- Large Amount Food Making in Food Factory / 음식 공장의 대량 생산 몰아보기…
- Making Giant Twisted Donuts / 대왕 꽈배기 공장 / Donut Factory in Korea…
- Over Easy Egg Fried Rice / 계란후라이 볶음밥 / Chinese Restaurant in Korea…
- Grandmother’s Toast – Korean Street Food…
- Amazing Skill! Hamburger and Toast Master / 햄버거 토스트 달인 / Korean Street Food…
- Giant Dumplings Making Master – Korean Street Food…
- Egg Omelet Mini Gimbap / 계란 꼬마김밥 / Korean Street Food…
- Strawberry Blueberry Ice Cream Waffle / 딸기 블루베리 아이스크림 와플 / Korean Street Food…
- Korean Crispy Traditional Fried Chicken – Korean Street Food…
- Handmade Chocolate Making Master / 초콜릿 공장의 수제 초콜릿 만들기 / Chocolate Factory in Korea
- Making Giant Size Cake / 대왕 카스테라 만들기 / Korean street food
- Thailand crepes with various toppings / 태국 크레페 / Thai street food
- Amazing Skill! Handmade Fish Cake Master / 어묵 달인 / Korean Street Food
- Cup Toast (Egg Cheese BBQ ) / 컵토스트 / Korean Street Food
- Bacon Toast / 이삭 토스트 / Korean Street Food
Handmade Chocolate Making Master / 초콜릿 공장의 수제 초콜릿 만들기 / Chocolate Factory in Korea

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Bucheon, Korea Handmade Chocolate (bottle) 6000 won (4.6 USD) Pave Chocolate 9000 won (7 USD)
To everyone asking why he spreads the chocolate and puts it on the granite slab, The process is called chocolate tempering. By doing this he improves the final properties of the chocolate once it sets. Those properties are the shiny/glossy finish, satisfying snap / bite and it prevents the chocolate from melting all over your fingers when you pick it up. What happens is some crystals are formed within the chocolate when it is treated like so at a specific temperature. Those crystals then take over the whole piece when it sets, thereby giving it the appropriate/ wanted properties. Like this comment if it helped you! This will help other people with the same question!
Mano que vídeo top! 🍫 Amo chocolate, nada melhor do que ver esse vídeo na Páscoa! 🐇🍫
Lo mejor que he visto en mi vida ❤️Muchas felicidades🍫🍫🍫
Quarantine has me so bored I’ll watch anything YouTube throws my way😂
What I find most impressive:1. Face mask2. Gloves3. How clean and neat the workspace is.I’d eat this candy for those reasons alone👍👍👍👍👏👏👏
I love how much priority they put into their safety, they even check the temperature of the chocolate!
아디이어스에서 인기 많던거 봤는데 이렇게 정성스럽게 만들다니 역시는 역시입니다 ><
멍때리고 보게 되네요^^ 구독하고 가요~
Muito legal, e parabéns pela higiene 👏👏👏👏👏👏
내 동년배들은 이거 보면 다 꿈빛파티시엘의 가온이를 떠올릴거다 ..
Ninguem:Absolutamente ningu�m:Youtube: toma esse video aleat�rio de chocolate.
YouTube: Mhh this guy watches Gaming, vlogs and Twitch highlights… let’s recommend a video of chocolate
Классный канал,спасибо ребята за рицепты и классный конет)))
Thanks for sharing!🙏 Love Korean foods, always go for shopping in HMART nearby.
me acting like a master chef while spreading nutella on a piece of bread:
Thanks for sharing!🙏 Love Korean foods, always go for shopping in HMART nearby.
Estou apaixonada por ele
Viciada em assistir isso :^
미쳤다!!! 조회수가 높은 이유가 있네요. 부럽습니다!
Making Giant Size Cake / 대왕 카스테라 만들기 / Korean street food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Seoul, Korea Google maps – https://goo.gl/maps/jSCQog5Gbz2oNs8G9 Green tea Jiggly Cake 9000 won (7.4 USD)
من بيحب النبي يصلي معي الهم صلي وسلم وبارك على النبي وآله
This is the english comment you’ve been looking for
يا رب تشفي اخوي الي عمره ١٠ سنوات 💔 فيه فشل كلوي منذ ٨ سنوات هو الحين بدء يغسل أتمنى تدعون له بالشفاء 💔😭😢
Sadece sonunu merak edip gelenler👇
ما شاء الله واني ما اعغرف اكسر بيضه وحده😭❤😹
Adam kek yerine bayat ekmek yapti sjsjjsjsjs
I am literally drooling right now at 3:16 AM
ماشاء الله
يارب أتوسل إليك بإسمك الأعظم أن ترزق صاحب اليد التي تشترك بقناتي فرحة يسجد لها باكياً ورزقاً وافراً🤲🤲🧕🧕
ممكن تزوروني 🙂💔
0:33 icine bi kabuk dusseydi nasil alicakti acaba ?
크기가 크고 맛있을 것 같아요 서울에 가고 싶어요
bizim evin 100 yıllık yumutta ihtiyacını tekte harcadın abla napuyon jhbfödb
Ilgi alanimiz hamurisi olunca🤣🤣
واااو ❤️🥰
الي عربي هنا يدوس لايك نشوف اديه احنا طاغيين😉😉
ماشاءالله تبارك الله حلوه 🤤😘😍
Əminəm ki,çox gözəl olub👌
It looks soooooooooo satisfying
You make such yummy 🤤 food
Thailand crepes with various toppings / 태국 크레페 / Thai street food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Tepprasit night market Google maps – https://goo.gl/maps/JhBso5CqdpPPGBVS8 Seafood Cheese Pizza Crepe 49 THB (1.6 …
Did I search for this video? : NoDid I watch the whole video? : Yes
جزائرية مرت من هنا 😅 الوصفة من فضلكم 😍كل جزائري شاف تعليقي يضع جام ….
I love the perfect circle
Who else got enraged when he overlapped the last one with the middle?
This food is very universal. Some call in dosa, some crepe, some murtabak. Eyh Malaysia also got 1…we call it apam balik.or got 1 famous kiosk called hot and roll serves variety crepe toppings 😁
Это всё красиво конечно, но как это есть и соус стекает в бумажный пакет, потом руки все в этом соусе…жесть…
Dakhny may tu yaammme lg raha 😜😜😜
I’m Thai , I like this menu so much
I don’t know what this is but it looks delicious and is beautiful! I hope I can visit Thailand someday and enjoy it along with all of the other great reasons to visit!
Much more hygienic than the Indian one I just watched. I would love to try some of this. Looks yummy and safe as well. Gloves, tongs etc. No bare hands here. ✅👏🤗👋🇦🇺
Скоро многих из нас не станет.. По планете пошло истребление.
Show eu sou do Brasil amei a ideia deste crepe 😍😍😍 sou chapeiro faço crepe também
As much as i love watching these, it drives me crazy not knowing what the ingredients are.
Very clean and looks appealing 👌
Wtf?! They stole our dosas!
Very nice 👌
Не боины, а песня! 👍🏻
Amazing Skill! Handmade Fish Cake Master / 어묵 달인 / Korean Street Food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Anyang Central Market, Korea Google maps – https://goo.gl/maps/t97RDT5PWEit2nMu7 Sausage Fish cake 3000 won (2.7 …
Отличная работа,восхищает работа мастера.Браво!!!👍
Ну употреблять такое точно не полезно
Действия мастера завораживают.
Прямо какое-то цирковое представление
А я не думаю о том, вкусно или нет, я залипла на мастерство☝️
Вот это да сколько всего разного….такое трудолюбие во всем….мастер своего дела
Это не мастерство,это каторжная работа, рабство,когда 10в 1.
Масло во фритюре всё одно и тоже?
Непонятно ,что-это и из чего готовят,но красиво работает ,любо наблюдать,четко,быстро,РУКОДЕЛЬНИК!!!
É muita habilidade, nota 10👏👏👏😍
Поэтому они и процветают, что трудяги. Все что делают, то на отлично!
Mashallah his accurately and effectively working, so fun to see that his hands are able to work as of 5 workers at one time. May Allah (God) give him most success and let him earn lots of money.
Love to know their batter recipe.!
Здоровье тебе мастер,Ok!!!🎊
Как вкусно! Тоже хочу!
어묵 만드는거 어릴적 부터 봐도봐도 신기함 마치 기계 같아요
Какой молодец, это надо родиться мастером,БРАВО!!!!
This guy is a super skilled magician.
Молодец какой. Прям любуюсь его мастерством. Быстро.всё чисто. Молодец!!!!
Cup Toast (Egg Cheese BBQ ) / 컵토스트 / Korean Street Food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Busan, Korea Google maps – https://goo.gl/maps/17a1MSMANUULx2Fd8 Cup Toast 3500 won (2.5 USD)
I loved the last part 2:06 where she showed how to eat it ….she saved us from future embarrassment😀
It was stressing me how long that egg was cooking
“How would you like your sandwhich sir”*In a cup*
이거 보면서 늘 느끼지만 한국사람이지만 모르는 길거리 음식 졸래 많음.0.0
Been cooking for years and that’s a good one I’ve never thought nor seen before.
I want the poundcake lookin bread🤤
Literally, everything is wrong with this “sandwich”
Grill good
Ca� os Br ???
That was all KINDS of saucey!!
Korea has somehow managed to be more American than America.
Basically a gyro with an egg on the outside
I’m more interested in that industrial sized stick of butter.
Seems like something I’d try to make while really stoned
1000 billion… imagine having 1% of that
People this is not bbq
And then they put in a cup .. what the fridge!!
What type of gas is in that torch that produced that flame he used to melt the cheese? Is that gas food grade?
Bacon Toast / 이삭 토스트 / Korean Street Food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Soon Films is a food channel that introduces delicious street food. So far, Introducing delicious street food from Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Southeast Asia.
can we just take a minute to appriciate how clean this is
엥 이거 이삭토스트 아닌가,,,하고 봤더니 이삭토스트,,,,,, 진짜 이삭토스트 만든 사람 상줘야됨,,, 진짜 젤 마싯슴
2:38 es �nico ese sonidoMe gusta mucho c�mo qued� y lo mejor que la limpieza y la comida nunca se toca con las manos se pone protecci�n siempre mmmm delicioso
I wanna be so rich that everytime I watch food videos I’m gonna call my personal chef to cook these delicious foods for me.
I love Korean food especially the classics like toasted seaweed sheets, rice, beef, and Kimchi but I have never had cabbage on a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich. Looks good I will definitely try it. Thanks for sharing.
now this is a clean street food kitchen
Esta bueno. Pero le falta calor a la plancha
Looks delicious, and brilliantly done. Fast, hygienic and tasty. Didn’t have any street food on my visit to Seoul. Now I have another reason to go back.
I appreciate the cleanliness
Everything is so squeaking clean. Lovely.
the work area is quite clean.
Korean street food 😂😂 with American cheese lol Times they are a changing 🎼
Yummy 😍I’m hungry now
All the other comments: something about the food.Me: I want one of those square-handled dividers so I can have square eggs
Vou fazer em casa. Abra�o do Brasil