
(c) からめる 歌 からめる 作詞 からめる 作曲 からめる 編曲 からめる 絵 からめる 動画 からめる 掃除 からめる 洗濯 からめる 昼寝 からめる.
_人人人人人人人人人人人_ > シューイチデビュー <  ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^ ̄
Here’s an amateur English translation by me (please correct errors if there are any):Title: “It’s Too Hot Song”Lyrics: Too hot! Summer is also crucial, I can’t go on doing stuff like work Sun, waking up, cloudless, blue sky Happy Day I want to do the things I want to do, Best Summer Vacation But it is too hot I want to do things like stuff around the home Like participating in this year’s Comic Market Like going to the sea and festivals Only darn heat The point of this song is that I don’t know if I can enjoy summer at this point in time In the end, I rush home again today Besides the outside world, I take a nap But the truth is I want to go to places like the sea But this is not the time to go outdoors Tomorrow is also at best doggone hot All the bad in the world is because of the heat I don’t want stuff like things that remind me of a particular season, so Please release me from this heat early
暑すぎの歌 2020ver…………暑すぎーー!夏も本番 マスクなんかつけてらんないや太陽目が覚めて マスクで窒息エブリデイやりたいことやりたい 最高の夏休みでも密すぎる!やりたいことは全部密だしオリンピックは延期だし海も 祭りも 行けないしくそ暑いだけ「だいたい帰省すらできないのに夏を楽しめるわけねぇだろー!」結局今日も家に篭りきり去年の思い出横目にお昼寝でも 本当は旅行に行きたいのでも人混みを見て今日も諦める明日もどうせクソ暑いこの世の悪全てコロナのせいだ風物詩すら楽しめないはやくこのコロナから解放してくださいラーラーラー…♪失礼しました追記 いいね1000サンクスいいね2000やと?みんなほんまありがとうなぁわぁいつのまにか3000行ってる
歌 からめる作詞 からめる作曲 からめる編曲 からめる絵 からめる動画 からめる掃除 からめる洗濯 からめる昼寝 からめる・・・溢れ出る万能者感
I tried to translate the lyrics. The translation isn’t 100% accurate buut yeah**Lyrics**Way too hotttttttMid-summers dayToo hot to concentrate on my jobThe sun is shining.There’s no clouds, the sky is clear todayHappy day.I want to do many things. It’s the best summer holiday.But it’s way too hot.I don’t have to be outside to do what I want to doI’m not going to ComiKet, the beach or festivals.Just because it’s too fricking hot(Besides, there’s no way I can enjoy summer singing a song like this)I ended up staying at home all day.Taking a nap while I’m watching the rest of the world enjoy their day.But I actually want to go to the beach.Then again it’s way too hot outside so I guess I’ll passTomorrow’s gonna be hot againSummer heat is the root of all evilI don’t care about items that represent the summerJust release me from this hot summer alreadySo hot~~ too hot~~~
Without knowing the words I know this song and video perfectly captures the feeling “FUCK ITS TOO FUCKING HOOOOT”
『だいたいコロナが流行ってる時点で 夏を楽しめるわけねえだろ!!!!』
Everyone stand for the anthem of this YouTube channel
Ultimate summer songA song to remind u of the terrors of summer
調子に乗って暑すぎの歌の替え歌: 2020冬ver……寒すぎーー!冬も本番 でもコロナは終わりそうにないや太陽最近寝坊気味 でもマスクは苦しいエブリデイいろんなことやりたい 最高の暮れ・正月 でも密すぎる!世間は密を 許しゃしないし Go To travel停止だし 帰省、旅行、みんな行けないし クソ寒いだけ「だいたい国のトップがマナー守らないでどーすんだよ!」結局今年は家に篭り切り去年の思い出横目に寝正月でも ほんとはみんなと過ごしたいでも密になる勇気が出せない来年もどうせクソ寒いこの世の悪全てコロナのせいだ俺らの日常返せよ!早くこのコロナから解放してくださいラーラーラー…大変失礼しました

(c) からめる こんな話だったと思います.
Ok so this is actually based on an Asian fable. The gist of the story goes like: a woodcutter dropped his axe in a lake. A lake spirit or smth comes up with three axes, and asks him which one he dropped. The woodcutter lies and says his axe is the gold one. And he drops it again and then he says it’s the silver one. And then he gets punished bc he lied. But the funny thing about this video is that the penguin was honest and said “I dropped the normal one” but he still got punished bc he axed the lake spirit. Big oof 😂
Welcome back to another episode of: “Where has the YouTube algorithm taken us today?”
I love how there’s a through-line with the different animals. The cats overdo things, the penguins yell when doing anything, and the axolotls are just pure chaos/destroy everything
My brother thoughts this was a kid show. My nephew still crying.
Moral of the story: Being honest with your mistakes does not automatically absolve you of your sins.he should’ve apologized to the lake (puddle) spirit first, but, this is pure comedy🤣
Me: “Aw, what a cute penguin, this will be a wholesome video, that’s for sure!”The penguin: *��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������* Also me: _…Huh._
So for context, this is a old Asian “folktale” where a humble young man is out in the forest chopping down a tree when he loses his hatchet in the lake, and a magical entity rises with a gold and silver hatchet and asks the young man if these are his, the young man answers that these two aren’t his and describes his original hatchet to the entity who in turn for the young man’s honesty gives him his own hatchet and both the silver and gold one, the young man walks back to the village where he is spotted by another man who after hearing the story goes to the same spot and “loses” his hatchet, and when the entity pops up again his greed gets the best of him and he immediately claims that the gold hatchet is his and he ends up being berated and in different versions: given back his hatchet, or losing his hatchet forever. I had this read to me when I was little so the memory is fuzzy.
I think the funniest part is that someone had to voice act all the screams, and that person’s neighbor is probably very worried about them.
I don’t need to speak a different language to enjoy this content.
People: ughCutting trees is hard Me: *being the penguin for the first four seconds*
D&D classes: Use techniques like magic, stealth, and positioning with strategy to defeat opponents.Barbarians:
Read this story when I was a kid. The animator has taken a lot of liberty though.
Japanese screams > any other screams
Me: oh look! That tree speaks!Tree: Shrek 2 is the worst movie ever madeMe:

(c) からめる こうやってサケは生まれるんですね.
Hello, I am your friendly Karameru english translator.The title says: Setting fire to salmon roeThe description says: So this is how salmon hatch.
I guess, i wont eat salmon eggs and hot food at the sametime, otherwise the salmon eggs will hatch inside of my belly
The red stuff: fish eggsEggs hatch faster and age faster when heatedThe cat is that stupid?Can’t blame him
Title*”Frying ikura”*Ikura is fish eggs (commonly salmon eggs)Descrption*”So,this is how salmons are born”*
_人人人人人人人人人_> 急成長 < ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄
When the fish came out, I realised it was cavier.
This reminds me of those “just add water” products they used to sell when I was a kid. But with fire.
_人人人人人人人人人_ > 有精卵 < ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄
yes finally I sucess to predict the ending of this one guess I watched enough of these madness to start to understand them
I love how it’s all in a different language, but it’s so good that it tells its story. The title and the context aren’t needed.The story is its own context.
I love the way these cats always have derpy smiles
*When you eat glue but you need to animate at the same time*
I like how they immediately grow to full size too
見る前 潰れそう見てる途中 潰れそう結果 鮭が出てきた←どゆことw
“That‘s a lot of fish”-Godzilla 1998
みる前 「爆発すると思う」みる後 「エ エ エ エ エ エ エ エ エ エ エ エ エ エ エ!?」
This is amazing. Love this. I’d buy merch in a heartbeat.

(c) からめる たまご~!
0:01 “uhh.. I want a side dish”0:05 “egg!”0:07 “let’s go!!”0:13 “Ah! Egg!!”**Munch Munch**
これ”たまご” ”るふ”じゃなくて”たま” ”ごるふ”だったのか…今気づいた…
I think the moral of every video karameru makes is:“ *so that happened* “
[Tamagorufu]Tamago = eggGorufu= golfIn English it’d be something like Eggolf
The one holding the rice was so shocked that he didn’t even react
I speak absolutely zero Japanese, but this channel makes me want to learn it.
0:10 ナイスショット(イケヴォ)
0:01 実は「んぁおかずが欲しいな…」も好き
Nn… I want some side dishes….*Egg!!*Here we go!(Nice shot…)*Egg!!*(Japan has a culture of eating raw eggs with rice)
I love how he is so happy “TAMAGOOO!!!”
So recently in my art appreciation class I learned about ancient Japanese art. It was well known for being playful and goofy. I feel like modern day Japan never stopped their art from doing that.
“Tamago” means egg,“Ikuyou” means let’s go,I don’t know what the first bit means,This is some advanced shitposting, yo
Lesson to be learned from this:a) life isn’t fairb) forget an incubator. Use a golf clubYou pick one.
These always hit me with whiplash like a truck, but I don’t mind.

(c) からめる Happy Christmas.
I love how the speaker isn’t in the thumbnail, making it more of a surprise. And also how the joke is kept to a minimum
When you’re that kid that wants to make sure your parents can notice you on stage.
I was wearing headphones on full volume and by the time that I noticed one of the cats has speakers on his back, it was too late.
The thing that makes this funnier is that the note he’s playing is an “E”
I’m the red-orange cat who only does one thing at the end of the performance
We wish you a Merry Christmas, and a Deaf New Year
No ones gonna talk about the cats with light and blue bells and the one with purple and pink bells change the bell’s tone magically
ハンドベルは基本1つの音しか出せないけどやはり、この猫さんたちはただ者では無い…。赤 レオレンジ ファ黄 ミ緑 ミ(黄と合わせる)水色 ソ青 ラ シ紫 ド* ラ シ レ*ピンク レ* ド* ファ* ミ*若干、緑の時にファの空耳が聞こえる気がするです。*は高い音
What gift has the youtube algorithm given me today xD
I love how the camera is just pretending this is normal
If you ever feel useless remember that last cat who do nothing just standing thinking what is he put here to do.
_人人人人人人人人人人人_> DSの起動音 < ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄
Why do Japanese like these so much, don’t get me wrong I like this too any particular reasons
Man, that Forte though-
I keep coming back to this occasionally. First time I saw this, it’s freakin funny. Now it’s just soothing? It became an anthem to me now.
Everyone who has ever played in a band knows that there is always this one person….
Lyrics.Silent *_N I G H T_* Holy *_N I G H T_*All is calm, all is brightRound yon virgin mother and *_C H I L D_*Holy infant, so tender and *_M I L D_*Sleep in heavenly peace!Sleep *_I N_* heavenly……..*_P E A C E_*
You fall asleep watching videos and this plays.
The cats have a chaotic neutral energy to them