- Grandmother’s Toast – Korean Street Food
- Giant Iron plate Tteokbokki / 영주 랜떡 랜드로바 떡볶이 / Korean street food [ENG SUB]
- Amazing Size! Giant Fruit Ice Cream Crepe / 초대형 과일 아이스크림 크레페 / Korean Street Food
- Cream Garlic Bread – Korean Street Food
- Handmade Chocolate Making (Green tea Chocolate) – Chocolate Factory in Korea
Grandmother’s Toast – Korean Street Food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 This is a very famous toast stall in Korea. My grandmother sells toast very cheaply and deliciously for a long time. (Price 2000 won / 1.8 USD) Now the …
I would buy here everyday and greet the granny. She just touched my heart in trying to help make those sandwiches
Anytime I see Grandma+food…..I click. Every race, religion has grandma’s that just are the best cooks.
I gotta bow to grandma and praise her for still trying to help her daughter in law at the food stall making these sandwiches. Stay active grandma, your the reason people come to eat at your stall
Очень аппетитно)) А ваша милая помощница бабушка – просто прелесть)))))
Bless grandma 🙏🏽 she’s so sweet still trying to help out, times like this I miss my late grandpa terribly 😭but the food looks so delicious 🤤
What’s wrong with me, watching this in the middle of the night, and becoming hungry 😂By the way, 04:46 this is look so heavenly to me 😂 makes me more hungry
That looks amazing! I love exploring other cultures food!
So hardworking and seriously awsome. We shld have a separate award for grandmas like this. 😍😍 the toast look ammaziing. So neat and professional.
I will be so happy if I have this for breakfast💛
U came here to see sandwich and found sugar. I came to see pretty grandma and I’m satisfied.
I appreciate your videos, and love that it is all about them and their craft. It’s clear you respect them. No voice over, no music, no distractions. Just pure day to day cooking. Thank you 👍
I love being introduced to new foods. This is great.
The cute grandma made my day. It’s so lovely and heartwarming how she was trying to help. Honestly I’ve watched this video before, but I came back because I remembered seeing this sweet older lady. Kids, respect the elders. They’ve gone through so much. Their experience and inventions are the ground of every culture. God bless them ❤️
Hi, love the video. Would you be able to put the name of the dish in the description so we could look up a recipe for it? So sweet seeing the grandma passing on her culinary knowledge. Best kind of cooking videos !!
That looks amazing, and bless your grandmother’s heart.
Now that is one hell of a toast, unlike those stores that sells sandwiches with filling that doesn’t even fill up the width of the bread. This freaking covers the bread! 🙂
It fills my heart with joy seeing them helping each other
Cheers from Canada! I’ve been loving your channel since I discovered it about a week or so ago and it’s giving me insane cravings. Lucky for me, I have a lovely Korean friend who might be moving back for a few months and I might be tagging along for a week or two to see the sites and eat all the FOOD. I’m excited as hell.
Remind me of my hardworking grandma 😢
So precious ❤️
Giant Iron plate Tteokbokki / 영주 랜떡 랜드로바 떡볶이 / Korean street food [ENG SUB]
![(c) Soon Films 순필름 Giant Iron plate Tteokbokki / 영주 랜떡 랜드로바 떡볶이 / Korean street food [ENG SUB] Giant Iron plate Tteokbokki / 영주 랜떡 랜드로바 떡볶이 / Korean street food [ENG SUB] (c) Soon Films 순필름](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UCdGwDjTgbSwQDZ8dYOdrplg/btY-Lh2Fvfc.jpg)
(c) Soon Films 순필름 Soon Films is a food channel that introduces delicious street food. So far, Introducing delicious street food from Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Southeast Asia.
Using the subtitle function, you can see a simple English explanation.
Well this is what I’m gonna say that’s a BUCK ton of chilli paste.
If I will go to south korea, I will surely spend all my money in food rather than buying clothes 😂😂
The amount of gochujang is mind boggling
Nobody :Youtube : ok its midnight now,i shall fulfill my duty to recommend a mouth drooling video.
My room has never looked so orange until I saw this vid! Ive been craving this for the past week and ima freak out if I dont get some soon!!
I wanna go to korea just to try streetfood once it looks amazing
When i thought he’s done putting spicy paste he adds double more 😅
I really want to try this!!!!!!! Looks so yummy!
I want to eat this everyday…… but we don’t have stress food in usa
5:18 omg they’re playing Sunny Side Up
I’m wondering how spicy that chili paste is since they put so damn much omg
me when they add one massive spoon of gochujang: dang this is wildme when they add SEVEN MORE massive spoons of gochujang: shockedpikachu.jpg
Korean tteokbokki is such a spice delight with ramyun, different rice cakes, and vegetables. I cannot understand how this is not a popular thing in the spice crazed US.
아 먹고싶다ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ타국에서 이 영상 보는 심정은 말로 표현 할 수가 읎…
本当に韓国のストリートフード見てて思うけど こんなん近所にあったら毎日食っちゃうよ
I tried it here in my country, Philippines, my sister bought in a korean store, and the thing that i liked about it is that the rice cake is chewy and the spicyness is just right, wanna try it again though ❤
오랜만에 엽떡말고 길거리 떡볶이가 먹고 싶어지는 영상 ㅠ
Tteokbokki is one of my Must-try foods when I visit Korea in couple of years :)Thank you Soon Films for making a wonderful video about it!P.S. I especially got interested in Tteokbbokki bcoz of Irene of Red Velvet, as it’s her favorite food <3
와씨…. 떡볶이 진짜 못끊겠다…ㅠㅠ 악마의 음식 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Amazing Size! Giant Fruit Ice Cream Crepe / 초대형 과일 아이스크림 크레페 / Korean Street Food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Daegu City, Korea Google maps – https://goo.gl/maps/c4EP1J4fYwkCgCJ66 Super Size Fruit Ice Cream Crepe 22000 won …
이거 크기가 문제가 아니라 이 분 일하시는 거 너무 꼼꼼하시다👍🏽 반죽 국자에 깔끔히 정량 계량은 물론이고 혹여나 흐를까봐 밑에 그릇 받치는 센스! 이런건 진짜 누가 가르려춰서 되는게 아니라 타고난 꼼꼼함이다👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽진짜 이렇게 일하는 사람 없다
They’re generous though I’m wondering how much it cost. The amount of calories too 😂
Cutting it in the end devastated me in ways you can’t imagine.
At first i was like “this looks good” but then it was just too much of everything 😱
토핑 양이 엄청 알차긴 한데.. 난 그냥 저 알찬 토핑양을 4장에 각각 나눠서 깔끔한 크레페 4개로 만들어 먹는게 더 나을듯~
Dang I like my crepes with just fruit and whipped cream and that’s it.
No one:The food: “Diabetes says hi”Diabetes: 👋☺️👋
You can grab that and show it to everyone around you with the song: “circle of life”
You have incredibly skilled hands! That looks soooo good!
this is something i’d like to eat before i die
Looks like a school group project , each one had their own vision how the entire thing would go.
I love how it looks like two babies clothed and treats it so gently but then KNIFE🔪
This once upon a time would’ve been my dream meal when I was a child😂🥴
I’d eat it alone, one handed, without a napkin, right on the corner in under 7 minutes
Nossa ela � bem limpinha, toma todos os cuidados para a concha n�o pingar.Al�m de ser pr�tica, faz tudo com a maior calma e seguran�a amei
look so cleaned ! she didn’t go rough or messed up like other chefs ☺️
That looks interesting , I could never finish that! 😵😵😱😲
BOMBADO !! 👏 ual essa sim não tem dó de colocar ingrediente! No final parece que tá dobrando um cobertor rs
Cream Garlic Bread – Korean Street Food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Gangnam Station, Seoul Google maps – https://goo.gl/maps/X1XsfAZq8wdzkZMw5 Cream Garlic Bread 3900 won (3.3 USD)
Looks slammin’👌🏾My stomach is at the Gate!!
Acho que o YouTube deve entrar em acordo : recebo receitas do tipo dessas ..todas no mesmo nível e depois dezenas de dicas para virar modelo aos 60😗
Boa tarde Deus aben�oe parab�ns pela receita maravilhosa que del�cia eu gostei muito Deus aben�oe
Omg😊 I just finished my dinner I saw this😩😩 I love breads😚
Looks so good!
I’m sure it’s excellent tasty😁😎
아 밥먹었는데… 이젠 빵이 먹고싶네요 마늘빵 ㅎㅎ 영상 잘 봤습니다.^^
needs more butter LOLseriously I could eat this every day and not get tired of it
Красота какая!Так хочеться узнать рецепт !
와~마늘빵 비주얼 대박~🤤👍진짜 맛있어보이네요~오늘도 맛있게 잘보고갑니다~👏👏👏
Looks so good 👌
저집은 아니지만 저빵을 먹어본 입장을 말하면 ㄹㅇ 미쳤습니다. 우리가 아는 마늘빵하고 비슷한데 크림이 있어서 개존맛입니다.
Ай яй яй как же это вкусно 😋
Good grief that looks delicious! Needs to be at the Gilroy garlic festival!
이수역에 검정 흑마늘 빵 있는데 겁나 맛있어요~
개맛있겠다 아 배고파
Hummmmmm que del�cia. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Looks awesome 👌
I’m kinda glad that i don’t get stuff like this in my area because that looks dangerously good😂
уважаемые русские корейцы!сделайте переаод рецепта на русский яз. мы тоже хотим попрловать.выглядит очень аппетитно
Handmade Chocolate Making (Green tea Chocolate) – Chocolate Factory in Korea

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Bucheon, Korea (KimBoRam Chocolate) Green tea Chocolate (bottle) 8000 won (6.5 USD) Green tea Pave Chocolate 10000 …
Fun fact: you are not watching this on full screen mode.
The range of different nationalities in this comments section amazes me 🙂
초콜릿 만들기 영상을 많이 봤는데 가장 깔끔하고 보기 좋네요! 앞으로도 영상 많이 많들어주세요~:)
Вот такой шоколад я бы попробывала))))) зеленый чай шоколад,круто звучит и выглядет
3:42 왠지 마음 편해지는 구간ㅋㅋㅋ그린티 덕후는 고개를 들어주세요🙇♀️🙋♀️
저는 녹차 엄청좋아하는데…수제녹차 초콜릿 엄청 맛있어보이네요~^^만드는과정에 푹빠져서 봤네요~오늘도 잘보고갑니다~~🤤👍
Dang I even want to eat the extra side left overs that had to be removed from the block. Don’t want anything to be put into waste 😂
5:40 이게 가온이가 잘하는 템퍼링잉가..
Most clean kitchen ever seen👍
(우연히 발견한 영상인데) 넋 놓고 보고있었네
this job looks so satisfying to do
Fun fact: you didn’t search for it
짜투리 남는거 다 먹고싶다..
У меня манага таким цветом получается)
녹차까진 쌉싸르달콤 하니 먹을만 해요… 하지만 민ㅌ……갸아아아아아악!!!
김보람초콜렛 말차 진짜 너무 맛있어요..
I love this. Would like to know what type of chocolate, I’m assuming white with matcha powder because that color would be hard to achieve with cocoa solids
This is why I want to move to Korea (preferably South Korea) i love the culture just the whole vibe in general😄
Wow!, this is so soothing to watch, and I really love the concept of green tea chocolate .