
(c) からめる 道徳を失うマジックをしてしまった.
_人人人人人人人人_>圧倒的声の無駄遣い <  ̄^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄
Who comes up with a talking unstable Plutonium ball as a character???This guy right here folks.
at this point im such a hardcore weeb that japanese shitposts are all over my recommendations and i dont even need subtitles anymore
1:10 my face when I still haven’t learned enough Japanese to understand anything.
I don’t know what’s happening; I don’t know what’s going on; I don’t even know how I got here. But what I do know, is that this is beautiful.
Don’t know what’s going one here, but it’s definitely something too beautiful for me to understand.
1:09 こっから0.25倍速でも声変わらないの草
I may not understand Japanese fully but this is wholesome

(c) からめる 発注ミス.
・ ω ・
Idk what this emulated, but it’s a mood
Who else doesn’t know Japanese, or even what’s happening, but still enjoys these videos?
Rule number one: There’s never just one explosion
actual representation of ‘u didn’t find this channel, this channel found u’
_人人人人人_ > カレー <  ̄^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄
This is so meaningfull and so meaningless at the same time *And its beautiful*
the amount of randomness inserted on these shorts is so astoundingly immense that it’s brilliant
Why is this aggressive yet adorable
0:13 寿司つくってる猫の動きがかわいい
More plot twists than any other movie
・ ω ・
Yes, lets just blow up everything. Also, if anybody has good tips on learning to read kanji kindly advise. Thank you, arigatou!
i don’t know what i just witnessed but it’s amazing

(c) からめる たまねぎを切ると涙が出るのは人間が憎いからなんだ.
I wanna know how high he gets to imagine this.
Tears are extremely salty, so realistically he would end up killing most plant life instead of rejuvenating them. But considering this is a video about a penguin cutting onions to use their tears as irrigation, this probably doesn’t really matter.
I was genuinely disappointed when he brought back an entire ecosystem then destroyed it again
I don’t understand any of this but I love every second
0:20 爆破して玉ねぎになるのめっちゃすこ
everyone knows penguin tears have healing properties, they can tend to their crops without the need for fertilizer.
0:1 – finds a type of food0:13 – * cries very aggressively *
Take a shot everytime you predict the ending of one of these videos correctly. You will never get drunk
No one: Me: we can save the artic with this one penguin
I dont understand why youtube recommended this to me but i think i like it.
Hello, I am your friendly Karameru English Translator.The title says: Onion fieldThe description says: The reason why you tear up when you cut onions is because you hate it0:13 AAAAAAAA0:24 YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA0:28 AaAaAaaAaAAAaaaAAAAAAaAAaaAAAAAComment posted 4 hours after upload. Account run by ItsDaDoc
0:17 つかの間のヨッ○ーアイランド感すこ
When I visited my best friend, he started chopping onions to hide his tears
I cant get enough of these wacky screaming penguins
“Dry signs can only grow in dry hot climates”

(c) からめる 肉肉肉 肉肉肉肉 肉肉肉(心の俳句)
I’m happy to know that this is a universal problem
We need to get Gordon Ramsey on this.I mean, that chicken was extremely dry
When you put all your skill points into Defense be like
Ah yes, Meat. The strongest metal in the world
And that my friends…Is how you properly and quicky cut some steak.
I feel like it’s concerning how they just pull up with saws
You know what for a second I thought:What could he bring out that’s worse than a hand saw?*I was mistaken*
This perfectly simulates what it’s like trying to cut the fat of a steak.
i love how it suddenly becomes a mariokart race.
This is me when I’m trying to convince my friend that the steak he made is overcooked (we both go to culinary school).
you know what’s funnysomewhere in a parallel universe this series could be what society just is
cutting steak in a nutshellnow i think it may make a really good shield
When somebody says you don’t need a steak knife and you say, “alright” but when their back is turned you get the chainsaw.
This has got to be the most random channel suggested to me. I luvit 🤣
It’s becoming the power of my life.It makes me happy whenever I feel sad.
The steak is mightier than the chainsaw

(c) からめる たのし!
*Watching these at 3 in the morning makes me feel like this is some sort of fever dream I’ll never wake up from*
_人人人人人人人人_> 爆発は? < ̄^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄
*This does bring a smile to my face*
Legend says that the cat is still run— oh nevermind, the cat stopped running
Once you start watching you cannot stop
The new Naruto run
this is as adorable as is technically impressive
I would love to see this little guy on the street someday 😂
Props to the camera man for running backwards
That damn mewing sound effect they keep using keeps getting me.
Japanese croquet in a nutshell
You can keep rewatching it and wont get tired of it
Is no one gonna point out how much that rolling sound at the end sounded like when you went through a goal ring in yoshi’s island?