
(c) Watame Ch. 角巻わため 配信中に何度も回線が落ちてしまう事に対する謝罪動画です。 ※動画ではこんなことを言っておりますが、 今年は回線つよつよにするため頑張りますので どうかそれまで …
For my English-speaking brethen:Concerning the stream where I lost my connection, as you can see, my internet connection is kind of weak. I have a few words to say about that… I… Am totally not at fault, I mean, that my connection is so weak has nothing to do with me, don’t you think so? That’s why I think I have nothing to apologize for… Am I wrong? What do you think?
That smug face ….Yeah Watame did nothing wrong
Watame: I did nothing wrongThe comments: *Forgiven*
You smug face at the end so you’re forgiven
So cute, so innocent..!
0:32 「ダメかな?…ドヤッ」可愛いな
The first dislike is probably from Coco xD
watame-chan joined to shitposting hololive
It’s really cuteYou’re forgiven
1 year later and this is my recommendations… I LOVE YOU YOUTUBE ALGORITHM.
This somehow got back to my recommendations and I’m very happy
I always laugh when she says It’s not her fault, Cause that’s true 😂
角巻 わため氏無罪理由 可愛いすぎる為
The 4th generation is truly a blessed generation.
its been 2 weeks and i cant stop coming back here to look at that cheeky smile,it always make my day !! lol UWU
Nobody :Auto CC : she’s speaking korean, and here’s what she’s saying : “Gun my tree milks that’s a shame car 2 3 is swe yeo yo none toko laum 2 sets leaving you sounds boobs “
chocolate box/角巻わため×天音かなた(Cover)

(c) Watame Ch. 角巻わため 甘い甘い?苦い苦い? 2人で作ったチョコレートは、最高に幸せな味になる. ◇本家様:dezzy様 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1rLKGHRKGs MIX:Meis Clauson …
Me: see their collab streamMe: *see kanata is taller than watame* Me: how many other lies I’ve been told by the council?
All these songs are giving me diabetes but Watame did nothing wrong
Never realize how smoll watame is, she even shorter than PPT
Aimai chocolate original song Chocolate box cover I think Watame likes chocolate
“Alright Kanata, you’re Len””I’m always Len!…curse my ikemen powers!”
Yagoo crying tears of joy in the corner
I cant believe how well their voices fits together! Very tee tee
Seeing as they are both 4th gen and all you’d expect them to have more singing crossovers, but today made more than up for the drought.
The song hasn’t even premiered but i’m sure it will be a galactic banger color me hyped!
chocolate box/鏡音リン×鏡音レン(covered by角巻わため×天音かなた)🐏なんかいつも眠そうだしなんかいつもつまんなそうだしなんかいつもヤバそうだしなんかいつもスマホいじってるしホントはテンション高いのにわためといると超低いしなんなん自分?ありえなくない?嫌い、大嫌い。どうでもいい!!💫だったらボクも言うけどさぁ!ちっちゃいことですぐ怒るし言い返したらすぐ泣くしごめんって言っても許してくれないしその割一夜が開けちゃえばケロッとおはようとか言うしあぁなんて罪深い人なんだ畜生!!もう知らないぞ!!🐏💫甘い甘い 恋の魔法箱宇宙味の秘密のチョコレート二人だけのデコレーションを散りばめて彩って食べちゃおうか!苦い苦い 愛の玉手箱未来味の不思議なチョコレート温めて混ぜたらきっといつかお口に合う味になるの💫「ねぇねぇ、ちょっといいかな。」🐏「なんで」💫「さっきはあのね、ごめんね…。」🐏「なにが」💫「いつもモヤってなるじゃん?」🐏「それで」💫「今日は、これを渡したくて…。 言葉じゃ足りないからさ、」🐏「だから!!」💫「受け取ってくれないかな。」🐏「なにを!!!!」💫「一緒にいてくれてありがとう(花)」🐏「わあああああああああああ///」💫「(かわいい…。)」🐏かなたの優しさについつい甘えちゃう誰よりも近いから素直になれない💫わための一生懸命さをついつい忘れちゃう誰よりも一番大好きなのに🐏💫甘い甘い 夢の宝箱奇跡味の内緒のチョコレート二人だけのイノベーションを探し組み立てたら賑わおうか!苦い苦い 日々の化粧箱世界味の最初のチョコレート冷めきって割れないように大事に包んで生涯の完成まで🐏いつだって 💫病める時も🐏どんな日も 💫そうずっと🐏健やかなる時も 💫手を取って🐏死が二人を🐏💫分かつまで🐏愛してる💫僕もそうさ🐏傍にいて💫傍にいる🐏なんて嘘かもよ?💫ああそうかい、ボクも適当に言った🐏甘い甘い?💫苦い苦い?🐏💫甘い甘い 恋の魔法箱宇宙味の秘密のチョコレート二人だけのデコレーションを散りばめて彩って食べちゃおうか!苦い苦い 愛の玉手箱未来味の不思議なチョコレート温めて混ぜたら絶対いつか最高に幸せな味になるの🐏💫いっせーのーでっThank you so much!シーユーネクストタイム:)
2:26 ここからの掛け合い好きバラを持ってるかなたんイケメンすぎてヤバい!
The fact that Perfect Partner Tenshi is taller than Watamelon is enough to make me focused on their height here and not at the song.
Both are so cute and sweet. Even though i’m a 22 years old man, i want to squeal like a girl
I’m so blessed to be in this timeline
I can’t wait! Two angels collabing for a cover is a guaranteed banger!
恋愛サーキュレーション- Renai Circulation-/角巻わため(Cover)

(c) Watame Ch. 角巻わため めぐり逢えたことが しあわせなの. 『恋愛サーキュレーション』 作曲:神前暁 作詞:meg rock 歌:千石撫子(花澤香菜) Instrumental:Medansy(@medansy0125)様 …
It’s finally time for watame’s circulation
Watame: “Kami-sama arigatou~”Me: “Yes…thank you God for this gift…”
“Come on and Slam, Welcome to JAPAN!”
Perfection, here’s to another year of membersheep.
When she say “fuwa fuwa ri, fuwa fuwa ru”*I FELT THAT*
And this is what her manager is trying to preserve
Imagine if she drunkly sing this, she would be 100x cuter than usual.Achieving impossible level fluffiness
Gordon Ramsey: where’s the lamb sauce?!?!Me: it’s here, and it’s wonderful
Yagoo: “There is still hope.”
This is fellas. It doesn’t get better than this
Watame is the literal defenition of soft, cute, and fluffy
When you can’t have a watame mousepad so you just sing renai circulation.
Oh yeah, she’s an idol
When the song is already Fuwa-Fuwa and you add a sheep that can make your heart Fuwa-Fuwa:
this is going into the “with the homies” playlist
“I found the key to world peace” – Wiseman
【歌枠】700,000人目指して歌う!Singing till reach 700k!!!【角巻わため/ホロライブ4期生】

(c) Watame Ch. 角巻わため 週に1度の『わためぇ Night Fever!!』特別編! 夜じゃないけど、70万人目指して昼から歌うよ! みんなの力を分けてくれ!Danceだ!!!!! ◇2020.12.29『1周年記念 …
Here are some english and japanese time stamps / こちらが英語と日本語のタイムスタンプです 00:02:55 ★Start 00:11:12 1. Music Hour / Porno Graffitti 00:18:55 2. CANDY CANDY / Kyaru Pamyu Pamyu 00:28:05 3. Mozaik Role / DECO*27 feat. marina 00:36:33 4. WILL / Yonekura Chihiro 00:46:12 5. Arashi no Naka de Kagayaite / Yonekura Chihiro 00:54:43 6. Hanamizuki / Hitoto Yo 01:06:25 7. Scissorhands / Nem ft. Hatsune Miku 01:13:36 8. Iteza☆Gogo Kuji Don’t be late / Sheryl Nome (May’n) 01:21:35 9. Diamond Crevasse / Sheryl Nome (May’n) 01:32:32 10. Homura / LiSA 01:40:34 11. Yoru ni Kakeru / YOASOBI 01:48:11 12. KING / Kanaria 01:52:57 13. Villain / Tenihowa feat. flower 02:01:42 14. Ora Tokyo sa Iguda / Ikuzo Yoshi 02:08:03 15. Kiyoshi no Zundoko Bushi / Hikawa Kiyoshi 02:24:37 16. Kyouran Hey Kids!! / THE ORAL CIGARETTES 02:31:45 17. Sushi Kuine / Shibugakitai 02:40:25 18. Ahoy!! Warera Houshou Kaizoku-dan☆ / Houshou Marine 02:50:30 19. Vestige ~Another story~ / T.M.Revolution 02:59:46 20. Crazy Party Night ~Pumpking no Gyakushu~ / Kyary Pamyu Pamyu 03:09:07 21. LOSER / Yonezu Kenshi 03:16:46 22. L.L.L / MYTH & ROID 03:25:44 23. Shiny Smily Story / Hololive 03:39:44 ★Super Chat Time 07:16:10 ★ED 00:02:55 ★開始 00:11:12 1. ミュージックアワー / ポルノグラフィティ 00:18:55 2. CANDY CANDY / きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ 00:28:05 3. モザイクロール / DECO*27 feat.marina 00:36:33 4. WILL / 米倉千尋 00:46:12 5. 嵐の中で輝いて / 米倉千尋 00:54:43 6. ハナミズキ / 一青窈 01:06:25 7. シザーハンズ / Nem feat. 初音ミク 01:13:36 8. 射手座☆午後九時 Don’t be late / シェリル・ノーム (May’n) 01:21:35 9. ダイアモンドクレバス / シェリル・ノーム (May’n) 01:32:32 10. 炎 / LiSA 01:40:34 11. 夜に駆ける / YOASOBI 01:48:11 12. KING / Kanaria 01:52:57 13. ヴィラン / てにをは feat. flower 02:01:42 14. 俺ら東京さ行ぐだ / 吉幾三 02:08:03 15. きよしのズンドコ節 / 氷川 きよし 02:24:37 16. 狂乱 Hey Kids!! / THE ORAL CIGARETTES 02:31:45 17. スシ食いねェ! / シブがき隊 02:40:25 18. Ahoy!! 我ら宝鐘海賊団☆ / 宝鐘マリン 02:50:30 19. Vestige ~ヴェスティージ~ / T.M.Revolution 02:59:46 20. Crazy Party Night~ぱんぷきんの逆襲~ / きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ 03:09:07 21. LOSER / 米津玄師 03:16:46 22. L.L.L / MYTH & ROID 03:25:44 23. Shiny Smily Story / ホロライブ 03:39:44 ★スーパーチャットタイム 07:16:10 ★ED I don’t know Japanese at all, so if I made any mistakes please tell me so I can correct 日本語が全く分からないので、何か間違いがあったら教えてくださいそうしたら修正できます
This sheep has been working hard. 🥺She mentioned not to sleep or she’ll miss the collab later with Roboco. Really hard working sheep! WataKING no. 1!
700 k subs and 7 hours stream, the perfect balance.Omedetou!
there’s really something about vtubers just flailing around that makes me so satisfied with life
00:02:55 ★開始 00:11:12 1. ミュージックアワー / ポルノグラフィティ 00:18:55 2. CANDY CANDY / きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ 00:28:05 3. モザイクロール / DECO*27 feat.marina 00:36:33 4. WILL / 米倉千尋 00:46:12 5. 嵐の中で輝いて / 米倉千尋 00:54:43 6. ハナミズキ / 一青窈 01:06:25 7. シザーハンズ / Nem feat. 初音ミク 01:13:36 8. 射手座☆午後九時 Don’t be late / シェリル・ノーム (May’n) 01:21:35 9. ダイアモンドクレバス / シェリル・ノーム (May’n) 01:32:32 10. 炎 / LiSA 01:40:34 11. 夜に駆ける / YOASOBI 01:48:11 12. KING / Kanaria 01:52:57 13. ヴィラン / てにをは feat. flower 02:01:42 14. 俺ら東京さ行ぐだ / 吉幾三 02:08:03 15. きよしのズンドコ節 / 氷川 きよし 02:24:37 16. 狂乱 Hey Kids!! / THE ORAL CIGARETTES 02:31:45 17. スシ食いねェ! / シブがき隊 02:40:25 18. Ahoy!! 我ら宝鐘海賊団☆ / 宝鐘マリン 02:50:30 19. Vestige ~ヴェスティージ~ / T.M.Revolution 02:59:46 20. Crazy Party Night~ぱんぷきんの逆襲~ / きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ 03:09:07 21. LOSER / 米津玄師 03:16:46 22. L.L.L / MYTH & ROID 03:25:44 23. Shiny Smily Story / ホロライブ 03:39:44 ★スーパーチャットタイム 07:16:10 ★ED
☝🐏congrats for 700k!
My God, this was awesome! Imagine just pouring your heart out for 7 freakin’ hours singing. Watame is such a warrior!Warrior Sheep!!!
Congrats on 700k subs!!! 1M is closer than ever. Had a watame singing stream on my bday feelsgoodman
Can’t get enough of watame singing so this is the perfect stream. Congrats WATAMEEEE!!!!
So happy she made it, she’s such a hard worker with strong feelings towards her viewers, I wish her all the best!
700K おめでとう!!!!

(c) Watame Ch. 角巻わため お子様からバブみを感じたい大人様まで、 どなたでも安心して聴けるおやすみソングです! 回線が切れたらごめんなさい、謝罪動画はこちら↓ …
Hi! If you’re here from Risu’s English cover, we Watamates welcome you to stay and rest easy.Her SC readings are just as comfy, and she understands a bit more English than it seems.
English Translation/英訳:Fluffy fluff sheep,Squashy squash furballs,Softy soft Watame,Do Do Do DoRoll yourself into bed,Sleep and have the day endBe excited for tomorrow,No need to be nervous at allJust slowly go to sleep,Without thinking too deepIf it’s a night where you can’t sleep,You can cuddle up tight with a bleating sheepWarm up some milk,Drop in some honey from the bees,So that you can have good sleep sheepFluffy fluff sheep,Squashy squash furballsSofty soft Watame,Do Do Do DoRoll yourself into bed,Sleep and have the day end
Me in 2019: counting sheepMe in 2020: counting watames
this so good, the melody, the voice, perfect lullabystill can’t believe 8 months later after release, this video only has 128k views, how ???
Yagoo’s blood pressure has decreased a bit tonight.
watame is reaching levels of best girl previously thought imposible
*Plays this before going to bed**Blacks out**Wakes up in wooden cart*”Hey you you’re finally awake”
I love the mofu mofu moko moko fuwa fuwa dodo dodo part
confirmed. japan is the best country
“No i am not sleeping early–“Watame : “prepare my bed and my sleeping headphones”
Hololive is like a slice of life anime where every girl is best girl.
This Song: JapaneseMe: GermanExpected translation: EnglishYoutube captions: best I can do is Korean
her voice is amazing plus she’s a fluffy oneesan
It’s 2021, If you’re watching this then you’re a legend
How is there not a romanji lyric of this song yet??? Well here ya goHitsuji mofu mofuKedama moko mokoWatame fuwa fuwa DodododoFuton ni kurumariKyou mo oyasumiAshita nokotodeDoki doki shitari Sowa sowa shitariShi naideYukkuri na nimouKangae nai de ne youNemurenai yoruniYorisou hitsuji ga “Beee” iru yoAtatakai miruku niHachimitsu ga to keruyoni Good Sleep Sheep…sheep…Hitsuji mofu mofuKedama moko mokoWatame fuwa fuwa DodododoFuton ni kurumariKyou mo oyasumi
When she sang “Watame Fuwa Fuwa, Do do Do do”I felt that…
I have never thought in my life that i would have a very strong urge to want to use a fluffy Sheep-girl as a lap pillow and sleep for eternity. would seriously never get up. i bet it would feel like im floating in heaven, slowly bouncing on fluffy clouds, curled up and sucking my thumb.
After seeing Watame’s less seiso clips I feel like this is where her soul lies and it is deeply seiso
i’m still listening to this as my lullaby
Watame truly is a sheepposter.