Egg Omelet Mini Gimbap / 계란 꼬마김밥 / Korean Street Food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Yeosu, Korea Google maps – 5 Mini Gimbap 3000 won (2.6 USD) 5 Egg Gimbap …
Egg roast beef burger – Korean street food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Soon Films is a food channel that introduces delicious street food. So far, Introducing delicious street food from Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Southeast Asia.
4 sauces? Seems excessive.
Who knew I could binge watch Korean food being cooked.
I love these videos. I’d try anything you show on here.
Looks amazing me ! ❤️❤️❤️
the skillful sauce squeezing at the very end pleases even the most perfection seeking food elitists XD
The cleanliness, organization, and portion size is the best. And this is just breakfast
Meus parab�ns pelo capricho
I absolutely LOVE ❤️ this video!! I can smell the yummy 😋 through the phone!!! 😉😂 Love how you do the butter!! #ASMR
I have a new nephew-in-law who was born n raised in S. Korea, and yes sauce does play a significant part in Korean meals. It may look like lots of sauce but amazingly the sauces really do compliment what they put them on. I don’t like sauce very much , but don’t knock it until you try it.
Very well done, would love to try one looks yummy 😋
Looks pretty good. I sure would like to know what some of those sauces were!
Fiquei com água na boca 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Looks good! 😍
정말 맛있어 보이네요.. 포한가면 꼭 한번 먹어봐야할듯… 좋은 영상 잘보고 갈게요…
Man that looked like a work of art, I want one
Thanks again to @soon films to gifting us with this incredible free content. I would go my whole life never getting to see this or “experience” stuff like this if it wasn’t for random people like you who wanted to start a youtube channel. ^_^
Gives me ideas for a quick (but hearty) meal when off camping! Friends have told me that the Korean street vendors also do “one egg mini Spanish omelettes” using those rings (usual cost around $1 (US)). That would be a nice quick “fill me up” snack if available!
Que lindo lanche..Parab�ns
This makes me wanna cry, because I want it so badly.
Cumple mis expectativas 😀
Handmade Cream Crepes of Various Kinds / 수제 크림 크레페 / Korean Street Food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Yongsan-gu, Seoul Google maps – French Style Crepe 3500 won (3.2 USD) …
크레페 만드는 할아버가 훨씬더 양도 많고스킬도 장난아님~~
크레페 너무 먹고싶어요 😋 솜씨가 예술입니다!!
크레페는 영상 자주봐도 나무막대로 돌리면서 만드는게 신기하단말야.. 흠
Wow! this is soo pretty good and perfect for breakfast and snack,thank you for sharing your recipe.
크레페 파는곳이 많긴하지만 왠지 이곳의 크레페가 더 맛있어보여요,.
Por favor ensina como preparar a massa, que parece ser deliciosa
숙대 근처인데 이 집 사장님 커스터드 크림이 엄청 맛있어요~ 그런데 이 채널에서 다 먹어서 오늘은 더 없대요… 그래서 구독하고 혼내주러옴. 사장님은 먹어서 혼내주고 옴. 영하 18도인데 아이스크림까지 넣어서 먹고 옴
Bravo تبارك الله عليك
تحفة 👍
Delicious 👌😍
Çok iyi olmuş
Thank you for the recipe
S�per ya
E este creme � queijo derretido, por favor mostra a receita
♥️Thank you so much this is nice 👍 Big Street Food 🍱..
Thank you for sharing
Looks very good
Tbarklah 3lik😙😙-
My mouth was watering when I saw this video.Give me some napkins, please.
Black sugar bubble milk tea – Taiwan Street Food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Soon Films is a food channel that introduces delicious street food. So far, Introducing delicious street food from Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Southeast Asia.
Wow almost half of the cup are topioca. Here in North America its just a spoonful. Smh.
Now I wanna go there, I want to experience a half cup of tapioca pearls.
they giving a half cup of pearl while in the philippines u can really count how many pearls they gave u lmao😂
우리나라 음료수 반이 얼음임
Best Buble tea here in Taiwan 😊😋😋
wow! “Crushed Ice”!!! i prefer those than tube ice
This is perfect for me I love Boba pearls 😍Sadly milk tea shops here in the Philippines do not serve Big servings of Boba like this
Here i am drinking my pearly soy milk while watching this😊
저도 대만 갔었을때 버블티 진짜 많이 먹었는데가격도 제각각 이더라구요^^확실히 버블티가 대중화 되어있는것 같아요여긴 얼음이 간 얼음이 들어가네요 신기신기
I prefer small bubble drink, do not need to chew. It is different from normal bubble milk tea
Love this kind of stall street food fresh fruits healthy fruits thank you for sharing your beautiful fruits love them all thank you. From. Spain thanks
So many tapioca,here in Philippines when you asked to put more they will also add the price
Kim has 30 bubble sugar milk tea and drank 23,what does kim has?Kim has Diabetes…
looks delicious 😋😊👍
i love this diabetes drink
대만의 원조 흑당 밀크티는 어떤맛일까요 궁금하네요
Yummy milk tea! Who’s craving for some milk tea now? 🙂
Spicy and Sweet Seasoning Chicken Leg – Korean Street Food

(c) Soon Films 순필름 Location and pricing information ** Gimpo Traditional Market Google maps – Seasoning Chicken Leg 10000 won (8.6 …
Amazing! good quality video!! wow~~
다른 크리에이터 영상과는 다르게 순필림님 영상은 완성도가 정말 뛰어난 것 같아요 방송국 다큐 피디셨나요?
Esse frango � uma del�cia eu fa�o em casa s� de vez em quando muito bom!!!
Geente !!! Isso deve ser tão saboroso 😍😍😋😋😄😄
Gente!.. esse povo não tem problema de colesterol, tudo é a base de fritura! deve ser gostoso, sei não…. muito estranho 🤭😁
Страшно вкусно,ключевое слово , СТРАШНО….
Wow this looks so yummy!
Hum deve estar muito gostoso😊👏
후라이드도 맛있어 보이고양념도 맛있어 보이고 치킨은 언제 옳죠 😋
Humm, deve ser muito bom, mande a receita
만원 가격 좋네요!양도 많아보이구요 👍
I love Korean food. So good.
Eating at the market reminds me of old memories.
👍 Looks tasty! 😋 And Soon Films’ live sounds of the frying are as soothing as overnight rain….. 🌧️
Que del�cia !!!! Rios de saliva kkkkk
Он прямо перчатки в кипящее масло окунает… 😱😱😱
가격 실화예요? 저렴하고 맛있어보여요..역시 시장인심이라 후하네요
Thank you. It’s like wish fulfillment.
닭이 엄청 큰거같은데 통째로 튀겨주시네요🤤