- Amazing Skill! Hamburger and Toast Master / 햄버거 토스트 달인 / Korean Street Food
- Street foods in the Korean tourist market
- Confectionery Factory Making Korean Traditional Snacks / 과자공장의 옛날과자 만들기 / Korean Food
- Fried rice and Fried noodle – Thai street food
- Very Cheap Fried Whole Chicken in Korean Traditional Market / 옛날 통닭 파닭 / Korean Street Food
Amazing Skill! Hamburger and Toast Master / 햄버거 토스트 달인 / Korean Street Food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Yeosu, Korea Google maps – https://goo.gl/maps/KX6iE8uaiLhmEWh49 Hamburger 3000 won (2.6 USD) Toast 2500 won …
Perfeito 👏❤️
J� to aqui no Brasil de �gua ns boca muito bom
Boa noite 🌃 parabéns muito capricho para alimentar as pessoas limpo organizado 👏 hambúrguer de rua coreanos Brasil Deus abençoe sempre infinitamente
Extremely Clean Cooking surface, clean hands, clean utensils!!!!!! 👍♥️👍♥️
Gostei da hora , com manteiga. 10
От такой еды сразу изжога, фигня все это.
Still waiting for the amazing part
It looks so delicious😋Someone please help! Where can I find the whole recipe of this burger???
اللهم صل وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين في الملا أعلي الئ يوم دين يارب
Butter here and there every where 😳
I’m so high right now 😩 add hunger into the mix, this food looks tf good 😋 periodt
Look delish it just make me so hungry. Thanks for sharing 🙂
C’est juste beau ! ce qu’il a pr�par� un vrai spectacle.J’esp�re que tu continueras a faire de belles prises comme celui-l�, merci � toi Soon.
Quelle dextérité! Looks yummy. J’espère que le chef peut s’arrêter de remuer comme ça chez lui le soir 😄
마가린과 케찹에 맛일듯
А я бы попробовала , думаю вкусно.
Да уж пожарить колбасу и яйцо на пальмовом масле удивительное мастерство! 🙃🙃
Столько жира!!!это есть нельзя!!!
Столько масла ,у меня поджелудка свернулась и хотела убежать 😀
Street foods in the Korean tourist market

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Soon Films is a food channel that introduces delicious street food. So far, Introducing delicious street food from Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Southeast Asia.
Doesn’t say anywhere what these foods are so I’ll explain: The mini banana shaped food in red sauce is called Tteokbokki. AKA spicy rice cakes. They are rice cakes in a spicy red pepper paste sauce.The dark purple sausage is called Sundae. It’s coagulated pigs blood, glass noodles and barley, with pig or cow intestines for the sausage skin. Also, if you’re ordering on the street, each order usually comes with a few slices of liver or lung on the side as you saw.The things on the sticks in boiling broth is called Odeng. Basically just fish on a stick, made from ground white fish and other ingredients such as potato starch, sugar and vegetables. Then boiled in broth. Extremely cheap food most popular with the locals. Mainly eaten with soy sauce.
amazing food
� muito bom poder conhecer outras culturas atrav�s de v�deos em canais como o teu no YouTube! Obrigada!!!
Tenho muita vontade de conhecer a coréia, provar todas estas comidas!!🤤🤤🤤
Koreans food are daebak .. I try eating the spicy rice cake which is tteobokki and it was AMAZING
Я бы всё хотела попробовать 😍😍😍😍😍
Que maravilha 😃😄😄😄
When I go to Korea, I’ll definitely eat all these yummy street food. I love korean food so much😍😀😊
yummy i love korean food ❤❤😘❤😘
We want more Korean street food
떡볶이 대박ㅋ맛은 어떨지 궁금하네요 ㅂ
the amount of the food served is very generous, omonim-deul are very generous and kind ❤️
Omg i’m craving now i wanna eat that too .
Looks good im. Craving for this kind of street foods 😵😵😵😵
Deve ser uma delicia essas comidas e bem apimentada to com �gua na boca
😱😢I wish I could eat it
amo ver essas comidasss
Holy moly this is like a scene out of Spirited Away. I have no idea what any of this food is and its great!
My mouth is watering 😂
Confectionery Factory Making Korean Traditional Snacks / 과자공장의 옛날과자 만들기 / Korean Food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Busan, Korea Snacks 250g 2700 won (2.4 USD)
저런 옛날 과자들이 땡길때가 있음ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ~지금 29살인데 어릴적 엄마랑 시장가서 장보고 올때 사오던 옛날 과자들이 추억입니다ㅠ
저는 똘뱅이 과자는 처음 보네요~^^ 과자공장이라 양이 어마하네요~😊😊
부산에선 흔하디 흔했던 과자네요똘뱅이인줄을 몰랐어요부산이 고향이라 어릴때 많이 먹었는데인천엔 없네요
저과자 이름 모르는데 왜 제목만보고 나는 저 과자 모양이 떠올랐자…???
Еда приготовленная не руками и вложенной энергии , не вкусная , не полезная !!!
Adoro ver esses v�deos,,relaxantes kkkk
계속 보게되는 과자영상이네요💗 바삭바삭한 소리 너무 좋아요!
Nossa da trabalho
바로 주문들어갑니당~
남자는 팔토시 왜 안하는거죠?팔에 난 털이 반죽에 그대로 접촉되네.비위생적.
튀김 기름보니 못 사먹겠네요
תענוג יותר
Só eu brasileira aqui? 😂🤭
청결이 별로인듯해요화면에 중간중간 보이네요 ㅠㅠ
과자티기는 기름 자주밖가주야지,,,
Great video 👍
전라도 광주에선 고구마 과자라고 한거 같은데 저 어렸을때 문방구점에서 사먹었던 기억이나요
상표없이 무허가로 만들어팔때 과자이름이 김일성과자 입니다.
Fried rice and Fried noodle – Thai street food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Soon Films is a food channel that introduces delicious street food. So far, Introducing delicious street food from Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Southeast Asia.
Very Cheap Fried Whole Chicken in Korean Traditional Market / 옛날 통닭 파닭 / Korean Street Food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Jochiwon, Korea Google maps – https://goo.gl/maps/kUMeb4ejgw6Rtwdq8 Fried Whole Chicken 6000 won (5.3 USD)
Wow that’s a lot of chicken be sold. It must be very famous and people love it a lot. Thanks for sharing 🙂
That whole chicken still looks raw 😮
De quelle farine vous servez vous merci d avance pour la r�ponse en fran�ais j adore vous regardez
مساء الخير يا حبيبي والله اني احبك
Вы же закрылись!???? Смысл людям врать? Ау санлайт!!!!
Can I have some
Des poulets sans assaisonnement comment peut on manger �a? Beurk!!!
ingredientes en espa�ol
Chicken all the way 🙂
Poor little chicken 🐔
Plz rite ingredients in english plz
Amazing korean food,
Всё, что едят, всё в “кляре” , буквально всё.
Um dia ainda vou conhecer este país lindo 🙏
Так захотелось курочку сьесть, похрустеть😊👍
와 닭발을 튀겨서 양념 버무린뒤 바로 파는군요👍👍 항상 불에직접먹었었는데 궁금하네요ㅎㅎ
Poxa deve se muito bom 😋
اللهم صل على محمد عليه الصلاة والسلام عدد كل شئ عندك علمه يا الله جل جلاله