Large Amount Food Making in Food Factory / 음식 공장의 대량 생산 몰아보기

(c) Soon Films 순필름 00:00 Confectionery Factory 08:02 Donut Factory 18:04 Hotteok Factory 28:04 Choco Pie Factory 38:09 Sausage Factory 48:01 Chocolate Factory 58:14 Green …
Какой кошмар, пережаренное тесто в горелом масле. И зачем это потреблять в пищу
Прощай печень
Везде как посмотрю,корейцы столько муки используют.Интересно откуда у них мука?И какое растительное масло употребляют?
На часах 1:19 в 6 вставать и я смотрю про эту жратву
Espetacular pero no se sabe que hacen o que es felicidades y muchos saludos desde Puebla México 🇲🇽
حسبي الله عليهم هاي نعمه
사람손이 더 가는 최신식기계화ㅜㅜ
И эту гадость вы продаете людям? Как вообще такое можно есть, столько в них масло просто афигеть 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
Nossa é senssacional ver essa dedicação dos funcionários,, tudo feito com carinho. E essas máquinas maravilhosas! Amei o vídeo Deus abençoe a todos, bjs🇧🇷
Uma verdadeira arte!Parabéns👏👏
Вся эта мерзкая стряпня не для нас. Пущай они сами все это пожирают
Les recomiendo que usen zapatos desechables sobre los tenis a la hora de amasar la masa, ser�a m�s higi�nico, porque aunque este envuelta ese material los tenis deja microbios que se van a los guantes a la hora de sacar la masa. Espero mi observaci�n y opini�n la tomen en cuenta y les sirva de algo.
И как часто миняют это растильное масло?
Нравиться работать таких местах
Maquinário incrível mas alimento nada saudável…👎
يعنى اللى واقف على العجين مش عارف أنه حرام ودى نعمه ربنا ولا مبقاش فى فرق دلوقت بين الحرام والحلال فيديو مستفز
Parabéns tudo higienizado espetacular perfeito e habilidades dos funcionários show 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Chegar na minha mesa tem que ser coisa boa pra sa�de da minha fam�lia ,nem �leo eu uso , n�o como frituras , seria bom se cada um fizessem o seu pr�prio alimento .
Тяжёлая работа.
Cotton Candy Ice cream Fruit Burrito / 솜사탕 브리또 / Korean Street Food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Konkuk University Station, Seoul Google maps – Cotton Candy Ice cream Fruit …
This is one of those things that make me say “just because you can doesn’t mean you should”
im sorry but the cotton candy maker’s spinning hands looks so *majestic*
I broke out into a smile when he opened that burrito! So cool!
i can feel my arteries closing just by looking at this
One week’s sugar intake all in 1 convenient roll.
Im getting a tooth ache looking at all the pretty colors
Added to the ‘Eat this before I die’ list.
He is a dentist this is just his part time job🤩
맛은 그렇다쳐도 와 이건 비주얼이…와 진짜 이쁘다…..
Amazing!! This is a piece of art!!
… my heart died when he deflated the cotton candy 🥲
와 진심 대박 예쁘고 신기하다.. 사서 조금씩 나눠먹고 싶네요. 한번에 많이는 못먹어도 엄청 맛있어 보여요
when middle schoolers have their own street food kiosk lmao
Şeker komasına girer ler kız bunlar sjsjsj
Sadece 7 kere yedim =(ama tadı acayip güzel
My mouth’s watering so bad 😍✨
Fruit Cutting Skill (Melon, Pineapple, Watermelon) / 과일자르기 달인 / Korean Street Food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Namdaemun Market, Seoul Google maps – Melon, Pineapple 1500 won (1.2 USD) …
Если это мамтерство, то я тогда вообще шеф-повар
А в чем мастерство ? Что-то я так и не въехала.
Можно было сократить видео. Особенно в начале. Все так режут. А как иначе. Юрунда какая то. Это не новость
Я ждала чего-то необычного, а тут просто нарезка фруктов. И где мастерство?
И что я тут делаю???!!! Ужас….
Well, that’s several minutes of my life I can’t get back…
Bi t�rk benmiyim
Просто порезал. А мастерство продать дороже по кусочкам😉
Motong dan kupas nya ga Eman” njirr mntep lahh
Ну и где маааастерство???
روعه ررررررروعه
А помыть?
Maravilhoso, abra�o do Brasil.
Моя ты умница,ароматно ,аж почувствовала этот дивный запах юга и фруктов.супер!
Шляпа полная! Тупо режет зеленые фрукты, я представляю что там за вкус, трава травой…
ما شاء الله تقطيع جميله جدا احلا لايك الأول ❤️❤️❤️
пока резал все гости разошлись🤣🤣🤣🤣
И поверьте- болеют ОКЗ реже,чем стерильные!! Больше грязи- ширше морда…😂😂😂🥑🥑🍉🍉🍉
Con esas rapides y esa tecnica me muero de hambre
Handmade Candy Making / 수제 사탕 만들기 / Korean Candy Store

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Dae-gu, Korea Google maps – Handmade Candy Gift Set 18000 won (16 USD)
There’s something about candy’s consistency that’s just so satisfying
That was like legit beautiful, the entire process. They put so much love into what they just did like you just don’t get that anymore. All over candy. ❤. I definitely want to try some. 😋
the person doing it makes the cutting part and folding look so easy. to me, it looks rock solid-
The amount of heart attack in that candy is surprisingly satisfying
Eyes : relaxingEars : satisfingStomach : depressed🎉🎉🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥😭
I remember my mother used to say these candies are made up of only sugar, well she wasn’t wrong tho but it’s still tasty😌😅
Them: making candy Me: crying over the point that I can’t eat it
Que preciosidades👏👏👏👏👏 ❤ e com efeito calmante!! Gratidão🙏🙌
Him: Cuts the thing in halfHim again: Puts it back togetherMe: 👁️👄👁️
This is so cute, stress reliever!!!
Imagine working here and how quiet it’s there the awkwardness..😭✨
This literally is driving me crazy I NEED THIS
That is just so satisfying and relaxing to hear 👂
That was glorious.i want to be in that sugar shop so badly, I wanna learn the trade
Relaxing 😭😭💞
A limpeza do local me encantou 😍
Me: seeing the end product with the adorable smiley facesAlso me: asking in total aw, How did they do that? After literally just watching them make it
Besides you guy’s action dramas…I’ve now found something else I can binge watch on daily!
I’m not interested in actually eating the candy, just mesmerized about the softness and stretchy (- ness?) of it 😲
Eles fazem os doces de um jeito tão perfeito, parabéns!👏😯
Toast and Bagel – Korean Street Food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Seoul Mangwon market Google maps – Bacon Cheese Salad Bagel 4600 won …
Its satisfying how clean and careful they are when preparing the sandwiches.
Me: wow I’m tired I’m going to get off of my phone and head to bed.Korean street food videos: *:D*Me: noKorean street food videos: *:D*Me: ugh alright.
In Malaysia we call it ‘Benjo’. It is cheap but delicious.
Me: *watches 1 video that was Reccomend*Youtube: *hah you fool you activated my trap card!*Me 🙅♀️🧢
I remember going to a restaurant in Korea and trying to explain that I’m allergic to yellow foods because of what they use to color them, and they thought I would react to egg yolks, too. And this absolute SWEETHEART of a cook went out of his way to clean part of the cooktop and use seperate utensils to make me an omurice with just egg whites. Like, god bless him, I hope he’s doing okay.
I cant even explain why i am watching this at 3:42am 😂😂😂but it looks really good!
no matter where you go they be skimming on the bacon lol still looks good
And that toast cost 1/4 of the1 day salary here in the philippines …
Little disappointed only one piece of bacon 😥
Me, it’s midnight and I need to get up at 4am. Also me, I have to learn about Korean Street Food for no particular reason.
No one:Youtube recommended at 12am: U hungry?
It’s nice how they use real eggs to make an egg sandwich
It’s my lunch time now Hope I could try it now!
Хм, выглядит вкусно, аж слюнки потекли 😛😀
Ham, egg, and cheese breakfast sandwich. Sausage, egg and cheese breakfast sandwich. Bacon, cream cheese, sauerkraut, cabbage Bagel… y’all was almost american.
This is so satisfying to watch. 😍
that sausage just vibin the entire time
This is a chain called Isaac Toast. There’s a lot of them all around Korea and they really taste amazing!
Вауууу!!!!)Выглядит очень аппетитно!)))