
(c) からめる お得.
_人人 人人_ > 酸 性 雨 <  ̄Y^Y^Y^Y ̄
“The thumbnail spoiled it..””Dear god..””There’s more..””No!..”
Item Name: Enchanted Cola BottleItem Description: Sprays cola everywhere until you close it. Holds seemingly an infinite amount of cola.Attack Power: 15 (close), 10 (medium distance), 5 (far)Range: FarNotes: Has a high chance to make it rain cola drops. Low chance to make a tsunami of cola that will hit everybody in a 7 mile radius for 28 damage, the chance of it making a tsunami gets higher the longer the weapon is active. Extremely low chance for everybody in a 5 yard radius to take drowning damage.Rarity: 4.5 rarityQuality: 3.7 quality.Edit: JESUS CHRIST THE LIKesEdit 2: Well that’s a lot
the animation is hilarious, but the sound effects take it to a whole higher level
That second cat is like, “Improvise, adapt, overcome.”
I keep forgetting there’s always a third phase.
Minutes later, the vending machine achieved escape velocity.
I’m not sure, Why YouTube recommended me this hell video but I like it. Moreover, I could know that Japan is truly peaceful.
0:18 🍧ฅ( ˙꒳˙ ฅ)ポムッここすき
Me: What could possibly go wrong with a can of sodaCats:
Everything I keep seeing is just so beautiful 🤣
This is like the Japanese version of berd
*COLA EXPLOSION*Cat (who was prepared for just such a scenario): “Hell yeah! Shaved ice time!”
This is the best use of motion blur I’ve ever seen.
I’ve watched many of these, and this is the tamest one so far!
I think I watched this about 30 times and laughed every time.
Me when I consume anything even remotely related to milk:

(c) からめる 君もこうなるぞ.
I feel connected to this in a spiritual level
When you’re having a nice day and the depression hits
Best part of these is I cant read the titles so I never know what to expect
I’m eating a cup of noodles at the exact same time this axolotl is eating his.Also, I’m not good at cooking, so is that axolotl me?
And here I am, at 3am trying not to wake the entire house up with my laughing l-
I can feel that. When you wanna try to cook and it turns out worse then you’re like “f this shit I’m out”
『こんなシチュー食う位なら 毒を入れて鍋をひっくり返して カップラーメンを食べた方が良い』 というウーパールーパーからの熱い メッセージが伝わる
Omg! The most relatable one.I cook something, I try, it tastes good, I add some spices to make it even better. But no! It tastes like sh*** now😑
As a college student, I feel this.
This officially made axlotl my spirit animal
I love how every episode of this wonderfully random channel has such an unexpected twist that just makes you feel this feeling between enjoyment and confusion that’s just so wonderfully delightful.
What i got out of this: cooking is complicated, make ramen instead.
I feel really connected to this.
Absolutely relatable every time I make my stew… It’s NEVER how I want it to be.
I, too, desire to not cook and would rather resort to cup noodles. This animation gets me.

(c) からめる そういう日もある.
The axolotl does not have a pink open mouth. He’s sticking out his tongue. Now you cannot unsee it.
“this morning i woke up at the crack of dawn, poured myself a bowl of cereal, held it for several seconds, before deciding i didn’t want it…”-Unknown
“I woke up this morning, and I just hated everything.”
Axolotl: I’m so done with my life.
This spoke to me on a spiritual level. Carry on, beautiful Axolotl, watch the world burn to cinders.
This one could easily pass as a western meme. Half-joking about having depression has been a staple for years now.
I just recently found out that my cousin’s friend (I’m close to this cousin so we talk a lot) also likes your videos and that made me happy. :3
I love this axolotl with my whole heart
He looks like a great chef
Didn’t even have to read the title translation to know this is a straight mood.
Title : “Axolotl suddenly disliked everything”Desc : *”There are days like that.”*Some Axolotl just want to see the world burns

(c) からめる ハードルは倒してもいいと聞いたので.
In every single video, i try to predict the ending….I’ve still didn’t predict correctly a single time so far.
Not gonna lie, they got us in first half.
Second cat : I’m S P E E D……Bars : I’m about to end this cat whole career.
Imagine coming in 6th with only three participants
The ending is actually true tho
the ending was more shocking than all the Hollywood movies i’ve ever watched
Best part of this channel is that anyone can enjoy them even if they don’t speak the same language as the creator
That was a very fair competition!Although, I’m a little disappointed the referees didn’t notice the cat crossed the line with his foot and part of his cheek before the 3rd hurdle.
I didn’t expect that ending. That was hilarious.
That’s the best laugh I had for a while!😂
i love that plot twist at the end
This was… Supriseing.
Dumpling cat : I’m too slow :[Bars : *Eheheh, thanks for the lift bro.*
からめるさんの動画の結末を当てるのはハードルが高いね (激寒)
I’m late for school, yet I am watching this instead of getting ready.