
(c) からめる クレイジーな街に来ちまったな.
Hello, I am your friendly Karameru English translator.The title says: TaxiThe description says: We’ve come to a crazy city.
This single video contains more plot twists than most nowadays hollywood movies
ー人人人人人人人人人人人人人ー> 飛ぶ以外は全部予想通り <ーY^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^ー
The fact that there is no need for any words for people to enjoy such sh**post videos is truly a wonderful thing.What a time to be alive 😂😂😂
I have no idea why this popped up in my recommendations, but this has more plot twists than Cyanide and Happiness.
I aint complaining if im Stuck in this weird cycle of watching this tiny cats do some shit
0:16 『え?コレに乗るの?』 「うん」 『マジで?』 みたいな感じなの草
I’m stuckin an endless loop of white cats doing mindblowing things
I could never predict what fresh hell these videos bring.
Taxi models in Japan:- Toyota Crown Comfort- Toyota JPN- Nissan Cedric Y31- a duck thingy 🦆🚕 👀
Never underestimate a duckling peddle car.
The sound effects on these vids are insane
Imagine those cats in the bird car come home and are like, “What a day.”
It’s 2am and my life is spiraling out of control.
These animations always bring a smile to my face.
Don’t underestimate the power of simple things when teamwork is involved 😆
I can’t believe I laughed so hard to this oml
This is actually the most cutest thing I’ve seen

(c) からめる RTAでは必須スキル.
I like how even though there are similarities the personalities of the axolotls and the kitties are really quite distinct.I dunno if I’ll ever learn how to pronounce your name, animator, but you’re a genius and I love you 🙂
плов: ты настолько ютубнулся что даже нашел ориг
si, definitivamente…los ajolotes dominaran el mundo!!!Owo
I looked away for a moment, just to see the cube all red. I thought something happened to it’s hands.
Yo pens� que ven�a con sonido de forforforforfor y toda la cosa,Pero esta muy bueno siendo tan corto uwu
Фыр фыр фыр фыр фыр буньк плюх бам ДЫР ДЫР ДЫР ДЫР ДЫР ДЫР ДЫР
Я: ищу оригинал неделюРекомендации:333 луйка? СПАСИБО ☝️
This is actually very slow. World record is something like 3 seconds.
The funny thing is, that this is STILL not the world record
Animaci�n: JaponesaAnimal: MexicanoP�blico: 50% ruso, 50% internacional xD
*Felicidades jugador*Encontraste 1 de 99 comentarios en espa�ol… Sigue buscando
0:06 When you can’t solve a Rubik’s cube, simply pour paint over it.
As a speedcuber, I can say that this is very accurate lol
En s�lo 6 segundos, incre�ble.
This is amazing!
Finally found original!
imagine getting a new world record and then just*V I O L E N T L Y S P I N*
The first time this axolotl didn’t cause any havoc or destruction…

(c) からめる かわいそう.
なるほど、これは今日の日本のナンバー1の動画だね 笑
Hello, I am your friendly Karameru English Translator. The title says: Mr. Washing MachineThe description says: I feel bad for him
_人人人人人人_> 急上昇1位 <ー ^Y^Y^YY^ ー
10/10 Voice actingNotes: It’s nice to know washing machine sounds are universal, and sound the same over there
That is the rarest thing to see.*Japanese shitpost*
“うぅうぅうぅうぅうぅうぅ”*I felt that*
Oh wow, the washing machine sound effects are as real as my neighbour’s washing machine.
_人人人人人人人人人_> *_5日連続急上昇一位_* < ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^ ̄
0:10 最後の「んっ」が可愛すぎる
I just love how the washing machine noise is just a person mimicking it.
_人人人人人人人人_> ネ コ 専 用 < ̄^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄
This channel is the best.
this is like my favorite video on youtube
This really reminded me of tyler1 having breakdown
This is basically the Japanese version of Berd
Cat: enters washing machineWashing machine: so you have chosen… death

(c) からめる 牛乳「もしもし、オレだけど」
But what happens if you DRINK the milk?
So that’s how fruit loops are made
Me when I don’t see the big cat turning into a pineapple yellow colour- *disappointment*
What is this?What’s going on?What is happening?but most importantly: Why is this in my recommended and why is this so entertaining?
Everybody: “What is this?”Me: “A R T”
I don’t know what I just watched but I can die happy now
He needs to make that cat as his merch
this cheered me up a lot thank you
0:18 信 号 機
Sorry I don’t speak Japanese, but this is really creative
I understood nothingYet, I enjoyed everything

(c) からめる 痩せなきゃ twitter → https://twitter.com/purinharumaki.
This was pop team epic before the character development
Hello, I am your friendly Karameru English Translator.The title says: DietThe description says: We gotta get fitThe sign at 0:54 says: Achievment Get! Big success
トロフィーを獲得しました!🏆 大成功You have earned a trophy!🏆 Great Success
i like how the cat’s shape didnt change after eating or training
if i have to hear that stock children sound one more time i’m gonna have an aneurysm
This has the energy of a typical YTP
For those who don’t get the joke, let’s just say when losing weight, muscle is far heavier and denser than fat.
0:07 こんなゲーム、DSのマリパにあったな、、懐かし
When the recommendations actually does its job