- Making Giant Twisted Donuts / 대왕 꽈배기 공장 / Donut Factory in Korea
- Cheesecake Strawberry Crepe / 치즈케이크 딸기 크레페 / Korean Street Food
- Deep Cheese Bacon Potato Toast – Korean Street Food
- Chocolate Ice Cream Crepe / 초코 아이스크림 크레페 / Korean Street Food
- Fruit Cutting Skill (Pineapple, Watermelon, Melon) / 과일 자르기 달인 / Korean Street Food
Making Giant Twisted Donuts / 대왕 꽈배기 공장 / Donut Factory in Korea

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Seoul, Korea Google maps – https://goo.gl/maps/KUqND8cvdauEpP3z6 Kkwabaegi 1500 won (1.2 USD)
😋👍Красиво! 🥯 👌А где рецепт теста? 😮
2:25 ich irgend wie nutzt er das Lineal falsch …
커터칼 뭐냐 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 자는 뭐고
위생에 더 신경써야! 반죽통 바닥에 닿은 걸 테이블에 올리고 거기에 반죽을 붇다니…..
I like donut❤️
Даже в Корее, поставил на пол, потом на стол, потом туда же высыпал тесто, я думала что там есть какая то гигиена, нет, тоже самое!
반죽 자르는게 커터칼..
Тяжёлая работа, хоть есть автоматика.
Miseric�rdia cad� o papel,pra enxugar uma parte dessa gordura? Aff!!!!
ТЯЖЁЛЫЙ физический труд….КАТОРГА….
Puro colesterol de alta densidad. Por favor tratemos de cuidar nuestra salud
Представляю, сколько уборщикам работы! И масло, и мука, кошмар.
У нас такие продают на пляже и называются “плетёнки” ) как и пончики посыпаются сахарной пудрой ) После того как в море накупаешься самое то !😁
Какие аппетитные. 😋
As a lover of donuts, I appreciate your hard work! Thank you!
Когда тесто из машины перекладывал на пол контейнер поставил ,а потом его с пола на стол куда и тесто выложил,антисанитария!!!
Сколько холестерина!!!
But at all, this is maintained by many brave people! 👏🏼❤️
Очень аппетитные пончики !! Ням ням!! Ух покушать бы такой !!
عاشت الأيادي شغل روعة اتمنة اشتغل هيج شغل عندي هواية وحماس😍🥰
Cheesecake Strawberry Crepe / 치즈케이크 딸기 크레페 / Korean Street Food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Seoul Lotte World Mall (We Crepe) Google maps – https://goo.gl/maps/wpdA4NBcD8xUyCGa9 Cheesecake Crepe 5500 won …
Korea has amazing food and presentation is always mind blowing 😍
Who else is fasting and shouldn’t be watching this 😂.
Never mind I want all. It looks like I would love it.all my fav put together.
Doesn’t even compare to that other famous grandpa. He’s waaaay more generous with the toppings, specially nutella lolSide note: I think whipping cream is awful, though.
크레페 할배요…당신이 갑이었습니다
Really really hard for eating 😂
Que rico!!!!!! 😍😍 Saludos desde CDMX de México🇲🇽
Quien entiende mi español que me ponga ok 👌
Nice ♥️♥️♥️
The portions are on point. I love that it’s so pure!Finally a perfect balance between textures and flavours.Just think about the precision and thought out methods that are beeing used.
Gente, uma obra prima👍💐😉
7:26 yo prestando mas atención a la rola de iz*one – fiesta que a lo que están preparando jfkdnfimd ♡♡ Se ve bien rico alv ♡
Que MARAVILHA, 😋😋😋 parece maravilhoso, e tudo limpinho que da gosto de ver.
Le ponen mucho de todo. Pero una miseria de nutella… No es justo 😑. Si lo mas delicioso es la nutella. 🤤🌰🍫
They are so stingy with the toppings. It’s mostly just whipped cream
A bit to Liberal with the cream and stingie with the sauce.
De que lugar o ser humano produz tanta criatividade pra bolar essas coisas t�o legais!?
Quiero ir a Corea! ☺️ Principalmente para comer pero no me molestaría ver uno que otro coreano atractivo. 😎
Perfeito 😍
Deep Cheese Bacon Potato Toast – Korean Street Food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Seoul, Korea (Isaac Toast) Deep Cheese Bacon Potato Toast 4100 won (3.4 USD)
That squeezy bottle is me after eating this.
America: “Asia eats soooo healthy…” Korea: “Hold my beer.”
It’s all about the D E E P C H E E S E .
Whew! Bacon looks waaay underdone. How do you like your sandwich? Ala trichinosis, or stroke?😆
I like how everything is so nice and neat… All square same size and everything
Damn if he would have cooked the bacon longer that would be perfection
1:53 who figured out the dude threw bread to the trash can instead of saving for poor people lmao waste of food
White bread, squeeze cheese, chewy bacon, I’m GUESSING artificial eggs, and premade hash browns? This is horrifying.
Doesn’t even look that good hahaha. Far too much of that weird sauce and the eggs look overdone for me
I just gained a thousand calories watching this.
The brush was the same width as the bread made my ocd happy
Am I only interested where he have taken this large bottle of yolk🌚
Yummy 😋 thanks for the best chef in the world 😍😘❤️👍
“American food is so unhealthy”Korean street vendor: *Hold my bottled cheese*
Are we just gonna ignore how the cook yeeted the bread after using it to soak oil?
Watching this while all cafe’s are shut for quarantine… Torture
Anyone know what the sauce is? On a lot of these Korean street food videos I see the same chipotle- looking sauce they use and really would like to know what it is
That bacon is raw!!!
Bacon Egg and Cheese w/Hashbrown saves you the 4 mins.
Chocolate Ice Cream Crepe / 초코 아이스크림 크레페 / Korean Street Food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Daegu City, Korea Google maps – https://goo.gl/maps/c4EP1J4fYwkCgCJ66 Chocolate Ice Cream Crepe 5000 won (4 USD)
It’s a sweet version of dosa with strawberry, banana and ice-cream filling in it.
So it turned out that I’m the only one wondering, “How to eat this?”.😂😂🙄🤣
It’s so satisfying how they make it so perfect without messing up like if I was given that job I’d probably mess up on the easiest thing
Unpopular opinion: The Nutella, whipped cream, strawberries and bananaslices would be enough… You don’t need all that extra sugar!
I have only loved the cuttings it’s soo satisfying and the sound also
Caraca mais que neg�cio doido � esse Mano?
YouTube gives such recommendations in lockdown😅😅
Diabetes: “its free real estate”
Anyone else get anxiety when he didn’t cook the other side of the crepe?
اوف ياربي يجنن باع الشكل 😔💞💞💞 عاشت ايدج
It look yummy and cute🎀❤
I wish that if my hands can go into screen and pick that one 😭😭drooling literally
في سعودي يترجم
Same glove …..banana peel to food and all nasty ingredient selection
Pq o YouTube me recomenda isso ;-; 🇧🇷
How do I consume this?
I just need this much amount of love in my life.. which the person put in making the dish ♥️😍
*How do I consume this?*
Как аппетитно делает. Мастер своего дела 🤘👍👍,…..ммммм….
Fruit Cutting Skill (Pineapple, Watermelon, Melon) / 과일 자르기 달인 / Korean Street Food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Namdaemun Market, Seoul Google maps – https://goo.gl/maps/iLdGEtcui9C6KX1v8 Melon, Pineapple 1500 won (1.3 USD) …
Если каждый день резать в таких количествах фрукты и не научится делать это хорошо и быстро, ну это надо быть одаренным 🙂 а так вообще прикольно за этим наблюдать
М… да, совершенно непонятно в чëм именно заключается его мастерство 🤔
Very nice. You could have been a surgeon. Very sharp knives. I will put what I have learned today to the test. Next watermelon thank you 💯♥️♥️
Yo corto las frutas igual 😋😋😋👍
Que habilidade. Quem sabe faz.Parab�ns.Congratulations.Very good.From Brazil.
Даже на двойной скорости заснуть можно.И ничего необычного.
Здорово! Особенно с чисткой дыни, теперь тоже буду чистить, спасибо!
Замечательно 🙂
Интересное интересно)))))
Где навык то, что под названием видео? 😂, я так же дома режу, только лучше
Чуть не уснул, пока он этот ананас об крамсал!(👎
Я бы назвал ролик, удивительные ножи) made in Japan
Я вначале решил, что он хочет из ананаса Буратино сделать.
Satisfat�rio amo frutas
이정도면.. 울 어무니 깍두기 썰으는것도 올려도 되겠는데..
Когда не муж а сосед заточил ножи🤣🤣🤣
I made a fruit lathe a long time ago. It worked pretty well. Drill powered with a set of spikes on a bearing at one end and spikes on the drill shaft. Turn it on hold the knife on the brace near the fruit and it peels the skin right off. Makes it eady to slice almost all the way through quick.
Using a pineapple cutting core device it’s much faster and better!
Desperdi�a boa parte do Abacaxi, inclusive as fibras faz bem ao aparelho digestivo!!!
Очень,очень сложный процесс.Просто фантастика.