batches. The temperature is more accurate and fermenting process has no cover and no water and ammonia smell. Great video.
hello, thank you for this video. My question is whether it is possible to make these recipes with other legumes except of soya beans , such as lupins or peas.
Thank you very much for this video! 🙏🏼
If you already have natto that’s purchased from shop, can you add some of this to the soya beans to get fermentation?
Thank you for this video, it is most helpful. However, I have no pressure cooker or microwave, so how do I use a standard pan?.
Can you use yeast the one to make bread, instead of natto starter?
Great tutorial! So detailed.
When I eat beans ( a lot as vegan) make me fell blowed and gassy, do natto procedurre reduces this discomfort? Or these bacteria are gassy as well? Thanks a lot!!
Thank you very much! I will make it! Very Soon!
Thank you for such a great video!
Will it work with all beans or does it have to be soybeans? Most if not all soybeans in the US are GMO and have protein inhibitors that are not good for humans. Plus soybeans produce estrogen in men. Not so good for men. Perhaps the fermentation process breaks down the soybeans as to not have these negative effects?
Hello,Thank you for the video.May I ask where we can buy natto starter ?
Very clear and thorough explanation, thank you!
best natto making video, thank you
sir, are soy beans the ONLY type of bean that can be used for fermenting natto? will mung beans work? any other bean suggestions? also, when I order the natto starter, unopened how long will the starter last if stored according to your recommendation?
Great video! We tried Natto for the first time when we were in Japan and also made a video about it on our channel. We didn’t like it at all 🙁 I don’t think we will try it again haha.
How can I make my own Natto starter? Unfortunately I am not able to purchase the Natto starter here where i live. Thank ypu. Great video👌
can I get the spores from capsules of probiotic products that say they have LIVE bacillius subtilis spores? The spore powder is not for sale in USA.
Natto starter, what would it be? Im in Uruguay and Id love to try your recipe.
Wonderful video thank you.
塩麹の作り方|材料3つ家庭でできる簡単な塩麹作り方|一度たべたらやみつきになる!自家製 塩麹|発酵 調味料

(c) かわしま屋 Well Being- 健康のつくり方 – 塩麹は材料3つ家庭でできる簡単な発酵調味料です。食材を美味しくしてくれる万能調味料です。 【塩麹の作り方と使い方|塩麹を使った鶏肉・豚肉レシピもご紹介】 …
塩こうじ とっても便利な調味料ですね白米と玄米の両方を 作って使い分けてみたいです

(c) かわしま屋 Well Being- 健康のつくり方 – どくだみエキスを使った簡単な化粧水の作り方をご紹介します。 詳しくはこちら:https://kawashima-ya.jp/contents/?p=1641 ◇チャンネル紹介◇ かわしま屋 Well Being …
亡くなったおばあちゃんが生前、ドクダミをうえてたんですが、おばあちゃん亡くなった後も、夏場わんさかドクダミが生え、根がはびこるから毎年、草むしり大変で捨ててました。毎回「( •́ฅ•̀ )クッサ」と思いながら草とドクダミと格闘してましたが、去年、叔母が「母親が植えたドクダミで化粧水作るから貰っていい?」と言われ、その出来た化粧水を今年貰いましたが、今、使用してるローションと共に並行して使用してます。とりあえず、その他にも乳液、クリーム、ライフフローラのレチノール1%のクリームを使用して、だいぶ肌が改善され肌のキメが整ってきてトーンアップもしたとこでしたが、貰ったドクダミローション使い始めてから、確かに今まであった浅いシワが薄くなりました。レチノール効果だけではない気がしました。なのでコレ見たら、今年は自分でローション作ろうと思います。使ったドクダミも入浴剤に使用すればよいのかと、何から何まで参考になりました。もらったドクダミローションの臭い匂いはドクダミエキス配合量が多いせいですか?臭いに慣れましたが、あの臭いがもう少しキツくなければ良いと思うのですが、臭いを内場にする方法とかあれば教えてほしいです。臭い=効果なので切っても切り離せないものなのですか?
乾燥ドクダミ茶を作るつもりでドクダミを乾燥をホワイトリカーに入れて2週間程寝かせると聞きましたら化粧水を作ろうと思いますが動画を見た様に作れば良いですか❓️宜しくお願いお願いします。教えてくださいm(_ _)m