【歌枠】600,000人目指して歌う!Singing till reach 600k!!!【角巻わため/ホロライブ4期生】

(c) Watame Ch. 角巻わため 週に1度の『わためぇ Night Fever!!』特別編! 夜じゃないけど、今日は60万人目指して昼から歌います! 一緒にDaaaaaaaaaaance!
Watame singing streams make me feel like I am at a concert in-person.🎉Congratulations for 600K!!!!!🎉
All songs 0:08:46 アポロ/ポルノグラフィティ 0:15:28 サウダージ/ポルノグラフィティ 0:22:56 プレイバックPart2/山口百惠 0:29:09 残酷な天使のテーゼ/高橋洋子 0:37:12 魂のルフラン/高橋洋子 0:48:46 狂乱 Hey Kids!!/THE ORAL CIGARETTES 0:56:18 バラライカ/月島きらり starring 久住小春 (モーニング娘。) 1:04:50 飾りじゃないのよ涙は/中森明菜 1:11:50 vestige-ヴェスティージ-/T.M.Revolution 1:20:43 Rising Hope/LiSA(60万達成) 1:24:50 60万達成雑談 アンコール 1:39:23 天城越え/石川さゆり 1:46:22 創聖のアクエリオン/AKINO 1:56:56 One Night Carnival/氣志團 2:06:37 シャカビーチ~Laka Laka La~/UVERworld 2:14:10 新宝島/サカナクション 2:23:39 愛昧ショコラーテ/角巻わため
56:18出たー!ガンギマリ バラライカ(笑) ヤラ…
自信持ってー わためは最高な羊だよ!!
60万人おめでとう!!!ずっと応援してくで!! ふーたんも自分の枠でわため応援してくれてて泣けた…ホントにありがてぇてぇな! 23:39 【え!?】 2:28:22 わためじょーほー
Congrats on 600k Subscribers Watame!! 🐑🐑わため は わからない よ ね~~
1:23:00 The moment best sheep Watame reaches 600k subs. Congratulations!

(c) Watame Ch. 角巻わため 今日はやりたい事たくさんぞ! 本日遊ばせていただいているゲーム(Minecraft) https://www.minecraft.net/ja-jp/ ※本ゲームは Mojang に確認を得た上、Terms and …
At this time, this is now Watame’s second longest stream.Thank you for all your hard work Watame!
7:43:10 フグとの死闘🐡/ VS puffer fish
Watame’s unique voice clips today:29:28 We’re now recruiting for the Shinsengumi. The room for team members is underground, though. Heeheehee44:49 Akashiya Sanma46:30 Patamon Digivolve to…1:08:06 Haachamacchama~ (Watame, Watame) “That remix is amazing, isn’t it?”1:12:25 Pocky… Pretz… & Toppo Day! 1:13:06 …I want to eat Toppo now. But all I have at home right now is Ika Fry. Sorry! OBLITERATE!1:16:05 “Please say ‘Wanna play the Pocky game?’ in a sexy man’s voice.”1:29:51 Ding-dong!1:59:37 “This isn’t a prison (“rou”), it’s a dormitory (“ryou”)!”2:09:38 Watame expresses her excitement to make the secret passage under Botan’s restaurant.2:40:29 Lots of plans for November, including collabs, and collabs, and more collabs; Watame thought she would have more free time but somehow her schedule has filled up. She’s grateful to have been approached for collabs, though.Look forward to Watame eating Choco’s cooking, participating in Among Us, having a collab with Botan, competing in Minecraft Sports Day, having in a 3D stream, holding the VARK concert, staying over at Flare’s house afterwards, and going to the End in Minecraft with Flare to get a Shulker box (date TBD).And in December, she’ll be going on a hot spring trip with Mio, Fubuki, Subaru, and Polka!2:45:09 Bathing with everyone~! Hehehe
44:49 明石屋わため46:37 エンジェモン
06:15:50 Haachama Enter07:07:44 Watame met Haachama07:15:34 Miko fell from high place07:16:03 Haachama: R.I.P miko07:16:36 Miko fell from high place07:19:08 Oh?07:20:29 Haachama: miko and watame love love07:22:59 Haachama: oh…so deep sheep07:24:16 Watame: toghater sleep…07:25:08 NTR?07:34:30 Haachama Left
9時間配信 えぐっ(笑) 耐久好きの、ころねさんでもマイクラではやらんで(笑)
Another productive stream, who needs sleep when you can have Watame sushi!
No sleep watame become Panda watame
9時間…!? ホントにお疲れさまです!
Watame going to be a flying sheep next stream! Gl on trident hunt !!
Watame’s Sushi restaurant now open!
長時間耐えられずすみません。体調だけ気をつけて🍀✨お寿司屋おめでとう。アーカイブゆっくり見ます。では、1年に1回誕生日が来るように、1日に1回誕生時間が来ます。わため、みなさん今日も、Happy time to you ありマトン🐏✨
Thank you so much for this longplay stream Watame!! I hope you take a nice rest after this really long journey, you really deserve it Today it’s my 4th month being in membersheep, and I’m really happy to be here and being able to support you, I’m always cheering you even if I don’t comment so much, you will be always the best sheep for me! See you next stream! Watame Always Numbah Wan!
Gangimari caution !! #Shorts

(c) Watame Ch. 角巻わため ガンギマリ注意! ◇2020.12.29『曇天羊/角巻わため feat.Calliope Mori』オリジナル曲公開! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGun2cWbPEM ◇2020.12.19『愛 …
Even though she warned us, we still clicked because shes so cute.
YAGOO : Alright, I’m gonna test out the settings I changed in the 3D studioA-chan : Ah, Nene is in right now for her pizza song.YAGOO : [sigh] Ok, how bout the next hour?A-chan : Gangimari Watame..YAGOO : *h a i*
Genghis as he decides if he’s going to take you “prisoner” or not :
I like the idea that the cameraman just wants to go home, but Watame isn’t letting him until this is done…
we did it, boys. 3D Gangimari is no longer a fantasy.
**sees 3D idol concert get-up**I prefer the real Watame.**pans to happy Watame face**I said the *real* Watame.**pans to gangimari face**Perfection.
Oh boy, this makes me feel like she’s watching me behind a tree rn
Watame’s asacoco face cracks me every time i see it lol.
This is more story driven than my life
“The question is if its the plug-type Asacoco”- Sun Tzu, Art of Hololive
Who else clicked this video instantly after seeing gangimari in the title?also I can’t stop staring at her gangimari face directly,it’s like a asacoco second hand injection.
“The real lamb sauce is Watame’s armpit sweat”-Gordon
I fell in love with a threatening sheep. She is so impossibly cute that I dont care for my life being in danger anymore
Even when Watame-chan wants to be scary or to freak someone out, she’s adorable instead.
Ngl, Watame’s gangimari eyes feel like she’s piercing through my soul 😂
“Asacoco is a hell of a drug”- Watame and probably Rick James
Before Asacoco: 0:04After Asacoco: 0:26

(c) Watame Ch. 角巻わため なんかめっちゃこわそう こわそうこわそうこわそこわおすこあsかおsかおjたすけt 本日遊ばせていただいているゲーム(トイレの花子さん) …
1:20:00 poor monster, he just want to play
7:45:05 今年があと2週間だと気づくわため
Watame… this is 9 hours.Wow. Watame is wow.
3:00 ~スタート
5:34:30 たまきくん発見
Such a good stream.
8:08:52 Haachama suki8:10:01 Watame send a message to Haachama saying they should do an offcolab sometime8:12:19-8:15:48 Secret conversation 8:16:03 REALLY LOVE 8:16:10 8:17:248:18:43 Comment: Haachama did say she really actually loves you.8:21:43 Comment: Maybe you will get to eat her homemade food.
【Ultimate Chicken Horse】ドキドキのワールドワイド交流…💛【hololiveJP&ID&EN】

(c) Watame Ch. 角巻わため もっと仲良くなるために、みんなでゲームだ!✨ Let’s play games together and get to know each other!(Google翻訳) タグ:#HoloKWIC 本日遊ばせていただいている …
man JP-ID-EN collabs are really fun! looking forward to more like this!
Calli and Lofi vibing is something I never knew I needed
1hr of Watame voluntarily turning herself into Genghis Khan BBQ Git gud, Shogun! lol
some (not all) Watame English16:43 I’m dead. Oh my god21:20 Excellent23:12 Slow motion34:56 Slow motion38:23 God damn
Wholesome chaotic collab between Erofi, Dad, Bottomleft and WataOji. Pink Team and Food Team teetee moments when the others is gone is cute lol.
Calli was sabotaging the levels so they all die, sasuga reaper. What a great collab!
And on this day, Watame learned “goddamn”.
Thank you for hosting this collab, Watame! JP-ID-EN collabs are always something special and it was great to see you all have fun together!6:39 start 13:27 farm level 19:01 rooftop level 33:27 waterfall level 47:05 windmill level 1:02:49 Kiara and Watame tee tee 1:04:48 factory level
This is the first time for me to watch EN JP and ID Collab together (At least for me) and truly this is something for me to save on my playlist to watch it again!! Thank you Iofi, Watame, Kiara and Calli for this extremely intense yet fun stream!!
33:40 Watame ask Iofi what is “waterfall” in Indonesian but Iofi can’t say “waterfall” in Indonesian cuz she can’t spell “R” 😂
6:32 START10:17 Stage 1 (farm)18:59 Stage 2 (rooftop)33:22 Stage 3 (waterfall)46:59 Stage 4 (windmill)1:04:43 Stage 5 (metal factory)
31:45 look that perfect vibing
33:40 It’s supposed to be aiR teRjun HAHAHAHAIofi’s inability to pronounce Rs is really funny
★配信内容とタイムスタンプ: Contents & timestamps00:06:38 Start– 自己紹介: Self-introduction –00:08:01 イオフィちゃん: Iofi00:08:15 カリオペちゃん: Calli00:08:35 キアラちゃん: Kiara- ゲーム開始 Start -00:10:11 ★農場: The Farm (練習: Free play mode)00:13:25 ★農場: The Farm00:19:00 ★屋上: Rooftops00:22:50 Goddamnを覚えるわためぇ00:31:30 Pink team tee tee: Iofi & Calli00:32:30 Food team!?: Watame & Kiara00:33:27 ★滝: Waterfall00:36:58 ブルブルわためぇ: Shake body sheep00:40:50 TAKAMORI Forever00:41:43 イオフィの想いを胸に届けゴール!: Watafi’s power00:47:02 ★風車: Windmill00:48:10 頑張れクソ鶏: Good luck, kusotori00:50:48 boing boing00:55:24 rip flower01:00:46 カリちゃんとイオフィが固まった: Oh no, rip pink team01:02:48 わためぇとキアラちゃんてぇてぇ: Watame & Kiara tee tee01:04:02 カリちゃんとイオフィ復帰: Pink team back01:04:46 ★金属工場: Metal plant01:09:10 ジンギスカンわためぇ: Japanese style mutton01:10:27 ガハハ!: GAHAHA!!01:15:39 おつKWIC: Otsu KWIC01:17:43 カチッ: a short part after the ending
What a joyful collab! Watching Watame, Iofi, Calli and Kiara play Ultimate Chicken Horse was a blast! With every map, it was fun to see what kind of wacky obstacles they would add to the layout! It was also exciting to revel in the lighthearted mayhem as the four of them reached for the flag! On top of that, the wholesome interactions and hearty banter enriched the blissful atmosphere! Lastly, the modicum of cute tee tee moments was the icing on the cake!Overall, I am really happy that everyone had a wonderful time! Watafi and Takamori make for a lovely duet! I too hope this adorable quartet will do more collabs in the future! Otsu! 🐑🎨💀🐔❤️
KWIC should definitely be a thing in the future. So much energy, てえてえ, and good vibes all around!Thank you, Watame + Calli + Kiara + Iofi!Thank you, JP + ID + EN bros!
Now this is Cultural-Cross-Pollination
Watame speaking English is super cute! Great collab stream, so much fun.
They never even realized Amelia had been muted the entire stream…