Korean Crispy Traditional Fried Chicken – Korean Street Food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Seoul, Korea Google maps – https://goo.gl/maps/eyuYW74hvbv4Fmua6 Fried Chicken 6500 won (5.4 USD)
Tried this out a week ago, it was amazing! Definitely worth losing my job. Apparently, the office didn’t like how I cut up my chicken using their paper cutter
I’ve watched several korean fried chicken street food videos. I’ll have to say that I appreciate how this place uses a cutter instead of just ripping it apart with their hands as the other ones I saw did. It makes a nicer presentation.
The use of paper cutter is so creative. It makes me think of applying the same usage
Those look soo good! I want one 😋
Love it ❤️
This is so hypnotic I’m licking my chops and constantly reminding myself through out the entire video I’m not getting any.
작두 통닭이라니 뭔가 이름이 웃기네요! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 맛있는 영상 잘 보고 갑니다👍
That’s the way I want my chicken: nobody touching it.
this way of cutting chicken is smart and hilarious, with a paper shredder. lol.
소리부터 남다른 치킨!작두치킨~
The crispy fried chicken looks so tasty!
I want one of those birds!!! 🤤
When the chicken is cut (after frying) doesn’t the juice run out?
Amazing job👍🌹❤️
i’ve never wanted to eat something so bad in my entire life
I need this recipe asap…this the best looking fried chicken I’ve ever seen…YUMMMM
Amazing simple cooking👌🏻 what is the butter recipe?
아주 맛있는
The paper trimmer is a fantastic idea!
Its called perfection
Egg Sandwich – Korean street food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Daegu-si, Dongseong-ro Google maps – https://goo.gl/maps/8wSzHjA9YKUfsj9U8 Bacon Double Cheese 4000 won (3.3 …
Amazing capture
Omg…Korean breakfast sandwiches always look amazing ! 😃
I love eggdrop! Living in Seoul this is a great place to eat!
You know you’re at the right place when to grease the cooking surface they literally take the entire block of butter and drag it across the cooking surface
Love the CREATIVITY! Can I have one of each, please! ^_^✌ Even the packaging is cute and creative! ❤
저 홍대에 있는 에그드랍 갔었는데 진짜 빵이 입안 안 아프게 바삭해요… 여태까지 먹어본 토스트 빵중에 제일 맛있었다ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
빵을 그냥먹어도 맛있을 비주얼이예요…부드러운 계란과 조화가 잘되었네요
너무 맛있어 보여요!! 잘 보고 있습니다 ㅎㅎ 카메라 어떤 기종 쓰세요? 포커싱도 잘잡고 화질이 엄청 좋으네요!
Amo estos videos y a los Asiáticos son prácticos, ocurrentes, ingeniosos, se alimentan sanamente y tienen una forma de pensar muy ordenada y disiplinada. 😇🙏 me encantan!💖🍷😍
Mmm eggs looks YUMMY 😋 that second sandwich is AWESOME
에그드랍 요즘 엄청난 인기던데 맛잇어보이네요ㅠㅠ갓계란
Wow, eggs that really look like eggs in the final presentation. Not overcooked. Not covered with 1000 ingredients. Just a beautiful scramble considering you are using a flat-top.Keep up the good work!!!.
Wow, I’m also Korean, but I’ve never seen a sandwich like this before. I’m going to have to go eat it.😱😱
에그드랍 계란 이렇게 만드는 거였구나….!!!
Looks delish 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
I need to make this soon. I really like making street food at home. Thanks for sharing your video❤👌😘🛎👍길거리 음식 만들어 보는거 좋아하는데 이거 한번 만들어 보고 싶에요. 잘 보고 갑니다.
예전에 내가 생각했던 그… …역시 생각만 하면 안돼… 실행에 옮겨야지…ㅜㅜ
I like the egg one. It looks so tender and soft.
looks very good – greetings from Minnesota, US
무언가 식빵이 일반적인것보다 더 통통한게 맛있어 보이는데요? ㅎㅎ 잘 보고 갑니다!!These bread looks bigger than normal bread, impressed XD
Homemade Cheese Pork Cutlet and Cheese Tteokgalbi / 수제 치즈 돈까스와 치즈 떡갈비 / Korean Food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Haemi Eupseong, Korea Google maps – https://goo.gl/maps/3ZQjpRq1EzH6JuS87 Please refer to the last part of the video for …
До чего ловко,чисто,красивая подача. Уверена,вкусно. Отличное видео.
Me es súper satisfactorio ver como cocinan. Se me sntojavprobarlo todo. 🥰
푸짐하다… 돈까스는 맨날 먹을 수 있어욬ㅋㅋ
Deu �gua na boca
우와 대단해유
You guys just keep eating and losing weight already have me😍😍😍😍😍
Какое всё натуральное! Просто волшебство какое то.
So many delicious foods 😍😋👍
T� com �gua na boca.
여기도 가야겠군 😊😊
Se ve riquisimo,por favor quien pueda traducirlo en español para saber los ingredientes y procedimient paso a paso,la verdad se me hizo agua en la boca se lo agradeceria muchisimo👌❤
روع 😍😍😍
해미 어디가고 읍성??? 엌ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Top ❤❤
치돈 비쥬얼… .😍
Omelette Egg Roll Kimbap (with Tteokbokki Sauce) / 계란말이 김밥 / Korean Street Food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Incheon, Korea Google maps – https://goo.gl/maps/tgAU25JbuhUVNfK16 Omelette Egg Roll Kimbap 3000 won (2.5 USD)
Very nice 👌
Thanks you’ve done so many wonderful things. I subscribed your channel, waiting you to my channel 🙂
Everything was nice, but the way he cracked those eggs was just underrated.
김밥과 계란말이 조합이 환상적이죠 그리고 떡볶이 국물에 찍어 먹을 때 정말 맛있습니다인천 터미널이나 구월동 근처 가시면 꼭 드셔보세요 😋 계란말이도 크고 너무 좋습니다
Isso deve ser uma delícia 😜
계란으로 감싼 김밥에 떡볶이 소스라니맛없을수가 없는 조합이네요 ~!나중에 기회되면 꼭 한번 먹어보러 가야겠어요 오늘도 좋은하루 보내세요 🙂
계란말이 만드는건 그냥 봐도 잼있는거같아요 👍
A heartattack just waiting to happen!
Omg looks spicy and I love that 😋
계란말이 맛있겠다 nice yummy food 😋
와우 넘 맛잇게보임
낮에 가서 먹어볼수 없던 까치네네요 정말 먹고싶었는데😢 다음엔 꼭 가서 먹어볼게요ㅎㅎ
계란 진짜 잘깐다
That looks yummy I’d enjoy one 😋
that looks soo neat preparation
I would love to try them looks delicious👍🏾💙🥰
Greetings, share the best recipes and produce the best work for businessmen of the nation’s children,Regular visits and full complete sll, hopefully more success
Keren mmng dunia kuliner bkin laper trus 🤤🤤