- Over Easy Egg Fried Rice / 계란후라이 볶음밥 / Chinese Restaurant in Korea
- Oreo Waffle / 오레오 와플 / Korean Street Food
- Popular Fried Foods in Korea / 생활의 달인 수제 튀김 / Korean Street Food
- Amazing Skill! Super Speed Takoyaki Making Master / 타코야끼 달인 / Korean Street Food
- Taiwanese Traditional Crepes – Taiwan Street Food
Over Easy Egg Fried Rice / 계란후라이 볶음밥 / Chinese Restaurant in Korea

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Seoul, Korea Google maps – https://goo.gl/maps/kvBybrcdz1uw3ZRM8 Egg Fried Rice 10000 won (8.4 USD)
🇲🇽 Suscrito y apoyando su canal
Amo cozinha oriental, me deu �gua na boca. Izabel
Maravilhoso com certeza vou fazer 😋
At� salivei! Deve ter ficado muito bom.
Обажаю китайские корейские блюда)
Eita deu até vontade 👍
O famoso mexidão de sobras aqui do Brasil 😂😂😂❤❤
저도 노른자 안 익는 게 더 좋아요노른자가 밥알을 코팅해 주는 느낌적인 느낌이여서 더 맛있는 거 같아요
N�o gosto de ovo mole,mas me deu �gua na boca…Parece mto gostoso!!!
Beautiful 😍
와~ 반숙계란볶음밥~ 정말 맛있어 보이게 잘만드시네요~🤤👍짜장까지~굿~It looks delicious~^^
Wow, it looks so good. I don’t care about the oil lol
Outstanding chef, I like your style-
Solo de ver se antoja saludos de Texcoco Estado de M�xico
Fascinating I’d try that because eggs are awesome and yummy 😋
아…미치도록 먹고싶다 ㅠㅠ
That looks really nice and really tasty!
진짜 맛겠다👏👏👏
기름봐 ㅜㅜ 건강에 많이 헤롭습니다
Oreo Waffle / 오레오 와플 / Korean Street Food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Hyehwa Station, Seoul Google maps – https://goo.gl/maps/PBP9zdYP8xLtqCqW7 Oreo Ice Cream Waffle 3000 won (2.4 …
Wow….somehow we miss the smell of fresh waffles!
The mixture oozing out from the sides makes me sad 😂 what a waste, I’ll eat it ! 😂
Job interview: what’s your skill levelThat cook: i can cook one waffle with the amount of two
i’d buy a bucket of the edge trimmings!
i cant, it’s killing me seeing it just oozing out from the sides like that
I need to sell these guys some measuring cups.
Why would you overfill it so much
my tummy hurts watching those mixtures flowing on the sides
Why overfill it? That pissed me off 😂😂
Love how everyone is a chef now all of a sudden🤣🤣
As a food lover, i feel sad about them pouring so much batter.
Sir, you are making extra work for yourself by overpouring the batter and then having to trim the cooked waffles.
Such heavy toppings much WOW!
As 03:00h da manh�, em plena quarentena, e eu vendo isso
Yummy 😋
Вот столько видео посмотрела про корейскую еду, столько сладкого и внутри столько всего! И все такие стройняшки !
If I’m ordering this, I’ll take it with no toppings 😍
When he cut the excess… It’s so sad, love crumbs!!
Negative comment: I rather keep the trimmings with the wafflePositive comment: that looks good 😍
아침부터 이런영상이라니..😭😭
Popular Fried Foods in Korea / 생활의 달인 수제 튀김 / Korean Street Food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Yeosu, Korea Google maps – https://goo.gl/maps/nQpKEbzDm4r8JFgZ7 Fried Food 1000 won (0.9 USD) / Vegetables, Sweet …
Esse macarrão aqui no Brasil se chama grude 😂
촬영도~ 편집도 짱이지만~ 진~~짜 열심히 다니시네요~ 대단하세요~ 잘보고있어요~^^
김말이 기성제품 쓰는 곳 많은데~~~감동♡
Deu água na boca 😋😋😋
Tudo muito bom at� passar no trigo, n�o posso comer mas parece delicioso!
색소안쓰고 치자 참좋습니다 도구도 스덴으로 다쓰시고 위생적으로 하시는게 보기가 좋네요~
Se ve muy rico!Necesito probar :’)
뭔가 진짜 같은 신선 재료 솔직한 음식 같아 좋아보여요.
Great . I am sure it’ll be quite tasty and yummy . Thank you for sharing such a nice recipes 😊
Как все чисто вокруг, весь инвентарь, приятно смотреть
너무 맛 있겠어요~❤
튀김 사는데 한 시간반 대기했네요.기름은 정말 깨끗해요.야채랑 김말이 강추!그 외는 쏘쏘!
장인들… 👍
Tenho muita vontade de comer comida coreana🤗😋😋😋😋🇧🇷🇧🇷
튀김은 사랑이죠 영상 늘 잘보고 있어요^^
와~~튀김 지존이네요~~
고구마 종류와 오징어가 베스트로 보임.물론 김말이에 깻잎으로 말아서 튀기는 아이디어에도 엄지척… 👍
Amazing Skill! Super Speed Takoyaki Making Master / 타코야끼 달인 / Korean Street Food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Seoul, Korea Google maps – https://goo.gl/maps/JFRXPHASXXLQtE549 Takoyaki 4000 won (3.6 USD)
Cleaning the area ‘while’ cooking was my thing. It blows my mother-in-law’s mind that I can clean counters while cooking.
А в чем мастерство?
مشاء الله السرعة والدقة في العمل برافو
அட. நம்ம ஊரு குழிபணியாரம். …..
А поаккуратнее можно как-то ,как его кушать можно
Just looks so amazing. We in the UK make a similar thing called Toad in the Hole but we put sausage inside.
Very impressive, clean and appealing to eat.God bless❣
Are you a fan of Morocco,❤❤ welcome to see the most beautiful places in it👍🔔🥰🥰
Technique is different but in South India we Indians familiar with same looking vegetarian dish called as aappe or appam which is home made veg rice balls or rava/soji balls baked on specially designed traditional pan aappe-patra …. I am from maharashtra state marathi speaking person but in my house I always love north and south and west and east sides of cuisines food so I feel Hungary to watch twin dish outside India with little bit different technique, but look wise totally similar to my country’s dish… love it,
Quais s�o os ingredientes?
اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم فضلاً الاشتراك في قناة النفيسة في اللغة العربية اللهم اجبر خواطرنا وخواطر العالمين آمين
ميام ميام، بالتوفيق.
There is also Takoyaki YouTuber in Japan☺️👍
I want to know what that is he’s making.It looks delicious. And he’s fast.
Glory to the master and prosperity.
Gran habilidad!
وصفة رائعة ❤️❤️
ماهادا ياهادا👀
Super I love it
Taiwanese Traditional Crepes – Taiwan Street Food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Taichung, Taiwan Google maps – https://goo.gl/maps/bSNc4tMnoerSYJ7c6 Peanut Sesame Crepe 30 TWD (1 USD) …
굿잡!!! 아주 건강식이네😋
This is similar to ‘Apam balik’ (Malaysia). Our fillings ranges from sweet corn and red beans, sprinkled with sugar to cereal mix (Nestum).
Delicious! Looks so crispy and light!Lots of hearts from a small baking & cooking youtube channel!
*신박하고 맛있어 보이네요 대만 다시가면 저도 사먹어봐야겠네요♡*
This is almost exactly like Indian dosa.
🙀Нечего себе 👍 надо попробовать
먹어본 후기는..고소하고 건강한 느낌이 나쁘진 않은데소스같은게 별도로 없어서 좀 급하게 먹다가 보면 좀 뻑뻑해용 음료랑 같이 드시는걸 추천
Это конечно все очень круто и интересно, но он так тесто налил из открытого ведра какого-то, что как-то аппетит пропал:))
대만 크레페는 처음 보는데 너무 맛있을거 같아요~🤤👍땅콩참깨 크레페는 너무 고소하고 맛있을거 같고 양배추 크레페는 양배추가 들어가서 식감이 좋을거 같네요~^^맛있게 잘보고갑니다~👍
먹어보고싶다…진짜 대만은 먹거리천국인거 같아요
맛있겠다..뭔가 저기 안에 다른소스들도 이것저것 골라서 넣어달라고 주문하는거 있으면 더 맛있을듯!
Ini mah martabak jon, dipotong menyerupai crepes. Kalau crepes kulitnya setipis kertas
중국식크레폐 너무신기하고 재밌어요
Boa tarde como � feita essa massa?
Надо есть очень голодным, может тогда будет вкусным.
Very unique ♥️